The Kid with X-ray Eyes (Video 1999) Poster

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Don't bother the kids with this one
emguy1 November 2002
In the grand tradition of movies associated with Roger Corman, this movie was awful. The actors from the Roger Corman stable were terrible. It's hard to believe they had any training or experience. Maybe Robert Carradine wants to follow in his dad John Carradine's footsteps, and play in a lot of cheesy, terrible movies.

The plot was ludicrous. The characters' actions were ridiculous. The dialogue was stupid. The parts that were apparently supposed to be amusing fell flat. Parts that weren't intended to be humorous were laughably awful.

Definite MST3K material.
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Yet again!
Leofwine_draca16 January 2022
Yet another 'invisible' flick from Fred Olen Ray. Shades of the Corman classic X: THE MAN WITH THE X-RAY EYES but nowhere near on the same level. This one has a cheesy kid getting hold of magic goggles and using them to beat a criminal gang. A few sniggering nude scenes but of course this is a family film so the camera stops at the shoulders. Ray is up to his old tricks with the likes of Robert Carradine and Andrew Stevens in support but the only stand out is Diane Salinger as one of the baddies.
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Justin rocks....the rest of the actors are so-so
Zane-0523 August 2000
If you are already a fan of Justin Berfield's comedy roles (Unhappily Ever After & Malcolm in Middle) then you will like this film. The plot is somewhat hokey, but Justin's way kewl comic timing keeps the movie rolling along. The scene where he was fixing the mac & cheese while dancing around his uncle's kitchen had me in stitches.
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