Boa vs. Python (Video 2004) Poster

(2004 Video)

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This movie informed me of so many things I didn't previously know
wheels12830 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm serious, I learnt a lot from Boa Vs Python: - Bulgaria looks a lot like 24 miles outside Philadelphia.

  • Multi-millionaire businessmen with their own private jets spend their free time at amateur-level wrestling matches where the wrestlers dress up in coloured masks. The businessman is more than willing to pay 500 US dollars for a seat though.

  • You have to show a beautiful girl disrobing three times, and stepping into the bath three times, before the audience can understand that she is taking a bath. Some of the shots are in slow motion to allow the even slower audience members to catch on in time.

  • Multiple sticks of dynamite, causing an explosion roughly 80 feet high and 15 feet wide, is not quite enough to blow up two cars and a truck, but it will partially destroy one of the cars, leaving it on fire. Police, the FBI and the Fire Brigade will make no attempt to put out such fires, even 8-12 hours after the explosion.

  • The television will un-mute itself when an answer to a rich man's conundrum is on the news.

  • Multi-millionaire businessmen watch local news channels from cities that they're not even from, while flying 39,000 feet in the air.

  • 80 feet long snakes that have the diameter of over 3 feet, can get through holes in doors roughly a third of that size.

  • Philadelphia sheriffs trip over and fall onto corpses at a crime scene, but this presents no problem of any kind.

  • The worlds foremost marine research scientist is a blonde girl in her late 20s with breast implants, who likes taking off her bikini underwater to win money.

  • Guys who want to take their singlet off, while at the pool, don't just take it off. They put it on, so that they rip it off, and throw it away.

  • Even though you can clearly see the bottom of a pool that's 2 metres (6½ feet) deep, when people stand on the floor of that pool, their actions are completely unknown to onlookers.

  • Leading research scientists repeatedly tap on the glass of a snake's cage out of interest as to see what it will do.

  • An FBI agent can't find a 70-foot long Boa in a room about 30x18 feet, because 70-foot Boas find it very easy to hide in medium sized rooms.

  • Leading research scientists who have breast implants just happen to make sensor pads for animals, which are constantly referred to as implants by the research scientist. She doesn't appear to realise the cheap gag nature of her comments until a man uses the phrase "equipment", in which case she suddenly pauses, smiles to herself, and he has to avert all talk from topics that could be perceived to be relating to her upper chest.

  • One of the world's richest hunters cannot drive properly. Neither can his son. They can't shoot very well at all, either. Or throw a grenade more than 5 metres. And despite being overly rich, they drive a 90s model Volvo.

  • A girl cannot tell the difference between being licked by a 6ft tall male, and being licked by an 80-foot python with a mouth about 20 times the size of the male.

  • All sentences in front page news articles are condensed into one paragraph.

  • Newspaper photos do not have captions, and are never larger than 6cm by 6cm.

  • Members of the U.S. Army randomly, and in a very monotone voice, say "Ready-to-kick-some-ass-Sir" ... to an FBI agent. No commanding officers are present when national security is at stake.

  • Some people can't tell the difference between a pig and an 80-foot long python.

  • Members of the U.S. Army can't find a 70-foot Boa in an underground room, even when it screams every couple of seconds.

  • When there's "not a second to spare", leading scientists make jokes about cross-breed snake sex.

  • When the military's best sniper says "one shot, one kill", he means "two shots, one kill".

  • The best way to save your girlfriend from being crushed by a 70 foot boa, is to randomly aim your flamethrower at the boa's face, even if it is all of 1 foot from your girlfriend.

  • Wanted fugitives are never handcuffed, but they are allowed to easily slip into a tank and drive it away from a military base. With a flamethrower, of course.

  • The U.S. military trusted a rocket launcher to one of its soldiers, who couldn't hit a tank going at less than 20 miles an hour (32 km/hour) from 30 feet distance - directly behind the tank, no less.

  • To make sure that the audience knows that the scene has changed to a club, show at least one minute of naked body-painted dancers.

  • When a wanted fugitive starts attacking armed members of the army with a flame thrower, they don't shoot him. Instead, they run towards the flames, even after three have burnt to death.

  • A huge snake can't barge through metal bars being held by two people, but it can utterly destroy a concrete wall.

  • After someone one has been killed, ripped into two bits and thrown around, they can still let out one last scream.

  • Creating subway stations entirely in CGI makes a movie climax so much more interesting.

Honestly, you should show this movie to aspiring doctors and lawyers. The knowledge they will gain will pay dividends in the future. No other film can teach you the facts about all these things that you didn't previously know were true.
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I'm still laughing!!! Wait... am I supposed to laugh?
RobynBelfry7 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A few things I learned from Boa vs Python:

1. When you get your women naked right off the top (and what good film maker wouldn't)... make sure that they scrub down with dish soap and a plain orange sponge in as sexy as way as humanly possible.

