Dark Waters (Video 2003) Poster

(2003 Video)

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Technology sometimes has its flaws.
michaelRokeefe31 January 2004
Sci-Fi pulse pounder. An oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico is attacked by bloodthirsty bio-engineered sharks and a team of underwater specialists are summoned to investigate and put a plan into action to combat the out of control beasts. Some pretty bad acting and less than special effects. Attempted humor is lame and the gunfire on board the submarine is unrealistic. Research on using sharks as weapons? What the hell...this IS science fiction after all. The cast includes: Lorenzo Lamas, Bruce Gray, Rodrigo Abed and the sassy knockout Simmone Mackinnon. Not a total waste of time, but close. Of course the Sci-Fi Network is proud of this one.
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We go in on 3, ready... 3,2,1 Go!
McQualude15 January 2004
"We go in on 3, ready... 3,2,1 Go!", is an example of the idiotic dialogue that plagues Dark Waters. Not to mention the scene where our heroes escape and go galavanting around the bridge of a sub on a top-secret mission and manage to convince the officers that they are on a tour. [note: this movie is not a comedy] Dark Waters insults the intelligence of the viewer. What do I know, maybe it IS possible to abandon ship at 5,400 feet. I score Dark Waters a 3, only because the action is plentiful and Simmone Mackinnon is HOT.
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Not very good...
poolandrews15 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Dark Waters starts at the Gulf of Mexico, Oil Tansfer Station No. 3 where about 3,800 feet under the ocean two lowly workers Hank & Tim become Shark food... Marine biologist Dane Quatrell III (Lorenzo Lamas) & his female assistant Robin Turner (Simmone Mackinnon) are drugged by evil scientist Dr. Alistair Summerville (Bruce Gray) & taken to Dane's old marine life center which went bust, there Summerville says he needs to hire Dane's submarine the Resolve as this is just about the only privately owned sub that can withstand the depths needed for the mission. When Dane realises how much money he'll make the deal is done without too many questions being asked & along with Summerville's men they all set off for the oil rig. Once there though they are attacked by super strong, super smart Great White Sharks. Only three survive the attack & if killer Sharks wasn't enough it seems that the military has a sinister hand in these genetically created killers...

Co-written, co-produced & directed by Phillip J. Roth Dark Waters is a pretty bad way to spend 90 odd minutes. The insultingly predictable script by Roth & Brett Orr is basically a Deep Blue Sea (1999) rip-off only with a much smaller budget, firstly it's boring, it doesn't contain any decent set-pieces & there's just no imagination to it at all, the Sharks hardly feature as instead the filmmakers thought we, the paying audience, would prefer to see a bunch of incompetent marines chase three civilians around a top secret submarine & totally screw up every opportunity to capture them as these marines just can't shoot straight & are pretty dumb, the character's are poor except for Dane himself who is quite likable as the hero although that Robin woman was absolutely appalling with her 'tough' no nonsense attitude that just didn't work at all & of course there are plenty of stupid plot holes & unbelievable coincidences. Oh dear, Jaws (1975) this ain't, not a good film.

Director Roth does alright although it isn't going to win any awards for anything, the Sharks barely feature & probably get less than 10 minutes screen time which is just as well really as the so-called special effects are far from special. There's absolutely no blood or gore apart from some gunshot wounds & we never properly see anyone get eaten. The film lacks any sort of scares or tension & isn't exciting either.

Technically Dark Waters is OK apart from the not-so special effects, the sets are alright although I don't think there would be that much room on a submarine, I mean some of those corridors looked wider than my bedroom! The opening scene is supposedly set underwater but you can tell that the two actors in deep-sea diving suits are just moving slowly in an empty set to try & simulate being in water! The acting isn't great & Mackinnon is absolutely terrible as Dane's sidekick, just because she's in it means Dark Water can't have more than 2 stars out of 10.

