Ninja Project Daredevils (1985) Poster

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"It's Ninjas...Ninjas are attacking us."
tlzimbelman5 January 2007
I found a VHS copy of this movie at a thrift store for $2, and it looked absolutely ridiculous.

I was right-it is absolutely ridiculous. It's everything you would expect from a 1985 low budget ninja film (cheesy effects, bad voice overs, lack of plot, cheesy dialog, and a soundtrack full of Synth and wailing guitar solo's).

However, I was disappointed with the movie box. The cover features pictures of a ninja riding a dirt bike. No such thing was in the movie. Also, the narrative on the back of the box referenced "The Black Ninja Gang," infiltration "of the government's headquarters" to hold the members hostage, "The White Ninja," and an "evil that has plagued the city." Unfortunately, not one of these elements are in the movie.

However, I have recently watched this movie a second time, as it is a sure-fire way to provide a few cheesy-movie chuckles.
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Enjoyable ninja segments but the rest.....ARGH!!!!
HaemovoreRex12 February 2007
Released in Europe under the alternative title of Ninja Project Daredevils, this cut and splice ninja outing has the rather unfortunate distinction of featuring a frankly interminable tale into which the newer ninja themed segments have been added and one which in addition seems to drag on for a merciless eternity!

The meandering story concerns a young lad who is seized by the army after he attempts to instigate a rebellion. It transpires (slowly and excruciatingly) that the boy gradually comes to the realisation that his former enemies are anything but as they show him great compassion and teach him new values etc etc….yawn.

Whilst the above plot is pretty much unbearable to endure (bar one brief but unforgettable scene where our young protagonist is seen manually inflating a condom!!!), the ninja segments are, I'm pleased to say, as usual, hilarious stuff (albeit sadly too few and far between) The final battle especially proves to be a laugh riot beyond belief and includes some missile firing nunchaku and flame throwing sai!!!! Wow!!!!

Not only that but check out some of the priceless dialogue on offer including in a scene near the start when Michael, the evil leader of the Gold ninja (whose members dress in black! – eh?!) says to George (leader of the purple ninja 'gang' whose members dress in white! – eh?!) that he is sorry to hear of the purple ninja groups economic problems……eh?!?!?!? Who the hell writes these scripts?!
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BandSAboutMovies4 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watching a Godfrey Ho movie, you often ask yourself, "Have I seen this before?"

That's because he reuses so much footage and has so many similar titles that it can be incredibly frustrating to know if you really have just spent a small;l part of your life seeing the same ninja movie again.

If you already saw Ninja Masters of Death or Ninja Project Daredevils, you've already seen G. I. Joey.

Also, if you've somehow already checked out the Korean war movie 13se Sonyeon (At 13 Years Old), you have also already seen this movie.

Or some of it.

That means that some of this movie is about the eternal struggle between capitalism and Communism. But with ninjas, so it does feel as dire as a Thanksgiving dinner when someone has just come back from college and wants to fight their Fox News parents and you just want to eat some cranberries.

Nothing in the description of this movie happens in the movie.

In fact, I wish that all arguments over belief structures had easy-to-follow color-coded ninjas for me to cheer throughout their battles, because then I'd actually care about politics.

If you ever have a conversation with me in person, please know that all I really want to talk about is cannibal movies, mondo films, the crossover between Gary Garver in porn and horror movies, Cannon movies and Godfrey Ho. No one ever wants to talk about those things. I never want to talk about politics because the world is a ratchet effect: one side blocks movement back to the left, another turns everything to the right and you are a spoke on their wheel. There is no two-party system, you are being lied to, there are only poor people and those that have everything and all we can do is take care of our immediate circle of people and attempt to start a better world on a small scale, if we can, except you know, the world is heading toward a climate change that will negatively impact everything on earth.

Can we just talk about ninjas now?
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Amazing Ninja Movie
apostatebuddha16 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about white ninjas in- maybe- China? The opening scene has a ninja in baggy purple pajamas fighting a ninja in baggy golden pajamas. These ninjas are deciding the role of ninja-kind in the anonymous politics of wherever they are. The golden ninja and purple ninja fight for a bit, and pooof smoke they're gone.

So apparently something like "Interninja Club" infighting. Neat.

But now there's quite randomly also a subplot w/ a kid, this woman, and some conflicted Asian army officer, who want to start a family together. It's all very cheesy- the army officer teaches the value of chores; the woman woman cries and promises to wait for him. The ninjas killed the kid's parents or something.

And then back to random ninja fighting.

This is the single weirdest movie I've seen in a long time. It just makes no sense. But it's worth watching for...

I don't know.
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