Earthworm Jim 3D (Video Game 1999) Poster

(1999 Video Game)

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Poor Jim simply didn't make the cut to 3D
MrPaull032417 May 2024
Having enjoyed the first two games and the cartoon as a kid, I excitedly rented this from Blockbuster, expecting another fun, wacky game. Instead, I was introduced to a disappointing and unsuccessful attempt for Earthworm Jim to shift from 2D to 3D.

Jim is crushed a falling cow and rendered comatose at a hospital. Jim's brain releases his super-ego, which descends deep into the depths of his mind to prevent total insanity. The game takes place entirely inside Jim's mind, which is divided into four different hubs: memories, happiness, fear, and fantasy. In traditional 3D platforms at the time, Jim's main objective is to gather golden udders and green marbles to restore his sanity. You can easily see a similarity to collecting notes and Jiggys in Banjo Kazooie respectively.

The game lacked the imagination of the previous Sega Genesis titles. I find this inexcusable, because of the game took place within Jim's mind. The creative possibilities were endless, but what we got was plain and unimpressive.

The music isn't terrible for the most part, but I found most of the songs to be too short, so you'll probably hear them loop multiple times. This can become annoying on levels like "Coup D'etat" and "Hungry Tonite". They really should have cut down on the accordion.

The gameplay was a mix of third person run and gun and a collectathon, which wouldn't be bad if not for one glaring flaw you'll soon learn about. And, as befitting an Earthworm Jim game, you have access to an arsenal of wacky weapons besides our hero's standard blaster, like a meat cleaver launcher, laser gun, and an old-fashioned six-shooter.

The sound effects were good, consisting of an amusing mix of Jim screaming, animal noises, kooky weapon sounds, and others that gave it the typical "Earthworm Jim" feeling. Plus, the voice acting from legendary voice actors, Jim Castellaneta, Charlie Adler, and Jim Cummings reprising their roles from the cartoon was a nice touch.

The graphics were acceptable, but most of the level designs were barren and unpolished. The character models looked chunky and untextured. Jim's mouth isn't even visible.

The controls for Jim are manageable, but I CAN'T say the same about the horrible camera controls. The camera is cumbersome and occasionally even gets stuck on corners. I think I spent more time adjusting the camera than actually playing the game.

The worst part of the game is the boss battles. Instead of conventional fights, Jim uses a pig as a surfboard to engage his enemies in a marble collecting match. Not only is this concept dull and tedious, but the horrible pig controls and flawed camera make the boss battles outright agonizing. For me, this was the final straw, and I quit playing.

Overall, this is a mediocre game that even hardcore Earthworm Jim fans found difficult to enjoy, and consequently the franchise remains all but dead to this day.
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Earthworm Jim and the King of Thieves
madill-evelyn11 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Earthworm Jim 3D is like the straight to VHS movie of the franchise, sometimes it's a diamond in the rough, other times it turns into a CGI dinosaur saying "ALAN!", this was the product of a troubled development.

Lets go over the story, While Jim plays his accordion in the middle of a blue backdrop, a rouge N64 logo (Replaced with a fridge in the PC version) falls from the sky and hits him, followed by a cow. Jim is then knocked into a coma and has his brains all scrambled, which leads to the 4 bosses and their closeted leader taking over, (None of them had their voices listed but we figured them out, and I actually figured out the final boss's actor) and its up to Jim to save himself from a concussion. Besides the cow and accordion, the plot really does NOT fit a character like Earthworm Jim, the plot sounds like it fits in one of those sitcom episodes.

Now we run into the main course, the radical, definitely not dated, 3D gameplay! IT TASTES LIKE A BURNT GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH. For starters, all the new moves from Earthworm Jim 2, they're completely missing! Including the ability to switch weapons, so yay, were stuck with whatever weapon you have and can't switch. If that wasn't bad enough, Jim's normal gun is a complete joke, the stage Death Wormed Up has WAY too many things going on here, (there's even a level within a level), Jim moves around as fast as an actual worm, (They're really slow) the Power Pack segments were downright shameful (where you have to eat a can of beans and fart yourself to the top), The bosses were poorly designed and reused, I could applaud the two original characters IF THEY WERN'T SCRAPPED VILLIANS FROM THE CARTOON, the camera is BAD, OH MY GOD THE CAMERA DIDN'T AGE WELL, it gets stuck everywhere, and would be better if you could lock on to things in 1999, but instead you get a 1st person view where the stick was SO sensitive and it was stuck on inverted Y-axis (Why?) but most of all, where's Princess What's Her Name? (I'm not being forgetful, that's her real name)

But I must bring a couple of positives to the table, as I saw some joy out of it as a enormous EWJ fan. One, the soundtrack was absolutely AMAZING and was composed by Ged Grimes, a former member of Simple Minds (Don't You Forget About Me) , Two they brought back the voice actors from the cartoon for voice work, (Including Dan Castellaneta!) Three, I can't believe I'm saying this, but the final boss is a good representation of transgender people. The game takes place in Jim's head, and the final boss is a side of Jim was, according to the games dialogue " Suppressed for years and is fighting for dominance over his consciousness" and what is this side? A female version of Jim, taking the name of Earthworm Kim.

Over all do I like this game? No, it has its shining moments here and there, but that's about it, its filled with untapped potential and poor execution, and could be better if it was modded/remade entirely.
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A truly inspired game...
Miketada611630 January 2007
Earthworm Jim 3D is an entirely 'unique' experience, to say the least. Though not as technically sound as its predecessors, this game is fun, addictive, and all-around mind boggling.

Earthworm Jim's legacy was quite well-established long before this game was released. He had two classic platformers, a line of great action figures, and two seasons of his own Saturday morning cartoon show to his credit. So, why bother bringing him to 3D in 1999, years after the peak in popularity? I've found myself asking this question since I first bought the game, but I've also been so excited about playing it, that I haven't really had time to find out the answer.

Here's the nitty-gritty on this game: The visuals are great, it's all about surreal cartoon imagery, and the things you see here will stick with you. The characters are blocky, but it never deters you from wanting to watch what they do next.

The gameplay is fun, albeit mildly repetitive. I've never been turned off from playing a level twice in this game.

The sound is great, except for the music. The individual sounds are all strange and memorable-- chickens, eggs, cows, pigs, whips, gunfire, and all the like have unique and suitable effects. The music tracks are just looped guitar solos that change only in intensity, and are largely fun-sounding at first... just boring after about 45 minutes.

The controls/camera are where this game falls apart. Sometimes, your ability to aim or move in 3d is hindered by the fact that you can't always see what you're trying to shoot, and you can't always land the character where you expect him to land. That's pretty important in a game that is essentially still a platformer.

All-in-all, if you're a big fan of Earthworm Jim's comics and cartoons, then buy this game and give it a try, I think you'll appreciate spending a little more time in his world. If you're more a fan of his original platformers, you may want to hide from this title, because the controls, sound, and level design will not satisfy you.

I've always loved this game, and I still play it constantly. It has not grown stale for me over the last 6 or 7 years, and I doubt it ever will.
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