Blood Lake (1987) Poster


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Amateurish SOV slasher junk.
HumanoidOfFlesh24 July 2012
The plot of "Blood Lake" is very simple:a group of partying teenagers is stalked and murdered by crazed killer in cowboy boots during their summertime holidays close to a large lake.There is water-skiing galore and extremely poor acting.The script is so bad that it was probably written by monkey.Long and tedious scenes which lead absolutely nowhere fill "Blood Lake".There are few gory killings including particularly nasty throat slitting,but the lack of suspense can't be forgiven.The film drags pointlessly to the point of extreme boredom.The killer is more laughable than menacing.So if you like hysterically bad slasher flicks like "Savage Water" or "Don't Go in the Woods" you can't go wrong with this amateurish "Friday the 13th" rip-off.3 killer cowboys out of 10.
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An 80's Horror Film
Uriah4325 August 2020
This film essentially begins with a car containing 6 young adults driving down a rural country road with a boat in tow amid high hopes of spending 3 days together at a summer house boating, skiing and swimming. However, when they get to the house they discover that the refrigerator is stocked with fresh food even though nobody has supposedly lived there for quite some time. Along with that, they also wonder what happened to the gardener who was supposed to be around when they arrived. What they don't know is that a deranged man has been lurking in this area and has already killed the gardener and has now set his sights on them as well. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a rather low-budget horror film which featured a lackluster script, hardly any suspense and poor special effects. In short, it wasn't as entertaining as it could have been but I attribute much of this to the limited budget and have rated it accordingly. Below average.
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I struggled to write this, forgive my ramblings
LuisitoJoaquinGonzalez14 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK so I admit I'm probably a bit different from the average guy on the street. A Spanish born, London-bred salesman with a few bizarre hobbies that you won't find everywhere. One of them is collecting and rating slasher movies, which as you can see by review list - is something that I'm very passionate about. I guess we all have our quirky individual characteristics (or flaws?)

Anyway, I digress. When reviewing a stalk and slash flick, no matter how bad it may be, I always try to put at least a thousand words down and give as thoughtful an insight as possible. I know very well that there are many people globally like me who love these old hack and slashers and some of them are really hard to find. However, no matter how much I enjoy staying up and writing in depth reports, sometimes it's a struggle to conjure such a large amount of words.

Blood Lake is an example when writer's block has struck. Maybe because it's an effort so empty that I feel I have already lost so much time watching it that I refuse to lose the same amount thinking of things to say? I am not sure, but my apologies if the review is short(er).

Now, I am all for a group of guys getting together with a camcorder and making a movie with their buddies. Let's face it, if I had the chance to do the same, then I would lap it up quicker than an alcoholic locked in an off licence. But I mean come on; the least you could do is make the most of it if fate allowed such an opportunity to arise?

A group of teenagers head off to a wood-side cabin for a weekend of partying and debauchery. The location is based alongside a large lake, so they make the most of their time by water-skiing and the like. They're not aware however that they are sharing the location with a plump hick in cowboy boots who has different ideas for his choice of entertainment.

You know what? In my garage I have a skateboard that I used to ride on when I was eleven-years old. Back in the day, I took it everywhere like a comfort rug and I reckon that if I dug it out, I could still bust a few ollies. However what I wouldn't do, if I got that chance to make a feature film, was expect people to enjoy watching me use it for fifteen minutes. Well director Tim Boggs obviously has a very different idea of what pleases an audience, because here we are treated to an almost never-ending scene of his cast-members water-skiing. Now there's nothing wrong with water-skiing. It's a sport that I am sure I would thoroughly enjoy if I knew anyone with the necessary appliances. However what I am not too interested in is sitting and watching a quarter of an hour of unappealing actors getting dragged around behind a boat during a horror film.

In fact, long, tedious and ultimately pointless scenes are the director's trademark and he seems to like nothing better than filling the screen with plot points that take the story absolutely nowhere. Character development I understand, but watching a Trans Am full of teens drive down the road for what feels like an eternity can start to grate VERY quickly. Oh and please don't get me started with the card game, which had me pulling out my chest hair before it had come to an end. By this point the film had begun to feel more like this was an over-long Youtube video on how cool the Blood Lake posse are at weekends than a slasher flick.

