Mail Order Wife (2004) Poster

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Not a great movie but not a horrible one either
StreetDreamer8323 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film based on the comments that were made on the cover. Going by that, I was expecting hilarity and laughs galore; a real comedy. Boy was I wrong. This film should have never been promoted as a comedy of any sort. There was maybe one real true funny moment in the film. Much of it was hard to watch, not because it was bad but because some of the scenes were pretty disturbing. I came away from this film with dislike for the three main characters. If anything else can be said, that is the first time I have ever felt that way after watching a movie. Andrew and Adrian are completely dislikeable characters with few, if any redeemable traits and Lichi, who is a character you want to see overcome all these obsticles through much of the film turns out to be detestable as well.
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I can't believe people think this movie was a real documentary.
danielgpinto3 September 2006
I can't believe people this this movie was a real documentary.

I am an ex-pat living in Hong Kong, so I was really curious when I saw this DVD in the shop. Within 10 minutes of watching it, I was confused. This chick is supposed to be from Burma. Let me tell you now, Burmese is not Chinese. She opens speaking Mandarin.....which I thought was quite strange.....then later she spoke the Cantonese dialect, which is only used in Hong Hong and the Canton province's in China (notably Guanzhou). This didn't seem right....after looking it up IMDb, I realized that she is actually Hong Kong Chinese. Not only that, she is a famous actress in Hong Kong, more recently playing a lead role in Memoirs of a Geisha.

They could of at least portrayed her as Chinese, and not Burmese. And the fact that her dialect changed from Mandarin to Cantonese, made it obvious that this was fake. The producers really should have done their homework. But then again, I guess most people in the Western world wouldn't know this.

Just a little insight that I thought you all would like to know.
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Not bad...
asc8518 November 2005
...but please let's not go too crazy over this movie! It was decent...hence my "5" rating. An extremely dark comedy with a great plot. However, at times (especially in the beginning), I was surprised this was even referred to as a "comedy."

Eugenia Yuan is clearly the star in this picture, and does a great job in her role. I hope this role will help give her the opportunity to appear in more movies.

Maybe because I saw it on DVD, but I knew this wasn't a "real" documentary. I'm surprised anyone could have thought this was real. Then again, I remember there were many people who saw "The Blair Witch Project" and thought it was a documentary.
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BookBuffBob26 April 2007
The rating for this film might be a little misleading. Judging by the comments it seems that many of the people who gave it a low score did so out of the sorrow they felt for the main character, and the disgust they felt for the men using her rather than out of a low opinion of the quality of the film. I actually think that the people who gave this film the lowest score are some of the people who felt the exact way the filmmakers want the audience to feel.

This film reminds me of "Dogville" in a way. They both do a good job at demonstrating the immoral and vile behavior that humans can practice toward one another when it's self-serving, and the justifications they can give. (You wonder sometimes if people really believe what they put forth as their point of view, if they grow to believe it out of a need to relieve guilt or if they secretly live in the guilt, being eaten up and causing their often defensive and miserable dispositions.) Don't get me wrong, this film is no Dogville, but the filmmakers do a decent job at revealing this human flaw that is the bane of this society. It's mockumentary style allows us to connect the characters to their real life counterparts rather than tossing their awful behavior aside as just something fictional (though it was).

It was a smart film. It takes thought to make up for lack of budget, and that's why you find some of the best films in the independent film world. I have friends who are filmmakers (honestly, none worked on this film). I hope more filmmakers dig a little deeper, be it in comedy, drama, horror, or whatever. These guys made a film that stays with you past the last bite of popcorn. That's an accomplishment.
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I had no idea
oiAMthatGUYo20 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was surfing through movies on the twenty movie channels I have last night and this one caught my eye. I info'd it and got the description "A documentarian follows a chubby doorman through his marriage with a mail-order bride." I had no idea that it was going to be a mockumentary and as the movie progressed I became more and more confused. I was shocked when it was revealed that Andrew was sleeping with her but in a very amusing "what the heck's going on" sort of way. I really thought that this was just a very messed up documentary. I slowly caught on that it was fake but it didn't stop my enjoyment of the film. The end is absolutely hilarious, I couldn't stop from laughing at loud by myself at the sheer patheticness of the characters. I'm going to have to go back and watch it a second time, just to appreciate the lines in there that I clearly missed before.

