Meat Market (Video 2000) Poster

(2000 Video)

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Cold have been so much better.
jewbo2314 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Two former employees of a company that did experiments with nano science or something of the like are out trying to take care of the things they have a small responsibility in making. The dead are killing the living and eating their flesh and soon there will be no more of the living. With the help of three vampires and a Mexican wrestler, can they stop the onslaught? As soon as the film starts you should know what you are in for. It's a no budget zombie fest. The plot doesn't hold up to much but it's a zombie film what do you expect. The acting is defiantly the worst part of this film. It is dire. The writing doesn't help. These people talk like no one I have ever seen in my life. Questions are often answered with just a strange look of movement of the head. The effects are OK for the budget but at times the film gets a little boring and it seems you're just waiting for some more gore to show up so a little more wouldn't have gone a miss. As I said, at times it gets a little slow and you wonder what the two main characters are actually trying to achieve. At first it seems like they are just going to barricade themselves in for a few years then they go out looking for more survivors.

The characters are pretty one dimensional and there isn't much development of them. The Mexican wrestler is hilarious thought, especially with his obviously dubbed on voice. That was a great little touch. There are also some nice sex scenes to keep us amused including a lovely lesbian scene for the guys. These seem put in just for the sake of it but then I'm not going to complain.

Even with all its bad points it is a very entertaining film and it was the directors first so it's a great first effort and I'm sure he learnt a lot form it. For all zombie film fans it should go down pretty well. For everyone else maybe not 6/10.
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No reason why anyone should ever watch this.
Boba_Fett113822 July 2011
Great, another low-budget zombie movie attempt that adds absolutely nothing new. On top of that, it's a really poorly done film, with bad effects, a non-existent story and some real bad directing and acting throughout.

The foremost problem of this movie is that it's thinking too highly of itself. It obviously very blatantly tries to be like another "Dawn of the Dead", with as a big difference that none of the persons involved with this movie were very talented ones. It tries to do too much with it's gore and action, while the movie clearly didn't had the budget for it. The gore isn't very convincing, just like it's make-up effects and seem to be only put in the movie for that sake of having some gore in it. Same goes for all of the nudity and sex scenes. They are so terribly pointless and random. The movie should had been way more creative and should had tried less to impersonate other successful genre movies from the past.

It's a real poorly put together film, that doesn't even really follow a good clear main story. It makes the movie all the more pointless to watch. What makes it all the more worse is the fact that the movie is totally lacking in some good or likable enough characters. This movie could had uses a main hero but instead now we got some flat characters, you don't even remember the names off. There are also far too many characters in it. Seriously, this movie should have had only 3 or 4 main characters at most in it, to keep things at least somewhat more engaging and easy and more pleasant to follow.

It's a straight to video movie that also got shot on video, which just isn't the best or most professional look for a movie. It makes it look all extremely amateur like, which in essence is of course right, since this movie got made by non-professionals, without a decent budget backing them up. But saying that this movie is bad simply because it didn't had a decent budget behind it really wouldn't be a fair assumption. The movie is bad in many ways, that aren't necessarily budget related. The pace and setup is really poor, as is its editing, writing and acting. All things that just simply indicate that none of the persons involved with this movie are among the most talented ones around, which is still the foremost reason why this movie simply fails to deliver.

As far as low-budget horror goes; this is isn't the worst attempt I have ever seen and I didn't hated it watching as much as lots of other modern horror attempts but this still remains a movie that you should simply skip, even if you're a lover of zombie flicks.