Dark Waters might appeal to some although I think it's full of clichés, bad character's, dumb coincidences, bad CGI Sharks, not enough action, etc. etc. I could be here all night listing it's faults I really could, probably one to avoid.
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Lorenzo plays a gigolo to perfection!
supertom-33 March 2005
Dark Waters: One of a large number of cheapo Sci-Fi action films. Most usually related to creatures from the deep. Dark Waters is essentially a low budget equivalent to Deep Blue Sea. Starring in this is DTV maestro Sir Lorenzo of the Lamas's. Lorenzo is a legend it has to be said. From a promising earlier career including the hit TV show Falcon Crest he has through the years become a reliable action man for hire, known more for his perfectly conditioned hair than for the fact he's in excellent physical shape and is a black belt. The thing with Lorenzo is, that there are always signs he's not too bad an actor, as far as these movies go. He did after all get a Golden Globe nomination over 20 years ago. The thing is without any inspiration from the material he can seem bored and lacking in charisma. Here though Lorenzo seems more in his element compared to some of his other recent cheapies. Dark Waters has a kind of enjoyable B-movie feel to it. The movie is an effects movie, there is a lot of CGI and considering it's from the bargain basement of CGI effects they aren't to bad. Nowadays you can get fair CGI for very little money thanks to the development in the technologies. This film is obviously shot on ultra low budget but there are enough quickly constructed sets and acceptable CGI shots to give some sense of scale. Of course the movie has it's fair share of dud computer shots.

In Dark Waters Lorenzo plays a marine biologist whose recklessness through the years has caused his research lab to have been shut down and causing severe problems in his pursuit of Atlantis. Now he and his equally morally oblique lady friend, played by Simmone Mackinnnon are fraudsters who try and extort money from wealthy people in order to fund their expeditions. Lorenzo seems at home playing a sleazy gigolo it has to be said and the role is given plenty of humour. Lorenzo and Simmone have a good chemistry and seem to be having fun with it.

Overall this film is reasonably enjoyable and director Phillip Roth is a specialist in doing ambitious effects laden projects for minimal money, for example APEX and the fairly enjoyable Velocity Trap. He certainly has gained an understanding of using effects and is competent in the action scenes. This is, despite it's ludicrous premise and swift and harmless watch. **
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Watch something else
jimpowellsf1 November 2005
This movie lacks so much of anything needed for a good movie. It lacks a good story, good writing, good special effects, and good acting. The last half hour of the movie has virtually every line ending in the word "NOW". It's just awful.

The gaps in the story are too big to even being to make any logical transition in the film. I can't say that the movie is worth much of your time at all.

There's no wonder that this movie was released straight to video. I was unfortunate enough to have it on a local cable channel. It's so bad that it's almost laughable. As a way to make it enjoyable (should you ever want to see it), rent it with other horrible movies and get a group of friends together and use the time to shout back at the screen.
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so very stupid
dmuel7 April 2007
This is one of the worst movies I've seen in a while. I have to confess, I fast forwarded through most of it, because it was far too stupid and low-budget to waste any time on. A navy experiment with sharks has gone awry, and a group of ferocious sharks is now threatening to make the viewer nervous. However, these CGI sharks are so phony looking, along with the sets and other effects, that one will have to watch some other movie for thrills. So little production value was added to this flick that one actor, who is supposedly eaten by a shark in one scene, re-appears 10 minutes later with a mustache on his face as a different character. I'm writing this review to take my revenge on the producers of this film. It is not a "so-bad-it's-good" movie, it's too bad for human eyes to watch.
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I thought this movie would suck, and it exceeded my expectations!
galewskj8 March 2004
Wow, I knew this movie would not be very good, but I thought that maybe there would be something amusing about it. Not so! The sharks are ridiculous looking computer-generated blobs with lots of teeth. You could create a script like this by randomizing cliches such "It's my way or the highway" and "Damned if you do, damned if you don't". There wasn't really a plot, or a point to the movie. I must admit though, the cheese factor is pretty high on this movie. That is why I give it a 2. Yes, the leading lady is kind of hot, but this is a made for TV movie, so it's an empty threat. I like sharks, but the sharks didn't do anything interesting. They were the basis for all of the human interaction, nothing more.
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"Deep Blue Rip-off!"
cchase13 January 2004
Sci-Fi Channel's "Original Pictures" arm is fast becoming the AIP-clone for the New Millennium, and it's movies just like this one that prove it. You only have to see the credit "Starring Lorenzo Lamas" to know exactly what you're in for. And no matter how low your expectations, I don't think the hardiest bad-movie fan is ready for this 'deep-star-sixed' turkey.

