Shower of Blood (Video 2004) Poster

(2004 Video)

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I thought i'd read the back of the box....I guess not !
obistrike20 February 2005
As entertaining as breasts are, I thought I was renting a horror movie. The other flicks I have watched from Terror 2000 have been cool; gory little shockers made by filmmakers who rely on ingenuity rather than budget. This suckfest has the acting, effects, humor and plot of a soft porn movie, and that's all it really is I guess. Head Vamp Uncle is a real find though being the sleaziest person on the planet.

all in all , its really rubbish make no mistake, it wasn't what I was expecting in the slightest, but it kept me amused, I appreciated how inept the whole thing was, the overdubbed fart/burp soundtrack was great, the girls were cute and always naked, and the jocks do not disappoint. Thumbs up for trash then
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A flatulent, IQ-killing time-waster
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki22 July 2012
First off: generic title cards. Second: overly dark photography went out with the 1980s. Third: incredibly un-erotic nudity during the generic opening title cards. Fourth: puking and farting from plastic-looking Megan (Robin Brown) is neither funny nor necessary.

Now that we have that out of the way.....

Two drunken, flatulent couples spend the night at an uncle's house in the woods. They drink, fart again, puke again, and, mercifully, shower. After Unc shows up later that evening, he reveals himself to be a vampire. That ten seconds-long premise is stretched out to 79 minutes, 65 minutes of that is either the girls getting nude and showering, or the guys acting like idiots and smashing beer cans against their heads. After seeing Megan puking, belching, and farting repeatedly in the first two scenes, are we supposed to find it erotic to see her nude in the shower and on the bed? When the creepy as hell Uncle gets into bed with her, it was more nauseating than arousing. I was actually happy when her character was finally killed, because it meant an end to (some of) the constant farting.

The title might attract one's attention, but don't get one's hopes up; this IQ-killing time-waster is long on flatulence and nudity, but very short on anything else. Lia Montelongo and Melissa Mountifield's ample nudity is the only attraction here.
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Familiar Voice
ledragonquidort8 March 2005
Despite the wonderful looking petite Lisa the whole coherence of this movie fell apart so badly that by the third quarter all that held my attention was the uncanny similarity of Uncle Marty's voice with that of the character Dr. Wallace Breen in the Half-Life 2 computer game. It's almost like Martin Shannon and Robert Culp share the same larynx! As for this movie... ummm... I nearly forgot it already. Did anyone else notice the likeness?

Okay, it's an amusing movie although I'd like to have seen the actors having more fun with their roles - there isn't a plot to speak of, just a series of vampirish clichés punctuating the numerous occasions the actresses get their kit off - plenty of silicone on display, fake blood and the occasional half decent cgi transformation. Rent it if you have to but don't buy it!
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Shower of Sh*t
jamie murdoch22 September 2004
This film is rotten through and through.

As you may note from my one line summary I was initially going to do a review in the style of "Sh*t Sandwich" but thought better of it.

I'm usually a big fan of Tartan Terror, Terror 2000 or Addictive Film releases but this one was just embarrassing.

The acting was diabolical, the story was lame, the childish fart noises were (frankly) bewildering and the countless nude/sex scenes were as erotic as two dogs dry humping.

I will grudgingly admit, however, that the SFX were passable considering the obviously limited budget.

This film is a dud in every conceivable way.
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Cinematic diarrhea
movieman_kev13 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A quartet of friends with low IQ and high flatulence go to one of their uncle's house. Upon arriving they make themselves at home at his house until someone or something starts to kill them off. Hint it rhymes with lamp pire.

I'm all for giving zero-budget filmmaking a chance, but the flatulence juvenile humor isn't the only thing that stinks to high heaven with this one. And when a film comes that has nudity as unappealing as this one does, that takes some talent.

Eye Candy: Megan (Robin Brown) and Heather (Melissa Montifield) both get fully nude; Lisa (Lia Montilongo) gets topless
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Shower of Sh*t more like, another terrible low budget horror flick.
poolandrews7 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Shower of Blood is set in Galloway County where women have been mysteriously disappearing & their cannibalised bodies turning up, a killer is on the loose! Lovers Kurt (Dave Larsen) & Lisa (Lia Montelongo) along with three of their friends, Megan (Robin Brown) who seems to fart a lot, Heather (Melissa Mountifield) & Terry (Peter Renaud) decide to venture in Galloway Woods where the bodies have been found to make an impromptu visit to Lisa's uncle Marty's (Martin Shannon) place & stay the night. Once there there's no sign of uncle Marty so they break in & make themselves comfortable, when uncle Marty does eventually turn up he has an evil secret he's all to keen to share with his unexpected house-guests...

