Flyin' Ryan (Video 2003) Poster

(2003 Video)

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I'm in Shock That This Stuff Exists
gavin694213 August 2006
This film was so bad I almost want to give it a ten from all the belly laughing I did through it with the poor acting, bad dialog and special effects I could have done in my toilet.

Here's why I watched it: A friend of mine went to Family Video, approached the counter and asked, "what's the worst movie you have?" The clerk, informing my friend he had never been asked that before, suggested this film. A great suggestion - give this employee a raise. It's as bad as "The Wild and the Free".

The story is that of a boy who moves to a new town with his mother and must face a gang of tough-talking skaters. And he gets help fro ma little girl (the only good part of the film, Geneve Ruppert) and his dead great grandfather, Theodore McGoogan McGwire.

None of the actors have been in films before or since and maybe never will. They're awful. The camera-work looks like a home video most of the time. The "flying" effect is so poor that you can't help but laugh. And the children speak very strangely, with words like "basshole" and "magic transcends logic" (which I'll never hear a 12-year old say). I take back Geneve Ruppert being the only good part. One line from a character about coffee and butt-grabbing was also funny.

Don't rent this film unless you're planning on getting drunk or are intentionally looking to waste your time. Luckily, I was one of these two things.
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For people under the age of 4.
mafiahitman3 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
With acting almost as bad as the filming, and scenes that make no sense whatsoever as to why they're there at all, this movie makes you wonder on which side of the line of satire it walks.

I watched this with a nephew and cousin. The nephew is 4, the cousin is 5. While my cousin was occupied, my nephew was the only one entertained.

SPOILERS... I guess...

There are scene transitions that show scenery and such, but at one time I noticed that a couple of transitional scenes were reused. And there's a part where, for no reason at all, an un-good martial artist leaps over a motorcycle. No reason at all. It looks as if the movie was filmed entirely on a Super-8 camcorder. It's just a bad movie overall, even if it was made for small small children. Avoid at all costs, even if it's free.
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A Terrible Gem of a Movie Filmed In My Hometown
matthewlowellbaker25 January 2023
This movie was filmed in and around my hometown of Kelseyville, CA (small farming community with around 4K people). To the points that many of these actors were terrible and had no experience... well, yeah. They went around and wrangled kids from the high school and asked if they wanted to be in a movie, or so my friends in the movie told me. What high schooler would turn down being in a movie? It was a great way to save money, a terrible way to make a movie. Reading through the cast list brought back some nostalgia but that was probably the most entertainment I got from the movie in any serious capacity. It's a great late night movie to drink and laugh at.

All the criticisms from other reviews are completely valid. It's a terrible movie. It's great entertainment. I'll give it 4 stars because someone went out there and made something despite painfully obvious budgetary limitations.
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I funnier movie has yet to be made
arisianmentor1319 May 2006
Let me start by saying, that I had my doubts. I consider myself to be a film connoussier of sorts, however this move was so bad that I had to laugh. In fact, I think it is the best movie that has ever fit into the "so bad it's funny" category. From the bad acting to the ill-formed storyline, this movie tries desperately to make a lot of sense, but fails to do so in every respect. For example, the main character, Ryan, receives a pair of "Heely" shoes (the entire movie it seems, is one, overgrown add for those shoes) from his grandmother. BUT...they have not wheels, so poor Ryan still cannot fit in. That is when he somehow ends up at an isolated store (it is randomly on the shore of some lake), where a mysterious guy dressed in mid-ninteenth century dress from the American West tells him something anectdotal and then takes the wheels off of a model plane and gives them to Ryan. My two favorite scenes however, are the one where a girl randomly has two extra ATVs, and gives them to the bullies giving chase to Ryan, and the time that Ryans small dog is kidnapped by the bully and considered as a candidate for Guard Dog at the bully's cousins guard post at some random processing plant, which Ryan flies out of. If I has all the time in the world, I could not tell you how much this movie sucks, but it sucks really funny.
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84 minutes of my life that are never coming back.
eatmorefiber29 July 2005
Flyin' Ryan is one of those movies that you occasionally see and you just can't tell if the movie is trying to be serious or if it's just one big joke. From the opening scene to the ending credits, I was laughing so hard because this movie is just AWFUL! The actors in this movie are inexperienced and it shows. No wonder! According to the biographies in the "special features", the most acting they've done is community theater.

