Silent Hill 2 (Video Game 2001) Poster

(2001 Video Game)

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Masterful, disturbing, intelligent, horrifying- a perfect example of the video game as a respectable art form
NightTrekker8 October 2002
I'm constantly frustrated by the ignorance of those who dismiss video games as childish and worthless. I suppose it's not surprised that non-players have unfavorable views about them- many are unoriginal, pointlessly graphic, incompetently written, and poorly designed. I might point out that an extreme variation in quality is also present in cinema, though I doubt that many will disagree that cinema is a legitimate art form. The video game is a fledgling medium that has yet to solidify a position of respect (and let me say, not without reason considering the quality of most titles). I don't know if that will happen within my lifetime, but games like Silent Hill 2 make me confident that it WILL happen.

As a fan of the Resident Evil series, I was ready to rip this "pathetic copycat" title (the original SH) to shreds. That changed swiftly after I played it. I love the RE games, but they take a definite back seat--in every category--to Konami's survival/horror masterpiece. And when the time came, I was doubtful that Konami could pull off a sequel of equal or remote quality to the first game, but I was proved wrong.

Everything about Silent Hill 2 is excellent--the graphics, the voice acting (I'd like to hear these newcomers in other roles), a musical score which rivals--and shames--many film soundtracks, the writing (considering it's been translated by the industry that gave us "the master of unlocking", it's very well done), the design--the list continues. Others may tell you that the SH games have poor story lines, but this is likely because they expected mindless fun. To enjoy the series the player must be willing to participate, in thought as well as action.

Many people--especially parents, I'm sure--will be turned off by the edgy content in Silent Hill 2 and will subsequently dismiss it as valueless. Yes, there's blood is spilled; yes, there are disturbing images; yes, (in Silent Hill 2) there are strong sexual overtones; and yes, this would be a poor choice for the less mature or easily frightened; but ALL of it is essential in the creation of atmosphere, emotion, and storyline- in short, the entire experience. This is a cerebral, mature series--I doubt that younger children would get anything out of the game, save confusion and nightmares. But it's important to point out that this is NOT about blood and gore--it's about character. This is by far the most character-driven (non-RPG) series I've experienced.

Not too long ago I was discussing video games with a professor of mine, an intelligent person whose opinion I respect and value. I was surprised that she was somewhat familiar with the Resident Evil titles and even more surprised that she knew anything of the Silent Hill series. I had to agree that with her statement that the RE story lines are derivative--the concept is nothing original and the dialog has always been a weak point for the series--but I was shocked when she dismissed SH just as readily. I'm convinced she either knows nothing at all about the Silent Hill games (has likely never played them, not to mention completed them--is it not incredibly presumptuous to judge a book after reading only a few chapters?) or that she looks down upon video games in general. She wouldn't be the first person.

My frustration with such people is outweighed only by regret, that the artists behind these creations are not receiving the respect they deserve.

On the off chance that you're reading this, professor, you were wrong.
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A Masterpiece of Art that takes place on a very quiet hill.
I recently purchased a PS2 and with it a copy of Silent Hill 2. I haven't really read any of the reviews and bought it solely because of the original Silent Hill, which is a classic.

Upon popping the disc in my system, I was immediately astonished by the weird, creepy and distinctive atmosphere of the beginning. I knew at that moment, that this wasn't like any other "horror" game I have ever played. This game is impressive on every level. The visuals and sound are so polished and atmospheric, that the experience is way more immersive than even today's standards of graphics. The action is well balanced with puzzles and, luckily, Silent Hill 2 didn't forget the running away aspect of survival-horror games (as many new games do forget). But the real knock-out is the massive, deep and emotional story line, that keeps you guessing and never really let's you in on what's real, and what's not. All of these features add up to what is Silent Hill 2, the scariest game I have ever played.

In all, Silent Hill 2's creepy, yet beautiful visuals, haunting story and terrifying sounds are definitive proof that video games can be art, and darn fine art at that.
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Sad and horrifying yet quite beautiful
P9712 February 2019
A masterpiece in storytelling and atmospheric environment, this game is every bit as great as everyone says it is and team silent really did something special here.

The characters look and feel real, the game goes deep into the human emotions and depression the way that no game at the time had ever done before, literally each and every corner of this game has a creepy story behind it, specially the incredible music of the game.

It's a heartbreaking experience, a very sad tale about grief, loss, loneliness, bullying, sexual ebuse and many more messed up things that you will never forget and it's one of the greatest psychological horror games ever made.
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mrcool11222 February 2003
Wow. This game embodies everything that horror movies should be. Oh sure, the gameplay leaves some things to be desired, but that's like criticizing a good movie because the video had poor picture quality. Enjoy this game for the imagery, the eerie sense of...scary things, and the plot. Yes, that's right: plot. This video game is plot-driven; not like Resident Evil which can be summed up thusly: We Have to Kill Things.