Directed by Tiffany Kilbourne this straight to video/DVD zero budget piece of crap proves that women can make a horror film just as badly as any man. We've all heard of bottom of the barrel Z movies right? Well as far as Shower of Sh*t, sorry Blood goes it's so crap we'd have to invent a 27th letter of the alphabet! The awful script is credited to David C. Hayes, Kyle Kline & Keith Knapp, that's right folks it took three people to write a screenplay this bad... For a start the story is crap & utterly predictable, the pacing is awful & basically nothing happens for what seems like hours, the character's are really bad even by annoying American teen standards & there's nothing here even remotely interesting or entertaining as far as I'm concerned. Call me hard to please & fussy but I actually like my films to have a story, make sense & entertain me, someone tell me am I really asking for too much? The entire first half an hour of Shower of Sh*t, sorry there I go again, Blood consists of arguments between the five annoying teens about who is going to bring their luggage in! Seriously, someone wants some help to bring it in while the other's don't want to help, yep this is exciting stuff folks. The things which happen, or should that be randomly occur, are never explained like who killed Terry & hung him from the tree? How come uncle Marty is a Vampire? Why is this film so bad? This is the sort of crap which is making me lose interest in the horror genre, the genre which I love & always have but when I see this shot on a digital camcorder with amateur actors & crew complete with CGI computer effects that belong in a late 80's Nintendo game like this I lose just a little bit more enthusiasm for the genre that has given me so much pleasure & entertainment over the years & that makes me sad.

Director Kilbourne thinks as long as you make all of your female cast members strip & bare their ample breasts on a regular basis no-one will notice how rotten your film is, she's wrong because I for one noticed. Virtually every conversation or situation in Shower of Sh*t is geared towards getting the female cast to get their breasts out, at one point it's specifically mentioned that uncle Marty has four separate showers in his house just so all the girls have the opportunity to strip & shower whenever they feel like it. The horror elements are poor, it's not scary or atmospheric & there's far more naked breasts on show than blood. Gore wise there's a bitten neck, someone cuts her breast with a straight razor & some Vampire dude drinks from it & that's about it.

Technically the film is a glorified home movie, it looks like it was shot on a digital camcorder & I just hate the look of video rather than proper film. To give it some credit the film is surprisingly well lit on occasion but that's hardly any compensation for sitting through this. The acting is awful from everyone involved.

Shower of Blood is one of those crap films I'd have turned off after half an hour if I wasn't going to review it, in the interest of fairness I stuck it out which wasn't easy & if I had switched it off after thirty minutes I wouldn't have missed anything. Seriously not recommended.
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Shower of crap, or shower of pappy-show?
smiley-3230 August 2007
I bought this film not too long ago. I thought yeah! It's gonna be a good movie. Low budget horrorfest? Yeah, right! It turns out to be a load of crap! A bunch of actors which I've never even heard of, stars in this low budget pappy show of a gorefest!

What was also so bad was the script. Who on earth wrote that garbage? I felt as if the characters, talking to each other are like a bunch of 10 year olds. It was so sloppy..

The only good thing about this movie that all three women in this flick bared all. That's the only good thing about them. The men however, are like a couple of sad muppets! The whole thing about the two didn't really add up.

And Uncle Marty? What was that guy all about? OK, he maybe a vampire of some kind. But I had to laugh when he was doing this 'jig' whilst some crappy organ music was going off in the background. I thought 'Yeah! This movie is really gonna suck!'

Anyway, at the end I felt.. 'OK! These people may've done a horror flick, but it wasn't in my expectation to this bad!' So I sold the DVD on Ebay. Some bugger bought me it off for a few quid.

Thumbs down for this one! It's not worth the paper it's printed on.. 0 out of 10!
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This film is in the top 5 worst films I have ever seen.
LewisLaker14 July 2009
Seeing this movie rated at 2.7 is why I literally just signed up to IMDb so I could correct what really needs to be corrected.

This is the worst film I have ever seen. I rented it many years ago in my local video store hoping to see a good movie. I got nothing but a terrible, low budget, badly scripted, nonsensical pile of rubbish.

