Red Riding Hood (2003) Poster

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Tried too hard
early10620 February 2011
This movie is plain and simple an "okay" movie. It's nothing special, but nothing terrible, furthermore it succeeds in places, and drastically fails in others. For starters I'll talk about the main character "Jenny". I could easily see from the beginning of the movie, what the desired effect for the character was, it was the clichéd innocent little girl with an evil twist. And to be honest I got bored with it. I can't tell whether the girls acting was terrible or whether it was the character. I felt no emotion towards any other characters and it can be seen that little time was spent on creating them. The character of Jennys tutor, "Tom" was played by a relatively unknown actor and wasn't that bad, just too simplistic. The grandmother was the only good acting in the film to be honest. Don't even get me started on the character of "George". George is a six foot tall monster that follows Jenny as she does her duty. I think George was created to add some form of horror and mystery into an otherwise dull plot. The morals shown by the main protagonist are so corrupt and predictable, it made me ask the question. "If this girl is so intelligent and all knowing why does she succumb to the things she does?" It made no sense, the director obviously just wanted to add some moral value into the flick, trying to get a reaction, which failed. Is this movie a black comedy, well, it tries to be. One good thing Is the placement of the repetitive music, yes some music was played over and over, but they were used brilliantly. The direction wasn't terrible either. It could have been something great with a better lead actor, and better scriptwriting. All in all 6/10.
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Suffers from lack of talent, not imagination.
doc_hartman15 August 2005
I can certainly see the point of people ripping on this film. Susanna Satta doesn't set herself up for future stardom but she certainly doesn't hurt her career. The writers had something in mind here and my guess is the director screwed it up. There are some ridiculous parts to the film, but taken in the context of a twelve-year-old girl's mind, they actually make sense.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to give too much credit to the filmmakers because a lot of the good elements of the film probably happened on accident.

I didn't feel like I wasted my money renting this, but I probably would rent it with a bunch of friends over.
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Very fun low-budget horror movie!
darkcybergeek13 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
We'll this movie sure wasn't bad but it sure wasn't very good either. It's a movie with many flaws but at the end is still a pleasant experience. It is very low-budget and from the art-cover you can see that. The acting wasn't that bad but the main actress, she was so awful, she had no emotion in every line she spit or in her reactions (Gosh i was hoping for someone to kill her!). The rest of the cast was OK, nothing great. The character development was very good, although i didn't really care about anyone except Tom the teacher and a cutie he is, because they were all so hateful, but still they develop the characters very well especially the main one.

The shots were nothing new and sometimes they felt very cheap. Although the storyline it's very interesting and intriguing and it was develop very well. There's also a plot twist in it (if you can call it that) that was so predictable, i knew it since the movie started. But still it was cool. The werewolf design/clothes was bad though, looked like a cheap halloween costume. The death scenes were very original and gory, also they look very good considering that this was a very low-budget movie. The ending was awful though, it was so stupid.

All and all this movie was still a fun and definitively one of the best direct to video movies i've seen in a while. Check it out, especially if you like horror movies.
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A Unique And Warped Twist To An Old Concept.
BigHardcoreRed2 March 2005
Red Riding Hood is about a little girl named Jenny (Susanna Satta) who has been abandoned by her mother and has come up with quite a warped sense of values. Her father was a politician who was assassinated by a wacko of some sort. Jenny takes his death as an abandonment on his part and her mother abandons her for some guy while they live in Italy, which adds to her confusion and insanity.

Jenny, along with her friend George, have become somewhat of vigilantes, punishing common thieves, hit and runners and even those who are morally bankrupt by torturing and killing them. By the way, she believes George is her puppy that is all grown up.. to over 6 ft. tall and rides a bicycle and wears a mask.

Eventually, Jenny's grandmother, Rose (Kathleen Archebald) comes to Italy to take her back to New York. The demented little girl wants nothing to change in her life, as her mother left behind lots of cash and credit cards with an unlimited balance.

Jenny's take on her life is that of the old nursery rhyme, Little Red Riding Hood, hence the name of the movie, but it is taken from the wolf's point of view. This little girl is littering up the wolf's forest and insults the size of his ears and eyes, etc. So I suppose George is meant to be the wolf.

