Bangkok Dangerous (2000) Poster

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A Nutshell Review: Bangkok Dangerous
DICK STEEL23 October 2005
I picked up this DVD because I've been to Bangkok couple of times, and wanted to see how the filmmakers Oxide and Danny Pang manage to capture the more sleazy side of the city, and combine it with gangster noir to come up with Bangkok Dangerous. I've heard about the movie, and was surprised that our National Library actually had this DVD in its collection.

Bangkok Dangerous tells the story of a deaf mute assassin Kong (Pawalit Mongkolpisit). His is a life of mission after mission, a cold and professional, though small time, killer. Growing up being bullied because of his disability, he finds work at a gun range as a cleaner, until he chances upon Joe (Pisek Intrakanchit) and his girlfriend Aom (Patharawarin Timkul). Kong learns his skills from Joe (in an excellent montage), and together, form a tag-team partnership.

During the course of work, Kong chances upon the beautiful Fon (Premsinee Ratanasopha) who works at a drugstore, and in between missions, he romances Fon, who doesn't shun him in spite of being a deaf mute. The killer has finally known what it is to develop feelings and to love.

However, if you live by the gun, chances are there will be those who are after you. Things change for the worse when Aom offends one of the gang's ranked member, and gets raped. Joe goes for revenge, but ultimately gets literally betrayed by the hand that feeds. Kong has to decide - to finish what had started and avenge his friends, or to try and begin life anew with the woman he loves, even after she has started to avoid him, knowing what he does for a living.

In a cosmopolitan city like Bangkok, this film manages to capture a kaleidoscope of colours, mood, and use various camera angles to its advantage. It contrasts the shady underworld and strip bars, and its pulsating music, with the silent, kind world of love that Kong for the first time experiences when he's with Fon.

It's a story of finding one's own morality when living in the midst of violence and sleaze, and the seeking of redemption from a life of sin.

Code 3 DVD extras: Filmography of filmmakers and inspiration for the film.
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A good film with a great visual style.
PyrolyticCarbon12 March 2003
A good film with a great visual style. Although I kept finding it hard to overcome the problems a deaf\mute assassin would encounter, it was something that was easily overlooked. Revenge, death and love, what more could a story ask for, and this one delivers it well. As with a lot of good Japanese movies, there is a heavy emphasis on visual style to convey a feeling, action or even thoughts of the characters onscreen, and this is done well here. Added to that is the use of audio to either cover the sound in a scene, or totally ignore it, showing the problems of the assassins' deafness, and yet at no point is this made obvious to the viewer, it's something you just notice. There's no Hollywood here either, and it's well appreciated. Watch this film, it's a good one.
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A typical Asian: brilliant pictures & scenes, weak story
FloX-225 May 2004
"Bangkok Dangerous" is a very nice piece of Asian Movie-making - and a typical one as well. The pictures and scenes are brilliant and almost breathtaking, while the story is kind of weak - or at least very straight, simple and without any surprise.

And the story holds a lot of "stupid" things, too: f. e. sometimes our deaf killer almost doesn't understand anything when other persons speak to him very slow and clear, one scene later he gets his next killer-job in the darkest corner of a dark road and he is able to read lips perfectly under this bad light conditions...

But with the Pang Brothers bringing this simple story to life with such great pictures, a lot of good used special effects and many nice-to-watch digital baubles this movie is definitely worth watching.

Sometimes the movie is getting - after my fancy - a little to violent - but hey, this is an Asian movie, so what do you expect, right?

A very good movie, but because of the poor story: 8 out of 10.
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pretty good really
awild85311 November 2004
I thought it was actually a pretty superior 'hitman' film.

If you want full-on action in a style of early John Woo, then no, it is probably not perfect for you, but the directing is excellent, the character development is good, and the idea as original as any other.

I liked it, and liked the style particularly. It does borrow a lot from early Woo i guess, but it is borrowing and not stealing. There is enough originality of idea and of direction. The acting is pretty uniformly good as well. The critics in Toronto liked it too. (see awards and nominations)
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More than an action flick
lastliberal12 July 2008
Here we go again. make a good Asian film and soon Hollywood will come around and ruin it for you. Those who have followed my criticisms of remakes know how I feel. For others, The Departed was a shallow remake of Infernal Affairs.