It really is an awful film. What annoys me is the only reason this film has any "decent" rating at all is due to the immature people rating it as a good film down to the fact they thought it was "so bad it was good" which as a film review is about as helpful as a reading a review for the wrong film.

Please save yourself the money and time by not watching this film. How it ended up in my video store I will never know.

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Zargo16 March 2006
Hey, it's a vampire movie! And it's got 'Sindel' from the 'Mortal Kombat 3' game! Worth a look, me thinks.

However, things start looking rather ominous after the first scene when I discover that: a) Lia Montelongo isn't wearing her MK costume b) More surprisingly (hah!), the acting's absolutely terrible!

I've seen a hell of a lot of movies that people are keen on criticising in regards to the acting, but this is the first time I've ever felt inspired to mention it myself. That first scene in the car is probably the most poorly acted scene I've ever seen.

I generally appreciate nudity, but when the very un-erotic parts of the film showcasing massive fake tits kept hitting me in the face every 34 seconds, I had definitely labeled 'Shower of Blood' a heavy beer-drinking movie, for future reference. And the audio in the 'gum chewing scene' has to be heard to be believed.

It looks extremely cheap, and was probably filmed in the producers house, since it's a very ordinary looking atmosphere-free residence.

Things pick up in the second half, and the movie starts to become fun, and will undoubtedly improve on future viewings.

Make sure you have the beer handy!
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Stevieboy6669 May 2018
Five friends - 2 guys and 3 girls - take a detour to Uncle Marty's large, country house. Basically this is a soft core porn flick where girls get naked, they take showers, fondle their breast implants and get laid by the sex obsessed guys. Wrapped up as a pitifully bad vampire movie. Martin Shannon, who plays the vampire Marty, is the only member of the cast who has anything approaching acting skills. The rest, in particular Dave Larsen as Kurt, have zero acting ability. The three girls were obviously hired to take off their clothes - which they do so frequently. There is some childish farting going on at the start - including the first babe in shower scene (what a turn off!). A pathetic attempt at humour. The special effects are cheap & rubbish. This is a seriously BAD film, the only reason that I've rated 2 and not 1 out of 10 is that I will give it a little credit for the female nudity.
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Cleaning up
kosmasp27 November 2011
As the title suggests there is quite a lot of blood on display here. Still the nudity factor is even higher. On the other hand the main villain here has a field day and it's almost enticing watching him (no pun intended). But even with all those good things in favor of the movie, it has quite a few downfalls.

Obviously this is shot on a very low budget, so you have to take that in account for. Still the script should have been worked on quite a bit more. Most of the jokes are just not funny. The jump scares are not working (making even the "jumping cat" seem like a genius and genuine scare) and character relationships seem to constantly change. Dialogue isn't really a selling point either. Still everyone has different taste, though I wouldn't recommend a "blind buy" with this ... (rent it first)
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The Joy of Vampirism!
horrorbabe129 January 2005
This movie is why I love vampires! Sexy, erotic, beautiful, and mysterious. Plus in the case of "Shower of Blood"- funny- as hell! I really like this movie and hope they follow it up with a larger budget version of part II.

What's not to like? Sexy vampires- guys and girls. Some well timed humor and exciting use of special effects. Very cool shot of a vampire pulled out a window and off into the night air. Wow!

I wish all vampire movies were as fun. In the meantime, I've got it on DVD so I can watch it whenever I want. And I will, with some of my vampire friends!
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Awefully good.
slowhump15 January 2006
This movie is so bad that it is good. You must watch this movie with a group of your closest friends to really enjoy the over-acting, bad sound effects, boobs constantly on screen (the opening credits start you off, then you won't have a gap larger than 6 minutes for them to show up again through out the film), and music that'll just make you laugh.