I was trying to pin-point the bad things in the movie, and there are just too many. There's not much left to be said that hasn't been said here already.

The story is about a mom and a 12-year-old boy, Ryan, who move to the country with their loony aunt who's hobbies are weed whacking in the middle of the night and dumpster diving.

Ryan goes into town to make some friends, but Dirk and his gang of skateboarding meanies decide they don't like Ryan's face and push him into a lake that's obviously shallow yet somehow, Ryan can't stand up until his future friend, Nicki, falls in the water as well.

They become fast friends but what's not to like about a girl that knows all the capitals of every country who has twin siblings (not identical, silly!) that know baseball stats?

When I first started watching this movie, I assumed Ryan would be flyin' throughout the entire movie. Silly me! The title implies that Ryan flies, and he does, but it's hardly the main point (if there IS a point) of the movie. He flies about four times -- once over a huge ravine whilst escaping the vile Dirk, once to show Nicki is AWESOME!new skillz, once across the lake to save his raccoon-slash-dog Theo from a seemingly abandoned gold mine/nuclear power plant, and once more across the lake after a successful rescue mission. I'm not sure how it could be unsuccessful when he has technological advances such as ropes that he whips out while escaping Dirk and his overtly stupid cousin.

There are a bunch of random nature scenes as well. There's a nice shot of a deer and several scenes featuring extremely fascinating ducks. They're entirely too incongruous. Do they tie into the movie? No!

And neither do scenes like the one where they visit Nicki's cousin and go swimming in her pool so Nicki can teach Ryan how to swim (this new found skill never comes in handy again, so what's the point of even teaching him if he's not going to out-swim his foes?) and her cousin can fix his Heelys (they never mention him getting them back, so I assumed he never did, until he whipped them out later ...). There's also the karate master that jumps over a motorcycle. He's pretty awesome because not only can he teach karate lessons in the middle of the road, he can also catch stray tennis balls! Will he ever cease to amaze?

There's the intense scene in the hospital when Ryan attempts to deliver Theo to his aunt in the hospital. A police man starts chasing Ryan but gives up. He is soon followed by nurses/doctors who yell "NO DOGS! NO DOGS!" but luckily Ryan has a nurse for a mother and she somehow convinces the doctor to let the dog stay in the hospital. ("NO DOGS!" "What dog?" "OOOH... ALRIGHT! -sly grin-" I seriously could go on and on about how awful this movie is.

I tried telling my friend about this movie and I just couldn't run out of strange scenarios that came from this movie.

This movie was a complete waste of time and money. It provided me with a few laughs, but only because I simply could not believe that I found this movie, let alone it was actually MADE.
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84 minutes of my life wasted
MegaMovieDude30 December 2009
Flyin' Ryan is the worst movie i have ever watched. I go to the video store everyday but this time i wanted to get a crap movie. Well this movie made me want to crap. If there is an award for worst movie ever made i would vote this movie.

What type of bully calls a kid carrot head? And since when is the short fat kid that doesn't even skateboard become the head of the gang. The acting is horrible and had way to over dramatic eyebrow movement. I like to make crap movies in my free time and all my movies compared to this are blockbusters!