Now, I see that Nickolas Cage is in a remake of this film. Despite the fact that the Pang brothers are directing and writing, it cannot hope to capture what was here.

This is not just an action flick. It is so much more. It is the story of a child with hearing and speech impairment that was cruelly taunted by other children. He grew up into a meaningless life and meaningless jobs until someone noticed he has an ability that could be honed to perfection. Sure, he became a hit-man, but someone cared enough to teach and guide him to his potential.

Now, with just two friends, Kong (Pawalit Mongkolpisit) was happy. He lived with his teacher (Pisek Intrakanchit), and got assignments from Aom (Patharawarin Timkul). Life was good, but about to get better.

He meets Fon (Premsinee Ratanasopha) and love enters his life. He is supremely happy. Unfortunately, she learns the truth about his occupation, and he has to do some real soul searching.

The streets of Bangkok are a perfect backdrop used to maximum effect by the Pang brothers, and the cast is a group that you can really get close to. This is a story that can never be duplicated by someone from Hollywood, and I am disappointed that they would even try.
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Uneven but worth seeing
DanStarkey2 April 2004
"Bangkok Dangerous" reworks many familiar themes - doublecrossed hit-man in love - in a mishmash of imitation John Woo and Takashi Miike, this time in Thailand. All that's missing are the white birds flapping around. Woo and Miike need not worry. The film school cinematography is highly irritating and the first half is slow and filled with labored flashbacks. The second half, however, succeeds in building suspense and interest, thanks to the affecting performance of the guy who plays the deaf and dumb hit-man. There is a scene towards the end that is remarkably original and powerful - you'll know it when you see it. Uneven but worth seeing, if only for the novelty factor - how many Thai films have you seen?
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Slow moving, but hey! Strip Clubs!
avianskateboards2 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Besides the action and fun gun fights and the awesome training montage there's another subplot. Love! It sound dorky, but I totally felt for Kong (the main guy) who falls for this pharmacy girl and they start dating awkwardly since he can't hear or talk. She guesses his job is a gas-station man, but he mistakes her "words" for hit-man and he nods. Later when they get jumped by thugs and he saves her by shooting them she freaks out and leaves him. He just saved you! Stupid chick! So he gets depressed and goes back into the hit-man world... Overall a fun slow-action movie that is great for passing time and has a little bit for everyone. Some blood from the fighting, but it's nothing dreadful.
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Entertaining but annoying Thai film noir
wjfickling30 November 2002
This is a pretty good action flick from Thailand. This alone makes it remarkable, since I don't think I've ever seen a Thai film before. The story, action, and--a little less so--the characterization are all compelling. What makes the film annoying are its wretched production values. The film often looks as if it were filmed through gauze, or with Vaseline on the lens. Moreover, the directors seem to change film stock for no apparent reason. Nevertheless, it's definitely worth a watch.
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Bangkok Beautiful
baku_yaku21 August 2003
I Really enjoyed this one. The imagery is beautiful and imaginative, excellent editing and vibrant colors.

The cast was good, especially the guy playing Kong, the deaf assassin, he did a fantastic job, showing a full range of emotion without uttering a word. I really felt for the guy. In fact, I completely fail to see how the characters are flat and undeveloped like someone said. True, we don't get their life story, but i found my self really caring for them, they felt sort of real even though you didn't get to know that much about them.

That, and the girl playing Kong's love interest is so cute it'll make your eyes hurt...

About the action. Some people complain about this not being up to par with John Woo's action choreography, but who said an action flick, just because it's from Asia should have to be about making every shoot-out look like the Swan Lake? This is grittier, more unrehearsed, it's not about looking good firing that gun (even though I'm a big fan of that too).I thought that there was some really smart stuff, where brains won over brawn, watch out for the scene with laser sights at the end. I went "ahhh - Clever!"

