Candy Candy (TV Series 1976–1979) Poster


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A beautiful and heartwarming series
A very heartwarming anime series, even if the plot often goes into a sad territory, with many tragedies happening to the cheerful protagonist; yet somehow she always keeps her optimism and high spirits.

These kind of sad stories, often referred as "traumatizing" by some older viewers, are actually very important to children: Not to make them "more thankful", but in order to empathize with the struggles of much less fortunate people.

Avoiding sadness and harshness in modern fiction actually does a disservice to children, turning everything into a vapid exercise of escapism that might be provide some fun, but ultimately end being an empty experience.

Learning about pain (And also overcoming pain, like Candy often does) is actually a very valuable experience that shouldn't be dismissed.

Shows like this have a timeless quality, disregard of the somewhat dated animation due its beautiful story, filled with both joy and sadness. Both are important, and more complement each other in a wonderful manner.

Such is life, such is childhood.
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A cartoon for the whole family
jeanserge2126 November 2006
Most people of my generation watched Candy Candy when they were still children. Howvr, I saw it recently for the first time. Even if I am now an adult, I agree with all the commentaries. Candy, Candy is indeed one of the vest cartoons ever made. I would like to emphasize something few people said. The soundtrack is beautiful and perfectly conveys the different moods and feelings. It was made by Takeo Watanabe.

The story is very beautiful too! A young girl orphan and her adventures in two family mainly, from her birth to her 18 year-old approximatively. The story focuses mainly on her two loves : Anthony, a fair-haired boy, who dies falling from his horse, and Terry, a brown young man. Of course living this love is made difficult by the events, some people (like Eliza) and so on... Th end is a little sad since some characters had died like Anthony, or Allister (Candy's friend whose plane is shot down during WWI) whereas Terry had to marry another girl. However, it is quite optimistic since Candy is still very young and has all her life forward.

There is also an alternative version, the Italian one; In Italy, the official ending was substituted by an Italian one, a happy end with Candy and Terry reuniting. So this is a cartoon for the whole family from 2 to 102.
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Great anime
dogankurban22 April 2009
Candy Candy is a great anime. First of all, it certainly has the best soundtrack in all the animes. anyone who has even watched only one episode picks up the "watashi wa watashi wa watashi wa candy" lyrics at once. This anime series is about friendship, love without any expectations, being kind and all other feelings we lose while growing up. Candy is really great for kids as it teaches being good for just the sake of being good. I think that it is even better for grown ups as it helps us learn those long-lost virtues I have mentioned above. Also, for the people who have watched this when they were little and when there were only a couple of TV channels and a handful of cartoons only in the mornings, this series is a good reminder of childhood memories.
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The first big-budget anime dub in Greece and still one of the best
elp_gr3 June 2002
I remember in the early '80s, when we had only two TV stations, both state-run, that there was a great publicity for a Japanese animated series with a lot of episodes, which would be dubbed in Greek and even the title song would be translated. My memory doesn't serve me too well, as I have forgotten the actors and actresses and the singer of the Greek version, but it caused quite a stir.

Compared to other cartoon/anime dubs I've seen, the voice acting was superb and I occasionally see some episodes running on regional channels. It's always very enjoyable, I must say. The anime style of that era happens to be my favorite: detailed, beautiful, hand-drawn landscapes, rather realistic character designs, without the featureless faces seen in modern productions...

It marked my youth. Although many people would say it was a girlie show, lots of boys watched it. Even now, as an adult, I can watch it and get pleasure from it.

Those were the days... Really great anime and cartoon shows, with well-written scenarios and complex character descriptions.
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Candy Candy Fan Club
candyfansclub11 December 2009
I first saw Candy Candy while I was a little girl living in Hong Kong in the late 1970s. Her sweet demeanor, courage, and the many compelling stories captivated my imagination. Frankly, I haven't seen another anime since that touches my heart the way Candy Candy did, and still do whenever I watch her series again. I think it's a combination of excellent stories, characters and art work. Candy Candy is a true classic that should be carried on generation after generation.

