Social Intercourse (1998) Poster

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Oh my god this movie is bad
Pigface130 May 2000
I love indie films, budget has nothing to do with it. In fact, most large budget movies are horrible now days.

Man oh man, this movie!!! How in the hell did it get in the video stores? I just saw "American Movie," a documentary, low budget indie movie that was incredible. .

But Social Intercourse, the acting was TERRIBLE. . I mean really bad, the story had potential, but that's it. As far as a great party movie, well, sorta. .we watched a movie called, "Black Devil Doll from Hell" at a party and it was a hit. . but that's because it was so damn bad.

I must be missing something.
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killers11 November 1998
This is a smart, witty, wonderful film. It's also very funny. Great performances all the way around. Especially dug the blonde...Mary Ellen?
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Rent this movie only to see what a bad movie really is
tribale17 November 2003
This is my first movie review here but this film moved me so much I had to come online and tell people to be careful on how you spend your three dollars and fifty cent movie rental fee. First of all the girl on the cover was what really caught my attention , but she is not in the movie at all. So thats one strike . Then the film quality and production values are null (the home video cam segments are better even when the lens is smudged up with fingerprints) Strike two. The soundtrack has to be the worst party movie music of all times. Strike three. Your out!!! I have not even begun yet. The acting has to be lower quality than anything keanu reeves has done on his worst day of acting and the dialog is supposed to sound classy with lots of intelligent words, only to make the flow seem oddly out of place and over the top, next time leave the thesaurus home and try to use simple words to convey meanings or emotions. The dancing is horrible , if you can even bear to watch this movie that long who would dance to that music no matter how wasted they were I have no clue. I am really trying to fair and honest with this review. Rent this movie only if you want to see what not to do in making a good movie. My advise is rent a pro wrestling video or anything by keanu reeves but do not rent this movie ... THIS MOVIE JUST ROBS YOU OF TIME !!! THE COVER LIES!!! DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE!!!
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Painful...just painful.
zerofilms20 April 2002
I love an indie movie as much as the next guy, and I do hunt for the hard to find shot on video productions that usually merit watching for they have so much care and effort put into them. These people didn't make a film to pocket a few million and get on the covers of magazines...they made a movie b/c they wanted to do it, and worked hard.

With that said...I must say...Dear Lord, this was awful. I mean, from the very first bits of dialogue, we knew we were in trouble. You know that sort of amateur acting when they just pour it on, delivering their lines with the "I don't want to embarass myself, I know this is just a movie and it's important for me to look cool" style that makes you wince with every line that is just tossed out and lands flat. And don't get me started on the dialogue - this movie continues the awful trend of Kevin Williamson/Kevin Smith style overwritten prose that just sounds like the writer wrote the script with a thesarus close by. There is not a single line that a human being would actually say in real life (well maybe in high school, only to be smacked upside the head right after). This is yet another "twentysomethings having a party in one location in which Deep Noble Truths are exchanged and the Nice Geek gets the girl." The sequences that are most wretched are dealing with a pair of lesbians. In two sequences that just stink up the screen with their appalling exploitation - woman kiss and it's held in tight, tight close up (the filmmakers at least resist going into slow motion). I mean, honestly - this is a film made to impress 14 year old boys.

My advice? Unless you're a horny fourteen year old boy - skip this one. Trust me.
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Liked it! Rapid fire, intelligent conversation rules the day!
inkblot1124 May 2017
Todd (Steve Taylor) had a bad break-up about a year ago. As a computer programmer at work and an online fan at home, Todd has become something of a recluse, for he's still at a loss to explain his loss. Therefore, friends "drag" him to a party hosted by other great folks. But, will it make a difference? The men at the party congregate and talk about the ladies invited while the women, some shy and some snooty, pick apart the men in close proximity. To add insult to injury, someone is water-bombing the crowd with balloons. One man gets so tipsy he climbs out a window in his underwear while a married couple engages in a non-stop argument in front of all the rest. Is there a nice woman at the party who will turn Todd's head and visa versa? This very cerebral study of the "singles scene" has some sharp observations and funny moments. None of the cast is familiar but do quite well as the mixed up gang; Taylor is especially good. Since the scenery is almost exclusively a house and its yard, there's not much to write home about in settings but the costumes are great. Congratulations should also be extended to the director, for keeping the viewer interested in an endless but riveting conversation. If you like indie films, wit, and analysis, SI is for you!
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Super Cool Party Movie.
duckbutter25 May 1999
This fast moving, funny comedy reminded me of a mixture Woody Allen and Kevin Smith. Loaded with very real characters stuck in strange situations. The main character, a nerd with bad hair, avoids contact with the opposite sex until he is finally stuck face to face with his ex-fiance, yow! I particularly liked the German stoner who gets lured into hanging out with a gay guy for pot (We've all been there before). Check this flick out if you get the chance, it's certainly worth looking into.
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A grainy little gem.
duckbutter30 August 2000
This perky little party comedy has something for everyone. My wife and I picked this film up accidentally (the box artwork resembles the steve Buchemi film "Living in Oblivion") and found a great film. We particularly enjoyed the bickering husband and wife. Low budget, you bet...but if your in the mood for something a little different, light hearted and clever, you should check it out.
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Totally Real
un-35 May 1999
This is a party movie... but unlike most party movies, this one is realistic. I've been to parties like this one and it was hilarious seeing "real life" played out so brilliantly on the screen. This is obviously a low budget movie but the writing is fresh and funny and the performances are dead-on perfect! This is a great movie!
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bbkingadrock9 May 2002
this movie is just dead terrible. the female on the cover(and on the dvd itself) is not in the movie. they just placed a very attractive picture on the cover so schmucks like me would rent it. it worked. but dont let yourself be fooled as i. the actors are all too old for the parts they play, the dvd has horrible quality, and the acting is plain horrible. is the "witty comedy" enough to overcome that? sure, if you think badly delivered chess and role-playing puns are witty comedy. avoid this movie at all costs.
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Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen
sethhendrix4 December 2003
This is, by far, the worst movie I have ever seen. And it's not bad in a funny way, like other movies you might show to your friends at parties. This movie is bad in a sad way... like you get embarassed to be watching it. The acting is the worst I have ever seen, partially due to the fact that the casting is way off. The costumes don't match the characters at all. The lead guy's hair-do is the grossest white-man jerry-curl I have ever seen. Somebody should have made him cut that before a single take... but as you see on the crew list... there is no hair-dresser to be seen. There is a very watery plot at work here. The guy lost his girlfriend, she is getting married, and he is going to some party. The party never looks like a party and you keep thinking, "How did any of these people end up being friends?" They are all so varied across the age spectrum... it looks like a company party for The Waffle House.

I could go on and on about how terrible this movie is... but I am stopping now. My advice is... don't waste your time or money on this one, no matter how much into indies you are.
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"Perky Little Gem"??!!
doug-mooreWA29 December 2002
The Hermosa Beach Film Festival must be really desperate for films to award their coveted prize to. This film, quite simply, is horrible. Whining, simpering, techno-geeks and uber-bitch career women do not conspire to make great film.

See "sex, lies, and videotape" if you want inventiveness in the face of modern relationships. See this dog turd if your only choices are sharp sticks under your fingernails or watching this.
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