My only advice for showing this to friends is that you don't tell them anything other than it's a very interesting documentary. It can't be nearly as funny already knowing it's fake.
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Too Dark in Tone ...
Vic_max26 October 2006
I have to admit that this movie was well done, but the net effect of how it made me feel was simply 'bad'. I can see the intended black humor, clever and innovative script, and good performances throughout the movie. However, it's simply depressing to watch.

One of the most interesting aspects of this movie are the ideas that went into it. These included most of the down aspects - everything from older men and barely 'old-enough' girls, servitude, abuse, exploitation, etc.

It's clever, but depressing to watch. I'd say pass on this one unless you want to feel bad.
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Comedy? questionable.
Linuks23 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Mail Order Wife, a movie built on true society problems. While watching the movie I was so sure it was a documentary made by a really twisted person. If anything else a comedy made by someone that doesn't understand that there really is a problem, which some parts of the movie really enhance. The only reason I thought it might be a comedy was because I remembered reading it on IMDb.

During the entire movie I thought about how sick and twisted the system is and how sad it is for people in third world countries and even people in the NY ghetto. After it finished the first thing I did was to check if it was the right movie, sadly it was.

It was a waste of time and this is one of the very few movies I give a 1 out of 10.

If people expect comedy, this is a spoiler.
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Have fun tricking your friends
jackburden22 March 2004
Refer your friends to the interview(s) in which Gurland refers to this film as a "documentary" in production, then watch their jaws hit the floor as you all witness perhaps the most memorable use of PostIt Notes and a Cadillac El Dorado ever committed to film. Despite the clearly stated genre of "narrative feature" in the SXSW program, I somehow got suckered into missing the fact that this is a mockumentary. The contrast between the doorman's anachronistically furnished and dimly lit Queens hovel and the filmmaker's bright, Crate and Barrel-esque (Manhattan?) flat creates a palpable sense of class warfare that really sells the "reality" of this film to the duped viewer. The scene in the doctor's office was the only one that I almost didn't believe, but it was done so well that I still bought it. I loved every hilarious and painful minute of this film. Within its genre, I give it a 10/10.
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Sick and Disturbing
lmtproductions126 August 2006
This was the most sick and disturbing movie I have ever watched. This woman was treated like a piece of trash and as a sexual object throughout the entire movie. It was told only by the "unscrupulous" male perspective. I actually began to feel sicker and sicker and more disgusted while watching the horrible situations that this woman was put through.

If the National Organization of Women rated this movie,I'm sure it would have been rated a minus 10! Does anyone know if they did make any comments about it? I'm real concerned that some men and women who watch this movie may think the behavior of the male characters is acceptable. In no way did I view this movie as a comedy while watching it. Maybe that's because I viewed it from a woman's perspective and did not realize it was a mockumentary. The only redeeming value of this movie was that it unwittingly, yet masterfully reeled me in. In terms of being reeled in, I would rate it a 10+.
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Still Laughing
hibbiteejibbitee29 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The best movies are the ones you know nothing about. I was lucky, I got around to watching this movie in Nov 2010 and had no clue what it was about. When I realized it was a documentary, I gave it ten minutes to see if the content was interesting enough for me to stick around. About a half hour into it I was disgusted by what I was watching and emotionally committed despite the bells going off in my head trying to warn me something was not quite right. Then the brilliance of the film reaches out and smacked me in the head. I never laughed at myself as hard as I did when "the gotcha moment" came. It happened a little over the halfway point for me, perhaps a little earlier for some folks, a little later for others and from the looks of it, by some previous reviews not at all for the wrapped too tight around the handle crowd. As I go back over the movie, I can't believe how stupid I was to fall for any of it and I laugh at myself all over again. Stnding O fellas, you got me.
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i hate those guys!
rekolde13 September 2006
i hated andrew and adrian. and at least you know what kind of a jerk adrian is right up front. andrew was by far the worse human being. i guess since i've known a few filipino mail order brides who came over looking for a better life and married white American losers whom no American women could put up with, i recognized too much behavior in adrian and then andrew. what a jerk. there was nothing that Lucia did that made me think she deserved either one of those men, or any of the other men she had experience with. (heck, yes, i even know the horny old goats too who want to take advantage.)

