Camp Slaughter (2004) Poster

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This slasher seems to be hated by everyone. It's by no means great, but it's not that bad either...
LuisitoJoaquinGonzalez10 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Regular readers of my review list will already know that I am a great fan of the slasher genre. For the past thirteen years, I have thoroughly enjoyed hunting down the many rarities that the cycle has to offer and then sharing my opinions with other collectors across the globe. I personally was not over impressed with Wes Craven's Scream trilogy, but I must admit that I have paid close attention to the overwhelming effect that the three movies have had on horror cinema. Just like being transported back to the glory years of the early eighties, video-stores have once again been over-populated with masked killers and screaming teens. After John Carpenter's Halloween kicked off the boom years two decades earlier, the majority of the bandwagon jumping genre entries were American, British or Italian productions. But this time around we have witnessed slashers from as far and wide as Germany (Flashback), Thailand (303 Fear Faith Revenge), Korea (The Record) and even India (Sssshhh). This was the first of two Swedish entries that were released in the same year.

Director Martin Munthe launches Camp Slaughter with an intriguing text that leads us to believe that the events we are about to witness are based upon a true account. Well it worked for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, so why not? Next up we meet Constance (Karen Bertling), a middle aged woman who blames her husband for the fact that he never gave her the blonde-haired blue-eyed daughter that she so desperately craved. Instead the couple ended up with a rather dopey looking son called Adrian (Christian Magdu). They say that if at first you don't succeed then try again, and try again she certainly did. Only this time she swapped partners and tried with her own son! Constance's dream to have a blonde-haired and blue-eyed daughter was not fulfilled after her incestrial efforts and instead she was blessed with a hulking maniac that she decided to keep padlocked in an underground chamber for the rest of his life. Twenty five years down the line and we learn that (unsurprisingly) a remote woodland retreat has been built within walking distance of the madman's underground lair. Cue six dumb teens, plenty of beer and a broken padlock and away we go on a murder marathon!

Camp Slaughter was critically ripped to shreds upon release and most of the unenthusiastic reviews that I've read came from Swedish authors. I was expecting something as bad as The Night Devides the Day or Carnage Road after reading so much negativity. The major critical point from the aforementioned scribes was that the cast struggle with speaking English, instead of their native language. I am fluent in Polish, Russian and English; but under the extreme pressure of trying to deliver a convincing dramatic display, I must admit that I'd feel much more confident speaking in my native Spanish tongue. That's why I guess it's somewhat unfair to criticise such a young cast on the quality of their performances. In this day and age, the majority of cinema fans don't have a problem with subtitled features, and perhaps that's something that the producers should keep in mind for future reference. But the biggest problem with Slaughter is Munthe's pedestrian direction. The movie seems to take an eternity to pick up the pace and then when things finally kick off, the shocks always feel somewhat half-hearted. The maniac is portrayed as a retarded bogeyman and he only kills the kids if he inadvertently bumps into them whilst wandering through the woodland. This immediately cuts out the suspense that's usually conveyed in stalking scenes, which only seemed to slow things down even more. It reminded me a lot of that other pathetic Swedish slasher Blodaren.

Screenwriter Alina Warne made some of the most bizarre decisions that I've ever witnessed in slasher cinema. Her peculiar obsession with bunnies (unfortunately not the playboy kind) makes very little sense, and she even went as far as to call the killer Bunnyman? There's one point in the runtime where Constance begins singing (about pretty bunnies, naturally), and for a moment I had to double-check that this wasn't the first slasher musical. Even though its obvious that Warne knew the slasher guidelines inside out, she still breaks one of the most essential traditions of the cycle. Trudy (Erica Earlson) spends the majority of the movie without drinking, smoking and she turns down constant sexual advances from one of the randy guys. So we have an untarnished virgin amongst the group, surely she's got to be the final girl? Well strangely enough she won't be turning up for the sequel. It was quite a shock that she was murdered, especially when every other cliché in the rulebook had been underlined and dotted. Some of the dialogue is also hilariously inept at best and the feature was in places poorly scripted.