Here is a Candy Candy fan club for all her fans. Keep Candy Alive for generations to come!! (just copy and paste this link to your browser or email me at
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One of my favourite Japanese anime ever! :)
SushioBruna6 November 2007
My mum decided one day to show me and my sister Candy Candy for a girly movie night and we were like 'a 30 year old anime that you liked when you were little? muum we're teenagers! we've got better things to watch' But after watching a few episodes we were obsessed with Candy (even singing the title song at random times)!! :) The storyline is absolutely the sweetest and saddest ever and it is soo soo funny and romantic! It made me feel so many emotions... It was nice for my mum to see it again cos it reminded her of her childhood and its is now part of me and my sister which is great(or cheesy...dunno :P)!! i will always love Candy, and Terry and all her friends!! My mum also says that i remind her of Candy yay!:) Ooohh yeah, and i recommend Perrine Monogatari which i watched when i was 10 and Tom Sawyer no Bōken which is basically The adventure of Tom sawyer...:)
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One of the Best animes of all time.
angelisaaccastillo22 January 2007
Candy Candy is one of the best animes I have ever seen. I rewmber seeing this anime in the early 90s were in my country it was called Candy Candy Candy. Later on when In 2000 when remember the anime series I found out that it was originally a prose novel turned into a manga series, turned into an anime series and that because of legal problems between the writer and drawer it is likely that it will never be seen on TV for a long time. I also found out that the story was never finnished and that there is one third novel that was never turned into part of the anime nor the manga series. I just hope that in the future both the writer and drawer come to an agreement and the anime and manga will be re-mastered and sold overseas someday.
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I smiled, I cried, I loved and let go ... sweet memories from a magnificent cartoon
amalia_dan6 March 2012
I saw the Japanese series a long way back, when i was just a little kid. I never forgot the child holding a white rose or the opening/ending theme songs ... I still remember singing them (in my own way of course) when I used to play on a swing. I saw it again now, being a grown up. It impressed me deeply, as it shows life through the eyes of a child always bright, what it means to endure when it's difficult, how hard it is to let go ... a lesson of how life is, beautifully carved with strong character types. A cartoon that shows most of the lessons a person goes through as it matures. Smiles, tears, joy, sadness, achievements, failures, love, hate, friendship, hostility ... you name it, and you'll probably find it here. Maybe we should learn to smile more, to love more, to be more cheerful and optimistic, to let go.
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This anime is a gem, it's so full of emotions and stories.
smurfin-mail30 April 2018
This is a must watch for everyone doesn't matter how old you are and what year you find it.

Following the life of an orphan girl from baby to adulthood surrounded by people that truly love her and despise her. There are a lot going on throughout the story and always full of emotions from sadness to happiness, anger to laughter, rivalry to friendship, also romance and despair. There is never a dull moment and the pacing is just right.

Infinity out of 10. If you miss this anime in this lifetime, be sure to check it out in the next life xD
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wow! So many remembers it!
thechinizzdee15 June 2007
Wow! I was very surprised to see that there where so many people who remembers and loves the Candy Candy series. I like many others in here also remembers Candy from my childhood and I nearly cried when I a couple days ago found some episodes with English subtitles. The anthem is so sad and if you know the plot of the story you get even more emotional. At first I saw it in Japanese, and even though I didn't understand halt of what they said, the pictures and music brings up the intended emotions. After seen the Japanese version I found it in English, and it was even BETTER! When you really understand the lyrics to the opening song, you cry even before seen det series :) I strongly recommend this anime, and hope that they some day will release all 115 episodes in English (or at least with English subtitles!)
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It's not of the Best animes of the years 70
guzmandelarosa-8405320 March 2022
This anime will not be perfect for the family and also will never be remembered because better if candy loved Anthony she should give up her pony home behavior and thus tragedies would not occur and that is why the Leagan family was more successful. So if candy better wanted to stay in the pony home she better tell Anthony that she better break her heart and she would never be adopted by those arrogant and capricious rich families.
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Hearing the signature melody I feel like crying...
Pam_K15 April 2003
...this is a cartoon I strongly remember from my childhood. Couldn't have been more than five years old when my parents brought home Candy Candy for the first time. In each episode there's both laughter, crying, love and evil. Candy's originally an orphan found in the snow one day by one of the teachers from the orphanage. She grows up there but get's adopted. This family she gets to isn't such a pleasant family. Well, the father is, but the children and their mother is dreadful. While living with them Candy falls in love with a beautiful stranger that she meets one day in the forrest.

I really loved this cartoon as a child and I still do. Can't wait until I get children of my own so that I can introduce them to the wonderful world of Candy.