the things people will put up with in pursuit of possible betterment of their situations.

what possessed this guy to make a film like this? exposing even a fictional jerk side of himself???? bleah.
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atchernev23 November 2006
This film is everything but not COMEDY! I wander who is the sick mind who put it in this category. This is a bad taste mockery with the sad life of real poor Asian girls in America. I don't recommend it to no one who pretends to be sane. More, this film has to be banned in every civilized country. Shame on the authors, they're alike the "heroes" of their film. Characteristics of this movie: sadistic, poor budget, poor quality, bad taste, mockery, schizophrenic, obscene, decayed, repulsive, violent, nasty, disgusting. The Jackass (the Movie) of MTV and Jhonny Knoxville is masterpiece compared to this. My advice to all: don't waste your time and money for this rubbish!
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Shh! Don't tell!
Curtis G.18 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It was purely a fluke that I even got a copy of this movie. If "heartbreaking work of staggering genius" hadn't already been used, that's what I'd call it. This movie is simply amazing. It's a roller-coaster of emotions from beginning to end. You'll laugh nervously...then you'll stare, slack-jawed as another twist comes out of left field...and in the end, you'll feel about the same way you did at the end of one of your relationships. It's over, but you're ambivalent. And you won't really know how you feel for some time. The most incredible feat the filmmakers pull off is that at the same time you're starting to fully appreciate what the movie really is, you've bought into it fully. You've identified with Andrew and you've even said some of the things he says. In some ways, it's more real than reality.

This whole movie should require a spoiler. This is not dark humor--it's pitch black. Blacker than black. If you enjoy twisted and unusual movies, and/or you've ever been in love, you're bound to enjoy this movie.
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do not rent or buy this movie
lix6254718 November 2006
This was an amazingly depressing movie about one loser who probably knows he's a loser and another loser who thinks he's wonderful because he's done some documentary filming. The first loser obviously can't find a woman to have any kind of a relationship with, so he picks on a mail order wife in order to have some companionship. He is pretty typical of who he is, and one can't really object to a lonely loser trying to find happiness, though he should have taken a quick course in how to treat a woman if you want her to love you.

The second loser is the person actually doing the documentary. He steps over lots of ethical boundaries and feels he has the right to do this because he is a "better person" and a "smarter person". Any journalism 101 student would know better than to react the way he does. He is a slime ball with an inflated ego who takes us on this journey into the fetid cesspool of self centered and self absorbed America. He even insults his mother several times on film, I suppose in the name of "honesty". Personally, if I were his mother, I'd disown him for any number of reasons. Do yourself a favor and watch a real movie instead of supporting this.
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This film was wonderful
fern11282 August 2005
I was immediately engrossed in the film. It was a great story and the actors were believable as real people filming a documentary. It is one of those movies that you think about for days after wards and discuss the many rich details with people who've also seen it.

The fullness of the characters, the humor, the sadness -- just that slice of life's realities reminded me of another great sleeper film called "Simply Ballroom." (Though the stories are very, very different.) The entire there clapped when Mail Order Wife ended and you could tell that people loved it by their comments and smiles.