As I mentioned earlier, the chance to make a horror movie is an opportunity that not many of us get. I could never understand why if you are going to rip off Halloween and Friday the 13th then you don't go all out and dress your bogeyman appropriately? How much can it cost to get hold of a decent mask and a boiler suit? The killer here looks laughable in his cowboy boots, hat and a scruffy shirt that just about covers his beer belly. Scary? You'll get more chills from Sesame Street. There's no real gore on offer either and the obvious lack of cinematic experience from everyone involved is a big poo poo to the chance of any suspense. There was one decent shadow scene that I rather enjoyed and the soundtrack is not as bad as to be expected, but hardly enough to offer redemption.

After the self-mutilation inducing poorly-acted climax, there is a shot that had me flabbergasted. I won't spoil it for you, because it's the best thing that Blood Lake had to offer. To be fair it had me scratching my head. I mean, I was like, how the hell did they do that? All due respect to the honesty of the film crew, because as the credits rolled it's the first thing that they explained. It showed a sense of humour from the film- makers though and shows that they probably knew how bad their movie was.

I am not usually that harsh on a poor movie, because to be fair at least these guys had the cojones to put together the funds to make a feature, which is something that I would love to do. The only thing that annoys me is that it's such a splendid opportunity, why wouldn't anyone make the most of it? Little old me, a Spanish genre fan living in London has watched and taken the effort to review a back-garden project that was made nearly twenty-five years ago. Doesn't that make them wish that they'd tried harder?

Well I managed 1000 words, but I didn't enjoy this flick. I doubt that anyone else will either...
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One of the worst Slashers out there, and this ain't a hard genre to succeed in.
unakaczynski11 November 2005
Blood Lake (Quick Review) This particularly awful film revolves around a group of poor-acting kids in a cabin on the lake wherein somebody starts killing them. Good. I hated them all anyway. This film's title actually appears in the extremely harmless "Garfield" font. Yeah. That fat cartoon cat. I kid you not.

Well, geez, where to begin? The acting is repugnant and the atmosphere is weak. The story is unoriginal and the killer is really lame. How lame? Well, Jason wears a hockey mask and carries a machete, Freddy has the glove with knives for fingers, Chucky is a demented serial-killer infested doll. This guy is a fat hick with cowboy boots and one leg of his pants is tucked into a boot--and the other isn't!! F*cking scary!! Well, roughly 25 minutes of this film are spent watching the kids water skiing on the lake. I'm serious, here. They might as well have flashed the logo for the brand of skis they were using across the screen. We literally spent about 10-15 minutes watching a few of them water ski, then finally they stop, head to the dock and then.... go out water skiing again!! They didn't spend this much f*cking time on the lake in "Piranha." The kills don't even look good and there is really no gore at all. This movie is just a waste of time. And afterwards, you'll be so depressed that you may see your life as pointless if this is what you waste your time doing. Watching total sh*t like this. You just might kill yourself.

Recommended to: Absolutely no one should ever watch this film. There is nothing good here, nothing creative, nothing interesting, nothing new--except for the pants thing, and that's just retarded. Only if you're a real hardcore horror curiosity seeker--but if you really want a depressant, just try alcohol. 1/10 (I tend not to give zeros.) By the way, it's shot on video.

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Worst slasher film ever
duce1221 September 2002
Blood Lake (1987) C-90 min. D: Tim Boggs. Doug Barry, Angela Darter, Mike Kaufman, Travis Krasser, Tiny Frazier, Andrea Adams. This has to be the most hilariously awful movie I have ever seen, and clearly the worst slasher film ever. A chunky killer begins murdering teenagers in a secluded house on the lake. Why? Who cares? Features probably the worst acting of any film in recent memory. Also features several long scenes in which nothing happens (such as the card playing scene). And what the hell is with that ending? RATING: 1 out of 10 (ONLY because you can't have 0 out of 10). Rated R for graphic violence and strong language.
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Low budget is a bridge too far.
mwhelan675 September 2018
Near as I can tell the budget consisted of the cost of the camcorder, the tape and probably a couple of pizzas for the cast and crew. Something something, kids at lake house, something something, murderous hillbilly. Kind of in a category where it's almost not even fun to mock. Makes The Room look like a masterpiece.
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One of the most boring slasher films of all time!
Fuad_Ramses_IV22 May 2012
Blood Lake. Such a dull film. The plot is typical, involving a group of teens who head to a house by the lake for a few days, only to have a bland and uninspired killer arrive. With a twist to genre conventions, the characters don't make stupid decisions until AFTER the killer makes himself known. Then everyone wanders off by themselves, subconsciously anxious to escape from this trepid and worthless film.