I haven't had so much fun watching a movie with my friends. This isn't for serious people, and it won't make you happy if you are expecting something good to watch. If you want to watch something that makes you think you can make a better movie yourself, this is for you.
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Shower of Blood
Scarecrow-8817 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has characters who define the word obnoxious as SHOWER OF BLOOD follows a small group of friends who stay at a house while on vacation. The house is owned by Lisa's(Lia Montelongo) uncle, Marty(Martin Shannon). There's plenty of potty humor with the soundtrack overlaying the movie with farts and burps. Lisa's boyfriend, Kurt(Dave Larsen) likes to smash empty beer cans across his forehead when he's not slapping the asses of all the girls. Terry(Peter Renaud), his girlfriend Heather(Melissa Mountifield), and Megan(Robin Brown)are the other three traveling in Kurt's van. Terry and Kurt like to toss playful(annoying)insults at one another, usually sex related(this sex humor is also used with their girlfriends as well) A sample of some dialogue from this movie:"Mmm..those are some tits I can sink my teeth into". The movie is indeed laced with vulgar comedy and behavior and the girls seem to tolerate such immature antics, accepting that boys will be boys. One thing you do get and that's naked women taking showers. Long lingering takes with the camera sampling the merchandise. Well, one has to wonder why the girls would have anything to do with the guys that are with them on this trip, Kurt and Terry are crude in their non-subtle ways of flirting with the girls. It doesn't take long before Uncle Marty arrives and starts dining on his niece's friends. The audio of the movie amplifies even the most menial sounds, a slap to the face, a character snoring, gum chewing, everything is loud and trying on the patience. After Lisa performs a minor striptease for Kurt, she engages in soft kisses and they find Uncle Marty peeping on them..can someone say, "creepy." Heather doesn't want to put out for Terry(I can understand why)and he isn't a happy camper. Soon Marty no longer hides who he is from Lisa, and uses Kurt as a slave to capture Heather for his undead bride and use Lisa's blood as part of the ceremony. While this movie was a bitch to sit through, it helps that the actresses Mountifield and Montelongo are beautiful, and willing to spend the whole picture scantily clad and/or naked. The low budget shows throughout, like when computer generated lightning bolts are used. There is one erotic scene where Lisa and Kurt engage in softcore sex in the back of his van, but I found few moments which made this movie experience worthwhile.
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Two breasts up!!!
bmoviefreakz19 April 2003
SOB has some of the hottest chicks ever in a b movie! Great breast work Doctors! SOB is a funny film. And I even saw people jump a few times at the premiere... so apparently scary too. I disagree with the previous reviewer regarding the special effects. SOB's cg effects are very high end, and frankly unheard of in a low budget movie like this (maybe that makes them seem out of place). The higher production values (compare other low or no budget films) put it into somewhat of a quandary... it's not bad enough to be called a typical b movie, but certainly not a hollywood budget. As the tag line goes... "It's the world's first B+ movie." I couldn't agree more. Great sound track, very diverse, and well done. Great score, layered throughout. And just enough blood to merit its title. Oh, did I mention, love those vampire babes!?
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Bite me - I'm in love with this movie.
rickstero_4115 February 2005
Why isn't this movie at the video store? I had to borrow my friend's copy and then went out and bought my own.

The trailer is one of the best I've seen on any movie.

But the movie, is frighteningly delicious. I agree, hands down- easily most gorgeous vampires ever. The makeup is subtle but nice when they are vampires. I love the excessive blood gags.

Of course I'd be lying if I didn't say the story is overdone, but who cares? It's cool enough and stylistic enough to get past that.

I won't give up the plot, but let me say, people are gonna die. Hot vampires are gonna show skin. Great combo.

Rent it tonight- er buy it. haha
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Shower of Babes!
FilmFan6917 January 2005
I actually worked on this film, and was very impressed to see it finished with distribution. Not that it wasn't worthy, but it was low budget. But they managed to give a high production value look to it.

What really impressed me is the visual effects. This one vampire blow up is awesome. Better than most multi million dollars movies! Sure the acting was mediocre for the most part, though some lines were delivered great. What do you expect from models turned actresses? I mean these actresses were easily some of the finest around and for that I excuse the performances.

Story was OK, it's been done before, but I found the comedy in this to make it fun to watch, and my gf got scared at one point and quit watching it. haha But she's a softie. I didn't find it terribly frightening, but a few shocks combined with everything else made it an enjoyable watch.

I'm impressed mostly with the production value for what I know to have been a low budget movie.

Did I mention, the music rocks?!
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Interesting little film...
ChiFilmDir22 March 2004
As a filmmaker myself, I am always happy when another indy film gets distribution. Shower of Blood has that going and that is a feat in itself. It is very difficult to get low budget indys distributed without some 'A' list actors. So immediately you have to admit, the film must be somewhat well done. Watching it, I agree.