Camp Slaughter has become impossibly rare outside Sweden already and it's only one year and a few months old. I was somewhat surprised then when I read that a sequel is in the pipeline, which must mean that this wasn't as unsuccessful as many would have you believe. I for one don't think that Munthe's slasher opus is as bad as its hideous reputation makes it sound. Unlike many of its cousins, it's competently lighted and beautifully photographed and it has the odd moment of credibility. In fact there's a couple of neat touches on display and as long as the director cuts out the mundane tekno soundtrack and learns from his previous mistakes, Camp Slaughter 2 could be a contender. But for the moment if you must see a Swedish slasher then get Drowning Ghost instead.
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Not what I was hoping for
static61230 May 2004
I had hope that this movie would be a good fall back to the 80's genre horror flicks and that is what it attempted to do, all be it very poorly. This movie was very bad, and bad in a very very bad way not a way in which you want to watch it and laugh at it bad. The biggest problem of this movie is that it is a Swedish film with Swedish actors speaking English. I feel that if this movie was in Swedish the actors probably would have been more comfortable in their roles. Instead it felt like they were trying to remember their lines instead of getting into their parts. I would like to see this movie again in Swedish and preferably with a new soundtrack, the idea is there but the actors are having to work way to hard to remember their lines.
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Could have been done better with dolls
jameskatte22 July 2006
You know, during this entire movie i expected everyone to start whipping off their clothes and start making-out. Look, the acting is appalling, trying to ignore it is futile. Things just don't add up, i mean i know its low budget and all, but if a person is repetitively stabbed, there will be at least a little blood on the knife! The acting could have been improved if the actors felt the moment, i felt like screaming it after a while! I'm all for independent movies, but if the movie is as bad as it was, then you shouldn't use such a good looking cover! And also, a psychic ability should have some sort of introduction (but don't worry, its only a 3 second thing that has no follow through, so no plot spoiler here)!
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Possibly the worst movie ever made
Dalmas23 August 2004
Story: A bunch of teenagers go to a camp and get killed. According to the people who made this film, it's a celebration to low budget horror movies, especially Friday the 13th. I love those movies, but I truly hate this one.

Camp Slaughter has nothing of what once made the Friday the 13th movies great. 20 years later, the special effects are even worse, truly terrible. The acting never was a major factor for the success of Friday movies, but compared to the acting in Camp Slaughter, the whole crew should have gotten Academy awards. Neither does Camp Slaughter have any of the kind of self ironic humour that always where present in the older low budget movies. And worst of all: it has no originality what so ever. Everything in Camp Slaughter has not only been done before, it has been done much much better before. In fact: it has never been done worse. Camp Slaughter is not a celebration to Friday the 13th. It's a rip off that, if anything, gives the whole genre of low budget horror movies a bad name.

And no, it's not even so bad it's good. It's just so bad it's almost unbearable

Before seeing Camp Slaughter I had only given one movie the worst grade ever, a 1 out of 10. After seeing this, I'm actually considering upgrading the other movie, because I'm not sure there is another movie that completely lacks every quality in the way Camp Slaughter does. A movie couldn't possible be more pointless and boring.

So terrible it's below the scale. Avoid at all costs.
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Don't expect too much, cause it will just let you down.
Deppa29 August 2004
This movie is the worst horror movie i've ever seen. Everything sucks; the actors, the plot, the lines, EVERYTHING!

By the way, this is a Swedish movie, with Swedish actors, but they all speak English, and it sounds terrible... their grammar isn't exactly 'perfect'. Another thing i have to mention is that you can clearly see a cameraman in a scene where they're driving a car. In the extra-material, they even speak with the cameraman that screwed up the scene.. hmm?

If you'r planning to see this movie, don't expect too much, just expect to laugh... a lot!, then everything's gonna be alright. ... but as a comedy, it definitely worth a peek ^^
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Quite possibly the worst to ever hit the screens
PeeWee-1629 January 2006
This movie is quite possibly one of the worst to ever make it out of an editing room. It has nothing, lousy camera work (I think I found three shots that had some form of focus, no color correction anywhere... a complete mess), an even worse script and no acting whatsoever (and why, oh why did they do it in English?).

I can try to find anything positive about this movie... and still fail utterly. Not even as a joke would this work. I've seen the pre-release of another Swedish b-horror called "The Unknown". It was made with 1/10 the budget, but is way way superior to this one in all aspects.

To put this short: NO, do NOT see this movie. No matter what you expect, you WILL be disappointed.
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So bad you should see it
Peaks17 May 2004
Nobody likes a bad movie, but sometimes you come across one that is so extremely bad it actually becomes enjoyable. This is the case with Camp Slaughter.

Director Martin Munthe's idea of paying homage to his favorite slasher films (Friday the 13th) is by making one that is even worse. The so called effects were outdated even twenty years ago, and the story is a joke. However, you may not notice this since you are so busy laughing at the actors. Not only do they read their lines in the worst form of Swenglish, there's also an embarrassing lack of devotion and experience.