The film itself isn't even poorly made. For an SOV slasher flick, it has decent shot setups, proficient sound design, it's own score, some awfully crappy rock songs, and on par editing, but it lacks a soul. Yes, this film is completely lifeless and bland, priding itself on its "realistic" and "down-to-earth" characters, who ultimately become anything-but-memorable cutouts of bad 80s fashions.

What exactly makes this film so boring? It's loaded with filler material involving the core group of people having good times, riding fast cars, water skiing, playing quarters, and exchanging dialogue so light- hearted, it would almost be offensive to teenagers to suggest they have such timid nature. They don't even get naked or insinuate anything, except between the underage kids, which is just wrong (and improbable).

How is the horror? It's far too little, far too late, involving a character with the most miniscule motive, killing not enough people in settings too dark for anyone to truly appreciate the gore effects that don't even look that bad. This is a movie that shines on VHS, and DVD would only accent its irredeemable flaws.

Some "bad" movies are good due to their technical inferiority to the point where they become laughable. This ain't one of those movies. Everything about it is so standard, it just becomes completely awful, insanely boring, and utterly lifeless, with nothing to remember it by other than the memory of how unmemorable it is. What a fantastic movie!
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Not awful but not really worth the time
MikeK-725 April 2020
This shot on video movie has the vibe of a 1980s porno film, but there's no nudity and minimal gore to recommend it. There's some amusing dialogue and attractive teenagers (every male has a mullet or rattail though) but ultimately it's quite dull.
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Even worse than Phantom Brother!
fanqarm7 October 2004
This is only the 2nd horror flick shot with video that I've seen, the

other being Phantom Brother. And I thought that that was bad. Don't

check this out whatever you do! Anyone who reads this can easily get a group of friends together

and make a video that is 20 times better than this. seriously! And who was the person who said that this was better than The

Last Slumber Party?! That was a work of art! I thought it would be equally as good, seeing how they were both

from 1987. the coolest thing about the movie is a shot of the moon

that lasts 3 seconds. the worst thing about the movie is a quick

shot of the tiniest spider, during a murder.
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WARNING! This movie contains scenes of explicit redundancy..
pvt_witt7 July 2003
This is awful. I get the sense that the director made this movie in an attempt to get his foot in the door to work on B-movies in Hollywood--and not very effectively at that. Surely he could see and sense the terrible acting taking place as he was directing; then I imagine him just ignoring it and focusing on just finishing the movie.

Some people comment that the characters aren't acting, that it doesn't feel scripted, and that it seems more realistic this way: however, this is not the case. The actors do not seem to be improvising to make it 'realistic'--they appear to be standing around not knowing where to move, what to say, getting in each other's way, etc. The little girl and boy are the worst, especially the girl. Half of the time, you can't understand what is being said because the characters chime in and say random things that drown out what someone else is saying, or the microphone doesn't pick them up. (This movie would apparently be the only movie Tim Boggs ever directed, but he did go on to work in the industry for some notable movies).

The baddie of this movie is some undeveloped old man character. Later on in the movie, we learn that his motive for going on a killing spree is because he never received payment for the house those teenagers are staying in from one of their father's. What kind of half-assed excuse is that? It comes to us late in the movie in one or two lines of dialogue exchange.

The editing is a travesty as well. Although it might be understandable given the format and the low budget, it still is quite bad. Cutting between different angles in any given scene is awkward: common occurrences are changed lighting, continuity errors, and general disorientation. Some of the shots in the movie are completely without meaning and seem to be primarily self-indulgent shots. Constant cutting to the moon, or shots of ducks swimming in the lake, leave you scratching, clawing for some meaning. But there really is none. One scene involves them playing a drinking game. The same shot is held for what seems forever, throwing in the occasional time-lapse effect, drawing the scene out much too long. And don't even get me started on the ending sequence..