Lorenzo and made-for-gratuitous-breast-shots-hottie Simone MacKinnon play--what else?--a failed marine biologist/oceanographer and his cohort. Once legit scientists who actually ran a real exploratory institute, specializing in environmental studies and research, (yeah, right), they have become mere scam artists, bilking rich idiots out of tens of thousands of dollars for a new, non-existent "project": the discovery and eventual exploration of "ATLANTIS."

At the film's opening, stolen right from the script pages of another howler, DEEP BLUE SEA, (which was twice as bad, but also two times more entertaining than this), a private deep-core drilling station is trashed by a school of animated marauding sharks (yes, you DID read that correctly), who also make its inhabitants into fast fish food.

Cut to the aforementioned pseudo-soiree. LL and Simone have just finished fleecing a bevy of bountiful society boobies, but then the "hunters get captured by the game." Next thing they know, they find themselves waking from unconsciousness and headed for the dilapidated headquarters where the institute was founded by LL's late dad. There to greet them is the man who may have been responsible for Papa's demise, played with the usual workmanlike dependability by Canadian staple Bruce Gray, (and you already know how much you should trust characters played by Canadian actors with the first name "Bruce.") Bruce offers the sci-cons a sweetheart of a deal: investigate the shark attack on his drilling station, and he'll make all their legal and monetary problems disappear. (Haven't people learned about deals like this YET???)

I could bore you with the rest of the details, but why bother? You already know it by-the-numbers: super-brainy sharks, genetic experimentation gone awry, government/military conspiracy and cover-ups, lots of bullets flying, soldiers and scenery chewed, yadayadayada. Just keep in mind: the credits in this movie list both a director of visual effects AND a director of animation, so you know that the majority of the budget was spent on hair care products for the two "stars."

Which reminds me...that's about what this movie is worth. And that's because I happen to like Bruce Gray. The sharks are a bonus. Now if they only could've snacked on the screenwriters...
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What to say?
Ky-D9 August 2005
I find it difficult to write a review on such an uninspired, unoriginal, unmotivated film. Neither sci-fi, action, horror, comedy, nor anything in between for that fact, it runs through the direct-to-video paces as comfortably as it needs to in order to still be watchable without ever being any good.

Lorenzo Llamas is an oceanic researcher hard up for some funding. Together with his assistant they seduce money out of socialites at (and after) fund raisers. One night the two are drugged and taken to the estate of a man whom might have a job for them. They are to escort him to an underwater researcher station to find out why communications have been lost. Things take a turn for the dangerous when they are set upon by a school of intelligent great white sharks.

The script is bored with plot holes like swiss-cheese. Not to mention script irregularities. Nothing ever seems to flow logically and every event seems to happen at random without regard for plot evolution.

That should be expected from a DtV flick, but the genre hopping comes strait out of left field. It starts out a horror film, becomes a sci-fi, shifts to action, takes a turn for the comedic, goes back to horror, then kind of tosses them all in together for the conclusion. More than once I asked "what kind of movie are they trying to make?"

All is not terrible though, thus the average rating. For one the sets and FX are well above par for a low budget cheese fest like this and the actors (while never given a single intelligent thing to do) are lively and energetic; it seems like they at least had fun making the movie.

One could do much better than this, and one could do much worse; it really isn't for anybody as it fails to either excite or irritate.

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Could be improved by dubbing it into a language I don't speak
gtc8313 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched this movie about four times now. Why? Because Simmone Mackinnon puts on a wet T-shirt show throughout almost the entire movie. And I've hated it every time.