You just have to watch this.
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Not even funny
Antagonisten30 October 2004
I'm the kind of person who quite often rents movies i know i won't like, just because laughing at bad movies can be almost as much fun as seeing something i really appreciate. Sometimes this tactic goes terribly wrong however and the rented film proves to be too bad even for laughs...

Camp slaughter is a story about a few kids who go out to a cabin in the woods to party (although mostly it just seems they want to whine and complain at each other). Of course since this is a murder story bad things happen. Soon enough the kids are being murdered one after one by the ruthless monster "The Bunny Man".

This sucks. It stinks. It's terrible in every imaginable way. It's bad, and not bad in a good way. Basically what we seem to have here is a couple of friends taking their DV-camera out into the woods filming a murder story. That is fine by me, what i wonder is why they released it to the public! And why on earth it appeared on the big screen (because it did in Sweden a short couple of weeks). The problem here is that everything is too lousy, to the point where it's not even fun anymore. The ambition the filmmakers had seemed to be somewhere along the lines of "Friday the 13th". To say they fall short is the understatement of the century.

What disturbs me even more is how easy it would have been to make this a lot less horrible. First of all they could have used Swedish instead of English. It's not a good idea to use a language none of the cast is fluent (or even acceptable) in. Their English is terrible and make many scenes laughable although they try to be serious. Also, a serious re-write of the script was needed. A little much-needed comic relief and more of a "tongue-in-cheek" approach could really have helped raise this a bit above the 1/10-mark.

As it is, this film is unbearable. It is poorly made, horribly acted, terribly scripted. Stay away from this. If you want b-movie fun and something to laugh at there are films more worthy than this terrible outing. I rate it 1/10, simply because there is no lower rating to give.
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Worst thing ever made by a human being!!
kiva_andru20 October 2010
This "thing" shouldn't even be acknowledged as a movie. I have wasted an hour with this abomination. About that time I realized that it wasn't worth watching it because it won't get any better, only much much worse! I thought after the first 30 minutes that I may have a few good laughs of how bad it is...but no, that wasn't the case, in fact I had to cry that I've wasted an hour of my life. I could have done other useful things instead of watching this sh*t like, watching grass grow. Let's get into the movie itself now. First of all, the name...why in the hell it's even called Camp Slaughter, when you'll see more blood, gore, violence and killings in a diaper commercial?! The story is something you've already seen in tons of other horror movies, only here everything turns out very poorly. The actors are horrendous, not believable and their lines are just so dumb, even a monkey could come up with better ones. It's like the director almost ran out of time, he finished the script, decorated the sets but he was still missing the actors, so he rushed around the town giving away free 10% off coupons that can be used at a local supermarket for whoever was willing to appear in his movie. The killer in this movie is a big joke, "Bunnyman" ooh, how scary. If someone tells you the name "Bunnyman" do you honestly think it could be the name of a fearsome killer...I sure as hell don't!! It sounds more like the name of a man-whore you would find in the backs of cheap run-down brothels. By any means stay away from this movie because if you watch it, you'd want your eyes to be poked out with hot needles. As you can see, I have rated it a 1 out of 10, but even this rating honors the movie! They should start from zero or enable negative values in order to properly rate this abomination.
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How much time do you have to suffer?
afamouspetty19 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
May contain spoilers- Starts out very similar to Friday the 13th (flash back to a year when something bad happened at a camp). Very bad acting, low budget (sometimes not a bad thing), horrible music, and even worse plot.

I found myself asking if it was a Lion's Gate film because of the the horrible films they have been putting out but to my shock it wasn't. This movie was horrible. Blood color was very off, death scenes totally lame with nothing new to offer.

This movie ripped off other films in attempt to appeal to people who like the horror genre of the 80's. Unfortunately it was a total waste of time, DVD's and money. I can't even believe this film was distributed!

Really is a very bad, lame movie. No originality except possibly the end- which by the way STINKS! They say the good movies leave you wanting more and this one makes you wish there was never one to begin with.

Save yourself and avoid this one.
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A tense, scary film - loved it!
kellystacey198011 July 2012
Camp Slaughter is a mix of all the old 80's camp flicks with an interesting twist. Camp Slaughter takes 4 students through the ride of their lives; if they live through it! The story starts back in 1981 and a killer is loose in Camp Hiawatha, after watching the kids get massacred we are fast forwarded into the present day with our 4 main characters. But they have no idea what is coming next as they are somehow thrust into a time warp where the kids of Camp Hiawatha have been reliving the same brutal night over and over since that summer in 1981. Now almost 25 years later the 4 main characters are part of the slaughter.