The sense of logic in this movie is awful. So your dad throws away your toy. That immediately makes you go destroy a kids house and steal his dog, then sell it for 10 bucks. Not only this but they say the dog is going be a guard dog. Yes because when break into a abandoned rundown gold mine I'm going to flee the scene from a dog the size of a squirrel. The green screen effect is awful and when he dives down 400 feet which in reality would almost kill him all he says is "Whoa." And what kind of guard stands there while a kid ties a rope to a bar and then slides down the rope. the flying is the most realistic when you see the rope he is sliding on for the record ET is like a jet plane compared to this little annoying kid that won't shut up. If you watch this movie when you are done take a shower and burn your clothes.
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wackynightmare20035 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
this movie sucked!! it was so fake, it had the worst actors in it ever..and it was the biggest waste of time movie. it reminded me of the crappy-made, made-for-TV, indie films that only get shown once because they suck so bad. i think Ryan deserved to get beat up by dirk, because he such a little wuss. they at least could have gotten actors that had some talent. the director must have been really desperate enough to use Andy Weiss as Ryan. and oh god, don't even get me started on Nicki. she is the flakiest, wannabe happy-go-lucky nerd i have ever seen. dirk was the worst bully ever, he's not tough, he's just a fat spoiled brat. i say, NEVER WATCH THIS MOVIE..ITS A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY
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The best movie ever made!
ajkoolaid198417 September 2006
Funny movie, when drunk... The acting was awful and so was the screen play. The only good part in the whole 84 minute movie was the 10 seconds of the Karate guy jumping over a random motorcycle. The movie was distasteful and was a complete disaster. I would never let my child watch this movie. This movie was a bomb. For a movie called "Flyin' Ryan" he doesn't do a whole lot of flying. There was ass grabbing..... enough said... and a creepy hermit dog.. There where so many scenes in this movie that had nothing to do with anything that the movie was supposedly about. Ducks biting each other? THe same shot of the same deer every twenty minutes? No wonder none of the actors have been in any other movies.. except for the motorcyclist.. and hes a stunt guy. Sad and depressing as it was.. it did make me laugh quite a bit. But other than that.. god this movie was pretty sad. It wasn't something that humanity should be exposed to.
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are you KIDDING?
kdgg0526 August 2006
This is simply the most God awful garbage I have ever seen. I might deem myself an expert on Flyin Ryan, for I have seen it more than thirty times. The story is about a kid who moves to the middle of no where, for no reason, and gets picked on immediately by this chubby no good kid named Dirk (and his skateboard crew). Ryan gets chased by him, which leads to one of the best chase scenes ever created (yes, even better than Bullet) which involves moon physics, tennis balls, a karate teacher jumping over a moving motorcycle, dune-buggies, and, lets not forget most importantly, RYAN CAN FLY BECAUSE OF HIS MAGIC SHOES. Ah yes, this movie was completely funded by Heelies®, the shoe company as seen throughout the movie. But this movie, on Paper looks terribly exciting. Unfortunately, with a mere $300, and a video camera, you reading this could have made a better movie. None of the actors featured in this cinema have gone on to be in any movies since, and if they haven't committed suicide yet, they will within the next five years. This movie is the real reason why Siskel from Siskel & Ebert died.
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Great entertainment for the small fry
curator9914 November 2003
A delightful and insightful film that will enthrall children of all ages. I watched this wonderful flick with my daughter Hayley and she couldn't look away or stop giggling. I've lost count of how many times she re-watched the dvd since we first brought it home. Rarely does a small independent film touch the heart as well as FLYIN RYAN. Set in a small town filled with great kids and funny animals, the fantastic story is almost universal and will engage even the youngest of viewers. And it's so rare to find a children's movie that doesn't speak down to them or cater to baser interests with off-color jokes. I totally recomend this beautiful warm-hearted picture to everyone and their families.
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This movie really sucks!
beastofhell23 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
First of all this movie probably cost less than $200 (counting the extremely cheap video camcorder they used) to make and my cat could make a better movie. It is an extremely low budget and looked like it was made at home by some guy with no life! Also he gets an old pair of Heelys from his dad (heelys weren't invented until the late 90's). He only flew 3 times in the whole movie and when he does it looks like he's on a chair rocking back and forth! The acting was absolutely horrible and the stunt guys for bullies wore different clothes than before they do a trick and after. Overall this movie SUCKED!Never buy it unless they pay you to do it!
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A compelling commentary on science and belief
csulpw18 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Flyin' Ryan is one of those rare, underrated movies that comes around once in a blue moon and provides compelling insight into many theories of science and belief. Ryan ultimately wins here by asking the questions and providing the evidence for viewers to draw their own conclusions.