I wish this film had gotten more press and hope that it becomes more well known when it gets to video.
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Never before
industrialwonk18 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have never been trolled by a movie before. For 15 minutes I was totally convinced that this was sad sack reality TV. The movie transitioned from plausibility to absurdity. I might have to spring this joke on friends and family.
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Terrible Movie
davidlsusan4 December 2005
Just watched this tonight and I can honestly say it's one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The acting is terrible, the characters unbelievable and the story just sucks, big time...Not recommended at all..It leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth (and wallet) just for watching it. Suggest whomever made this film gets a real job.

I felt better watching Threads (about a nuclear war) at least that was supposed to be a downer and the ending was better. How can you find a movie about exploitation of an Asian woman and snakes and stupid people entertaining or funny.

All round a very bad movie.
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"...a remarkably smart and weird film..."
Houston23 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
IT takes guts to make yourself look as ugly as Andrew Gurland does in the totally original but rather nasty mockumentary "Mail Order Wife." At first, this black-as-tar comedy looks like a traditional (though disturbing) documentary that Gurland is making about Adrian (Adrian Martinez), a schlub from Queens who gets a Burmese mail-order bride. But the story veers off in unexpected directions.

Adrian turns out to be a depressingly unpleasant person, and after he ties up his bride, Lichi (Eugenia Yuan), to make a porno video, she runs away to the only other American she knows — Andrew Gurland himself.

Then things get really crazy.

The fictional Andrew lets Lichi sleep on his couch, and then in his bed. His girlfriend leaves him. For a moment, it looks as though he and Lichi might fall in love.

But that would be way too sincere for this movie, and it turns out that Lichi isn't as naive as she seems.

The film twists and turns from there, each new development more surreal than the last, to a bizarre moment near the end when steroids-whistleblower Jose Canseco shows up to lend Andrew his yacht.

"Mail Order Wife" is a remarkably smart and weird film, even if it's sad and sometimes difficult to watch, with jokes designed to make you cringe.
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started watching 20 Min's into it, Thought it was a real documentary!!! :P
Bassx10125 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
That is until the last ten minutes of course. Man this was one hell of an idea. It twisted me like crazy, I was like why is the documenter intervening like he is and getting so crazy involved then I was like towards the end, Everyone is nuts!!! then when I saw the ending I was laughing out of my chair. Man this is good a definite recommend to see!!! Kind of opens your eyes though,,, there probably creep's out there that do that to foreign brides. Likewise I'm sure there are mail order brides that exploit the hell out of there prospective husband's. Those aspects of the film are probably what made the film interesting and my eyes glued to the television the whole time.
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Do not rent it!
anjushka8 December 2006
There is one thing I really don't understand. If this is a documentary, how come all the actors, are really ACTORS. In a documentary somebody is expecting real life and real things, not something that is played from the beginning to the end. I think this documentary or whatever it is, is awful. It could have been a really good touching movie, or a real documentary with real time persons and characters. I was like, hating each moment of this movie, thinking that all those girls are going somewhere they don't understand a thing, just to live a better life. But if a better life is being with old disgusting perverts, or young and frustrated maniacs,I don't know what to say.
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You guys do know this movie is a MOCK-umentary, right?
splatterpunk_2136 June 2009
I've read some comments here that seem to suggest the authors thought this movie was a documentary. But it isn't. It's a brazen, ballsy comedy DISGUISED as a documentary.

I found this movie to be outrageously, wickedly funny and in the vein of the TV series "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." Also, it has an unexpected amount of intelligence in its statements about American life versus life in the rest of the world, relationships, sex, and love(or lack thereof).

Beware all those who are easily offended: This movie is NOT for you. For those of you who like your comedy darker than a cup of black coffee, enjoy!
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Interesting Enough, I guess
druss44121-13 October 2005
Mail Order Wife

Dir. Huck Botko and Andrew Gurland Starring: Andrew Gurland, Eugenia Yuan, Adrian Martinez and Deborah Teng Length: 92 minutes Rated R for language and some disturbing sexual material Rating: *** (Three stars out of five)

With March of the Penguins and Fahrenheit 9/11, documentaries have finally found a home with mainstream cinema. However, that doesn't mean every year tons of obscure titles don't come out that immediately get lost in the shuffle of unoriginality and banality.

