StarCraft (Video Game 1998) Poster

(1998 Video Game)

Jack Ritschel: The Overmind, Templar, Zeratul, Edmund Duke


  • Edmund Duke : Protoss Commander, this is General Edmund Duke of the Terran Dominion Armada. You are in violation of our air-space and have endangered human lives in your reckless attack against the Zerg. I order you to withdraw your ships immediately. If you fail to comply, I will not hesitate to open fire upon your vessels.

    Tassadar : General Duke, I am Tassadar, and you are well known to me. Whatever leniency I extended to you and your comrades before, may have been in error. If you persist in halting our course, we will burn your pathetic fleet down to the last man.

    Edmund Duke : I'm going to have to assume that was a hostile response...

  • [as the Chrysalis opens up, revealing its inhabitant] 

    The Overmind : Arise, my daughter. Arise... Kerrigan.

    Infested Kerrigan : By your will, Father, I live to serve. Let all those who oppose the Overmind feel the wrath of the swarm.

    The Overmind : Well done, Cerebrate! What I have wrought this day shall be the undoing of my enemies. Let not a Terran survive!

    Jim Raynor : Mother of God... Kerrigan, what have they done to you!

  • Zeratul : Though we strike at you from the shadows, do not think that we lack the courage to stand in the light.

  • [Easter Egg Dialogue: Protoss High Templar references Guns 'n' Roses albums] 

    Protoss High Templar : I see you have an Appetite for Destruction. And you've learned to Use Your Illusion.

  • Zeratul : [enraged against the Conclave]  You speak of knowledge, Judicator? You speak of experience? I have journeyed through the darkness between the most distant stars. I have beheld the births of negative-suns and borne witness to the entropy of entire realities... Unto my experience, Aldaris, all that you've built here on Aiur is but a fleeting dream. A dream from which your precious Conclave shall awaken, finding themselves drowned in a greater nightmare.

    Aldaris : We shall see...

  • Edmund Duke : Marshal Raynor, by destroying a vital Confederate installation, you and your men have violated standing colonial law. As of right now, you're all under arrest. I suggest you throw down your weapons and come peaceably.

    Jim Raynor : Are you outta your mind? If we hadn't burned that damn factory,this entire colony could have been overrun! Maybe if you hadn't taken your sweet time in getting here...

    Edmund Duke : Now I asked you nice the first time, boy. I didn't come here to talk with you. Now throw down them weapons!

    Jim Raynor : [arrested]  Guess you wouldn't be a Confederate if you weren't a complete pain in the ass.

  • The Overmind : Behold, my long silence is now broken, and I am made whole once more. The cunning Protoss have dared strike down that which was immortal. For the Protoss who murdered Zasz are unlike anything we have faced before. These Dark Templar radiate energies that are much like my own, and it is by these energies that they have caused me harm. Yet shall their overweening pride be their downfall. For when the assassin Zeratul murdered Zasz, his mind touched with mine, and all his secrets were made known to me. I have taken from his mind the secret location of Aiur, the Protoss Homeworld. At long last, my children, our searching is done. Soon we shall assault Aiur directly.

    Cerebrate Daggoth : For now we must ensure that the Dark Templar can cause no more harm. Cerebrate, you shall set a trap for our foes. Kerrigan will lead them to you.

  • Tassadar : En Taro Adun, Executor! My gratitude to you, for having secured my release, knows no bounds. By all the gods, we may win yet! The time has come to let loose the fury of the Dark Templar. Zeratul, perhaps the time has come to tell our friends of the foe we face.

    Zeratul : Indeed. When I slew the Cerebrate on Char, I touched briefly with the essence of the Overmind. In that instant, my mind was filled with its thoughts, and I tell you now our worst fears have come true

    Tassadar : So you see my friends, we fight not only to save Aiur, but all creation! If we fall to the Zerg then the Overmind will run rampant throughout the stars, consuming all sentience-all life. It is up to us to put an end to this madness, once and for all.