The sound effects and scenes are better-done than in any other comparable video game, and most motion pictures too. But, heh, the lines are pretty dumb and the voice acting isn't that great, but, hey, it's a Japanese translation so you'd expect it not to be that great of an exercise in dialogue.

If you're a horror-movie aficionado, even if you're not a regular gamer, try this game. Or, if you're sick and tired of the crappy crap that is put out by the gaming industry, try this! It's good!

And don't come crying saying it was "boring" or something. You obviously played this game for the wrong reasons.
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Creepiest video game I've ever played
culwin15 December 2001
Wow. If there's one video game out there deserving of the "M - Mature" rating, this is it. This game is creepy, disturbing, insane. The designers of this game really accomplished what they set out to do - scare you!! You have been warned.

This game was way better than the first "Silent Hill". The graphics are sharper, the atmosphere is creepier, and the puzzles are better. I have only one complaint, I wish the game would have been longer. But you can play it over again, and try to get all of the 5 possible endings - if you've got the guts! But whatever you do, don't play this with the lights off!
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Silent game
minusfront7 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
There was rarely a computer game (or a series) that has been as underrated as Silent Hill. In last few years many excellent videogames were made, mostly because of ever increased processor and other hardware/software power, and the goals are clear: to generate animated objects and whole experience on (for now) screens as real and similar to our perception of reality as possible. We didn't perfect it yet, but some products are very close. Certainly the best and most promising of them is the game Silent Hill.

Most computer games were focused on shooting or searching or some similar repetitive activity with almost no or very obscure storyline, and besides many did a poor job at graphics and programming. If you want to imitate reality (or maybe a movie, with ability to interact) you immediately face some great problems, as how to generate and operate with such an enormous amount of (mostly random) data, for example, to make a human skin or a forest or water.

The team that produced Silent Hill did a revolution in computer game industry. They didn't just manage to make an excellent graphic imitation of 'real' world (in my opinion, by now the best), they, for the very first time, tried to come as close as possible to the term 'interactive movie'. Playing Silent Hill with such cinematic feelings goes beyond every 'normal', non-interactive movie: all the time you have the feeling that YOU participate in the game; that you are not just observer, but you PLAY a 'REAL' character.

It is interesting that everything started with the horror genre. There are only a few horror videogames on the market, among thousands of others. I think it's because fear produces one of the most prominent, or extreme, mental feelings. In movie industry horror genre is very specific; especially if you add 'psychological'. In Japan they also did a great job with movies like Ringu (Ring), in 1999. It is the same year the first Silent Hill (SH1) was produced - also a work of a team from Japan. It was very good game and it still is. Only graphic (it was made for playstation 1) was a little poor, although still excellent.

With a sequel, Silent Hill 2, two years later, the (same) team made an enormous leap. At the first look, greatest difference was made at graphic part. Characters look unbeliveable real, even in gameplay, and surroundings are sometimes rendered with such details almost as a real world, not to mention light effects and shadows. And the whole game you play either in total darkness with (or without) flashlight attached, or in a thick fog. If you add work of a music genius (Akira Yamaoka), who makes extremely effective pace with gorgeous music/sound effects, which go from gentle ambient music to loud industrial-mechanical grinding noise. And of course, there is a genius mark - SILENCE. Yamaoka claims that the silence is also a sound, just its opposite part, and how right he is!

Silent Hill 2 is not just psychological-horror game. It is in fact a very weird, underrated, hard to understand and also one of the most beautiful love stories ever made. It is built from very simple elements; they are so simple they are very easy to miss, and there is a unique combination of them: fear, love, life, death, chaos, supported by some twists that make all thing somehow complicated. As you play it, all the time new secrets and mysteries appear, and only a few can be explained. But another mark of genius in the game is the fact that the story reveals just a little bit of useful information. You are mostly afraid of the things you DON'T know or see or understand; and that is also an attractive part. It makes you THINK; you interact with the story! Thus, there are alternative endings: certain ending depends on HOW you will play the game. There is only one unreached step left ahead: to get YOUR OWN ending.

I won't tell you anything about the story! And I STRONGLY recommend that you play it slowly, at night with lights off, and play it without a guide or a walkthrough. It will spoil everything, believe me.

It is also unnecessary to tell you anything special about characters, enemies, secrets, weapons, storyline, drama, scenario or anything else: everything is just GREAT. See it on your own. Yes, the team made everything almost perfect. There is no need and no right to criticize anything in this game, because for now it is the one and only. No need to talk about other games; they don't reach SH by far. So my advice for everyone who wants unique cinematic/game fear/love experience is this: go to the shop (or rent it), take your time and play it. Ah, the package: you get (mostly, I think, I am sure for a PS2 version) beautiful double DVD digi-pack, which is on its own a work of art. On second DVD you get tons of great documentary how the game was made and also some explanations. But warning: use that DVD AFTER you finished the game. Otherwise it is a spoiler.