This is at least a problem that Mail Order Wife never has to worry about, however wacky or overdone it becomes.

Following Adrian Martinez in his quest to arrange a mail order bride and the perils afterwards (he calls a service and they hook him up with a random girl that he can then marry), things get complicated as Adrian begins to abuse his mail order bride Lichi and the co-director Andrew Gurland gets personally involved.

Of course, it is no big secret that Mail Order Wife is really a mocumentary and that pretty much everything is scripted. Think of it as the documentary version of what the WWF is for sports. While its scripted nature somewhat takes the fun out of the entire ordeal, it certainly helps to lessen the shocking elements.

For example, early on Adrian forces Lichi to star in his own personal sex video. At first this might not exactly seem like prime material for a supposed laugh out loud comedy. I mean, imagine a comedy about catholic priests and their abuses with alter boys. Not exactly Jay Leno let us get David Letterman on the phone stuff.

However, with this said, Mail Order Wife never becomes truly offense or just plain unwatchable. Although it may not be as "darkly funny" and "hilarious" as some early critic sound bites would lead us to believe, it certainly knows when to stop pushing for laughs and gasps when there are none left to be found.

Part of this is thanks to its deadpan style.

Presented in a somewhat similar fashion as the television show Arrested Development or some of the story segments from The Daily Show, it stays within its own little world on screen. Despite its absurdity Mail Order Wife never outright pokes fun at itself, and this helps to maintain the illusion that everything is truly authentic.

In short, though, this entire film is basically about seeing how far it can stretch its premise and how far audiences will let it go before questioning what they are seeing. As events become more and more ridiculous it becomes clear that none of it is real, but that doesn't stop director Andrew Gurland from going all out both on camera and behind it.

A good portion of his "documentary" focuses on his relationship with Lichi. It is here that things become pretty twisted and that there is thankfully an evolution beyond a stale joke that could have gotten old really fast. Though nowhere near hilarious, at least Mail Order Wife is not painfully unfunny. It keeps juggling around ideas and new twists to remain relatively fresh throughout its fairly brief 92 minute runtime.

Much of the humor is also aimed at differences between American culture and Asian culture and the stereotypical absurdities of both.

Though it is possible that some could see these stereotypes as racist, the fact that directors Botko and Gurland aim at all groups and ethnicities helps to prove they aren't out to attack anyone in particular. Mail Order Wife comes out with guns blazing in all directions.

Visually, there isn't much to write home about.

Mail Order Wife isn't exactly a technical marvel, and overall it is a pretty standard looking film full of the trademarks of documentary (fake or not) such as bad lighting, sloppy camera work and hectic focusing.

The acting, though, is completely believable, and if it weren't for a few moments the line between documentary and mocumentary would have been pretty much completely blurred. At first look Mail Order Wife contains all the elements of a genuine documentary and the farce is almost believable, which in turn adds to some of its charm.

In the end, this is one of those niche experiences that will appeal to some and not to others. If you are looking for a twisted little independent film about a guy "ordering" a wife and the chaos that ensues, then this is definitely for you. If not, well, you might still enjoy it but you aren't missing out on too much.

Personally, this is an experience that will not be regretted nor cherished.

Critic's Conclusion: A mildly amusing "mocumentary" about ordering a wife from overseas, this twisted little film wins points for originality even if it borders more on occasionally intriguing than downright hilarious. Overall, if it sounds interesting enough then go ahead and check it out, and especially for documentary fans this is a keeper. Otherwise, there are better ways to spend some spare time.
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Horrible Mockumentary
Studentofjain19 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am not even sure where to begin with this one. Out of all the terrible movies I have ever seen, this one goes to show how bad someone with a camera can do.