    Fenix : Our forces shall engage the primary Zerg Hive clusters in an attempt to weaken their defenses. Once their numbers have thinned out, Zeratul and his companions can infiltrate the clusters and assassinate the Cerebrates. Adun willing, the Cerebrates' deaths will distract the Overmind long enough for us to assault it directly.

  • Zeratul : Are you truly so blinded by your vaunted religion, that you can't see the fall ahead of you?

  • The Overmind : Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm, and that you have been created to serve me.

  • The Overmind : I am well pleased young Cerebrate, and so long as my prize remains intact, I shall remain pleased. Thus, its life and yours shall be made as one. As it prospers, so shall you. For you are part of the Swarm. If ever your flesh should fail, that flesh shall be made anew. That is my covenant with all Cerebrates.

  • The Overmind : Behold the power of that which is yet unborn! For the swirling images that flow forth from the Chrysalis are only a shadow of the sleeper's true power.

  • Edmund Duke : This is Duke. The emitters are secured and online.

    Lt. Sarah Kerrigan : Who authourized the use of Psi emitters?

    Arcturus Mengsk : I did, Lieutenant.

    Lt. Sarah Kerrigan : What? The Confederates on Antiga were bad enough but now you're going to use the Zerg against an entire planet? this is insane!

    Jim Raynor : She's right, man. Think this through.

    Arcturus Mengsk : I have thought it through, believe me. You all have your orders, carry them out.

  • Zeratul : We will do what we must. But we do it for Aiur, not you!

  • The Overmind : My children, the hour of our victory is at hand. For upon this world of Aiur shall we incorporate the strongest known species into our fold. Then shall we be the greatest of creation's children. We shall be... Perfect.

  • The Overmind : Now shall the events set into motion so long ago be made complete. For the Protoss, too, were created by the Xel'Naga. They were the first creation, gifted with a purity of form. And we were the second creation, blessed with a purity of essence. Indeed, our two species are but opposite facets of a greater whole. Soon shall our two races be made as one. Thenceforth shall all feel the wrath of the eternal Swarm... For the hour of judgement has come!

  • Edmund Duke : The Confederacy has quarantined this entire planet, and we'll proceed with the lock-down within 48 hours. You're to relocate your core colonists to the outlying wastelands. Now, I know there won't be any problems with these new arrangements.

  • Edmund Duke : I got your message, Magistrate, and frankly I don't care what you have to say about Confederate regulations. You damn fringe world yokels are all a like, don't know where your loyalties lie. Y'all have a real good day now, y'hear?

  • Tassadar : En Taro Adun, Executor! My gratitude to you for having secured my release knows no bounds. By all the Gods, we may win yet! The time has come to let lose the fury of the Dark Templar. Zeratul, perhaps the time has come to tell our friends of the foe we face.

    Zeratul : Indeed. When I slew the Cerebrate on Char, I toughted briefly with the esense of the Overmind. In that instant, my mind was filed with its thoughts, and I tell you now: our worst fears have come true. The Zerg were indeed created by the ancient Xel'Naga, the same beings that empowered us in our infancy. But the Overmind grew beyond their constraints and has at last come to finish the experiments they begun so long ago.

  • Edmund Duke : You're about the last folks I expected to show up. What's your angle here, Mengsk?

    Jim Raynor : Your angle? I'll give you an angle, you slimy Confederate piece of shit...

  • The Overmind : For the very hour of the sleeper's rebirth is at hand, and soon my greatest creation shall be loosed.

  • The Overmind : Let her go, Zasz. The greatness of her spirit has been left to her; that the Swarms might benefit from her fierce example. Fear not her designs, for she is bound to me as intimately as any Cerebrate. Truly, no Zerg can stray from my will, for all that you are lies wholly within me. Kerrigan is free to do as she desires.

  • The Overmind : For I have found a creature that may yet become the greatest of my agents. Even now it resides within a protective Chrysalis, awaiting its rebirth into the Swarm.

See also

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