The synopsis is a classic one. A boy (Ryan) moves to a new town and gets bullied by a group of kids. He has a hard time adjusting, living with his crazy aunt, and awkwardly courting his new friend Nicki, the cute, smart girl down the street. Ryan eventually stands up to the bullies, gets the girl(and dog), and saves the day.

Now, I know you are drawing a lot of comparisons to Footloose at this point(yes, both movies have gratuitous shots of feet as well), but this is where they go in completely different directions. Flyin' Ryan involves more complex studies into theories like time travel, levitating (with bicycle reflectors no less), and teleporting. It took about 12 viewings, but I finally learned that Ryan's lack of charisma, character,and general social behavior is actually compensated by his superpowers.

Yes, Ryan has superpowers. The first show of this is actually pretty amazing. He gets pushed into the lake by some bullies in some really shallow water and the next instant transports 8ft out. He appears to be drowning, but it's easy to tell it was really a defense mechanism to get the bullies to go away.

The next is the boat ride across the lake. Anywhere across this particular lake is probably several miles so to paddle-boat anywhere would take the better part of a day. Ryan and Nikki manage to make this trek to the other side and back during the afternoon (This caught my attention when they were having a long conversation in the middle of the lake just floating around and going nowhere). They then made it to this old western town where this old guy who randomly appeared (ghost?) gives Ryan some wheels for his Heelys. So, you ask, how is this possible? Time travel. Ryan can not only get places fast, but he can go back in time. The supernatural aspect of this scene is something to chew on as well.

Okay, so he can teleport and travel through time, so why does he run when he gets chased? Well it's simple. He's baiting the bullies to think he's weaker than he really is. They know something is up once he outruns not just a pack of skateboards, but ATVs! Then BAM! That kid flies! He flies right over a gorram gorge! I want to point out that this chase scene was pretty incredible, rivaling those of Bullitt and T2. When Ryan came face to face with the guy carrying the box of tennis balls, I was like "Oh no! Watch out Ryan! You guys are going to run into each other!!!" And then it happened. The guy threw his tennis balls in the air and the skateboarders rolled in and crashed. I was all, "Smooth move Ryan! What a fast thinking plan!" I almost passed out when the motorcycle was about to hit the karate instructor but he jumped right over it! Anyway, Ryan outruns the conveniently placed ATVs that the bullies get on and jumps (sorry flies) over a gorge. Damn, he's going to get some flying lessons from Nicki later that night if you know what I mean.

The plot unfolds as his aunt's house gets smashed up and his dog is stolen. Ryan hatches a plan to fly across the county to a quarry and retrieve his dog. Turns out the dog was stolen by Dirk and sold to his cousin to be a guard dog at the quarry. After some cool chase scenes, Ryan shoves the dog in his backpack, flies to the hospital, and gets a kiss from Nicki!

Overall, this movie had a very positive and compelling message. I thought about what might happen to Ryan if he couldn't do all the cool stuff he did, like if he was a normal kid. Obviously, Nicki chose him for his powers. Like most girls, she chose the guy that will get her ahead in life.

The performances were nuanced and dynamic. Andy Weiss played Ryan with heart and believability. I wouldn't have cast anyone else to play the part of a socially inept kid who has superpowers. Geneve Rupert shines as Nicki, the girl vying for Ryan's affection. Hell, I would want a boyfriend who could time travel, teleport, and fly too! Connor Snyder steals the show though as Aunt Rita. Every scene she's in dominates and really showcases the superb writing in this movie.

At the end of this movie, I have a lot of questions. Did these amazing feats happen because the science is there and Ryan was a superhuman, or was there belief and divine intervention involved? I happen to think that Ryan believed he could fly when he was cornered in the chase scene, but why would he need the shoes? God could have had a hand in this, but I also believe the shoes are the key. Magic would be a product of the supernatural, and we see this time and time again in the movie, but there is simply no real explanation. Makes you think.