This is not a perfect movie, it has flaws. I felt the ending to be a bit formulaic, and the whole "violence begets more violence" concept surely is nothing new plotwise, but still, it's not dumb and full of holes like so many other action movies. And it's sooo pretty to watch...
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Doesn't really deserve the hype
KineticSeoul27 April 2010
It's pretty obvious the Pang brothers has been reading way too many Asian comic books, because the style of this movie is like some lame and mainly boring comic book with flashes of somewhat good. It's basically a low budget film that is mediocre at best that tries to be cool like some Asian comic book. Just about everything about this movie is pretty generic, except the hit-man in this is deaf. With it's plot of seeking redemption while living amongst death and violence. Everything is this if your a movie vet, you probably seen already except much better although I give the film props for capturing everything it had to it's advantage. It's basically a generic film that is getting more hype than it really deserve, if the film took place in the US instead of Bangkok people would not be so generous to it, although Bangkok is much more dangerous in some areas compared to the US. And if your looking for a HK style shoot em up or a engaging action movie you will be disappointed, this film is uneven at times as well.

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Style-rich, substance-weak.
punch8726 May 2019
Bangkok Dangerous mixes mindless violence, sappy romance, and philosophical pretentiousness. On the whole, it does the first better than the other two.
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Fantastic Movie
scott851 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this movie, i stayed up late one night to watch it, and this is the Original.. not the remake with nicholas cage. I haven't seen that one yet, i probably will, but i really loved this one, i really felt for the main character, i felt sorry for him that he was deaf, i just kept thinking during the movie, please get back together with Fon, she was so sweet and cute, she was perfect for him, all in all great movie, i am a big movie fan, American and foreign. And for me, this was grade A for a foreign film. Bravooooo. I will admit i cried at the end, why did he have to kill himself, i guess, he would've ended up in prison for life anyway.
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bangkok ambiguous
kzintichmee22 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
okay, this was my first thai movie. the nick cage flick is out now and evidently fading fast. i wanted to see the original. i picked this up at suncoast. funny, they had it prominently displayed for those dumb folks who would snatch it up thinking it was the remake. i really hate how movie companies try to take advantage of the people. but i digress. the movie was not all i would have hoped. it was okay, just. i have seen enough movies by now to know mediocre. old boy now, there is a movie for ya! if you are reading this and like Asian cinema, run out and buy/rent/borrow/steal old boy. bangkok dangerous, well, it barely held my interest. it was awfully amateurish, i thought. a deaf mute hit-man was a nice idea. i wanted to slap that guy though to get him to communicate better with people. he just stood there. no "i am a deaf mute" cards or anything. he wasn't stupid, he could read and write. i liked the girlfriend of the deaf guy's buddy. she was hot. the guy, joe, had an interesting look too. anyway, not what i thought it was gonna be. it didn't stink but not the ass kickery i had hoped for.
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Kill, kill, kill... and get bored !
xgros2 March 2002
Movie from Thailand about a killer doing his job... i.e. killing ! By mixing flashbacks, an expected love story, a tragic end, and a lot of killing the director managed to create a very boring and unsurprising movie. Add to that some non-sense some slow motions - Asiatic directors simply love it - and you have a less than second rate violent movie.

I guess the biggest challenge that the director succeeded in overcoming was in making the killings last for almost 2 hours. If this is the type of movie that Asia enjoys then it is rather sad, depressing, gloom and boring.

I have just read the review of another IMDB member and did not find this movie well directed at all nor did I learn anything about Thailand. Did he really watch the same movie ? This one was classified 18 (i.e. for adults only) and does not contain an ounce of information on what Thailand is really like (unless of course Thailand is a country full of murderers and assassins). If Thailand is like in the movie then corpses must pile up in the toilets !

Violence to the extreme is not sufficient to make a decent movie, and this one definitively lack of all the ingredients to make it even watchable. My advise: stay home and read a book.
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Mediocre, with occasional flashes of brilliance.
miztachris1 September 2004
Bangkok Dangerous is the story of a lonely mute who becomes a hit-man, partly to avenge himself upon the world that has alienated him. Only when he finds happiness does he realize the full horror of his life.

The film boasts some great performances, particularly by Pawalit Mongkolpisit as Kong, the main protagonist. His face is beautiful yet impassive, and his large eyes convey all the strangled emotions of a person unable to communicate with those around him.

There are many excellent moments to savour in this film, but the contrived way in which Kong's partner is forced out of retirement is ridiculous. However, despite the generic plot - which at times has a square-peg-round-hole forced feel to it - and the thoroughly predictable narrative progression, the film is actually pretty rewarding. It has a tender humanism at the centre, which gives the film real depth, and there are many moments worth savouring.