The clothes, the music, and the smell of the 80's in everywhere in this great film. Alex Pucci does a great job in reinventing a genre that has had a long string of bad clichéd movies. The camp killer has always been a big part of the horror genre, but Pucci puts the spin of a time paradox on the age old horror story.

It has all the right characters as you meet the kids from today and merge them with the kids of 1981. You have an annoying chick, a Jesus freak, a jock, and a person that is a little weapon happy in the crafts area of the camp. But that is just the kids for 1981, add in the quirky attitudes and terminology from 2005 and you have the makings of some of the best horror and comedy for a situation like this.

Christian Magdu's "Adrian" is perfect casting and a great piece of acting on his part - if you like Friday the 13th or any other camp killer movies this is a must see!
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meximullet200030 May 2004
I must agree with the above bad its good..holy crap...i laughed the whole time...a definite MUST SEE!!!! I knew nothing about it, just saw the title, and being a horror movie fan i thought, I MUST SEE THIS...and man am i ever glad i did!! The best part is how it seems as though the reason the movie is in English is to 'break' into the North American market or something...cos really, the English is pretty they don't actually understand what they are saying, its all just phonetically pronounced...AMAZING SEE IT!!! However don't blame me if you don't like it...not for all tastes...just don't go into it thinking its gonna be some arty foreign horror movie...foreign yes, arty no...definitely amazing!!
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A swedish Peter Jackson or Sam Raimi ?
mange2718 January 2004
My first feeling was something like 'Evil Dead' or 'Bad Taste' . A guy gather a couple of friends and makes a movie with "not to big" budget . Some of the actors hinted that they hadnt done to much acting , but perhaps the fact that they had to speak english instead of swedish maybe did their job harder . If you liked Evil dead , Bad Taste or The Blair Witch Project you may want to look at this movie !
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A group of teens, ranging from nerdy, fat, athletic and horny, head out into the woods for a fun time, only to be stalked by a man wearing a bag with a fondness for bunnies.
devilsreject8517 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
An honest attempt at doing the same thing millions of movies have done before. Not even amusing in its horribleness.

It's a familiar story, with extremely familiar characters. Scarily so. There is the fat one, the athletic one, the rebel, the nerdy girl and all of them do exactly what you expect them to while being stalked by an escaped bunny man.

It starts off with a somewhat creepy yet overplayed idea of a twisted family...then it just turns to crap. After they find their friends dead, it becomes of dire importance to go back into the house to retrieve a pair of pants and Nikes.

It's ridiculous. And the "acting"...I got the feeling they were fed lines as things were happening.

One girl stabs another (it's not a spoiler because nobody can possibly care enough about the plot to be disappointed when the predictable happens yet again) and apologizes...but she's kind of laughing when she does it.

Too many examples. Not even enjoyable as a terrible movie. I wasted my time so you wouldn't have to.

Please, don't see this movie.
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Warning, NO spoilers ahead!
fredde80031214 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There simply are no spoilers in this "movie". Although the picture and sound is good for being produced for a B-horror film, the rest of it is poor acting and scenes you've seen in at least 50 movies before. To make things even worse, someone had the idea that Swedish kids speaking English was a great idea, probably so the movie would have a chance of getting shown in other countries!

Here's the plot: A crazy lady has a son together with her own son(!) which is then being kept in a hole in the woods. Of course, this monster of a son escapes, and of course there's teenagers in the woods (sounds familiar?). You don't need a diploma to figure out that Bunny-man (that's what he's called in the end credits) will go Jason on the teenagers, but i guess that's what horror-flicks like this should be all about. The problem is that not once do you get scared, not a single scene looks real, and all acting is terrible. In the end, all you do is sit there and get angry at yourself for watching this, maybe, just maybe, you'll have a laugh at the poor acting, or the strange unreal scenes (There's one car scene that made me laugh like crazy, cause it's so unbelievably unrealistic)

Watch it, don't watch it, that's up to you, i'd rather rent any part of the Friday the 13th-flicks and watch it again. I'm stealing my last comment from Comic book guy in the Simpsons: Worst movie EVER!
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Worst movie ever
bajenfans_8726 March 2007
I usually don't give 1 or 2:s to movie because there is always something in a movie thats good, This movie however has nothing good in it. Everything with this movie is horrible, the story, the music, the acting, the jokes(what jokes?) And to top it all the actors don't even know the English language. I really don't get it. Swedes are among the best of the non-English speaking people at English, so why pick people that are as good as a bunch of kindergarden-children. It really sounds terrible, and it also makes the rest of the world think that all swedes suck at English which really isn't the case.