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Uriah4330 May 2016
After a medical experiment goes haywire, zombies are created and soon wreak havoc on the human populace. Most of the population are unable to deal with the situation and within only a few weeks are either consumed or turned into zombies themselves. However, one young man named "Shahrokh" (Paul Pedrosa) and a woman by the name of "Argenta" (Claire Westby) team up and manage to survive by scavenging what they need and finding a secure place to hide out. Then one day they meet up with three young ladies who have also managed to survive but as it turns out aren't what they appear to be. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this movie had potential as most of the actors seemed adequate for the task at hand. Unfortunately, rather than empowering them with a good script and the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities, the director (Brian Clement) chose to focus on poorly-developed action scenes, bad makeup and a plethora of cheap special effects. The decision to include a Mexican wrestler named "El Diablo Azul" (Cam Pipes) for comedic value was especially awful. Likewise, there were a couple of sex scenes which may have crossed the line into X-rated territory. Not that any of them were all that interesting or erotic. Again, this movie had potential but the wandering plot, bad dialogue and the inability of the director to play to his strengths and minimize his weaknesses doomed this movie from the very beginning. Because of that I have rated this film accordingly. Bad.
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ups and downs for zombie hounds
thrillkillkub12 March 2003
I bought this film without know or having heard anything about it. I was determined to buy SOMETHING that night, and this was the only interesting thing, so i bought it. There are some really great aspects to this film, as well as some really horrible things. It's films like this one that enforce my belief that horror fans should NOT make their own horror movies. And by that, i mean it becomes inevitable that you are gonna try and pay homage to your faves, and throw in your own little inside jokes, and just all around try and be clever when you are, well, not. Also, i know its difficult to pull a budget together, and sometimes we just want to put something of ourselves out there so badly that we are willing to make a lot of compromises. And maybe it's just time for me to expand my mind on this subject, but for now, I CANNOT STAND WATCHING MATERIAL SHOT ON VIDEO!!! There should be some kind of warning on the box or case letting you know how a film is presented. Its just difficult to take a film seriously when it looks like you got a couple of friends together and borrowed you Dads Cam-corder to make a spooky movie. All that said and out of the way, i will say that this film is pretty good. I can honestly say that the filmmaker himself is going to be a fine director someday. The zombie make-up is VERY good. Better than a lot of movies that HAVE found financial backing. The writing is ...o.k... i think it might have come off a little better if a little more detail was paid to the acting (again, the same scenes could be shot on film as opposed to video and might have worked. It's the fault of the medium). One of my favorite pieces of the film is the storyline of Vampire vs. Zombie. I have always wanted to see this conflict in some form. Both undead, but in different ways. The film makes some interesting choices with that storyline, and id like to have seen more conflict there. Another good thing about this film is that it ALMOST never reverts to making fun of the genre or digresses into sophomoric jokes. For the most part, this movie does take itself very seriously, which gives it more integrity. I do recommend this film for zombie lovers, if for nothing else, to glimpse the early work of someone who will most definatly blossom into a great horror director.
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Ambitious but awful
lovecraft23119 October 2009
Two former security agents find themselves in a world where (what else?) the dead have returned to consume the flesh of the living. Finding themselves on the run from authorities, they find survivors in three girls who are vampires with high tech weapons, a washed up Luchador, a wounded soldier, and a mad scientist.

On paper, "Meat Market" sounds like a blast. Director Brian Clement obviously loves horror and exploitation cinema, and tries to throw in every ounce of love of these movies into his debut feature. That's fine and all, and the make up and gore effects aren't bad either-but the movie itself is dreadful.

Why? Well for one thing, this is one of my least favorite types of horror film-the Shot on Camcorder/Super 8 Zombie Movie. That means you are going to get abysmal acting from a pair of amateurs, a really annoying score, poor attempts at humor (not even the washed up Luchador is as funny as the director seems to think), scenes that lift whole sale from other, far superior horror movies (in this case, the films of George Romero, Lucio Fulci and Jean Rollin are among the victims of cinematic plagiarism) and a lack of genuine film making skill (though I'm probably being a bit harsh there-this was the director's first movie.) In short, it's essentially the equivalent of watching a guy and his friends goofing off, making home movies.

For all it's ambition and love of horror and exploitation. "Meat Market" just can't escape the fact that it's an awful movie. A shame really, because with a better script and actors, it could have been fun. As it is though, it's a movie best left avoided.
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WARNING: This is an awful 'home' movie!
dfolt5 October 2004
Where do you start with something this terrible? Shooting on video is always a good sign of the badness to follow. Why do these 'home movie' enthusiasts never, ever get real actors? Most struggling actors will work for free and they will do a much better job than the producer's buddy. The only entertainment in this is just how bad the sound and editing are. The sounds of 'eating' were added whenever a zombie attacked, but it sounded like they had swallowed the mic. My favorite sound was the audible friction created by the plastic pants on the thunder-thighed lesbo vampires...embarrassing all around. And why wouldn't you (I guess I'm talking to the makers of this) at least read a book on how to write screenplays because there was no discernible story or ending! And, finally, for god's sake spend the money on film school…if you went then go again and pay attention this time!
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yogsottoth10 March 2005
First of all you will laugh. I don't think the movie is meant to be funny but it's so awful that you can't keep yourself from laughing.