During half of the movie, the characters are moving around in the dark. The movie was shot on some sort of video format, but not a home camcorder, mind you, so you know that issues of lighting will crop up. And they do. And it's annoying trying to make out what's going on. But then you remember that you don't really care. The least they could've done was to use flashlights or lanterns during the ext. night scenes.

The "original" soundtrack uses the annoying, cliche, synthesized, "tension" note, accompanied by rehashed piano tracks. There are a few rock n' roll vocal tracks, but nothing special.

This movie was so bad, in fact, it drove my friend to perform the terrible act of biting into an onion like it was an apple. Boy did he regret that, whining for hours. TEMPORARY INSANITY. To make a long story not too short, this movie can be watched, but you have to come into it with a certain mindframe. Once you see the format the movie was shot on, you want to find out just what they could possibly achieve with it...
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Chainsaw Slasher17 January 2002
This has to definitly be the worst horror film. Sometimes when i hear a bad review about a horror movie, I just blow it off because I like to experiene the movie myself, but this time I should have taken the advice. I rented this movie to see more than two gallons of blood, hence the title. What I got was a bunch of teenagers talking and eating food on a couch the most of the time. This is one of those fast-forward movies, where you have to fast forward to the good parts. In this case, it's the whole movie. Nothing happens until the last 10 minutes of the movie and even that ten minutes was boring. Trust me on this one. I'm surprised that any distributer would release this. Attack of the Killer Refrigerator is like 15 minutes long and still better than this one.
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Very Good Home Movie Project
space_invader644 August 2003
Lets get one thing straight. I know that the on the box the artwork at the video store may be a little misleading but we are watching a home-made movie. It's not The Shining, Psycho, or any other masterpiece. It was filmed at cedar lake in Oklahoma(I Think?). You can hear the locusts in the background. The scenery looks really good. The actors are extremely amature with regional accents but are using realistic dialog(realistic for a bunch of kids camping at the lake). There are thousands of bloopers throught the movie. One was a dead body who had one arm tied to a tree and the other holding on to a branch. This is one talented dead body. Another was a joint someone was smoking that didn't emit any smoke. I thought the story with the two 12 year olds was really funny. There is a so bad it's good element to this movie but the better elements are the 80's slasher themes. This movie is not scary but is enjoyable. Movies that are getting made now are not half as good as movies made in this era; I prefer this film over Leprechaun in da hood or the Halloween webcam movie. This movie shows us that anyone who owns a camcorder can make a movie.
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Now we're getting somewhere
Tromafreak30 July 2010
Wanna hear something funny? Just a few days ago, I wrote a review for a movie called The Worst Horror Movie Ever Made. Since then, I've gotten my hands on a long, lost VHS tape of what is possibly the rarest shot-on-video Horror movie of the 80's. That's right, kids. Blood Lake. A movie which proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that The Worst Horror Movie Ever Made is light-years away from being the worst Horror movie ever made. If you haven't seen Blood Lake, you couldn't possibly comprehend the utter ineptness of this long, lost treasure of schlock. After many years of obsessively collecting bad Horror, I've got a hold of everything from Criminally Insane, to Gore-met Zombie Chef From Hell, to Better Living Through Killing, but now... Now we're getting somewhere.

I'll be honest. I'm still not 100% convinced this is a movie. It really comes off like a bunch of teenagers are spending the weekend at a lake, and one of them brought along his parent's cam-corder. And I'll just go ahead and assume that there was no script. Although, if these people were seriously following a script, then, quite frankly, that's a little disturbing. The acting is so terrible that it really seems like a bunch of awkward teens mumbling to each other, as opposed to actors, who normally speak up, when on camera. Is this snuff-schlock??