The movie is halfway original I suppose, but Susanna's acting is a bit over the top for me and a little unbelievable. Plus, I do not think anyone would really fear for their life from a little girl, even if she does have a knife (don't want to give away too much here). The plot twists are a little different, which is good but the special effects could have used a little work. Obvious rubber props used for body parts, and little things like that rubbed me the wrong way. This was not as good as I expected. 5/10
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I Want My 90 Minutes Back
billschweitzer25 October 2006
I rented this movie during a trip to the video store in which I was searching for some cheesy horror flicks. Unfortunately, one of my selections happened to be Red Riding Hood.

First and foremost, the music in this film is quite possibly the worst I have ever seen used in any motion picture, mainstream or independent. The director had selected a 2 minute long show tune musical number that repeats the same lines at least a dozen times throughout the movie. It's as if he has an effeminate brother-in-law aspiring to a Broadway career. Absolutely terrible and pointless... by far the worst use of music in any motion picture that I have ever seen.

The repetitive and annoying music would have been bad enough on it's own to ruin a good movie, but Red Riding Hood is FAR from even being a halfway decent flick. It stars a little girl who may one day may grow up to be a decent actress, but as of the filming of Red Riding Hood, she has a long way to go before she sounds like anything above what you would expect at a middle school play. The grandmother delivers a good performance, and is just about the only watchable character you'll find. As far as my tastes, I can handle the bad acting. It's the predictable and boring plot that ruins this one for me.

In the interest of not posting spoilers, I won't talk about the "twist" at the end, if you can call it that, but I will say that the only way you won't see it coming by the first 20 minutes is if you have fallen asleep from boredom. Death scenes are unimpressive and one scene of violence is lifted directly from Misery.

Maybe it wasn't quite 90 minutes long, but sitting through this movie felt like an eternity. I want at least 90 minutes of my life back... possibly more for the time it took me to explain to others just how bad this movie really is.
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Yeah... It's really bad.
kingmattress26 July 2005
I'm gonna lay out the ground info on myself so that I don't end up getting accused of "not getting it." I am a serious horror movie buff. And I love cheese. Some of my favorite movies are the Evil Dead films. This film... It's bad. Really, really bad.

I'll start with the story: psychotic 12 year old in Rome tries to exact violent justice upon those who break the law or sin with the help of George, a puppy of hers who grew up... into a human in a white Anubis mask. She does this because she thinks her dead dad would want that. Her grandmother shows up, wanting to bring her to New York, so she tortures her. Oh, and she's in love with her tutor. Did I mention George? That thing made me hostile it was so tacky. It was literally explained as "Remember George? He grew up." That's a direct movie quote explaining a seven foot tall man in an Anubis mask who kills. There's sort of an interesting sub-plot that as the movie progresses, the kills and fights that the little girl causes are more personal, and less for justice like originally, which shows that her perception's becoming more distorted. Then again, it's entirely possible that that wasn't the original idea and I desperately made it up to try to salvage this movie.

The acting is pretty awful too. The little girl is truly, utterly bad, to the point where it's annoying. Which is too bad, because she's the main character and you're always seeing her. Nobody else is any good either. Doesn't matter though, because the sound recording is so low that there are times you can't even here what the actors are saying. The filming quality is similar. It's all done in painfully obvious 8mm. Evil Dead was done on similar film, and really, you could hardly tell. It was made 20 years before this movie. Come on now.

The production value was just as laughable. In one particularly funny bit, the tutor, Tom, is on the phone, and the phone has no cord. I guess they wanted a cordless phone, but simply couldn't afford one.

All in all, I watched this movie with some friends, and it took us about 10 minutes until I finally blurted "What the hell did we just watch?" See it only if you're a horror movie completist when visiting Blockbuster.
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A horrible waste of time and money
artenysis18 June 2005
This has to have been the worst movie that I have ever seen. I didn't even want to sit through it, but the other people that I was watching it with thought that it was worth a laugh, and continued to watch it with me in the room. Awful, awful, awful. The acting was the worst that I have seen in my entire life. That girl should never be allowed anywhere near a video camera EVER AGAIN. Everything about her, from her voice and annunciation (or lack thereof) to her ridiculous facial expressions and out of control eyebrows was simply atrocious. I mean really. I can understand not wanting to judge someone based upon their physical appearance, but her enormous eyebrows were honestly distracting.