The plot revolves around a secret government research project (run by Lamas' father) involving killer sharks. The research lab is located aboard a submarine, and through completely unbelievable circumstances, Lamas and Mackinnon wind up on the sub.

The biggest problem is the characters - they're utterly detestable. I don't care if they're lying, cheating thieves; those I count as endearing qualities. What I can't stand is the fact that they're so incredibly conceited, like a couple of self worshiping, petty school children. Mackinnon was really lousy in Deep Shock and she's really lousy in this as well. Lamas also manages to reach a new low.

The other gigantic problem is that the lead characters become mass murderers towards the end. Lamas' father, the project leader for creating killer sharks, has decided that the project isn't going to be successful. So he decides to wipe out all data from the project, so it won't be continued. However, with the laboratory located on a submarine, wiping out all the data apparently requires killing everyone aboard. The astute viewer may have noticed that there are lots of people on submarines, even the ones that don't have secret shark research facilities on board. That's because the vast majority of those people are involved with keeping the submarine running - they don't have any connection to secret projects. Yet, with the help of Lamas and Mackinnon, they are all killed. In fact, if one were to really pay attention, you'll notice the father would have killed his son, if not for the totally unbelievable escape they make after he's sabotaged the ship.

But of course that isn't enough for this movie. After the death a hundred or so sailors, most of whom were guilty of nothing more than some terrible over acting, Lamas makes a speech about how he gained so much character from his father.

Oh brother. This is just about the dumbest thing you're ever likely to see.

The submarine keeps springing leaks which spurt out like someone holding a shower nozzle up to Mackinnon's T-shirt. That's the intelligent part of the movie.
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So bad, it's painful.
KungFuVooDoo24 December 2005
With the advent of straight to video movies, a whole new genre of 'B' movie seems to be appearing. This is one of them. It can't seem to make up it's mind if it wants to be a horror movie, or a sci-fi movie or an action flick. In all honesty, it fails on all levels for ALL of them. Lorenzo delivers as good a performance as can be, considering the script. He counterpart is fun to look at, but she's only tolerable if you turn the sound down on your TV. The graphics leave a great deal to be desired, especially in a day and age where really, really good graphics are available at a reasonable price from a variety of start up animation companies. The sharks are reminiscent of "Anaconda" (the first one). Remember how bad the snakes were? The sharks are worse. Really. Unless you're desperate, I'd pass on this one. It has it's moments, but for the most part, it's an incredibly uncomfortable experience.
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Watch this actress.!!!
kaisai12 June 2004
Simmone Mackinnon. There have been many movies about sharks and Lorenzo Lamas is an good actor, but, what made this film tick was the acting of Simmone Mackinnon. I hope her talent does not go un-noticed, if it does, she should dump her agent. I am looking forward to see how her career goes. Because of her I gave an above average high rating. She is also in the movie "Python 2", again her acting as a Russian woman married to an American made the movie. Also in that movie was William Zabka, from "Karate Kid". Simmone Mackinnon has great acting talent and beauty, she should do well in the movie business.
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All-right action film, but not a real tried-and-true horror film
kannibalcorpsegrinder12 August 2020
Sent to the bottom of the sea to inspect a secret base, a scientist and his research team observing marine life his father built are unaware that a swarm of genetically mutated sharks are in the area and forcing them to battle off the creatures and the increasingly-hostile escorts around them.