Suddenly people start eating each other in the streets. Of course no one can understand what's going on. And we meet our crew.. A swat team of only 3 members, 2 stupid former employees of the company which caused all the "zombie thing", 3 self-proclaimed female vampires, 1 Mexican wrestler who is allegedly "The Devil" himself, and 3 or 4 zombies (One of the zombies is the director himself). You will see the same zombies throughout the whole movie. Even the ones that have already been killed.

My favorite character was El Diablo. His sound was edited later on. So I guess the director told him to move a bit and pretend that he's speaking. But he's so overacting that he looks like a mad, mute guy who's trying to tell something big he has just seen, but can't. (these scenes are the funniest ones)

Vampires were as funny as El Diablo. It's so obvious that the fake vampire teeth are uncomfortable to wear and speak at the same time so they're always trying to fit the teeth better. And they have laser guns!! And they are fat!! And they are lesbians!! Cool, eh?

Too many unnecessary breast and sex scenes, amateur actors (most probably the friends of the director), exaggerated sound editing in the "eating" scenes, ridiculous story, boring conversations..

BUT, it's worth watching, to see how ridiculous a movie can be.

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No redeeming qualities, tries too hard to do too much....
meistershane21 August 2005
What the people behind this movie didn't "get" was the ONE simple rule of low budget film making. They tried to do too much with too little. If you have a shoe-string budget, cut out the stuff that won't work on a shoe string budget. Keep it simple. Otherwise you end up with something like this. The lighting, acting, sound, and special effects are all really terrible. I am talking about a complete disregard for any lighting in each scene. The actors' timing is completely off. Their lines do not flow at all. It is painful. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade. Making a film is hard, but I think their ambition hindered their better judgement. Seriously, though, do NOT buy this movie. Do not rent it (I doubt anyone carries it). Consider yourself warned. It is not watchable. Period. Like I said, NO REDEEMING QUALITIES.
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Its okay. Considering the budget
stepflan24 February 2008
I'm not sure what to tell you about this film. It's just another crazy home-made zombiefilm with a bunch of bloody effects and bad actors. Its great fun for a day you're really tired and ready for some zombie-action. There is some blood and guts, the make-up effects on the zombies aren't that bad. And there are also some sex scenes. But it's nothing you haven't seen before. The thing about Meat Market is that some scenes work, and some don't. I think that the directors had too high hopes and visions for this movie. They just tried too hard. And you shouldn't do that when making movies with such a low budget as this. So a lot of the stuff in the film just makes you yawn and look at your watch. The story just doesn't seem to work, some of it does. But it just gets stupid after a while, especially when a bunch of vampires starts to show up in the middle of this mess with their lazerguns and long boring vampire stories to tell. It's embarrassing just to think about it. If you want to see a low-budget zombiemovie full of blood and a lot of brain eating zombies then I don't really recommend Meat Market, it's not worth it. If you're interested in the genre I should recommend "Dead Next Door", "Burial Ground" or "The Beyond". If you want to see this film you have got to be really interested in low budget horror.

The music can be quite annoying as well, but it's not that bad in some scenes. It doesn't always fit the situation, but most of it doesn't. It doesn't really have that entire "zombie look" over it. The theme always really fit the genre of the movie. The movie is not an entire crapfest .As I said there is some stuff in it that may interest you. I love to see how other amateur's film make their own stuff. You have got to give them some credit for trying though.