2 awkward teen couples, and their tag-along pre-teen couple, make their way down to the lake, for a weekend of keen 80's fun. Only one of these people make this garbage truly worth it. Enter li'l Tony. Li'l Tony is gonna get with his chick, this weekend, just like the big boys, even if his little 12 year-old life depends on it. And of course he believes that if he constantly talks about sex, and is obnoxious as all hell, then he's just gonna magically start puberty, and his chick is gonna start showing interest. I'm rooting for ya, little fella.

After nearly an hour of these poor kids pretending to know one another, pretending to be drunk, pretending to be regular, pretending to flirt, and just totally embarrassing themselves, something resembling a story... I don't know, a killer, or something. Whatever he is, he does his thing at night. Which would be fine, if there had been some form of lighting. This could have been the gore-fest to end all gore-fests, and you would never know it.

Even after the teen couples learn of these alleged murders, I'm not even sure there was ever a discussion about whether or not they should all just go home. In one of many confusing scenes, an argument breaks out one evening after one couple decides to go out and take a walk. Every time someone raises their voice, the background music gets louder, So, it doesn't matter how good your seeing and hearing is, you'll still only catch about 1/3 of this spectacular joke of a movie.

At times, it's painfully obvious that some of these people just don't know what to say. Going so far as to just repeat what the other person said to them. Somehow, they manage to do a better job at acting scared than normal, which I find incredibly odd. All the mumbling, not-so-well-thought-out wise-cracks, and scenes involving everyone talking at once, will no doubt entertain those who "get" this type of Horror.

Wanna hear something funny? I actually rented this movie, from Blockbuster (of all places) in the early 90's, when I was a kid. My first s.o.v. experience. I wasn't exactly pleased with my choice for the nights entertainment. I thought to myself "you've done it again". I wasn't even that curious as to how something like this could come to exist. All I knew was that I didn't approve. I was still a bit too young to see the beauty in a movie this terrible. Luckily, over the years, my liking for bad Horror would eventually grow into a full-blown passion. So, last year, I look up Blood Lake on Amazon. Much to my surprise, I actually found it. But get this, the most expensive copy was nearly 1,000 bucks. Seriously, do you people have any clue as to how much bad Horror (which hasn't been released on DVD) can go for, these days? Something to think about. Here's something else to think about. Just because you like low-budget Horror, doesn't mean you're gonna approve of Blood Lake. But if you're one of those collectors, who often wonders exactly how far the bottom of the barrel goes, this will be an educational experience. Ultimately, this legendary low in acting, the complete ineptness of the whole movie, and of course, li'l Tony make Blood Lake more entertaining than all the Friday The 13th movies combined, which isn't that big of a deal, but still. I may have yet again stumbled upon what may or may not be the worst cinema has ever seen, or ever will see. And for that alone, Blood Lake will forever hold a special place in my heart. And I'm sure, deep down, Blockbuster feels the exact same way. 9/10
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then cleanest word to describe this move- fecal
pro956-110 October 2005
I have seen the bottom 12 IMDb movies, and I can safely say, this is worst!

Some brainless people (most probably the makers of the film) have rated this a 10 out of 10, keeping it above 1.0/10.

This is the most pathetic film ever and is only good for recommending it to your deepest, darkest enemies as "the greatest closet horror film ever created."

I love horror films, and this is a disgrace. Not only to the movie industry, but to all mankind. Heck--to all life in the Universe.

I still have a bad taste in my mouth from watching it 4 years ago.

Please do not watch this film, you will forever be changed. And believe me, there is no coming back from this.

Prior to watching this film, I had 20-20 vision. I am now completely blind in my left eye. My left hand had been removed and was reattached to my right foot after it was cut off for severe frostbite.

Please help me.
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No tits, several slits, multiple hicks, & Jed.
funkykirk23 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
We've just completed the "Journey" otherwise known as Blood Lake. If you're thinking of seeing this movie... do it! This reminded me of my neighbor, Warren, and his stupid boat out at the lake. He even had a Mullet. A matching Mullet...

I particularly liked watching people water ski (badly) for 25 minutes. And there were drinking games. And there were no tits shown throughout the whole movie. "I can't wait for tonight. Amanda's going to be beautiful." Probably the most intrinsically fascinating subtlety in the movie is the moment where the lead actress (thick blonde), whilst clearing the table, turns to the young African-American female and states "Don't you like being a slave?" in a pitch-perfect, lovely southern accent. Incredible.