There's not a whole lot here that works. The main feature of this one is the fact that this does have the rather creative use of the plot to have the sharks being contained on the ship at the beginning and go on the rampage at the end. Rather than spend half the movie trying to track them down to prevent the massacre they are bound to do, this one keeps them out of the water for a large portion, making the few moments when they do attack all the more potent. The opening attack is pretty brutal and manages to get some nice scenes from it, while a later attack on the mini-sub is one of it's best scenes as there's a certain degree of suspense as to whether the attack is enough to enable an escape. The other enjoyable aspect here is that when it manages to mix the Action film with traditional Horror aesthetics, there's a lot of viciousness employed. That comes about as there are a few decent action scenes in here that aren't that bad. Most of the shootouts aren't that bad, and have some degree of watchability to them, from the escape attempt to get free of their capture to the series of shootouts in the lab where they use the inclusion of the sharks to get to upper hand which is a great idea that gets some good mileage out of. The big shootout in the lab is really fun, and it does get some great stunts in it as well as setting the stage for a decent finale. Otherwise, this one isn't all that spectacular as there's a couple of problems with this one. None are bigger than the fact that the sharks are so barely in this that it's almost a real question why they're involved. They are the subject of the film, yet they are rarely on-screen. Beyond the opening attack, the next time a shark is seen on-screen isn't until the forty-minute mark. This leaves such a large chunk of the film without the titular creatures and being forced to spend the rest of the time with the scientific expedition and their journey for most of the film. While it's not that bad, this negates having the film be about genetically-enhanced killer sharks. The point of including them in the film then not featuring them at all for most of the film is a big flaw. Another rather big flaw is the fact that the sharks get to do very little of the action. They get one main scene at the end, and that is pretty much a part of a whole grouping of scenes, and this leaves such few opportunities for them to become threats. Not having the title creature be a threat is a really big concern. Another rather big flaw is the confusing ending. The film just ends and wraps up all of its storylines at once, making it seem rushed and confusing. There are a few rather obvious plot holes here, and there are some big problems with the believability of the sharks involved here, but those are the big problems.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity.
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Underestimates the audience
idbar21 January 2006
I think, I have seen a lot of movies by now. But this one has to be one of worse if not the worst. The first scene of the movie shows the poor special effects that you'll see for the rest of the movie. Even though I am not native English speaker, I noticed how fake the acting was. I think I laughed for the first 20 minutes of the movie for that reason. I was thinking of it, as a parody of horror movies, but it is classified as a horror/action movie. The subject of the movie could be exploited much better. Unluckily, they were mostly worried to make the two main actors look like the hottest couple on earth. Well, the actress is indeed hot, and I don't doubt for many ladies the guy might be hot too. However, that's not what a movie is made of.

The plot underestimates the audience, the end of the movie is highly predictable (almost from the beginning). The danger does not seem to scare the fearless heroes, even though this kind of heroes passed to history since Steven Seagal and Harrison Ford in the early 90's.

In conclusion, do not expect anything from this movie. It is just disappointing. If you want to see the "hot" actors that will be all the reward you will have for your money.
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Under NO circumstance should you watch this movie. k, luv ya
ninjaman1813 January 2006

I just watched Dark Waters, well actually I couldn't finish watching because it was making me agitated, and I felt strongly enough that I registered with this website to comment on it.

I f you take anything from this review, just let it be that I warned you, OK?: this movie has no story, plot, acting, decent writing, or nudity!!!!I realized it was a bad movie, but whatever, it's just a way to kill time....no! This movie is so bad you feel uncomfortable watching it! Almost every scene has you saying things like: "Are you kidding me?" "Yeah, that makes sense..." mimicking lame lines or just making general gagging noises.

Anyways, if you have the chance to watch it, even for free, I would not recommend it. If someone paid me I might consider watching the last 10 minutes. Yours truly, J
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The worst movie ever made
mboitano13 September 2004
OK, now I know when I rent "Dark Waters" at blockbuster I can't expect anything good. However, sometimes movies are so bad that they become good again, and thats what I was hopin for. This 92 minute "movie" has gone past being good again, and is just pitiful. The movie has like three sets(which all look like they were made form cardboard boxes), the special effects are not special effects, and to top it off nobody gets naked!! What kind of horror movie is this?! I made better horror movies in seventh grade, and I am not kidding. I've seen many bad movies, from "Cheerleader Massacre" to "You Got Served", and this is by far and away the cream of the worst crop ever harvested.
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Not such a great Dane after all
movieman_kev24 April 2012
Dane Quatrell the third, a third generation marine biologist, isn't as distinguished as the others in his family linage. In fact he's destitute resorting to swindling rich investors. Two of his potential ones drug him and transport him to Summerville, a former co-worker of his father who offers Dane and his girlfriend (she was drug as well) a job to go underwater in an attempt to find out what happened to Summerville's sea station. Once there they find out the culprits are bio-engineered sharks