Silent Hill 2 is still relatively far from perfect imitation of reality; heck, even Final Fantasy (the Movie) didn't reach it. But it is enormous and rich psychological/visual experience. At the time I played it I just couldn't watch movies - it was so boring not to interact with characters, and a few times I took a joypad in my hands by mistake...

I just wonder if someone will ever make a SH movie!! But I'm almost afraid of that. If someone will it'll have to be a revolution. With an exception of some David Lynch almost every other Hollywood director would make something like mix between Night of the Living Dead and Matrix. But let's hope it'll avoid Hollywood and stay on its own ground ...

With Silent Hill, 50 people worked on the game for about 2 years, usually more than production time of a HW movie. But it is not far away a moment when you will insert a 'movie', make some presets, start to play it (with joypad or something) ... and move, for example, 'real' Keanu Reeves or Jack Nicholson around the screen...

So Silent Hill will certainly not remain 'silent'.

10/10 (deserves at least 17).

Mary? Can you really be in this town ...
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The Best Game Of All Time, And That Is An Understatement.
Patience_Is_A_Virtue29 July 2007
I seriously cannot get enough of this game, I've played it four times now and I still get stuck and confused in parts. The storyline still never ceases to amaze me and I still can't get enough of it. There can't be another game series like Silent Hill, it is unique in it's own special way. Sure, the first one always prevails as the scariest of the latter, being the original game, but there's something about Silent Hill 2. It's just the most amazing game I've ever played. I knew I was going to be in for some scares, but nothing could have prepared me for what I actually felt while playing it. It's not just a scary game, it's literally terrifying, and like I said I can't get enough of it. It has such a complex storyline that always leaves you wondering. The cut-scenes are just 'WOW' now there's some great graphic design. The first game might have been the scariest, but THIS is the more stylish of the two. The graphics are great and wonderful to look at, the darkness that always surrounds you makes it hard to keep playing but once you're eventually used to it, there's no going back. I can't think how Resident Evil is the overall more popular game series of the two. Don't get me wrong, I love Resident Evil, but Silent Hill is something special. There are a thousand games out there like RE, but are there a thousand games out there like Silent Hill? No, sir! There certainly aren't. I've played many games and I can't think of any game that even compares to Silent Hill. These games are just godly. I will continue to play them, I'll try to get my hands on Silent Hill 3 next, and I have to say I can't wait. I've never been so excited to play a video game before. But with Silent Hill, whether you're into playing video games or not, you'll love every friggin' second of it.
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How did y...? You went ahead and topped it!
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews7 February 2010
I base this upon the Director's Cut version, and I played this on the PC. Apart from letting you to save at any point(which I'm not sure you can do on the PS2), I don't think the latter changes anything. The former, however, means that you get a sub scenario, where you play as Maria, who, for how skinny she is, is not in very good shape; she can only run for a few seconds straight before she slows down and has to catch her breath if she is to maintain a reasonable pace. It's *really* short, only one, maybe two hours of playing time. There is only a single outcome, it doesn't take you to many new areas, and there are only two new weapons, a revolver(that somehow holds ten bullets) and a meat cleaver. I would almost go so far as to argue that it potentially detracts from the main game, if you take it as 100% canonical. Then again, what add-on or expansion pack doesn't, in some way? It's still worth it, I'd say. I'd go for the DC if you enjoy these. It also improves the graphics, and those are excellent in this, regardless of release: The beautiful, impeccably done and realistic lighting, shadows, weather effects, "static noise"(invaluable for the mood), the *gorgeous* CGI cut-scenes(and the in-engine ones, that now have their mouths move, if perhaps not always perfectly synced), the cinematography that gets to be even freer and it's been loosened up, that it helps a ton and the dynamic camera(that brings with it immensely interesting and effective angles) that you can exert limited control over all add up to make this a truly cinematic experience. Something that demands mention is the sound-side(including the amazing music, that is well-composed and fitting, never loud or noisy). With a subtlety unique to this series, this has you firmly glued to the seat, uneasy, and sometimes jumping out of it. When the two are put together, the most exquisite atmosphere is built up and maintained. The fear comes from the eerie surroundings, the grotesque, nightmarish creatures that are your enemies(on that, there are sadly not as many different types as in the original, and they are not as varied this time around, and although I completely understand why, this does impact the overall experience), the small town being abandoned and so nearly quaint, only... not quite. There is little brutality. This is for delving into. Not everyone will enjoy it. Imagine playing through a horror masterpiece, one of the Asian ones or one by John Carpenter. This is plot-driven, ambiguous, metaphorical and can be interpreted, and while I love the story of the first, this is definitely the more psychological one. You are James Sunderland, whose wife passed away three years away earlier, because of a terminal illness. Or did she? You receive a letter from her, telling you that she is waiting for you... in Silent Hill. Where she liked to be when she was alive. Because she is dead. Right? With three difficulty settings for puzzles and four for action, this can be played by new-comers as well as veterans. It's easy to get into, and impossibly engaging. There is still no HUD, and one is not missed. The game-play has you exploring, discovering clues to piece together what is going on, solving the well-done enigmas and fighting foes. This has a vastly improved(if not entirely flawless) combat system, with a target-lock and where it's not hard to tell if you're aiming directly at the being. Something that gives you the means to put safe distance between them and you is the Wooden Plank(with a nail at the business end), that allows you to run past them and *smack* them with it as you pass them. The radio that emits static when monsters are nearby returns, and you can adjust its volume now. Controls are relatively basic, and there's not a single superfluous command to be found. You can side-step this time. The map is present again, and notes made are better than before. "Memos" is a great feature that means that you don't need a pad and pen with you when you play. The characters are credible and distinguish themselves, and none of them could be written out without losing something vital to the whole. There are several endings, and this has plenty of replay value. It is not as long as the 1st one; I can't entirely determine by how much, however, you can tell. That makes sense, when you know and think about what this is about at its core, and compare that to what the other was. What's awesome is that both are astounding, and this follow-up doesn't go for the *exact* same thing; the flavor is the same, and yet the essence is sufficiently different that this doesn't condemn the other to the background. I have only played these two, but I've heard that this is the best, and I honestly can't imagine the next ones being as strong and well-produced as this. Any animated(as opposed to scripted sequences) video you've unlocked can be viewed at any time from the menu that has the introductory collage(similar to the one that opens the previous VG), a trailer for this and two for the third one, and of course the credits for this. Every role in this was subject to spot-on casting. The voice acting is marvelous, in spite of, well, while poetic and getting the point across nicely, the dialog does not always come off as natural. It was translated from Japanese, that is probably why. This has nearly no bugs or glitches, and I found no big ones whatsoever. There is a ton of disturbing content, a lot of bloody violence(a little of it is grisly), and finally a tiny bit of repelling sexuality in this. I recommend this to any fan of gloomy, terrifying, creepy, well-told and intelligent entries in the genre. Yes, whether or not you usually play games. 10/10
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The best story ever told through the video game medium
Analog_Devotee7 September 2020
James Sunderland pops into my mind all the time, along with the setting of Silent Hill itself. After playing this game, you'll never look at fog or emotional loss the same ever again. Does the gameplay itself hold up after 19 years? Maybe not, but the quality of the story will remain as strong now as it did back then, and will only continue to get better with age due to how many lackluster stories there are in video games these days. Simply put: They don't make 'em like this anymore, folks, so there ain't no reason to sleep on it any further.