Why were teens being mercilessly slaughtered by a 280-pound 6'0 fat hick named Jed (I swear I predicted his name would be Jed before it was ever revealed) with a Rambo knife? Apparently, it was because of "your daddy". Clearly no further explanation required. But... after the ambulance carts of the surviving teens, we are treated to a post-apocalyptic 15-minute music video of Blood Lake dried up, with Jed standing impressively like only a killer hick with no motive can do.
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Go For a Swim Instead!
Lebowskidoo4 August 2019
Low, low-budget filmed-on-video 80's slasher movie. It's not the budget or the video that makes this so bad, but it's just a bunch of teenagers talking and water skiing for a full hour who are picked off at the last minute in total darkness.

No payoff really, but it's still not the worst of this type I've ever seen. The killer was ridiculous and not frightening at all. The endless chatter between the kids is at least a little entertaining.
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Even some die hard slasher enthusiasts might not be won over.
Hey_Sweden3 July 2019
A troupe of typical young slasher movie characters head to some lakeshore property to have a weekend of parties. But their fun is spoiled by a heavyset psycho (Tiny Frazier) who's going to be out and about carving up victims whenever he gets a chance.

Although made with an air of affability by some real-life Oklahoma-based friends, their film lacks any particularly interesting characteristics. The characters often have sex on the brain, but at least they're not overbearing examples of this kind of stereotype. The cast definitely lacks anything resembling true acting talent, and their mumbling combined with underwhelming sound quality results in a lot of unintelligible dialogue (although I'm sure that's no loss).

The pacing is dire. Director Tim Boggs wastes too much time (in a film only running 82 minutes to begin with), taking too long to get to the good stuff and then not sticking with it. Some scenes go on for quite a while, ex. the "quarters" game, and the water skiing nonsense that serves as padding. The gore is okay for whatever the budget must have been for effects, but a lot of those outdoors / night time scenes are underlit. (Some people might argue that it makes the film more realistic, but one would still like to be able to make out people and objects a bit better.) And the music - a mix of score (by Russell D. Allen) and some amusing cheesy metal songs - is entertaining.

Some people might find sticking it out until that unusual ending to be - interesting, and scratch their heads pondering what it means.

Star Doug Barry (the heroic Mike) wore a couple of hats on this show; also the cinematographer, he does deserve some credit for some gorgeous shots here and there.

Five out of 10.
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Feels like watching a fun home movie
horrorcrave17 June 2020
This is more an 80s home video made with friends having a good time then it is a slasher/horror film. It's not scary, gruesome (aside from one decent throat slice and a couple knife thrusts to the gut) or suspenseful but it is kind of relaxing, occasionally funny (intentionally and not) and of course charming; it is 80s nostalgia all the way ,man. It is very cheap, but also decently shot (better than at least most found footage films) though there is often horrible, garbled audio which forced me to turn on subtitles throughout. I cannot say I hated it, I guess I sort of liked it, though I didn't really care one way or another what happened to the characters, outside of Lil Tony and the lead guy, who actually took action when things go south. The killer makes absolutely no sense, the set up is poor and he's not memorable in the least. For my time, SOV slashers such as Sledgehammer, Killing Spree and Evil Laugh are more effective and memorably over the top, though all of the above are endurance tests. I can only recommend this to slasher/horror completists... it's definitely bottom of the barrel, but worth a few chuckles and a decent way to chill and crack open a few beers if you've got nothing better to do.
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One of the worst slasher movies ever made!
dullfinboy31 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I really hated this movie. It seemed like a home made movie. The acting sucked, the effects were awful, and the story sucked. The movie was extremely boring. I was waiting for something to happen for most of the movie. The plot was not interesting enough. It was mostly talking and stupid things they did. The killer was dumb and uninteresting. It was painful to watch. The kills were mild. They wee bloody but the bad effects took and enjoyment out of it. The music sucked and the characters were idiots. I hated them. It was not suspenseful. It was just terrible. They seemed like jerks and they were annoying. The women were not very attractive and the boys were ugly. One of the worst.
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I Hate the 80's...
raimi315 January 2003
A bunch of rednecks take a trip to a lake with their daddy's Firebird & boat to have an outrageous weekend of partying, sex, & fun. Actually, there is no sex, but we do get to see them play quarters for about 15 minutes (maybe someone left the camera on). So to be fair, there is some partying as promised on the box cover.