And there wasn't anything else redeeming about the film. The acting was bad (all around) and the plot was very predictable and boring. Except for the end...I don't think anyone would have been able to call that one. Lastly, to prove that this movie was really as horrible as I say it was, I was given a refund by the store that I rented it at. And no, I didn't throw a tantrum in order to get it. Honest.
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Great movie!
mindy_jo7523 February 2005
This movie was really impressive - we rented it expecting your typical low budget horror but it was not anything like that! it was basically a psychological horror in the tradition of the Bad Seed but much more interesting. I was shocked to find out that this girl had not been in anything else - she was amazing!! The only thing I didn't like about it was the ending, that was rather strange but I guess it was OK. The DVD had absolutely no extras which was disappointing on a movie like this. So I definitely recommend this - especially to those who like movies off the traditional track. Oh yeah and it kinda reminded me of Donnie Darko.
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LordJezo25 March 2005
Well it's almost 3 in the morning and I just finished watching this movie. Was it good? Heck no. Would it be something I would watch again? Maybe to show other people how bad it is. Did I enjoy it? Heck yeah! This is not a movie to take seriously. It is not something you watch and expect it to be good in any way. The acting of the young girl stunk, the effects were pretty bad, and it was an overall utter cheese fest. But you know what? That's what made it so good! If you like cheesy movies then you will love this one, check it out and laugh along. So thats that. Good night. Go out to your local video store, find this movie, and have a good time.
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I actually enjoyed it
jimbob921030 January 2009
This movie is actually pretty good. Alright, so its a b-movie horror, and this genre doesn't have the best track record, but this movie is something different. In fact, its one of the best b-movies I have ever seen. The movie creates its plot brilliantly. More so than many blockbusters actually. We find out the reasons for the character's actions early on, and throughout the film the audience is kept in a state of suspense. This is because not only is the plot created, it is maintained until the very end. Too often in bigger films have the writers/directors put a huge twist in the middle that leaves you lost, whereas this film creates just a few small ones, then delivers a huge one right at the end that allows you to make sense of it all. It is easy to follow. Special congratulations has to go to Kathleen Archebald who delivers a spectacular performance despite being so young (easily better than many actors, I should note.) All in all, this film is great, and puts a new, deadly spin on this tale and reinforces one fact- don't let your kids play with knives!
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Awful! Do not waste your money
dwegkamp12 October 2006
I swear this is the worst horror movie ever made. Even Jeepers Creepers was a 10 out of 10 compared to this. The acting by the little girl (Jennifer) was horrific (and not in a good way). Seriously...she should have taken some acting classes prior to appearing in this film. This film was just a bunch of gory scenes intending to "scare" you by making you lose your lunch, with no real plot or supporting story lines. It has nothing to do with the traditional story of Red Riding Hood other than the fairytale is mentioned once in the movie. The antagonist doesn't even wear a red hood. Just goes around killing people. The ending left me thinking "what the hell?" because it had nothing to do with the film, didn't tie up any loose ends, etc. Don't waste your money on this piece of crap.
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swifto17 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so great. I don't know what's up with all the negative reviews. May contain spoilers: This movie has it all: Evil children, evil looking killer, granny torture, gallons of gore, a sex scene to make it legit, and oh yeah, gore galore! This movie does not cop out. Just when you think, "Oh that would be cool if she did that, wait that'd be way to violent..." She does! It totally delivers. Everybody seems to think that the main girl can't act, I thought she was great. Utterly evil girl. Sorry for the overuse of the word evil, but that's what this movie was. Balls to the wall greatness for those who love horror movies.
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Guilty Pleasure
Poe-1719 December 2005
I liked this film, with no apologies. I bought it. It's twisted, warped, off kilter with enough loose ends to keep any critic's bazooka going full time. But it nearly touched something, nearly. It strived so hard and, for much of the film, had what it wanted contained and captured but - yes - what it sought to grasp finally withered loose and … I don't know… scampered and skittered in all directions so beginning never connected to end, or vice versa. I'm bad about sentimentalism for a near miss. It caught me up in something they-who-built-it wanted to do. I got in their van on a dark street and rode with them for a while. Never made the destination but I don't regret the ride. Jenny is scary as hell. The blend of Jenny, George and music (that music … it empowered the crucial scenes with its here-I-come tempo in time with those swinging red boots - oh, those red boots). Ah, well. Most will turn up noses, shake heads and turn their backs on this tiny flick. And, they are probably correct. For me and my ilk, however, it nearly touched something and I don't know if it fell short of touching "it" or if I jerked "it" away at the last moment. "Nice shot, George".
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A terrifying concept with terrifying presentation
pplrd40003 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film, Red Riding Hood, was one of the best rental choices I ever made: when I told the manager of the video rental store what I thought about it, she then offered to give me another rental for free.