For starters, if this film was actually supposed to be realistic, they did a great job of making sure nothing seemed realistic. What happened to the period where Lichi should have been divorcing Adrian? Alternatively, how about her being deported for ending the marriage before a certain year mark? (There are laws in this country about immigration and marriage.) What is worse is that neither of the men did a good job portraying what a man who looks for a "mail-order" bride. Most men are not sexual sadists who abuse their wives; they are lonely men who are looking for companionship. Andrew did a wonderful job of portraying how horrible American men can be. The fact that he didn't even take into consideration what Lichi's culture might have been like before marrying her (much less what she was really like) and then getting mad at her for being the way she was brought up just goes to prove how, dare I say, stupid Americans can be.

I couldn't even give a rating of higher than one; picture quality wasn't all that great, the story was so broken up here and there, acting was terrible, there was an unnecessary amount of drinking and swearing and the plot made no sense. I don't even see what kind of point the people were trying to make here... usually documentaries/mockumentaries have some point or lesson to be taught behind them.

Not to mention, my cable company classified this as a documentary, so until about 20 minutes ago, I thought the whole thing was real... hence my being disturbed through certain scenes (when the men were asking if they could lock doors from the outside, the lack of law enforcement and immigration officials, etc.) I failed to see the importance of this film and regret wasting my time watching it.
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Need a Wife? Let your fingers do the walking.
thejcowboy229 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Working as a messenger/company rep I come across many New York City Doormen. This story is about a doorman named Adrian. Disheveled oafish,overweight with protruding frizzled hair Adrian is looking for a bride of his dreams through a catalog to satisfy his need for female companionship. Adjunct with filmmaker Andrew who will handle the cost in order to get his documentary off the ground filming the entire start to finish love story as our homely Adrian orders a bride from a catalog of Asian beauties. Enter our male order wife direct from Myanmar Lichi (Eugenia Yuan) who is greeted at the customs area at the airport walking like a lost little lamb in the field with a dimwitted smirk as she gives the impression she doesn't know a thing. To add to the physicality of this newly arranged couple The hefty Adrian and the slender,scrawny Lichi not exactly a perfect fit. Next over to the Justice Of the Peace for the informal wedding ceremony as their pronounced Husband and Wife Mail Order Style. Then quickly off to Adrian's residence in his over sized Buick to City line section of New York with a house that resembles Archie Bunkers's. No romance, no wedding cake and no time for loving. Adrian has a honey to do list waiting for poor Lichi starting with meeting his family member called Chipwitch a snake which he keeps in a tank in his basement. Off to the kitchen as he teaches her the art of fine dining with his ever popular chili recipe adding extra ketchup for flavor. Next off to the bathroom not for a romantic bubble bath but to scrub the toilet his way. Poor Lichi. Andrew our College hipster is appalled by her circumstance and plight as he plays Sir Galahad and takes it upon himself to rescue her from the drudgery of the unpolished Adrian. Andrew brings Lichi into his white liberal sophisticated world as our story takes off in a different direction ending up with a Senior citizen and a boat ride from ex major leaguer Jose Conseco in a daring Dragnet that has a twisted but humorous ending. Sometimes the rules of little fish getting eaten by medium fish and then by large fish don't apply in this movie as you wonder who is really in control. This Mockumentry had me laughing as you learn that love and romance has to be earned. No quick fix that you can get out of a catalog or the internet. Felicitations and compliments for Writer and Director Huck Botko and Andrew Gurland for thinking out of the box in this unique filming adventure. Remember all's fair in love and the cinema. A lesson to be learned for any one who wants a quick fix in solidarity.
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Highly Recommended!
thekingskdj22 March 2005
I recently was able to to see this film in NYC and found it highly entertaining. I would say it has a sort of "Curb your Enthusiasm" feel and I say this because I found myself laughing out loud, but almost feeling guilty for having done so. The people involved in this "mockumentary" all have their own strengths, weaknesses and motivations that really sell the plot and their performances. The characters are quite believable and the acting is spot-on (the celebrity cameo scene is one of the highlights of the film imho). For anyone looking for an offbeat comedy with enough emotion and heart to bind the story together, this is a must-see!
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