I have said this many times before about an independent no-budget film. But this time I really mean it...I could make a better movie than these guys! And if you have seen my stuff, then I think that speaks for itself. I think what the movie misses "that little extra". It's just the same again and again throughout the whole movie. But Meat Market isn't THAT bad. There are still some good highlights. Even some humour. And if you love stuff that is "so bad it's good" you should check out Meat Market.
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Meat Market: an experiment in what not to do in a zombie movie
mage36013 January 2005
This movie sounded too good to be true, and it was. Oh, sweet and merciful Gygax it was! So you got a zombie infestation, a Mexican wrestler, and lesbian vampires with laser guns. AND THE MOVIE STILL REAKS!!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this movie has all the charm of a college movie experiment without all that great college acting. And that $2,000 budget's probably a bit literal with the math there. Most of the action takes place in either college dorms, one single condemned building, someone's basement, and a rock quarry. Yes, there is a bit of lesbian vampire action, but the shear stupid horror of this film doesn't make up. And the main character recites bone stupid poetry at inconvenient times. Now, the makeup job on the zombies is OKAY. It's not that bad. Oh, except for the fact that the SAME EIGHT EXTRAS MAKE UP THE ENTIRETY OF THE ZOMBIE POPULATION!!! This is what Meat Market does to children's shows:

MAGIC JACK: Howdy, Mister Greenjeans! Do you know what today's secret color is?

MR. GREENJEANS: (kills self with hammer)

Yes, Meat Market kills. I cannot convey, yea, even through interpretive dance, how bad this movie is. And to prove that anyone can make a better movie, I'm taking donations so that I can raise the three thousand dollars to make a far superior zombie movie with 98% less suck and 42% more lesbian vampire action. This movie gets a 1.
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You owe it to yourself to check this one out.
eveblaack12 February 2003
Brian Clement is a force to deal with in the independent horror film genre. With Meatmarket 1 and 2 and now Binge and Purge Brian has taken zombie films back to the classics with gore, story, social commentaries and just good old fashion film making with his love and respect of horror shining through his art.

On his shoe string budget I was really surprised at my first taste of his film work with Meatmarket. Truly worthy of any horror geeks film collection we are shown a world of power, greed, social ignorance and the human food chain. ( not only zombies feed on mankind) What can I say. I am a fan.
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Good stuff
Ozzybitesbats22 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What sets this movie aside from countless low/no budget zombie flicks? I would say all of the "basics" SOOOOOOO many zombie movies out there just forget the basics, and they produce crap as the result.

This movie is an exception to that. In Meat Market, you have good lighting (which most zombie flicks lack ), good background noises ( like zombie munching noises, cracking bones, moaning of zombies in the background), and some good camera angles.

All of the above is what helps set this movie one notch above the countless other flicks that are being made.

I'll admit, for the fist 40 minutes the storyline was kinda here and there, but after that, the movie "gelled" together rather well. The introduction of vampires into the mix was taken well, and i applaud this move.

Two things bothered me about the movie though, one was the title "Meat market", clearly this should have had some sort of "zombie apocalypse/zombie universe/ living end " sorta title. "Meat Market" makes it sound like you're gonna watch a totally different sort of horror movie.

And two, too much useless sex. I can't believe i just typed that, but c'mon. I think the movie could have went on more fluently without the random acts of lesbianism/shower scenes (i know i'll hear it for that one)

Anyway, like 99% of us living dead zombie fans, i say rent/buy this movie, you probably won't be disappointed. Especially when you think about they only had like 2grand to make this with. That alone i was totally shocked at. I figured the budget to be like 11g's or so. But i guess the director had some friends who pulled strings, and that's what it's all about, good stuff!
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Another poorly made zombie movie
greenflea24 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is low budget trash, it was that so bad, i never even bother watching the end. It has poor special effects, low budget. poor acting, if you want to call those in this movie, actors, a dumb plot and just so stupid and daft, i don't there any words for this movie.

These sort of movies are giving zombies a bad name, at the rate with these sort of movies, the word zombie will soon mean, poorly made movie.

Just to prove how bad this movie, there is a soldier who appears in this movie and refuses to take his mask off, however i don't blame him for not wanting to be link to this trash. He even has sex with a vampire, with his mask still on, so that proves, he wanted to make sure no-one could see who he was.

The cause of this zombie plague, when i heard this, i wasn't sure if i should burst out into tears or laughter. Its cause by very tiny robots, so a scientist tells the main characters when they made inquires.

There is another scene, were a couple are having sex, were its very obviously a bucket of blood and gore is pour over them.

In another scene, a cop blows his brains. The blood that flies out does not look like blood, but colored water, which it is. Most of the blood in this movie, does not look like blood at all.