This film is about a little girl - as played by Ken Shamrock - who, in cahoots with her evil mutant dog monster pet - also played by Ken Shamrock - go around administering their interpretation of "justice." For example, the only appropriate response to the crime of stealing an $8 bottle of wine is to stab the thief! Right through the spine, the heart, the sternum and the hand (over the sternum - possibly the "actress" having a heart attack that she was in a movie this bad). Another example, as punishment for renting this terrible movie, you are forced to listen to boring, endless rants and painful camera shifts around Miss Unibrow, the nickname that my roommates and I gave to Mr. Shamrock's character.

I distinctly remember that I specifically did not return this movie to the video store - I burned it down, shattered the DVD, and then hid it all across the city in which I live. If you want to lose friends or kill a relative with a weak heart, rent this one. It's for you.
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Untrusted Narration
tedg24 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes a movie is simple but done well. This is the opposite.

It seems to have been shot in a weekend with pickup players except for the girl who was obviously selected for her face. Superficially, it is a giallo, with explicit murders, usually with knives. Like a traditional giallo, sex plays a role, though here is it the strangely handled awakening of a young teen. But, like with Argento projects, there is a deliberate attempt at complex narrative structure.

The mystery is not in discovering the answer at the end of the story, but the shape of the question.

The thing is framed by our girl telling the story of Red Riding Hood to her grandmother in bed, "as the wolf would tell it."

That is nested above and below some detailed discussion of "Don Qixote" from the girl to her tutor, who she adores. We are told about the honor and the fictional world of the guy. She lets him and us know she is Qixote.

The story we see weaves among these. Basically, she prowls the streets of Rome, where she lives alone, and kills people she thinks do not deserve to live. There are drills, nailguns and stuff typical of the referenced genre. In each case, she does not do any of the violence, her companion does. His name is George. He wears the same outfit: black cape, red shoes, and follows her bike on his. But he is six feet tall and wears a stylized wolf mask. He is the violent one.

There are events, but they matter not at all except to sustain this structure. There is also a backstory to help it make some sort of sense: her father was a crusading Washington politician murdered in public by a young girl. Her mother — who we never see — was cheating with a younger guy and abandoned her.

The daughter somehow ends up living alone in Rome with money and profound cleverness. Her Grandmother comes to take her back to New York. The grandmother is a famous stage actress, allowing some talk about the nature of performance. Some movies are mentioned, others are referenced. It seems essential to the genre that these ideas which can be deep are handled in the most superficial way, as a preteen girl would.

Ted's Evaluation -- 2 of 3: Has some interesting elements.
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Not quite worth your time
thatgurl1615 May 2007
If you were looking for the animated children's movie with Joey Fatone, this is not it.

The only way you could call this movie good is if you were looking for a horribly low-budget joke. While it may remind some of Donnie Darko, the resemblance ends at the imaginary friend with a white mask. The acting is awful, especially that of the little girl, and the effects are exceptionally fake.