Anyway, this is a great movie. I recommend it to anyone who wants something to chew on. I thought Memento was a smart and well crafted movie, but Ryan may be on a different level entirely. See it!
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Horrible movie, great laughs
ellebulla24 June 2005
Some say that you never know if the movie you think is the worst movie ever truly is the worst. This one is, hands down. I was almost embarrassed to be watching it.

However, it is well worth watching-the movie is absolutely hilarious, even though it wasn't meant to be. If you need to watch something stupid, and get a kick out of it, Flyin' Ryan is just for you.

If you do see it, make sure you get the DVD-the extras are great. Oh, and make sure you watch the end is just like a home video and so funny. I think I could have made this movie with my friends in 3 days-there are no special effects, random scenes of nature. It is great.
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Terribly Funny (and bad)
wrestleman10028 January 2008
This was the very worst movie I have ever seen in my life. It is about a boy named Ryan who receives magical flying shoes from his garbage-picking Aunt. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is bored and wants a good laugh. Throughout the whole movie I didn't know if they were actually serious or if they were just goofing around. I only came upon this movie by looking through the rental store purposefully trying to find the worst movie I could, and this was the result. I ended up renting it around three more times because every time a friend came over I had to show them "The worst movie I have ever seen." I almost do not know what to say about this movie, except that you should definitely watch it on YouTube and see for yourself (It's not worth three dollars at the rental store.)

PS- Anyone who has seen this movie in its entirety (And even if you haven't), PLEASE vote on this movie and give it one star. It is, without a doubt, THE WORST MOVIE EVER MADE- EVER!!!!!!!!!! However, it needs a certain amount of votes to make it to the Bottom 100 list. If you reading this are a male between the ages of 12-and every other age past that, than I CAN GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL HATE IT!!! So just give it a 1 star vote now and then watch it on YouTube later, you'll see I was right.
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Worst movie i've ever seen
gooberexic11 November 2006
This movie is so bad its funny, there is absolutely no plot background, or anything, my IQ was lowered by watching this movie. I want my 50 cents back from renting this movie, i'd rather buy two pieces of gum with that money. This looks like a home movie and has extremely bad acting, the flying scenes are obvious green screening and it never shoes his whole body but just his torso or his legs, this makes me mad., the kid is also scared or surprised almost 24/7, or hes getting bullied non-stop and running from people. there are many random scenes that do not relate to the movie at all, such as a duck sniffing another ducks butt, and a random scene of a cow, and etc... if i was Andy Weiss i would kill myself. this is not recommended to anyone except for retards. i don't even know why i watched it. i am considering buying this movie just to put it on my wall to say its the worst movie ever.

its a good movie if you are retarded/drunk/high
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A kid Moves in whith his crazy aunt who is always wheeling a random garden tool, and gets some awesome "heeleys" shoes that can fly!
shangbeep99 August 2005
I give this movie a 5 because it is really really really really funny!

But it is filled with horrible actors/actresses, not to mention the directing could have been done better by a pet rock. Like I said the movie is extremely funny, it is full of corny things that don't make any sense. After you watch it it leaves you wondering if they made it that corny on purpose or do the film makers just suck. Being a filmmaker myself it takes a lot for me to call a movie crappy. But that WAS CRAAAPYY, or it was a cometic gem you don't know. I suggest renting it and watching it with a bunch of your friends. I would make for a wonderful mystery space theadre type of thing. Also if you have any gateway drugs lying around use them before your screening. I guess you would have to call this movie a b-kids adventure.
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Flyin' Ryan: FINALLY a wholesome, magical movie for kids!
ugogirl5 August 2003
"Flyin' Ryan" has captured the hearts and attention of my children (ages 5 and 7 years), and as a mom, I couldn't be happier! Finally, a wholesome, magical movie where the good guy wins by standing up for what he believes in.