There is sex and gore in this movie, yet none of the women involved are babes, most of them are fat and ugly. Those who you would consider babes, just keep their clothes on through-out the movie.

Most of the people who in this movie are not actors, they look like underground types drag out of a underground nightclub by the director.

There is a few good ideas thrown into this movie, like vampires, but this does not save the movie, and it seems that the vampires have no problems in walking around in daylight.

There is a few sub plots in this movie, mostly involving police fighting the zombies.

The imbecile who made this movie, obviously don't have a clue in making movies and should seriously seek other employment. The company who made this movie, claims it has Hollywood under siege. Well with trash like this, Hollywood does not have anything to worry about, and can make far better zombie movies than this company can.
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It doesn't get much worse than this.
The-Kurgan28 October 2003
Y'know what really gets my panties in a bunch? When a bad movie comes out, and then the people behind it go around to all the movie websites and pose as fans, leaving tons of "Oh wow, it was wonderful!" messages all over the place. I'm the victim of this sort of crap. I read reviews of Meat Market in a couple of places, and they were drooling with approval and gushing with praise. I encourage you to take a closer look at the other people posting here on IMDB about this and other Sub-Rosa movies. Notice anything familiar upon closer inspection? Yup, you got it. If the movie's any good, why do you think they need to trick people into buying it? Meat Market is a travesty. I bought this puppy because I'm a long-time Zombie film fan, and had heard that MM was supposed to rival Dawn of the Dead in its own way, even though the budget was low and it was technically a B-movie. No biggie, thought I, cuz I love b-movies, too. Eagerly I grab my new purchase and race for home and my trusty DVD player, a fellow movie buff in tow for the shared experience!

Right away I can tell something's wrong. The acting wasn't just bad, it was can't-watch-the-movie-because-the-horrible-acting-is-upstaging-everything-el se kindof bad. Truly horrible. Then I begin to realize that the writing was also at fault. The dialogue was just plain stupid. People simply don't talk that way; another distraction from the "story." I glance over at my friend (we're only a short way in at this point), and he's looking back at me like I just shoved an anthrax-coated toothpick in his eye. Back to the movie... Supposedly, the dead are walking the streets, and people are running for their lives, shooting at the fake zombies if they're lucky enough to have guns. Apparently the zombies only congregate where there are cameras, because the background is still filled with moving cars, and other "normal" aspects of life. Sheesh. Corpses that are "killed" miraculously appear again in other scenes, as do a couple of victims that I was pretty sure had gotten killed a little while ago. The police act like Keystone Kops, the make-up and special effects are just plain horrible. Wanna look like a zombie? Rub some blackout under your eyes and wrinkle your clothing. Viola! Tom Savini would be embarrased. The plot continues to get more bizarre and make absolutely no sense, and while you're still mentally trying to get this atrocity to make sense, you're hit with more strangeness from left field, such as vampires that suddenly appear in skimpy, ridiculous outfits and continually pose for the camera wherever it's at while spewing forth the worst dialogue in stunted, I've-never-acted-before-in-my-life speech.

I can see how this may have looked good on paper as an initial idea. Zombies and vampires, world falling apart, gun-toting survivors, etc. Yeah, sign me up, sounds great. Unfortunately, both the script and the execution of the idea (makeup, effects, acting, dialogue, etc.) are so bad the movie literally isn't watchable. My friend got up halfway through the film, gave me a dirty look like I'd just played the worst dirty trick on him ever, and walked out. I gave it another five minutes and gave up, too. Dirty trick indeed. On us. Do yourself a favor, don't even rent this. Even Mike, Tom Servo, & Crow couldn't sit through this one. You've been warned.
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Not So Hot
greybro19 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
OK, let's be objective here people. This isn't a good film, but it's not a complete waste of time for the serious zombie fan. Hey, if you didn't miss it in fast forward they do have at least one naked chic, sporting tattoos and a choker no less, so come on. The story makes absolutely no sense and as has been previously pointed out there seems to be no cohesive script guiding the way. Ah, wait a minute, 2 naked chicks making out if you're into that sort of thing.

The film is very ambitious at least and appears to be a work of passion. The gore though poorly executed is somewhat passable in places. They had some decent locations to shoot in and those take lots of work to arrange so I'll give the film makers points for that.