I really like watching bad movies because i can laugh at them, But this isn't even funny, in any way. I know it tries to be funny, but fails miserably. like someone already posted, "its not even so bad its good, its just so bad its unbearable" I can safely say that this is the worst movie i have ever seen.

AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE!! PS: Bunnyman???!?!! What were they thinking? DS
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I rather eat my own **'
MirableDeDictu16 May 2007
The movie looks like its been taped by some local kids doing a homework for their drama lessons, but even if so.. it would still get F minus as a grade. As the title tells its about some teenage people getting slaughtered. So after watching 1 hour of the movie I found out that it would be more fun to eat my own "***".. at least I wouldn't have such an awful aftertaste in my mouth as I had when watching this movie. The people in this movie would never even get a role in a commercial for toilet paper. Don't watch this movie, eat your own ... instead.. I recommend you watch the "Jason movies instead". Or why not Freddy vs Jason, Scream.
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People love to hate this movie
nothinghill-664071 March 2021
It's actually quite funny. Obviously zero budgeted attempt at cheesy horror. I've seen a lot worse from US indie companies in this genre. If you watch this and expect a well polished studio remake of Friday you better get your mind checked.
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More like a parody rather than a tribute
odvar-martin8 December 2009
The Swedish horror film "Camp Slaughter" from 2004 is one of few Europeen amateur horror films I have seen. The idea of the filmmakers was to make a tribute to 70s and 80s horror flicks like Friday the 13th. With a mixture of splatter, typical horror and somewhat failed humour it is obvious that the film is a amateur production, and of course the actors are not very good either. If you are fond of the German amateur splatter "Barricad (-Welcome to hell)" you will definitely like this one. Although I myself do not like splatter amateur films (Due to special effects, actors etc.) I do appreciate amateur tributes. Unfortunately, because of the use of humour in this movie, the watcher might get the feeling of a parody rather than a tribute This is definitely worth a view if you like 80s horror flicks, and especially if you do not mind a little bit bad acting.
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So bad, its hilarious
sdubord25 May 2004
This movie ranks in the worst of the worst. While the fun in slasher films often lies in their inherent stupidity, Camp Slaughter takes it to an entirely new level.

The actors must not have shown up for the filming of this movie, and been replaced by extras who had never acted before. They make Junior High drama class drop outs look like Oscar winners.

Speaking of Junior High, the script reads like a pre-adolescent's English homework after seeing the major slasher movies. Its a patchwork of movies, borrowing entire scenes and themes, with no regard to their contexts or relevance. Bad dialogue, overblown and unrealistic uses of vice (drugs, sex, alcohol, etc.), no suspense build-up, and an anti-climactic ending. I wouldn't give this script a passing grade at any level.

In the end, when it comes to slasher flicks, while Scream proved imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Camp Slaughter shows that imitation isn't far from ridicule, and this movie can only be summed up with that one word: ridiculous.
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A bad movie
polinkapotehina4 June 2021
A bad movie, not a good plot, the actors did not play the roles well.
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This is pure exploitation
jens_oredsson18 January 2004
I've never seen anything like this in a swedish cinema. But I can know guess how it was during the sixties- and seventies!

I'm not sure how to describe this one, but it's a morbid black comedy/horror (or at least trying to)/slasher/trash/exploitation...something!

Not everybody's cup of tea, but I liked in some kinda weird way!
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The film is good!
bcnv10 August 2021
A bit boring but okay. The main character is not the same to me. Hopefully the next ones will be more exciting. Work harder for a better movie. Good luck!
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Horror fan's horror film
dougturner6 June 2004
If you're into TCM (the original), Friday 13th, Nightmare OES and basically anything where teens get slaughtered but the virgin survives then this film is for you.

If you're a low-budget filmmaker then this film is also for you... the extras on the DVD are fun and an inspiration to us all (to basically get out there and make films!).

It's fun, the dubbing is 'charming' and bunny song is truly scary! The best Swedish low-budget horror movie, like, ever.

Nice 2.35:1 image, good 5.1 Dolby track on the DVD - support indie film-making and go buy it!!
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of the best
cangrejoazul-8658511 September 2021
One of the best, honestly, just something well done.
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