For those who liked Candy Candy, I recommend Sandybell, or Hello Sandybell as it is called.
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Watch it if you need to cry
harshamajeed4 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have no idea how much I cried because of this anime. I wonder at which point I felt like I wanna see it. It's a story of girl who give happiness to others and only face difficulties in life. At least I thought she'll end up with Terry and ge choose another girl. That's the part I hated the most he was a tomboy and made decisions himself later he totally became a coward I really felt sorry for candy. This anime can totally ruin your days that's for sure.
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Growing Up in Mexico
manatus226 July 2006
I guess for those of us who grew up with the adventures of Candy Candy, at least the way I feel, is that she became part of me. Even now, as an adult, when things go not as expected or even when things go right, I reminisce on the lessons learned about life, love, friendship, hard work, forgiveness and a positive outlook in life... and I can not help but bring out a big smile and hum or sing the entrance tune. Candy candy became a companion through those sometimes ackward pre-teen and teen years and showed me that there is always hope for a better tomorrow and it starts with our choices today. It is wonderful. I simply love watching it. I never tire of it. : ) If you have not had the opportunity to see the series... I hope you will, so you might discover the beautiful world of Candy candy.
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It's great
artisticscorpio29 August 2006
I have seen the series. All of it. I watched it when I was a little girl, as a teenager and now as a young adult. It still makes me cry and it helps me to remember that no matter what we go through in life we must always keep a positive attitude. It also reminds me of the many envious people I have met thought my life. I wish they would play this animation in the United States, it would help many children who suffer for any reason and it would teach them to always be good to people. I think we need more of this cartoons instead of the violent ones that are shown on TV. It is not only that the animation is pretty, but the message behind it is beautiful too, and for those of us who watched it in our childhood it brings great memories.
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The best anime. simple as that and if u disagree you get no maidens
papsavvas-6042210 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Its the best one. Simple as that. Candy goes from a crying little girl who clings to the one she loves to being more independend, mature, successful and most importantly knowing how to control her emotions. This show most importantly teaches who and what to invest your time in. The character development was way ahead of its time and although some episodes are fillers, they are by far not useless (unlike other anime) due to the fact that they play a crucial role to Candy's character and development as a person.
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Candy Candy - A Coming of Age Story
sandrinenzenza7 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Candy Candy" is one of the best anime of all times. I'm Belgian and I was watching this anime on French television as a kid. Only recently, I finished the 115 episodes as an adult and "Candy Candy" is still beautiful. The quality of pictures is amazing and the characters are well drawn. It depicts the story of Candy, a young orphan in the US at the end of the 19th and beginning of 20th century. It's a coming of age story and historical romance. I'm very nostalgic thinking of Candy, her triumph, passions and hardship. It's a beautiful tale about finding yourself, romantic love and friendship. Candy has to find herself even though she doesn't know where she comes from, being an orphan. On her way to womanhood, she will encounter many demons in the shape of her attempted adoptive brother and sister: Neil and Elisa. Ruth Lagan, their mother, is more like the evil stepmother from Cinderella. Candy has also a lot of friends who can be compared to angels, always watching over her: Annie, Archibald, Patricia, Alistair, Anthony, Miss Pony, Miss Maria, Terry and Albert aka William Andre. It seems that Candy doesn't have much luck in love with the death of her first love Anthony and the separation from Terry, the passionate love. However at the end, she finally meets Uncle William who is Albert and the prince of the Hill, she always longed for. She saw a resemblance of the prince of the Hill in Anthony and that's how she fell in love. Terry resembled Anthony in a way. Candy was therefore longing for the prince of The Hill in all her romantic relationships and it's only at the end of her journey that she uncovers the truth and meets him again. "Candy Candy" is a great anime and such quality isn't found anymore nowadays. It deals with such deep issues and brings the spectator to intense moments of sentimentality and nostalgia through the story and the music playing in the background. I really hope this anime will be shown again. It doesn't age and resonates through all generations.
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My childhood
pinar-sak16 April 2020
This was the best cartoon in my childhood :) just love it so much :)
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I hate this drama
guzmanchumino12 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't want this anime because it has many tragedies, for example: Anthony's death, marked too much sadness in the Ardley family, and that's why I don't want to see this anime and also if I were Candy I would tell Archie, Stear and Anthony that I am not interested in being part of their families, and that I prefer to be poor and stay in the pony's home, also the Stear thing is the worst of all, and the ending was horrible and mediocre. So I don't approve the anime. If I were from the pony home I would have to find a way to continue my path and my life, I would also have to know what the family that wants to adopt me is like, I must know if that family wants to adopt me and then I would know that they would challenge me for disobeying the rules of the family that wanted to adopt me and for that reason I would better stay in the pony home and tell Miss Pony and Sister Maria that those families made me unhappy and I would prefer the pony home better and that I would never want to be adopted by those rich, arrogant and capricious families. So I don't love this anime and better not accept it and it's not recommended for family. It's Better than Candy gets prohibited in the TV.
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Its wonderful
juanm_rdz22 June 2002
I saw candy candy since 1980 and its simple the best anime ever made in that decade, The story of this orphan her childhood, her friends, the grownup to the teenage and the people her love, forget romantic novels, forget titanic, this is the most romantic cartoon ever made. If are you sad or unhappy see it! because this little girl and her adventures make you smile and make you to see the life in other form. In my country this anime is a great successful event and I dont lose the repetitions of this anime. Its wonderful. My qualification 10/10
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#32. RA and CANDY CANDY (1976)
tobiaswellworth22 July 2022
To me, Candy Candy was always the epitome of kitsch. The over-the-top drama, coupled with the overload of pinks, laces, and ruffles wasn't even feminine; it was surreal.