It does suck but seems sincere enough that I'll check out the sequel on Netflix.
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Don't waste your money like I did
Stevieboy66623 November 2017
A friend of mine lent me this on DVD but before I watched it, being the collector that I am, I decided instead to fork out £7 and buy my own copy. Big mistake! I only hope that part 2 is better because I bought that at the same time, though for half the price of the original. What we have here is an incredibly amateur, shot on video zombie flick with some female vampires, a masked Mexican wrestler & some very unsexy sex scenes thrown in. The lighting & sound is very poor, the plot is just yet another weak story about a military experiment going wrong. The British DVD cover states it is the uncut version, and yes there is plenty of (cheap) gore but nothing compared to many other zombie movies, so don't been lured in by that. Probably my favourite scene came near the end when the dead rise out of the ground, something lacking in many zombie movies.
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Low Budget Hits High Peaks!
darkcrow1418 May 2003
If you are a fan of action, horror, and especially zombie films, check out both Meat Market and its sequel, MM2! Made on shoestring budgets, these feature length films are loaded with action, more zombies then you can shake a stick at, and best of all, look good and are thoroughly entertaining! Brian Clement is destined for greatness, watching his first few films makes me remember watching a once-unknown Peter Jacksons "Dead Alive" and thinking the same thing, destined for greatness....when the day come that Brian makes his "Lord of the Rings", I'll still remember these first films of his fondly, just like I do Jacksons!
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A superior zombie movie at a quarter of the budget
leagueofstruggle16 February 2004
Shot on video, Meat Market is a living dead offering that goes further with a miniscule budget than most studio offerings can even scratch at. Not to say Meat Market doesn't have its weaknesses, mostly budgetary and first time actors, but it's better than many offerings we've seen in the living dead genre since the 90's. The film could have improved with tightening up of the script, the exclusion of the vampires armed with laser weaponry could have been dropped to make the film more in line with survival horror rather than camp. Played as camp Meat Market is an excellent independent film, if it had been tightened into a straight story it could have been even better. As an independent horror film it excels over other studio jobs namely Resident Evil, House of the Dead, and The Dead Hate the Living! (the latter being slightly indie but weaker than water) and is crafted by director with an eye on horror.
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xposipx14 March 2017
Animal attacks, says the TV news. But two ex-security agents know the real cause - maybe the real culprits. Shahrokh and Argenta are former employees of a company they knew to be conducting bizarre medical experiments. What has resulted are not animals attacks, but attacks by humans turned into vicious, decomposing, cannibalistic zombies. Their efforts to stem the violence in vain, hunted by the authorities, Shahrokh and Argenta escape the city just as it is engulfed in chaos. Their only hope lies in finding and organizing the few remaining survivors. What they find - three women claiming to be vampires with high-tech weaponry, a deranged and washed-up Mexican wrestler, a wounded soldier, and a scientist who may know more than he lets on - offer more questions than answers. Can this tiny cadre hope to defeat an army of the undead? And if they succeed...will there be anyone left alive?

Gore was the main focus. I'm glad to say it delivered with some really impressive nasty effects. There was a mangled body, tons of limb gnawing, blown up body, many head gun wounds, run over corpse, and a head sawed open. This isn't even all, but those stood out to me the most. With a higher budget, this could have been amazing.

Technical: Lets start out with the positives here. The camera shots and angles were all pretty creative and done well..most of the editing was pretty good(especially the gun shot scene at the beginning)..There was also some sex scene clipped into zombie killing scenes that was original. The sets were also really impressive for such a small budget movie. Clement can really pull this off nicely. There was also a short shot of zombie perspective which was really original and cool to see. On the other hand, some of the simple edits were a little careless..but the main complaint is the fact that i don't think they used any lighting whatsoever. So a lot of the time it was really hard to see what was going on.

I've seen a little worse acting, but it got pretty bad towards the end. The first half hour of this movie was really great until the script got a little lengthy. The only person who seemed to be able to possibly act was Paul Pedrosa.