It goes without saying that the story in Silent Hill 2 has remained unmatched, but an overlooked part of this game--arguably just as important--is the atmosphere. While I don't play video games as much as I used to, I've never seen or played anything that came close to the dread this game so effortlessly radiates. With the lights off, you feel like you're standing right next to James on his journey through the peculiar, decrepit town of Silent Hill.

The side characters are also typically neglected when people praise this game. They're all just as interesting to learn about as James; especially Eddie. You connect with them in different ways, depending on the events that have happened in your own life, and I believe this was intentional and an integral part of why they wrote them to be so believable and realistic.

All in all, I think this is by far the best video game ever created--especially if you're into horror. Psychological horror in both film and literature can easily pale in comparison.
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Where is the HOLE? It's in your mind.
HeyRhodoks19 May 2020
Silent Hill 2 is not just a mysterious and horror game, but also contains a lot of psychological content. People change memories for defensive reasons. James wanted to get away from what he had done, but the shock was so great that he was delusional. The monsters in the game are also a reflection of the characters' psychological problems. Multiple endings increase the gameplay, and dog ending is a bit ironic.
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A Horror Game for the Ages
mattgmh22 September 2019
For a game released in 2001, Silent Hill 2 is one of the earliest video games to have a thought-provoking, complex, and emotional story. I've played this game more times than any other game to the point where I longer feel scared of it. When I first played it, it was definitely terrifying having monsters that have a tragic symbolism relating to the playable character and his late wife.

The game not only looks good to this day, but it's controls never aged badly. It's riddles are complex and it's difficulty can be challenging. The music is also the heart of the game with Akira Yamaoka composing the entirety of the game's soundtrack.

To this day, I can play this game without getting bored of playing. It's not just one of my favorite video games on the PS2, but one of the greatest games I ever played. Silent Hill 2 is also the most important game in video game history that brought the survival horror genre to the mainstream. Many other horror gaming franchises look to this game as an inspiration and it's no doubt that this game will become timeless for years to come.
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A masterpiece.
razz44999 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I remember playing the first game of this series, Silent Hill, for PlayStation back in 1999, and it terrified me. Although, from the horror and dark atmosphere of the game, I came to love it. That was when I was 6.