Score 7/10 (6 is too low, but 7's maybe a little too high)
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This is not an action movie; this is a character study.
danielpauldavis6 July 2009
I think the reason it was remade was the copious subtitles required of a Thai film, but the idea, plot, and execution were pretty good. Only, we were offered the Nicholas Cage version on the cable channel, which confused greatly. Seen objectively, it's a good foreign film that happens to center on a hit man. The hits are not the point, tho. The point is how a human being decides that killing others is okay. This logic engine wants ten lines; I don't like being wordy. The acting is good, the characterization is good, and when it looks as if the stripper friend is going to get raped, hit the fast forward because she does. Little is shown, and it's integral to the plot because it is what starts Kong on his self-determination that leads to his destruction.
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Life's only guarantee - suffering.
=G=10 November 2002
"Bangkok Dangerous" is, in the grand scheme of cinema, a dinky little action-drama flick. However, given what went into it, the film delivers more, pound for pound, than most films from big name action auteurs. The film tells a gritty simple story of a deaf-mute street punk hitman who shares brief moments of happiness with a lovely innocent and, unable to reconcile the divergent dichotomy, comes to an inescapable last hit. Wrought from heavy stylistics with excellent music and camera work; a scant script; and an apparently limited budget, "BD" is a paradigm of efficiency for neophyte indie auteurs who seem to err most often by trying to say too much with too little. A good watch for action junkies who can hang in there as the film looks cheap in the beginning and the talent behind the craft is not immediately apparent. (B+)
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Boring, pretty, shallow
sgoldgaber29 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Pulling out every visual trick and camera angle in the book doesn't save this dull and vapid snoozer.

The box review compares the film to John Woo and Terrantino, but this is far from true. Yes, lots of people get shot and there are even gangsters involved. But Bangkok Dangerous can not come close to Woo's awesome action choreography, nor his, and I thought I'd never say this, depth.

Calling the characters in this movie cardboard cutouts would be an insult to cardboard. True, the melancholy killer theme is reminiscent of Woo's "The Killer", but the comparison ends there, and there is so little character development that the audience hardly cares who gets shot or why.

This movie has even less in common with Terrantino's films, which have infinately more character and a much more interesting plot than this **SPOILER WARNING** "assasin takes revenge on treacherous boss" predictable yawner. Save two hours out of your life and skip Bangkok Dangerous, unless you are absolutely dying to see lots of red, green, and blue lighting and overdone digital editing, which is really the only thing this movie has going for it.
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You see America, this is what you are missing.
Jore-231 January 2001
Stunning, did I just watch a trailer? Nope! This movie confronts with reality at the most crucial moments, it shows hate, love, stupidity, calm, fury all in a pure form. I don't think I'm ever forget those eyes in that crucial scene.

This might just be their debut, but I'm a Pang brother lover already, they do everything even Tarantino doesn't have the guts to show, but knows it's true. If you like a fast, loud and real movie, this is the must-see film, else you can just wait a year or ten and then see it slimmed down in an American production like all good Asian films and then pretend it is all new.
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Fails to engage
gcaplan22 March 2002
This struck me as a rather average movie from directors who have yet to find their voice.

After a while, the self-consciously arty editing and sound track became wearing, and there is a general feel of style over substance.

For a movie with art-house pretensions, it has very little to say. The formulaic plot follows a predictable course to yet another shootout in a warehouse. And as others have pointed out - the crass sentimentality of the love interest stretches the credulity, to put it mildly.

Bottom line: this felt like a rather cold and academic exercise. The characters failed to engage, and in the end, I cared not a jot about their fate (not that you won't have predicted their fate in the first 20 minutes). Better to spend your cash on a good Tarantino and remind yourself of how this sort of nihilistic violence really should be done.
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Cool and composed
NukedaFridge25 May 2006
Bangkok Dangerous I felt was a very stylish, well acted film with themes and, to an extent, a plot that ran along the same lines as alternative assassin flick Leon. Bangkok dangerous forms its protagionist with character interactions but mostly by delving into how he became the cold killer he is through a series of flashbacks which are not integral to the plot or even shown fluently but integral to our understanding of this troubled soul. The camera work in this film is its pro and con, at certain points style, fluidity and technique are all concentrated together to make some memorable scenes whereas occasionally certain shots has failed to impress and look slightly amateurish. The relationships in this film could also have had more focus on them because instead what we have is a series of different characters stories when we should have one large companionship struck by fate, betrayal and love. Warning for anybody watching this soon, the music ranges from OK to terrible and frequently fails to match the action.