The first thing to capture my attention was the safe, but clearly, classical camera movement. Seems they knew what they were doing, and they didn't break any rules that I saw. That's a great testament to independent filmmakers. So many non filmmakers pick up a camera and call action, without even having the first clue as to how difficult it is to make a full length feature. These guys and girls obviously did there homework.

The visual effects were simply, 'Hollywood'. Top end. The score, was, in a word, Wow! Soundtrack, diverse. Hope there's a soundtrack??? The acting left something to be desired, but hey, they probably were more models than actors, because they were physically very beautiful people. Lighting scheme was cleary thought out, and some of the exterior night stuff was very cool.

Onto the story (Promise I won't give it away)... It's always fun to see hot (dumb) characters going into places they shouldn't. Ha ha Deservingly, some wild antics ensue (some you gotta see to believe). Beer, babes, and blood! haha Though one characters through line is not clearly defined, I see the attempt was made and it's not enough for me to give a bad review. Yes, this story has been done before (DON'T GO IN THERE ATTRACTIVE PEOPLE!), but it has cool enough visuals, and a couple new twists that make it worthy of a viewing. It's a fun one to pop in the ole' DVD player on a weekend.
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Awesome! Must see.
mikey0113427 January 2005
I don't know what you're drinking in Scotland, Jamie, but this movie is brilliant! It's one of the best produced low budget movies I've ever seen.

The visual effects, steady camera work, and great use of shadows was clearly well thought out, unlike most movies in this genre/budget range. Most of the crap out there is just that- crap. Someone holding a camera- hand-held and then they call it a movie. Not this... again well thought out, clearly these guys new what they were doing.

The love scene was very erotic, yet tasteful. Vampires by their very nature are erotic.

I don't care that the story is old. What vampire movie isn't???!!! Hello?! Let's see... you got a vampire, they suck blood. Duh. So never is a vampire movie about the story in the year 2005. It's what you do with it- visually. And this movie was great visually.

Why isn't anyone mentioning how awesome the score and soundtrack are? These are just 2 additional benefits for this movie.

I'm glad I found this movie too. Check it out. Trust me.
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milkhole21318 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Shower of Blood is one of the most entertaining films from the Tomb of Terrors 50 "film" set. It's directed by one-time director Tiffany Kilbourne who apparently loves boobs as much as most straight men. It's also possible she had nothing to do with the boob content as there were 3! Male writers on this thing. The movie starts with a very short scene of a woman killed by an unseen assailant. This brief start is necessary because boobs haven't appeared on the screen yet. The opening credits are interspersed with a woman (naked of course) laying in bed smearing blood on her naked body. We then meet the 5 main characters who are mostly unlikable and annoying, sometimes in a comical way. Megan is a disgusting slob, puking all over and farting. She becomes much more likable soon though. They soon arrive at the house of Lisa's (played by sexy Lia Montelongo) uncle. He's not home so they go in anyways. Almost immediately Megan who seemed gross at first strips down to shower. While totally nude she both burps and farts which are just sound effects. This Everest-chested young woman is much more likable without clothes on. Megan showers and bathes in an extended scene to maximize the boob content of the movie. Because there wasn't enough boobs yet during Megan's shower/bath scene we also get Lisa having a dream sequence where she of course showers. This scene would be much sexier if it wasn't shot so darkly. Eventually the shower head poorly morphs into a rose that sprays blood all over Lisa's boobs. While Lisa isn't quite as Himalayan as Megan she's still quite busty wearing a tight white tank top that appropriately says "Superior T's" on it through the entire movie when she's not naked.

The two men in the group are Kurt who has the kind of emphatic voice that makes everything he says come off as jerky. Terry is the other guy who no one really likes, is a virgin, tries too hard to be funny and fails miserably and is called a "fairy" by Kurt. Since boobs haven't appeared on screen for almost 5 minutes Megan strips down in front of the mirror and rubs herself while we hear a voice saying things like "ohhh, those are tits I can sink my teeth into" and "I wanna eat you". This voice turns out to be Lisa's uncle, Marty, who hasn't arrived yet. We get a brief respite from boobs but then go back to Megan laying in a bed totally naked and rubbing herself some more with the Uncle's whispering voice heard some more. It must have been a contractual obligation for all the women who have a significant role here to have a shower scene so we get one from Terry's frigid girlfriend, Heather. While she isn't mountainously endowed like Megan and Lisa they're still respectable. Heather and Terry are interrupted by the just arrived Uncle Marty while making out in the shower, not once but twice. Uncle Marty seems to like showing up at the most inappropriate times.