Final Thoughts: Cool gore, nice makeup, and bad acting. 2/3 isn't too bad. It was enough to keep me entertained. Not bad at all for a low budget DEBUT by Brian Clement. The whole concept he brings in is interesting. People don't seem to mind the zombies because they are 'cleaning up the streets' of bums. People just go along with their daily routines...
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Simply one of the best indies!
MorbidMortuary26 February 2003
Why? It has everything a hardcore horror fan looks for. Gore, sex, humor, you name it and chances are "Meat Market" has it. I don't know about everyone else but I was impressed by the zombie effects. Typically you don't see effects like this in independent film. It's obvious to me the director knows exactly what he want's to capture.

Which is why i'm a fan of "Meat Market" as well as his other films. Of course this flick isn't for everyone. So I suggest if you can't handle it you watch a nice Family Channel film
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lesbian vampires, a luchador and zombies
trashgang20 May 2014
this flick is rather popular with the horehounds and I agree, it do has a lot of gore. But gore doesn't make a movie. And that's what this flick doesn't actually has. It's an extreme low budget flick but still it's worth picking up.

It shows that all the money went to the effects used. Not to make the zombies who look rather good for a low budget but for the effects used. From the start you will see zombies being shot or people being bitten by the horde. The only thing people dislike this flick is the acting itself. The acting is amateuristic and laughable when they are having conversations. Just watch when the 3 vampires are having a talk with the survivors. Another thing that some have problem with is the nudity here and there. The opening of Meat Market shows a couple who are making it out. There's no nudity and we only see the girl in her underwear but the guy shows his hard-on even as it is clear that it was a fake penis, towards the end of this flick I guess we have the real thing when a vampire is making love. The stupidity lays in the fact that they are making love while soldiers are clearing the building. Of course a zombie is shot and all his blood sputters all over the couple. But there's more real nudity here and there.

It's really the blah blah that will make you go for the zapper to turn it off. If it wasn't for the gore I would too. It spawned two other Meat Market flicks and has a following. You've been warned, really bad acting but, sigh, the gore makes it watchable...and the scene's with the luchador.

Gore 2/5 Nudity 2/5 effects 2/5 Story 1,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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It's Okay for Ultracheap Zombie Horror
knightsmadness16 September 2003
Meat Market is a lot more fun in premise than in execution. It's got zombies, guns, blood, lesbian vampires and a Mexican wrestler. Unfortunately, they didn't find much to do with these concepts. There's little to no plot and bad acting, but that's what you should be expecting in this genre. The problem is that in the areas a low budget horror flick should by all means succeed, this one just wandered around, lost and confused as to what it should be doing. They understand there's something funny about a Mexican wrestler fighting zombies, but they can't think of much for him to do besides stand in front of the camera and mumble to himself. The sex scene appears out of nowhere and is entirely unsatisfying. The worst sin, by far, is that the gore effects are uncreative and entirely forgettable. In summary, bad acting and a lacking plot can always be forgiven in low budget movies, but you don't mess up the blood and guts without seriously compromising the film. This movie is just okay.
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Meat Market kicks ass
joe26212 April 2003
I got my hands on a copy of this film a little while back. I knew it wasn't going to be a big budget blockbuster. I also knew it would not come close to Dawn of the Dead, or even Return of the Living Dead for that matter. it's shot on video, and looks for the most part, like s**t. But, put that behind you and let the good times roll. There are many scenes that pay homage to the classics. It is like a mix of Dawn of the Dead, Resident Evil(the game), and Zombie 3. The main characters are two mercenaries trying to stave off the zombies who are quickly taking over. In their adventures they come across many unique and unusual characters. Including three lesbian vampires. That's right, lesbian vampires. They tote laser weapons and have sex a bunch of times. Their is also the hillarious El Diablo Azul. he's a dubbed Mexican luchadore. He takes every chance he has to use his wresting techniques on the undead. He accounts for several very funny moments within this film. There is also a wounded soldier who does absolutely nothing of note. There is also a scientist who tries to explain that the zombies are cyborg, but that never comes up again so just forget it. the zombies for the most part, look decent. For a low budget film, it's a motherf*cking masterpiece(excuse my language). If this were big budget, it would be the best zombie movie ever. It would be perfect, if it wasn't for the cop-out ending. The ending feels like they ran out of money. I wish i could meet the people who made this film, just so i could shake their hands. They made a terrific movie, that i plan on purchasing very soon. Now i'm just waiting for the sequel to come out, it should be interesting..............
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