In conclusion: Pretty good, if actions you're thing then this is you're thing but you'll probably cry you're guts out anyway. Its still quite moving. Plot - 5 Plot Development - 7 Acting - 8 Style - 7 Music - 3 Action - 10 Average - 6.66 Stars
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I was a Teenage Hit-man.
dunmore_ego26 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As a dead man's blood seeps across bathroom tiles, the opening titles to BANGKOK DANGEROUS appear in it. From its first scene, this movie is art.

Writers-directors-brothers Danny and Oxide Pang launch BANGKOK DANGEROUS at us with the intensity of an adjective incorrectly following a noun, in the story of a hit-man who finds redemption.

But there's an inventive hook to this old story. Hit-man Kong (Pawalit Mongkolpisit) is a Thai teen who lives in squalor with roommate Joe (Pisek Intrakanchit), a young ex-hit-man whose gun hand was injured when both he and Kong were in a street shootout. Kong has no other friends and his only education was the snarling underbelly of Thailand: brutal mobs, dirty dance clubs, seedy streets, bashings, blood and bullets. And he is deaf and mute. And you thought YOUR teen years were screwed up.

Kong's whacking expertise is shown in the opening scenes, where a poignant dynamic is unveiled, that is, even in his supposedly ruthless hits, Kong does not seem "heartless" or "merciless" - but not because he has a "heart of gold" - it is because he has been so desensitized from a young age to regard whacking as just another job. We discover through flashbacks that Joe and his stripper girlfriend, Aom (Patharawarin Timkul), befriended the young Kong at the shooting range where he worked sweeping bullets, and took him under their wing to become a REAL bullet sweeper.

Kong is a sociopath through nurture not nature.

An excellent scene punctuates this point: Kong takes aim from a rooftop at a mark below. A little girl on another rooftop sees Kong and looks down to see what he is aiming at. Instead of alerting a nearby grownup, she also aims with her little hand. She pulls her imaginary trigger as Kong squeezes his real one. When the mark goes down... she jumps up and down in joy.

This kind of scene is verboten in American movies. But the Hong Kong-born Pang Brothers illustrate that unless anyone tells you something is "bad," how would you know? The violence is portrayed like real violence: quick ,efficient, sudden; no camera playing lovingly over splattered faces. It's indie, it's scarring and raw with forceful sound design and evocative music. It's movie "making" - Kong enters a room with his gun drawn on six guys, who all look up, frozen. Jump cut. Six guys lie strewn around the room, dead, bloodied, without seeing a shot fired. And Kong looks like he has not moved.

When Kong falls for a teen pharmacist, Fon (Premsinee Ratanasopha), his infatuated reaction is believable because of his age and circumstances. He has never attended any special schools for his disabilities, and he is basically a shutaway who only ventures out to kill, so we imagine his seclusion has left him a lonely virgin.

Even though we know Kong's "redemption" must be coming, it does NOT come via the doe eyes of Fon. One idyllic night, as they get close to that moment when anyone who has watched a romantic movie knows they are going to exchange girl germs, they get mugged. And Fon, who has spent the night trying to guess the quiet, shy Kong's job, gets to see first hand his greatest abilities. And she is repulsed.

As John Cusack showed us in the magnificent GROSSE POINTE BLANK, a hit-man can find redemption even whilst in the process of doing that which he is being redeemed from. BANGKOK's powerful redemption scene comes as surprisingly as the rest of its scarring adventures in misanthropy.

The other most affecting thing about BANGKOK is its original soundtrack, which is credited to Orange Music. We have grown so inured to Western Civilization's glossy neo-classical John Williamses and Hans Zimmers and Danny Elfmans that it is a welcome jarring evocative earful when exposed to people who have not been exposed to them.

A rape, a revenge, a setup, a hit gone wrong. An eye for an eye.