I suggest watching the movie on 2x speed. That way you only waste 45 minutes of your life instead of 90. And the high pitched, quick dialogue makes it much funnier.
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not that good
universal_enigma9 April 2005
Well this is one movie that I definitely judged by the cover. I guess I was hoping that I'd find some sort of hidden treasure or something, I mean it wasn't a movie that I'd ever heard of and the cover looked interesting (even if the tag line was a little cheesy) but I was utterly disappointed by it in the end. seemed low budget, the sketchy camera work at times is forgivable, but I don't get why the voices seemed to raise and lower from here to there. I was hoping it would be more philosophical considering the protagonists actions and motives, but it wasn't. and there were many parts of the movie that just give you bad feelings, never quite sure who to root for... I might not have finished it if not for the fact that I knew it'd nag at me about not knowing how it ended. I guess now that I've seen it I've got it out of my system. although I will be all the more weary from now on whenever I rent a little known about movie again...
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Interesting Take... If By Interesting You Mean Boring
gavin69421 March 2007
A young girl is all alone in Rome after her father (a politician) passes away. When her grandmother comes to take her away ,the girl has other plans. Little does granny know, but the girl is a vigilante who fights injustice at night in a red riding hood.

First, let me say this: 92 minutes, my eye! It felt like I was there for three hours suffering through this. How many ways can I spell out boring? Despite watching this with a group of friends (including three lovely ladies) I just couldn't wait for it to be over.

Now, granted, some death scenes were alright. The liquor bottle in the face, the use of peanut butter to cause an allergic reaction. Nice ideas. And as a philosopher, I loved the idea of using a Kant book to alert authorities to your whereabouts. But beyond that, I think this film was lacking.

First, the thought of a young girl being this self-sufficient is absurd. Maybe Punky Brewster could do it, but in Rome? This made the rest sort of hard to believe. And the crimes she gets vengeance for -- I think she's a little bit over-reacting. I've already commented on the pacing, but it bears repeating.

I disliked the advertising. We got a picture of a sexy, sassy vixen on a bike... and the film had a girl who was maybe 12 at most. The wolf shows up, but really has nothing to do with the film, or at least not enough to be really enjoyable. The red riding hood theme was very nice (I'm a collector of red riding hood paintings myself) but I think it was simply not well presented.

So we have decent deaths, slow plot, respectable acting... all in all nothing beyond mediocrity (though, I suppose, certainly not complete rubbish). I wouldn't recommend this one to you -- I don't ever want to see it again if I can help it. But if your goal is to watch the worst and most boring horror films ever made, you could do worse than this one.
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Camp, pure and simple
jayg_5826 October 2022
Anyone who tries to assign artistic value to this is totally missing the point. The lead actress is wooden and obviously untrained - and nearly perfect in the role. This is just pure camp. It doesn't measure up on any other level, but for the midnight horror buffs, I've had it in my collection for a long time now. Wonder why we've never seen our protagonist again? She really can't act, but in this, it works.

Jenny and George. Or are they? The bad guys aren't really bad; they're just people who violate Jenny's personal code of conduct. Her reaction to them is over the top. There is nothing in this film that should be taken seriously or rated against large budge horror. It's just fun.
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Don't bother. Run, do not walk, away from this movie.
Loftus14 June 2008
I am a fan of Mystery Science Theater. I am a fan of a certain grade of horrible movie.

I turned this stinker off after thirty minutes. That's right. I barely made it through the first act.

The idea of a twelve year-old being able to live on her own in Rome is ludicrous. I know that the horror genre has to have some major suspension of disbelief, but it also has to give something back to its audience in terms of plausibility.

Also, I hated the main character. I hated her with a seething burning passion and wanted to strangle her every time she came on screen. You're not supposed to feel that way about your main character even if they are an anti-hero or an antagonist.

I'm not wasting any more words on this piece of crap. There are other, better low-budget horror flicks out there with characters, plot and oh, scares.
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one of the worst movies I've seen in awhile
geeblegee23 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is seriously one of the worst movies, horror or otherwise, that I have seen in a long time. Usually I like low budget and foreign horror films but this was really awful. The acting was bad, the script was written by a senile monkey, the lighting and audio was sub-pare and I couldn't get the Spanish subtitles to turn off. The lead actress needed some serious eyebrow plucking tips and the film makers attempt at symbolism through Don Quiote was done so ham handed that even de Palma would be shocked.

I was lured into renting this movie because the box cover looked cool and I thought that I had nothing to lose. Be warned this is an hour and a half of your life that you'll never get back. Unless you have a time machine and even then I don't recommend it.
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I loved it
darksocks6 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I am a B movie fan and this movie is better than a B movie in my opinion. It really shows what can go on inside a person and what does (i know many will say "um not me" but you know its true. We All have that sense of wanting justice by any means necessary. I loved the Actress playing Jenny cause she had this sort of matter of fact way about her with a nice lacing of literature. She also emphasized the fact that she see's the corruption in the world and feels like she is the only one that can do anything about it. I must admit the end threw me off with her dad popping out as George, but then i realized maybe she had imagined Up George to replace her father and thats why he popped out, because it was her want.