Perhaps not as bad as "Deep Shock" from the same writer/director that I saw last night, but still pretty bad. It has major flaws not of which being an uninvolving plot and sharks that don't really do much of anything save for the first scene and the end leaving Renegade to attempt to pick up the slack, which he doesn't.

My grade: D
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a joke?
TheEmulator235 March 2004
Really a pathetic attempt of any kind of movie. Of course when I see DEJ productions, i know it is going to be bad, but i have a soft spot for this. Lorenzo does ok, and Simmone Mackinnon is just really nice to look at. The rest is just sad and don't anyone waste their time. I keep hoping one of these days i will see something that is really good! They even had the guy who fought Morpheus on top of the moving Semi-truck star in his movie! I think that is the best i have seen from them. I think it was called "Global Effect" or something like that. Even that would be lucky to get a 4! I kept waiting for a story! Oh i guess it was there I just must have missed it. I will continue to rent these because believe it or not i do like corny movies, (just not this bad!) We will see what might happen in the future, but who really knows?
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A sexier version of "Deep Blue Sea"
GOWBTW1 May 2006
A lot of shark films have come a long way, in "Dark Waters" I liked it very much. Lorenzo Lamas know for his role in "Renegade" and "Falcon Crest" puts on quite a show as a suave marine biologist, who unmasks the secret of a bio-weapon plan gone wrong. Lorenzo plays Dane Quatrell who father was "killed" in his youth and later finds out he is alive after all those years. "Dark Waters" does have some humor to it. The schemes he and his crew pull to bilk the buyers to help the institute which indeed backfires when the "victims" turn the tables on Dane and his crew. It was funny when the tape the sub crew find wasn't surveillance. And the one other thing I liked is when the Seargent Milkos(Jeffrey Gorman) was knocked out and bleeding Dane tells Robin(Simmone MacKinnon) to remove her top. That was some sex appeal watching her in her black bra. At least no one else got any ideas afterwards. And getting rid of those super-sharks looked great. When those rogue Marines got chomped, their names won't be mention in a memorial. I've enjoyed this movie very much. The plot was good, and the rest is for you to see for yourself. Rating 3 out of 5 stars.
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If you came for sharks, swim on...
Droid_Gunner6 May 2021
Not a bad movie. I actually enjoyed watching Llamas, playing his usual smarmy ladies man, only this time, he's a scientist searching for Atlantis. He kicks some butt, but not much. He barely has any 'action beats,' so it seemed like he was wasted in this role -- but it was a different type of film for him, so it was worth seeing for fans.

His co-stars tried their best, and while I was genuinely entertained through most of the film, the whole thing is misleading because THE SHARKS DON'T REALLY DO ANYTHING! Sure, they're there (in all their early-2000s CGI glory), but it's not a 'killer shark movie' by any means -- and anyone who say the DVD cover on the shelf at the DVD store back in the day, that's what they expected.

I remember renting this a million years ago on DVD when it first appeared in video stores in '03 -- and while revisiting it was fun, it was unnecessary, as there's far better shark movies out there... With or without Llamas.

Not the worst, but doesn't deliver on its promises.
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D-U-L-L_B-O-Y11 March 2022
Jason Momoa was engaged to the hot Aussie girl Simone Jade Mackinnon from Dark Waters. His obvious fetish for grandmothers lead him calling it off and going after Lisa Bonet. Bruh WTF? Oh the movie was pure rubbish from start to finish. There's the review. I gave this movie 10/10 because since God will not have mercy on their souls for making this rubbish.... I would.
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