When Fon realizes she digs the bad guy, it is too late. The Pangs have packed up, moved to America and scored funding to remake their own movie with a bad mullet...

--Review by Poffy The Cucumber.
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Misses the mark...
carrienations30 April 2001
I wanted to like this movie, and did like it through about the first third of the film, but the pedestrian plot and mediocre acting dragged it down. One character in particular to me (Kong's "girlfriend", Fon) had absolutely no motivation to be interested in him. I felt no sympathy towards the main or supporting characters. The violence becomes shrill toward the end of the film and found myself yawning at the boring gunplay. One thing I can say in its defense is that there is some interesting cinematography, and the film is very vibrant, and well-edited at points. These guys should try again with a better script and better actors.
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pretty good
lee_shenlong106 September 2004
I rented this movie not really expecting much jus a shoot em up crappy Asian flick. But as soon as the movie started i was amazed by the way the camera moved and colors used.

The film also introduced some great acting. The actor known in the movie as "JO" was a great supporting actor.

The only flaw I saw in this film was the way they tried to mix to many elements together at once. For example, the 20 minute cut of Kong and Fon going out to have a good time. That segment could have been condensed.

OK my rating for this film... 6 1/2 out of 10 suggestion...good Friday rental =D
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Quite 'em up
doctorsmoothlove16 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The Pang Brothers' debut film is brimming with energy. This version of Bangkok Dangerous was filmed in Thailand, not their homeland of China. It must have been challenging to secure funding and other rudimentary objectives before filming began. Their deaf-mute hit-man concept is unique (at least from my own limited film viewing experience). Bangkok Dangerous reflects the precision and enthusiasm of their direction. I can see how many people enjoy it. I can't say that I'm one of them. I found the movie severely lacking a plot until halfway through, and I didn't like how many action sequences were framed. It's so distracting to watch this subtitled movie while various faces appear. Your eyes are drawn to someone's face in anticipation of, well anything, and you miss dialog. Close up shots are to provide introspection within character or audience or heighten the experience of an action segment. If overused, like they are here, they become a murky amalgamation of meaninglessness. However, I must confess that if you know Thai, you won't experience the framing problem to the degree I did.

Kong is a warm blooded killer from the mean streets of downtown Bangkok. We see him shooting people throughout the opening segments and cannot detect if he has any remorse for his occupation. He looks passé in comparison to the modern hit men of Western cinema. He goes home after a hard day of work to his shared apartment that is inhabited by his "employer" Jo. Jo may not really be his employer. I couldn't tell what his job is. He seems to exist to provide Kong companionship. Oh, and he also brings in business by asking his girlfriend, Aom, to deliver requests to Kong. Aom is a go go dancer (exotic dancer), who is later raped by an angry client. Jo vows revenge and dies trying to avenger her. She is also killed by the angry client. Kong is left alone with no support network until he meets a pharmacist, Fon, who empathizes with him. He loses her when she witnesses him kill two thugs that interrupt their date. Kong is now completely isolated and decides to kill everyone involved with Jo and Aom's deaths before he commits suicide.

Kong's condition offers no dialog. We must sympathize with him like we would a silent movie protagonist. He is portrayed Pawalit Mongkolpisit, who admirably adjusts his facial expression to gain our sympathy. I imagine this is why so many shots are extreme close ups. Since no recognizable plot occurs until midway in, Kong receives no initial characterization. The movie should have commenced with Aom's rape. The slow buildup is inefficacious in creating any reason for its existence. It does eventually evolve into a standard revenge tragedy film with an inconclusive romantic subplot. Fon alerts the police of Kong's final assault, like Jo also serves to advance the plot. Anyone could have done that, why her? She is attracted to Kong, decides he is a bad dude, doesn't even want to look at him, and then realizes her affection. How lazily convenient.

I don't even mind the movie's slow pace. Hitchcock taught us that speed can be terrible in eliminating tension. He also gave us a reason to care about what was happening to his characters. The Pang brothers don't do that. Bangkok Dangerous is amateurish work created by well-intentioned people. It permits many mistakes more experienced directors would not allow. The American remake (by the same directors) amends the storytelling faults of this original production. It isn't very good either, by the way. At least they are improving.
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