I fell in love with the character of Ryan, who is about the nicest, most authentic kid you're going to meet on screen. (Who is this Andy Weiss? He reminds me of a young Ron Howard). Of course he gets harassed by the local bully, Dirk Cooper and his skateboarding gang of middle-school thugs who so typically just want to give Ryan a hard time.

I love the way Ryan gains his confidence throughout the movie to finally face the bully, and by doing so, is able to fly on his magical pair of heeleys. He flies over the entire town, a beautiful lake (that was well photographed) AND a beautiful girl, Nicki, who becomes Ryan's new best friend. How nice that they can share a genuine, wholesome friendship and actually LIKE each other without all the implied sexuality and romance you usually see in movies.

This movie gets back to the basics for me and touches on many core values: good wins over evil, faith over fear, integrity over deceitfulness, and as the theme song states, "just believe". By believing, Ryan takes a great step of courage and a huge leap into the air when he goes flying off to rescue his dog and stand up to the bully. Granted, the special effects may look less than spectacular compared to the major motion pictures, but for my kids, Ryan is their hero, and he flies high above those bigger-budget movies.

I highly recommend this movie for young children who want to believe magic, in flying, and ultimately, in themselves!
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So bad it's great!
afrocut10 March 2020
Something magical happened during my friends movie night get together, maybe it was the beers talking, but we all couldn't get enough of the charming silliness of "Flyin' Ryan" . Mostly it was because of the character of Nicki ,who stole the movie with one of the worlds most overly likable characters... I mean so likable its absurd. smart? Check. Will teach you how to swim? Check. Will run after motor biking bullies on foot just to save you? Check. Believes your magical ability to fly instantly? Check. Brings you flowers? Yup. As for "Flyin Ryan" himself who constantly has a look of shock as random things come loose above his head in perfect timing to scare him? Hes great too. How dare those bullies, especially one who dresses and looks like a young Guy Fieri , pick on him. Now if I can only find out if all those random night chores got finished I'd be complete...after all nighttime is the best time for weedwacking. Now I say grab some friends , some beer , some heelys, glue some bike reflectors to them and get ready for a good laugh. Capiche ?
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A moving exploration of the human condition
What is there to be said about a film that, no doubt, influenced everyone who ever saw it; one which is still remembered today for its complex characters and dedication to realism; one that strove to capture life as it is, in all its joy and sorrow. Show anyone a picture of Ryan, one of the most iconic characters in modern cinema, and they will certainly tell you about how much this film moved them, how it gave them a new perspective on life. It's blending of drama, humor, and suspense is unparalleled in all of cinema, and the way the two subplots - one about Ryan and his magic bike reflector shoes, the other about his kidnapped dog - are interwoven has inspired countless imitators. Truly, a film for the ages.
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This is the Greatest film ever made!!!!
tanfogliowitness10 December 2005
Completely brilliant, this film has changed my life and the way I view cinema. Pretty much I now know how to: Tell the same joke over and over and over and over, Have two shots one after the other be completely disconnected and ridiculously out of sync, Fly!, Meet girls, Beat up overweight preteen skateboarder bullies, Steal from trash cans, Insert a random fake band playing fake guitar and fake drums into a terrible independent film, Paddle across a whole lake, Swim, Make friends in a brand new town, and I even learned to act convincingly enough to be in the sequel!!!!

The only thing that I have to say that is not perfect about this film is that Ryans dog pretty much did a terrible job of acting like a stray, almost to the point of ruining the entire film. For this comment rating I omitted the sins the dog committed against the movie.