It was only a few years later when I remembered the Silent Hill series, and decided to give one of the games for PS2 a try. So, I brought Silent Hill 2... and I was exhilarated.

James Sunderland, a widower, receives a mysterious letter from his deceased wife who has supposedly died from a deadly disease 3 years ago, and tells him that she is 'waiting for him in the town of Silent Hill'. And so, James makes a journey to the haunting abandoned town of Silent Hill to find his wife, and uncover the dark secrets of the town, the people and himself...

Silent Hill 2 is a masterpiece in all elements - the atmosphere is spine-chilling, the town itself is mysterious shrouded in the thick fog, the creatures lurking there are amazingly designed, the music is brilliantly composed, creating the essence of the game giving you emotions of fear, wonder, sorrow and mystery. But the story itself, is so deeply captivating and mysterious, you just can't turn the console off until the story is solved: I have never been close to crying playing a game before, and this one succeeded. The story is dark and chilling. The characters have so much life in them, and all have a back story that will be discovered when proceeding further into the game.

It's not just your everyday survival horror game, it's something much more. This game is probably my favourite of all the Silent Hill games, and is a well-created, intelligent, haunting, beautiful, mysterious, brilliant, artistic masterpiece. :] I give this a 10, for being one of the greatest games of all time. I recommend you play this. It's a creepy game, but don't let that put you off... you'll love it!
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Honestly, this is the worst of the 4 Silent Hill games
EasternZZ25 July 2020
It is not a bad game, but this game is very clunky, some pretty bad camera, and it just isn't really fun to play honestly. There is also surprisingly a ton of backtracking, as well as the game being so dark at time you literally cannot see what you are doing. James is actually a horrible human being, and you can't relate to this guy at all. Once you figure out what he is about, he is not of an antagonist than protagonist.

Silent Hill 1 is better because it had a nice mystery to it and there really isn't that much backtracking in my opinion. It also has a better protagonist. Harry is a great character.

Silent Hill 3 is better because the graphics are amazing, the combat is actually realy nice, and the story is great.

Silent Hill 4 is just plain awesome.

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An average horror gaming experience.
HotHamlet25 August 2022
Silent Hill 2 is a pretty average game. I really don't see what all the 10/10 reviewers are seeing that i am not.

This review is from someone who hasn't played any Silent Hill before it (including the first one). So maybe this is the reason as to why i'm not as big of a fan. Also i have absolutely no nostalgia for this game whatsoever.

The story of the game is fine (i guess). It is still to me (even after completing the game) a little confusing. I won't spoil it here but from what i understood and the ending i got i would say the story is passable but nothing particularly good.

The characters of the game are just meh. Simple as that. Rarely interesting and not unique in my eyes. Unique isn't always good but i will forget about these characters very quickly as i didn't care for any of them. That includes the main lead character and the enemies. Speaking of which, there are around 3 enemies in the game (that aren't bosses) that all look slightly different but act pretty much the same to me. Slightly different but not enough to make me go wow when a new one was introduced. The cast of this game was mediocre at best in my eyes. I played with the new voices not the old for the people wandering.

The horror aspect of this game is fine. But like everything else it's not particularly great. Everyone seem to praise this as if it's the best part of the game and is amazing compared to other horror titles. I completely disagree. The game could be terrifying to a 9 year old sure but anyone over the age of 15 that regularly plays horror won't find it like that at all. I thought the horror aspect was fine. The ambiance of the world and the enemy designs and sounds can be (at times) a little unsettling, but that's as far as it can ever go. Overall, the horror is fine but not as good as people claim in my eyes.

The gameplay of this game is fine. It's not particularly great or anything but it doesn't need to be. It's a survival horror going for more story and horror feel i believe. The gameplay whilst not being great is absolutely passable when it comes to this type of game. Also considering the release date of the game. I must say however, i did not like how much searching was involved. During the later parts of the game i used a walkthrough guide to complete the game as i couldn't be bothered searching and searching for minutes at a time. Even if you like exploration in games this will not do it for you. Exploring in this world for hours can feel tiring. Especially if you don't know what you're looking for.

The visuals are fine. For the time the game came out these visuals look absolutely fine. Like the gameplay it's not at all breath-taking, but isn't at all bad. That being said there where times the world felt repetitive for me, but this is largely saved by the game length. Any longer and it would start to get boring i believe.

Story - 4.5/10

Characters - 3.5/10

Horror - 5.5/10

Gameplay - 5/10

Visuals - 6/10

Overall this game isn't at all bad, just not as good as everyone claims.