Megan is still naked in bed rubbing herself so of course Uncle Marty shows up which frightens her a bit at first but doesn't seem to bother her much after that. They continue to converse while she remains nude. We hear Marty's thoughts including "I'll teach her how to suck". I rather doubt she would need that instruction though I guess he could be talking about blood. We also get another brief scene of Heather showering because the movie needed more boobs or something. Uncle Marty ends up ripping out Megan's throat while she sounds like she's orgasming. Because boobs have been absent for about 4 minutes we get Lisa stripping down for a sex scene with Kurt which is of course interrupted by Uncle Marty. Lisa starts having bloody visions, she's now wearing cut off jean shorts to go along with the tight white tank top because the movie wasn't sexy enough or something. Some of the characters have dinner which is Megan while Heather and Terry almost have sex, this scene of course has her breasts on display. There's a poor CG fantasy scene involving Kurt and then it's back to Heather's modest exposed chest. She is attacked by Terry who I guess is a vampire now but is dragged out the window by an unseen force.

Kurt ends up in a chain-filled dungeon and has sex with a large breasted woman who razors her chest so he can drink her blood. I guess he's a vampire now too? Maybe because he ate Megan's flesh? I don't know. The two remaining girls find Terry hung upside down from a tree and he is now dead. Finally the two girls realize Marty is evil and they try to escape. They call 9-1-1 and the woman who answers is of course busty. She is in cahoots with Uncle Marty but inexplicably doesn't get topless. Uncle Marty likes classical music like all psychos who eat human flesh. Lisa ends up in a van with Kurt who seems alright now. Because the movie has been boob-less for like ten minutes they have sex despite her still being in danger. This scene is filmed very dark so it ends up kind of being pointless. Unfortunately the entire movie is pretty dark which hampers the rampant nudity. Since Heather remained a virgin Uncle Marty is now going to sacrifice her in a ceremony. Kurt has turned good now but loses a fight with Uncle Marty and ends up impaled. There's a hilarious overdubbed "hi-yah" as Lisa tries to karate kick Uncle Marty. He slaps her away and quips "ohh, rough crowd!". This is billed as horror and comedy but the comedy (outside of the ineptness) is pretty limited mostly to silly sound effects. Heather stuffs her cross in to Uncle Marty's mouth and he writhes around comically to old timey music. Really awful CG is used to reduce Uncle Marty to a skeleton which explodes and splatters the girls with blood for some reason. The not so surprising twist ending is Lisa has turned vamp now and we hear Heather scream as the movie fades to black.

Shower of Blood is an epic of overly dark filming, comically bad acting and using every opportunity to put boobs on the screen. Only towards the end when they have to wrap things up do boobs not appear on screen for a significant period of time. Martin Shannon is the best actor here with a distinctive, gruff voice. Lia Montelongo is super sexy with her tight, toned, tanned body. The movie lives up to the title having a least three shower scenes including a blood shower and a fair amount of bloodshed. This movie can be easily summed up with one word though- boobs!
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interesting movie
victor2003_wwf3 April 2005
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ i have seen this one and at the beginning i thought it was a theater play...(can you believe it ???...) , but after a few a few minutes i realize it is a movie ..a wheel that's it ,it happen's ....i finished downloading this one yesterday night/ i don't say it doesn't worth the effort. it's a good movie , (the sex scenes are OK) :) .anyway i can tell you that the mark could not be set more then 5 , but i'll give you a ten for the sex scenes. for the ones that haven't seen this movie i can tell you that you can watch at it for the sex scenes,but at the mark they can think a little before give one. It is a very poor movie for 2004 ,but interesting . If i'm wright i'll let you to tell if i'm wrong i hope that if part 2 shows up it will be more interesting than this one ...till then ...good by... Shower of Blood 2 200...

WWF Romania
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nogodnomasters1 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie most folk don't watch for the plot. This review gives away many plot details and as such may be considered a PLOT SPOILER. I do so in an attempt to explain the "genius" of this film for your better enjoyment, or at least some of the attempts at genius.