For the record, the best way to watch this movie is with the commentary ON. Without that you can sometimes miss the directors insights into the characters minds and lives which are both deep and profound. I love this movie. I strongly recommend buying it and immediately throwing away the reciept because once the movie is in your hands it is part of you forever. This is one to watch with friends.
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Great Movie for Young Kids!!!
forsalefast4 November 2005
Flyin' Ryan is great fun. I have two young children, ages 5 and 7 and there aren't many movies I feel right about showing them. Flyin' Ryan was fun and had a good story to tell. Yes, it is for young kids, with lots of animals, a fantasy adventure and a bully. The lead actor, Andy Weiss and the naive Toby actor, Leigh Miller are really good kid actors. Not so Hollywood. In fact the entire movie isn't all Hollywood. The movie takes place in a small town - and it looks like a real small town. The story of how the rich kids treat the poor kid badly and the boy must grow strong and confront his enemies is something that is good for kids to see and learn from. The bully "Dirk" was also really great. Flyin' Ryan is an indie film for YOUNG KIDS, like Napoleon Dynamite is for teenagers.
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It's Brilliant!
greenescreen11 March 2006
This movie is a pure treasure. I'd highly recommend renting, or buying, and watching intoxicated. This is a true treat from the filmmakers out there. Wow. And wait til you see Ryan Fly. You may have seen your sparkler do it on the Fourth of July...but this truly will not disappoint. Every actor gives their best performance and really make the characters real. It really is a marvelous sight to see that Andy Weiss fly though. Note: there is one scene of sexual innuendo Nintendo. You'll have to watch and find it. Can't wait til the sequel comes out..."Ryan Trying' Flyin' Again!" Until then...see this film. It's Brilliant!
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If it departs with the front part of the video store.
SeannyTsunami10 July 2006
In regard to me where both that is old my friend is 14 years. We like the fact that the child movie because of both you kick is leased. Because we desultorily read the video store, as for my friend budget movie "Flyin? ? ? ? The fact that it is desired, you can obtain the fact that you could mark the unknown eye which was called low. by and is caught and, "us that, then number small and laugh it leased. From in regard to margin us who are rubbed as for pulling the story which we... run to for the sake of, obtain large number privately from title clearness? ? ? So it is? To give the disheveled shoes of the group which has the power which is brought up with him of that grandmother it is possible Miguire. However, for movie itself flight it is not relationship completely. Actually, all movies 3. ? ? It turns? And you do not throw. When he is flying, in regard to that as he the seat and is raised to the bathroom of the thing which trembles seen it reaches and reaches. The special effect is very old-fashioned. When the actor everyone of this movie being terrible, I why oh high profile and pass, observe 1 movie where that is clear. In regard to me it is called that, this reaches, is and is known with blasphemy of accumulation, seriously, being supposed, but "directly the child" Gurkha "of nitwit" and some kind of bully it has been lacking? Then whether meaning it does not form at all either one as for this movie it is, those for the reason where some another ones are clear, there being, when being like the part and method, the place where the artist of the troop jumps over the motorcycle somewhere the scene bit each other, with showing to the duck. With the especially beginning, the movie discernibly with camcorder it was photographed in such wind. (It is that for wording of denial or, how) how it is, bad state seems 1 way and this movie which is teased, my friend and my spiral shape it was transferred.
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Fun Kids' Film for Young Kids
areacode11114 January 2007
Flyin' Ryan is for young kids. It's about a boy who moves to a small town and then gets magical shoes that allow him to fly. The lead actor, Andy Weiss, looks like a young Ron Howard and he is terrific as "Ryan".

Damon Schoeffler, who portrays the bully, is great as bully. Actor Bruce Tenenbaum, who portrays the bully's father, is hysterically funny, yet ominous enough. The movie is low budget and shot on video, but it is meant for young kids, like my younger sister and brother (ages 5 and 7), they think it is great. The magic shoes are Heeley's and any young kid who has those wheeled tennis shoes will really enjoy this flick.

The soundtrack is strong. Composer Mel Lewis has scored dozens of movies including many for Roger Corman.
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Fun kids movie.
califstarfish26 June 2003
FLYIN' RYAN is about a 12 year old kid, RYAN, that gets strange sneakers from his crazy great aunt. The kid goes with this really cute girl, NIKI, and they get magic wheels that they put into the shoes.

The shoes now allow Ryan to fly. The skateboarding bully, DIRK, is always hassling Ryan. But the flying shoes help Ryan to get away.

There's a really funny dog in the movie. Dirk the bully steals the dog and then there's a great chase scene through a goldmine.

The movie is low-budget, but the actors and the movie is really fun.
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