5/10, don't recommend but it's not bad.
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Excellent... just excellent
tachilaki-112 October 2003
This game is a sequel to Silent Hill, the surprise hit videogame that came out in 1999 and scared the crap out of almost everyone who played it. Silent Hill 2 is quite different from the first one. It is completely independent, and it does that just right. This game, while nowhere near as scary as the first one, is more psychologically disturbing. The story has a theme of dealing with the ghosts of your past, which plays in very well with the psychologically deranged characters. The characters are more developed than in SH1, and the story is much better done. This game gains something that was missing from the first game, but loses something that the first game had. James Sunderland is my favorite character of all the games. It also has a twist near the end that I really didn't expect. A great game. Pick it up. I command you!
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"Silent Hill 2"- One of the greatest games ever created. Horror at its purest.
TedStixonAKAMaximumMadness10 November 2016
Since its inception nearly twenty years ago, "Silent Hill" has become a revolutionary and near-legendary entity in the world of horror. Its first four releases all amongst the most pure and psychologically impactful releases in modern day gaming, the franchise will forever hold a special place in the hearts of those of us who adore and appreciate pure, primal fear. Despite more recent entries in the franchise- now at the hands of various Western developers- having faltered and crumbled at times, that original quadrilogy of releases will always be admired as classics of the genre.

Perhaps the most popular of the ever-expanding media franchise is "Silent Hill 2", a game initially released fifteen years ago for Sony's smash-hit Playstation 2 console. And this is for very good reason. It is not only the definitive masterpiece of the "Silent Hill" saga, but also without doubt one of the finest games ever crafted. It oozes atmosphere at every step and turn. It draws gasps and tears with poignant and highly symbolic storytelling. It chills to the bone with expertly crafted scares on a near-constant basis. And it delivers one of the most emotionally complex and hard-hitting tales of its time, culminating in a beautiful and thoroughly engrossing experience unlike any other I've ever experienced. "Silent Hill 2" is simply perfection, and horror at its purest.

James Sunderland is a man lost. The death of his wife weighs heavily on his soul, leaving him feeling empty and hollow. However, one day he is startled by the arrival of a letter. A letter apparently written by his deceased wife, Mary, beckoning him to return to the town of Silent Hill- their "special place." Knowing that this letter cannot possible exist and questioning his own sanity in following its direction, James still chooses to return to the town where he had once spent time with his beloved wife. However, something is wrong. The town is near-abandoned, save for a handful of peculiar and equally haunted individuals. A thick fog covers the streets. And horrifying and twisted creates stalk the shadows, waiting to pounce at any moment. But James must go on... he must figure out if Mary is somehow still alive, and why he received the letter that called for him to come to such a Hellish realm...

At its core, the game is a shockingly deep and complicated analysis of concepts such as the impact of grief, the suppression of one's own demons and the ability to let go of what haunts us. Team Silent- creators of the first four games- wisely use the internal logic established by the original games to craft an ideal story-line to continue the franchise. Everything present in the game- from the design of the monsters, to the subtle set-dressings in the environments you explore, to even the most minor details in the way characters look and speak is deliberate and expertly planned. Everything here contributes to conveying the story of James and his emotional state as well as his past sins, and it's just absolutely marvelous. Those who are quick to pick up on symbolic imagery and double-meanings will have a field day analyzing every facet of the game, while others who are not used to such critical thinking will still be able to enjoy it for its atmospheric thrills and touching story development. It really is a game that is rewarding to players of all types, and everyone will get something out of the experience, which is quite the accomplishment for the developers.

Looking at the game from a more basic standpoint in terms of cosmetics and game-play, it still delivers the goods ten-fold thanks to incredible visuals and design and expert use of atmosphere. Despite its age, the timeless and wickedly subversive design-work done here holds up wonderfully, and the graphics are still very admirable even two console generations later. Character models are highly detailed and convey great emotion, which helps usher us into the story-line. Environment design is top-notch, especially as the town occasionally transforms into a twisted and maniacal version of itself. And the monsters... my god, the monsters. Some of the most terrifying visages of evil ever crafted. You'll find yourself looking over your shoulder constantly during playthroughs with the sense of paranoia that is created through the atmospheric design. Add to that a pitch-perfect musical score and sound design work from series veteran Akira Yamaoka, and you have just the perfect recipe for terror. Controls are also incredible and contributes to the fear-factor of the game. Some may not be a fan of the old-school survival-horror set-up which can make it hard to navigate maps and fight off the borderline-demonic foes tracking you at every step, but I find it lends a lot to the suspense and perfectly compliments that sense of all-encompassing chills.

The fact of the matter is that this is an invaluable and important piece of gaming history and is a perfect example of video games as art. It's a fulfilling and terrifying experience that will haunt you years after you first pick up the controller and even to this day, its impact and inspiration is still being felt on a near- constant level. If you've never tried it or are even the slightest bit interested in experiencing it, I cannot recommend it highly enough. It's frightening. It's emotional. It's a masterpiece, plain and simple. And it is one of the greatest games ever created.