Oh and i would like to note to the person who was complaining about how the actress' eyebrows- WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT and it shouldn't matter in a movie if your a anorexic looking girl to an actually normal looking person.
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Please please do not watch this
hunter_kudjo21 March 2010
Unless, of course, you are looking for a terribly-god-awful-cheesy-not-even-to-be-considered-a-horror movie. There are so many things wrong with this movie I don't even know where to start.

For one, the movie cover shows exactly why directors and producers hire brilliant artists to make their crap movies come across as decent looking. Never judge a book by its cover.

Being somewhat specialized in movie editing, the general objective of a film is to let the story flow smoothly, both visually and audio-wise. This film was like a hurricane in the Atlantic. At one point, the director tried splicing random angles on a bicycle chase scene, one shot with the bike on a street in blue light, another shot with it in orange lights, another with the antagonist's chase vehicle, and another identical shot where the chase vehicle just disappeared. I have never seen such sloppy editing.

Besides the editing, someone on here said the cinematography was "great". Are you f**king crazy? Sure, if you like seeing random blips of Rome here and there, but overall nothing made sense. The first 30 seconds of the film has you regretting instantly - it looks like video camera footage, which is why I laughed my ass of in the credits when it said "shot on Kodak". b.s.

Regarding the plot, yes, it is lifeless and useless. You while feel as empty after this movie as you did when you put it in the DVD player. There is absolutely no lesson, moral, climax, or abstract resolution to this film. I know some of the greatest movie's of all time just kind of "end", but the director must've thought he was the next Queintin Tarintino...or Sergio Leone for that matter. Murder scenes abruptly cut to happy scenes with the little girl on her bike humming along to Frank Sinatra like music at least 20 times. And to top it off, the final scene drags the plot to all-time low of satisfaction and understanding...leaving this film unfinished would've been good enough.

All in all, however, a friend and I picked this out because it sounded horrible, but instead we got much more than just horrible - we experienced a whole new meaning of a B-movie ... so I need to invent a term for it..

Maybe a "fubar movie".

I hope to one day meet this director and preferably kill him with peanut butter just like in the movie.
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the most worthless movie ever made
tammck19 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
well where to start...this movie is complete crrrrrrap! if i could speak my mind, trust me...they wouldn't post it.

the girl who plays jenny in this movie has clearly never acted before, and never should again. Her voice is so deep and monotone that it was extremely hard to concentrate on what she was saying. the grandma over dramatized every action that she made, and her shrill scream rung in my ears even after she stopped.

the plot in this movie had some potential, but the direction was horrible, the actors clearly could not act, and the camera direction made me feel like i was watching a poorly put together documentary.. the only reason that i watched the entire movie was to see who George was going to end up being, and then when i sit through an hour and a half of torture, i find out that it is the brats imagination.. talk about disappointment. the entire movie was a let down. the cover of the movie leads you to believe that this could be a decent horror flick, but then you push play... :( and now for the ending. when her and her father break out in song, you don't know whether to throw up or laugh. i was completely in shock. i was like the entire movie has been crap and this you just load this on top of it to make it even worse.. it makes you wonder if this movie was intentionally made to be a joke or if someone is completely out of their mind..
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Fun concept poorly executed.
ThrownMuse12 March 2007
This is a retelling of the classic fairytale. Here, Little Red Riding Hood is an obnoxious spoiled brat who is best friends with "the Wolf" (a mysterious figure with a cap and wolf mask, who she believes is her, well, dog.) Instead of venturing out to visit Grandma, they live with her keep her captive, torturing her. Think "Freeway" meets "Misery." I really wanted to love this movie, but I couldn't because the lead actress was so terrible and obnoxious, performing as if she were in a junior high school play. I'm not sure if the ending is a joke that misfired, but I didn't think it was amusing. If you like twisted fairy tales, you probably want to check this out, but be warned, it can get very grating at times.
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