Anyway, some guy with one pant-leg tucked into his boot starts killing them with his yellow survival knife. I did get a laugh out of the knife though. When some of the kids make fun of him, why I don't know, he thrusts his knife in frustration into the boat dock and the compass on the top wiggles wildly. Ohhhh, scary. I also got a laugh out of the amazing camera technique the "filmmakers" used to let us know that the killer was on the prowl. Really, synthesizer noise over a red camera filter is scary no matter who you are.

Anyway, he kills almost everyone. The heroine escapes with the help of a water spouting wall fixture. The killer dies. That's it. I have seen this movie 5 times and I still cannot come up with an answer to a question a friend of mine had. In fact, I have the same question myself. Why was this made? Who knows, maybe they will release a special edition DVD and we can find out in the, no doubt, enthralling audio commentary.

Please do not rent this movie unless you really like bad horror movies. I, to this day, herald this as the worst movie I have ever seen.

4 out of 4 onions
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A total waste of time
mainiacbob15 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Well, well, well. This has to be the snotty Kleenex stuck on the bottom of the trash can that is the shot-on-video era, or, as some call it, including myself, shot-on-shitio. The acting is pathetic. I think these people must be reading cards behind the camera. It's not scary, it's just boring. For what is supposed to be a slasher flick, the kill count is way too low. The characters are annoying and you want them to die, but most of them don't. The killer is like a fat Elmer Fudd. And you want to know what his motivation is, no one could ever guess it. The movie takes place at one of the character's family cottage. Supposedly, they bought the land from the killer, but never paid him. Yep, that's why he's killing people, and guess what, he doesn't even kill the people responsible. And why is the lake dried up at the end.

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worst movie ever
Moviefan100123 July 2004
this is the absolute worst piece of trash i have ever seen in my entire life! who would be dumb enough to rent this trash? actually i am dumb enough because i paid 3 bucks to see this movie because i thought it looked halfway decent, like an actual good slasher film. its amazing, if i were in 1987 maybe i could have gotten a video camera and shot a film as bad as this. the acting is terrible, the script is worse, there are like no good death scenes, the music sucks, the ending sucks, this film just sucks sucks sucks! avoid at all costs! for a decent flick rent the glenville films or slumber party massacre or something like that, not this junk.

rating: 0 out of 10
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Sooo bad
zombieoutbreak-741994 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There's only one cool scene where the cowboy killer is standing over a chick on a dock but that's literally it. One of the worst movies I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of bad movies.
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This is really really sad
rcgosk18 November 2002
I rented this with a friend of mine and I must say that it is so so so sad that some stupid video distributor could possibly find this film decent enough to release. Or BAD ENOUGH! It doesn't even serve as camp value or a "so bad it's good" movie. Just an awful movie, the worst Ive ever seen!

0 out of 10, 0 out of 10, 0 OUT OF 10!!!
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Keep repeating "It's not even a movie"
longwalker728 June 2003
I have seen many, many, MANY, many horror movies. You learn how to approach the different variations of horror films. I can do that, and appreciate everything from The Exorcist to Dog Soldiers to Pieces. But there is no way to approach Blood Lake. There is no appreciation after viewing. If there is, you're not human so go back home. The film offers the absolute low of everything. They've gone straight through the bottom of the barrel and gone way deeper. I cannot explain how much of a home movie this is. It seriously makes Zombie Lake look like the cream of the crop.

The plot goes.......far away before the camera starts rolling and you get a group of kids who had a dollar and their parents new cam corder whilst spending a weeks vacation at the summer home.

Stay away. I'm serious. This isn't funny. There's someone on the IMDB that says it gets better after seeing it a few times and he came to appreciate it. He OBVIOUSLY made the thing, and can barely bring himself to give the bunk a decent review. Be ashamed mister!
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