"Silent Hill 2" easily earns a perfect 10.
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One of my favorite games of all time and The Best Horror Game Ever Created
vivifan2 July 2018
I have been a big fan of the silent hill series ever since I was a teenager. I have played and beaten every game in the series. The series imo went downhill after the fourth game SH4 the room. Silent Hill 2 imo is the best game in the entire series for it's epic storyline, great atmosphere, Soundtrack, graphics, characters, endings, puzzles, monsters/art design, etc. The voice acting and writing is very good although at times it can be cheesy such as the famous... 'This town is full of monsters! How can you sit there and eat pizza?!'. But that really adds charm to the game to make it even more enjoyable. The game is rather challenging if it's your first time playing the game and to figure out where to go and what to do next. The characters are very interesting and complex such as the main character James Sunderland who is trying to find his long lost wife Mary who died of a disease but ending up getting a letter from her. I won't spoil the rest of the story because it's pretty darn amazing and it's right there with other great video game story's like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Uncharted 2, The last of Us etc. The game can be scary with it's tone and unexpected noises that can come out of nowhere. Simply put it If you love Horror games and a deep epic story look no further then Silent Hill 2. I will always cherish this game and it's something I recommend to anyone.
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As intelligent and thought-provoking as any novel
grimzag5 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As a movie-goer and a writer, I find it to be a rarity for a video game to really hit the same level of philosophical and metaphorical detail that is found in other media. Like all rules, however, there are exceptions; the two most notable would be the Metal Gear Solid series and, naturally, Silent Hill.

Of all the games in the series, Silent Hill 2 is probably my favourite. It proved me wrong by showing itself to be a more than capable successor to the awe-inspiring SH1, and its story was something to behold. Rather than fall into the basic trap of games that value action over story, Silent Hill 2 revolves around character development. As you progress through the horrors off the town, your connection with the main character (James Sunderland) grows. A masterstroke is achieved by making you doubt his past; as we learn, his wife didn't die 3 years ago, she was smothered to death by James (whether it was an act of euthanasia to end her terminal illness or an act of selfishness is determined by which ending you achieve).

But SH2's real claim to fame is the level of symbolism it achieves, something very few games can be accused of. For instance, the scantily-clad nurses and the hulking "Pyramid Head" all represent James' objectification of women and repressed sexual desires for his wife. This is especially interesting considering it's label as a "survival horror" (what level of symbolism is there in Resident Evil, for example?).

In short, SH2 is a masterwork of suspense and storytelling that should never be cast aside as a mere "videogame". To say so is to do injustice to one of the most intelligent productions in recent times.
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Oh my goodness.
witchcraftpentagrams19 August 2007
These games are amazing. I cannot believe somebody could come up with something so beautifully scary and entertaining. This one is the only one which doesn't have a cruelty and violence warning before you start playing. This one is so entertaining and interesting its just amazing it is so good that they come up with something so incredibly and crazily scary. I played this in the middle of the day and lots of noise around me and it still scared the hell out of me. The graphics are great along with the character design and other things like that. All the songs to the silent hill games are so good i have every one on my i pod. The openings to these games are incredible too. They have such good p.v.i or whatever they call it in the little movie things. But it as soon as you can.
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Survival Horror At Its Finest
daniel_sh8930 December 2013
My fond memories of Silent Hill 2 are often accompanied by a strangely mesmeric fascination with the depiction of Japanese horror and the unique way they convey it to the audience. While western horror mainly consists of running around with a chainsaw and slicing hordes of baddies, Japanese horror tends to be less direct about it - Its subtle, claustrophobic, and mostly psychological.

The most remarkable thing about the Silent Hill series and SH2, in particular, is that it managed to pull off what was once considered to be impossible to achieve in video game format - a truly chilling and yet strangely compelling survival horror experience, unburdened by the usual design flaws that characterized earlier games in the genre, such as Alone In The Dark and Resident Evil. Not only that, but Silent Hill 2 had such resounding success that(in my opinion) no one has ever been able to replicate it to the same degree. Moreover, the astonishingly pathetic attempts to bring the franchise to the big screen only cemented the notion that the Silent Hill games are nothing short of peerless in both storytelling and atmosphere.

It's a strange thing to say considering that a large portion of the game consists of running in fairly empty streets, often needing to resort to a pretty awkward combat system and the unwieldy nature of the in-game camera which somehow always finds the least comfortable position to be stuck in, especially when my character needs to get away from the horrors in a hurry - meaning pretty much all the bloody time. With that said, however, the sharp difficulty curve along with the crappy combat system and "unhinged" camera only serve to increase tension and feelings of discomfort whenever your lumbering hero is tasked with killing another monster. Couple that with the haunting atmosphere and you got yourself a pants-wetting experience that will linger in your mind and taint your dreams for a long time.

And then there's the story.