This movie has a lot of newcomers or else a lot of people who didn't want to use their real name. A couple names that are real: Robin Brown who plays Megan, She was Penthouse Pet of the month for April 1992. Lisa is played by Lia Montelongo, best known as Sindel in the Mortal Combat video games. Heather is played by Melissa Mountifield, most likely a gag name as is Rusty Nails who plays the guy in the dungeon. Tiffany Kilbourne is listed as the director and unless this is her first and last film, that was a fake name to protect a reputation. Martin Shannon plays Uncle Marty. Most like the name Marty was chosen after the first shooting as the cast were forgetting his script name, and just went with Uncle Marty. Hey, we let Princess Laia get called Carrie once.

The opening credit scene is an attention getter. An endowed topless female is being covered with classic rose petals and blood as vampire techno/rave music plays (kudos Dylan Langhoff Moeller for the selection). The radio announces 8 cannibalized bodies have been found in Galloway county...and in other new the finalist for the Miss Tulip festival have been chosen. I like the juxtaposition of the news stories as well as the names "gallow" paints a deathly image while two-lips gives us a sexual image. This is the type of writing one expects from great movies from Harry Potter to the old porno classics. Kudos to the authors, most likely this was the work of comic genius David Hayes who has brought us those classics such as "Blood Orgy of the Damned," "Vampegeddon," "Back Woods" and the unforgettable "Tales of Terror and Love." And when David wasn't busy composing funny lines, he was also the key grip.

Megan, the party girl is barfing from the van. Terry (Peter Renaud from Megan is Missing): "What is that, corn?" Heather: "That's disgusting. Are you alright Megan?" Megan: "Just a few more hurls and I'll be fine."

Terry wears an a t-shirt with "Asylum" on the back. Asylum is infamous for putting out bad horror movies.

When they get to Uncle Marty's house, Megan, former Playboy and Penthouse models says, "Wow, Playboy Mansion." The music playing is a composition that is a cross between America's "Horse with no Name" and Concrete Blonde's "Vampire Song." Super cool. Marty isn't home, so they use the key hidden above the light.

Megan, the hot blond, is totally classless and disgusting. But guys don't care, she has a rack. She gives us the movie's first gratuitous shower scene. At this point the genius digresses into simpleton slurp, lip-smack, fart, and barf humor.

Lia Montelongo quickly gives us a second shower scene (no tan lines) as she is hears high pitch noises and goes into a trance state, one that requires her to get naked and take a shower. The shower head turns into a rose petal that dispenses blood. This ties us into the scene of the opening credits, for those who would exclaim that was just a gratuitous nude scene! Ha!

The entrance foyer changes. In the beginning it is fairly empty except for the gum ball machine that dispenses blue balls. Later there is a bicycle on the wall as well as an end table with a vase of roses on it.

The two guys Terry and Kurt (Dave Larsen) are immature oversexed bad actors who want to make it with everyone even though Heather is Terry's gf and Lisa is Kurt's gf. Lisa is also the niece of Uncle Marty.

After some immature humor, (the genius has worn off) Heather needs to take a shower (faint tan lines) to get the Megan barf smell off of her.

Marty, the vampire and actor in this film finally shows up and manages to walk in on every girl naked, including his niece, Lia Montelongo who does a strip tease.

While discussing family history, Heather, our other blond remarks, "Hey I like gynecology too!" This was an attempt to recover from a large wave of sophomoric humor which bogged down much of the story. During the meal there are some cannibal jokes, which is interrupted by switching scenes to Heather and Terry making love. (2-3 nude scenes per girl)

At one point Uncle Marty plays some classical music the girls mistake for Mozart. Marty explains that it is Langhoff Moeller, who is the actual composer mentioned in the credits and the movie's adr supervisor, music supervisor and music editor.

Just when you think the gratuitous shots are over, Kurt goes to the dungeon where Uncle Marty has two lovely females. Laura Beverly (only movie credit) gives us another silicon shot along with a peak at her tramp stamp. (Megan looked like she had her tramp stamp removed.)

Of course sometimes less is more:

911 Operator( Kirsten "cleavage" Gibson) : "911, what seems to be the problem?"

Heather: "Vampires."

Heather finally has a love scene with Kurt, which resembles soft porn, or would if it wasn't so dark. Lia Montelongo appears to keep her g-string on the whole movie. Evil is tying a person down and making them listen to "Roll out the Barrel" on a player piano while a vampire snaps his fingers to it.

Who lives, who dies? I didn't spoil that for you, as if you care.
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