I'm sure the creators were trying to hit some of those tragedy marks that made Marco (1976) so poignant, but this whole show only made me and my brother and sister laugh like crazy.

Candy Candy was way too much and that was awesome. Even her eyes had a hallucinating amount of sparkles that made her look alien.

In a nutshell: this show was a BLAST!
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Again with the Attakku No. 1/Rupan Sansei Part II Syndrome
TooKakkoiiforYou_3215 April 2023
Again with a series overstretched to a 100+ episodes runtime with no reason to do it other than somebody dictated it, and again the ideas were lost before the final 115 episode landmark and in particular by episode 90 all that it was left was a streak of bad episodes after bad episodes after episode with padded time thanks to prolonged closeups etc. Etc. Etc. At least in this case before the 91 episode landmark the material was all top notch, so I give it an 8 out of 10 for the sheer awesomeness of what happened in that period of time, amongst the best ever put on screen in terms of shoujo animation, and for the fact that it lasted longer than with the series in the title of this review.
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A must see!
mosxoulaxrousi10 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Candy Candy is such un underrated series, used to watch it as a child and still do. It teaches so many meaningful lessons. I would say it is absolutely a comfort watch, as it gives the feeling of a warm blanket, where you can let all your emotions show with Candy's special company.

Emotionally, I would give this a 10/10. But with all the drama between the series' creators the series could have been more carefully handled.

The plot is great , although I will always skip the ending, after some rewatches. For the reason that, I will always, spoiler ahead, be a Terry person !

We should all learn from Candy's strength, passion about life , and thankfulness. Bring love to others, always !
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Best of all times!!!
jceci16 October 2022
I love this show Candy Candy. They used to be my favorite cartoon since I was little in 1980 and on. I keep watching them until I was old since they repeat them in Dominican Republic. For us this type of cartoon teaches kids good morals and to be affectionate because they are very sentimental. I used to dream of Anthony and Terry it was like a soap opera for kids. Even when I went to Spain in the year 2000 and I was already in my 20's I watched it over there too but the Spaniard version which is different than the Latin American Spanish doubled version. I liked our version better from Latin America. It sounded more like them. I own two video cds with the whole show which I bought on eBay and I watch it from time to time. I never get tire of it. There will never be any cartoons like Candy Candy. And the two main song I love them. I memorized them and use to play singing it. I still remember them word by word. It's so amazing I wish kids now would enjoy watching something like that instead of all the violence they now watch. Hope you can watch it if you haven't.
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Best Anime of All Time
bianchileo-9028925 November 2022
There are no exaggerations here, there is only a deep dose of optimism and hope for whatever happens to us to never give up. We would be different people without Candy and her friends as we grew up with them with tears, smiles, laughter, and joyful moments.

In my opinion, since I am a big fan, I assume that one must read the manga and the novel to get the story well.

A very moving story, with wholehearted friendships of a lifetime, inspiring, ardent romance, enormous love as well as profound morality from the hidden hero.

The meaning of the scenario is deep and chasmic and I'm pretty sure is never forgettable.

A superb combination of the soundtrack.

I hope it continues (one day again) AND the manga too and a new book as well.
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