I won't spoil anything, but my advice for first-time gamers is to pay close attention to everything that transpires at any point in the game in order to properly understand the plot. Read all the documents and listen carefully to what the characters have to say, or rather what they don't say. Silent Hill 2's story is mostly told through metaphors and is one of its greatest strengths. Its ability to tell a rich, compelling, and thought provoking story without explicitly telling the player anything, is what separates a truly great writer from merely a good one. If any game is qualified to be called "art", it's definitely this one.

I don't mean that in a pretentious "art critic" kind of way, either. The story really isn't as impenetrable as some people would have you believe and neither is it very open for interpretation. It's merely subtly woven into the game in various places and only the keen eyed individuals will be able to piece all the clues together and trust me, It's a task well worth attempting as this is a story you do not wanna miss out on.
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True atmospheric horror!
stayfree-512777 July 2020
Absolutely outstanding game in the horror genre, not only for the physical horrors but also the fixed camera angles,the quietness,the all over atmosphere makes this a standout in great franchise
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Had to put my thoughts into words...
e-2312623 January 2019
Wow, I adore this game. I just recently finished this game, but I think it may be my favorite game of all time. Whether it be through emulation, the PC edition with the enhanced mod, an old ps2, (anything but the HD Collection, really) I urge EVERYONE to play this game. A game that, on the surface, is an effective atmospheric horror game, has one of the best stories I've ever experienced. Filled to the brim with symbolism, as you walk through the town of Silent Hill, you begin to empathize with James, the main character, unsure if what you're seeing is actually real or a product of the imagination, while also becoming more and more detached as more is revealed. James is one of the most tragic characters I've ever seen, and as you continue through this story of pain, depression, and guilt, what originally was thought of as an ordinary man becomes increasingly dark and bleak. The ability to tell this depressing and complex tale so effectively with such a little amount of words is nothing short of an accomplishment. A story of pain, guilt, depression, and pain. Please pick this one up anyway you can, as long as it isn't the HD collection.
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one of the Best piece of horror art ever made
Butchered-sonata3 October 2014
this is one of the creepiest / mind blow / psychological horror story ever told. the couple first time i played the game i was totally terrified , its amazingly horrifying , this is totally the perfect example of twisted psychological horror. if you haven't played this already , just go. my favourite game of all time the first and the third one are really great too but this one is perfect the creature are really disturbing really great graphic for its time (even today its aging well)horror fan (even if your not gamer)should absolutely love it I've seen a documentary about the making of of the game and they really put their heart in this game the story deserve an award- 10 out of 10
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Silent Hill 2 is a dark, atmospheric tale... which is also quite overrated.
johnboi17521 March 2016
The scary vibe and creepy/disturbing atmosphere is a great thing about SH2. There are some iconic scenes and monsters which are sure to scare the pants off of you. However, the game lost me a quarter way through. What is with all the goddamn puzzles and riddles?! It became quite ridiculous sometimes, and instead of scared I was just frustrated. Sometimes, you spend too much time in one area (for example, hospital), and it just becomes boring and tiresome. The creepiness was wasted in puzzles which take up 85 percent of the game. The combat was okay... But the puzzles! They are too sustained, and I lost track of what I was even doing in Silent Hill in the first place! Also, the checkpoints are absurd. Definitely overrated!
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Chilling and Beautiful
Xploitedyouth22 September 2002
I always thought that video games were due for some respect as a legitimate art form, but far too many games relish their positions as mindless gorefests. That's why this game is such a breath of fresh air. It combines all the best elements of a video game with the creepy ambiance of films like SEVEN. Even better is that the game gives you characters that are complex and troubled.

You play as James Sunderland. James lost his beloved wife Mary to a strange disease three years ago, and he's been drifting through his life in a deep depression since then. Then, out of the blue, he receives a letter signed by his late wife saying to meet her in the town of Silent Hill, a faorite vacation spot of theirs when they were married and the site of Mary's death. So James travels to the town, to find it devoid of natural human life and engulfed in fog. Something terrible has happened here, and James starts to learn the truth about the town's horribly mutated, monstrous inhabitants.

Few games have made characters seem so real. James doesn't have superpowers, and he isn't trying to survive any longer than it takes to find his wife. He's not searching for treaure, he's searching for a reason to live, and he doesn't necessarily care if he finds it. There are several other mysterious characters inhabiting the town. All have stories to tell, none of which are pretty, and we watch in fascination as various characters fold under the mental strain of the sights they are seeing.

By the end of the game, there are several questions left unanswered, and several new ones are raised. Where did the monster's come from? Where did the strange little girl come from, and how did she survive? And (most interestingly) does this nightmarish Silent Hill actually exist, or is it all a figment of James' twisted imagination?

The game provides some brilliant environments and creature design, some challenging puzzles and creepy, grainy camerawork. It uses these things to grab hold of your emotions and twist them around. Few games have ever been able to capture raw fear, but this one succeeds brilliantly. Most importantly of all, this game makes you think. This is a formula that more games of this genre should follow, if video games ever hope to receive respect as an art form.
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