2. To show tension in a forest scene when a large, unseen predator is disturbing the local animal life: Go to your local pet store and folly in the sound of budgies squawking. This will REALLY pull off the effect that something ain't right in them woods!!! Besides, most woods outside Philly are CRAWLING with budgies. Or was it Pittsburg? Okay... if it was Pittsburg... my mistake. Those woods are rampant with pets.

2a. Garter Snakes squeak when you chuck 'em around. Bet you didn't know that, all you Animal Planet loving people, did you! Don't let small things like facts get in the way of the action.

2c. People who work with dolphins, spend time with dolphins, all that jazz... you know... animal people... the first thing they'll do when they encounter a snake in a glass tank is, pretty obviously, start rapping on the glass. That stuff you hear about "never knock on the glass" when you're a pet stores and zoos... well, they're making that up. It NEVER startles or deafens the animals. That's why people in movies who are supposed to be in the field of zoology do it. They know that it's a made-up rule of thumb. And it's a good set-up to a damn funny joke.

3. Even multi-millionaires who hunt ridiculously large animals for sport have their problems. For example: When transporting said large animals, rent a truck to do it in. Because when you have your own jet (with a BATHTUB!!!) you probably don't own trucks. Make sure that you get the truck with the modified ridiculously large animal transport container.

3a. When the ridiculously large animal escapes (and how could it not???) show the human side of your millionaire by having a customer service rep from the trucking company CALL your millionaire to inform him of the problem. When your millionaire demands answers, have the CSR tell him that she'll have to get her supervisor. Hey... when you're globe-trotting on your own jet, you DO make all these arrangements yourself with your local truck rental dealer.

4. Get in touch with those emotional back-stories with lines to the effect of: "Gee, to try and find a cure for snake poison... you must have some incredible psychological reason for doing that!" Really, the audience will thank you for getting straight to the exposition.

5. It doesn't matter that the two "teens" who are making out in a car look like a mother and son making out in a car. No one will notice! Besides, they're just snake fodder anyway! Gee... there must be some deep seated Freudian reason for this... Cue exposition.

6. SAVE MONEY ON CGI. All you have to do is "suggest" that a large snake is roaming around peoples feet by showing them "reacting" to it. So what if sometimes you show a scene where a snake SHOULD be and isn't. As long as you have actors to act like one is there, the audience will fill in the blank.

7. People don't need to see some actors faces. Especially when they're minor characters... like second in command of an elite group of FBI agents. Minor character... handful of lines... have her deliver them AWAY from the camera. That way we really connect! And it saves time with the ADR.

8. Always... ALWAYS... end your movie in a subway station. Even if you have to jump from a rave DIRECTLY AND WITH SOME SORT OF MAGIC to the subway station... ALWAYS end it there...

9. Be sure to set up for the sequel! Don't be too obvious. Make sure you give them special, fancy, snake fighting clothes! It looks tres cool.

10. On the cover of the DVD... ALWAYS, and I mean always... show a helicopter firing missiles at two large, fighting snakes. It doesn't matter if your movie has nothing like that in there. The cover for Citizen Kane shows a guy making a speech or something... and I'm pretty sure that's not in there... oh wait... it is??? F@CK!

So... all in all... I actually recommend seeing this movie. In the right setting, you'll laugh your arse sore. Just keep in mind that if this was SUPPOSED to be a comedy... or if you actually fixed all the stuff I mentioned above... this would be just another gigantic, steamy pile of boring crap.
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Lifeless and incoherent
LARSONRD4 July 2005
This movie is everything you would expect it to be: a complete and utter piece of crap. No resemblance except the special effects style with the previous film, BOA, which was a pretty good film. This has to do with a rich stud who arranges big game hunts for rich losers, only his big game – a giant reticulated python – gets lost in the wilds outside Philadelphia and the FBI decides to borrow some scientist's giant boa to capture it. The plot gets even sillier after that. The effects are cheesy – low budget CGI although the camera work and editing is very good. Characters are mindless and moronic – most of them created just for former playmates to show off their toots&assetts at the expense of a relevant or interesting storyline. That said, however, I must confess that crimson-haired co-star Angel Boris was intoxicatingly attractive in all of her scenes. But the storyline is the movie's biggest fault – there's no attempt to even be logical or literate, and even the suggestion that the movie is half comedy doesn't excuse the story's lapses in intelligence.
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best b-grade ever (next to "frankenfish")
l_beuzeville29 March 2005
The credits say it all...3 secs in and you know it's gonna be B-Grade-Orama!

There are a few things that must be in a film for it to be B-Grade and Boa VS Python has em all!!!!

1 ) Unnessesary nudity (cause low paid actors will do anything to get a gig). Not only do we get to see the naked chick bathe but she also rubs herself down with a sponge really really slowly!

2 ) The group of mis-matched characters that would never be seen together ever but somehow manage to end up stuck in impossible situations. In this movie we have a safari hunting team that more closely resembles the Village Ppl!

3 ) Sex Scene. Boy goes down on girl, snake eats boy, snake goes down on girl.......oh yeah!

4 ) Clichés. i like the dumb ass deputy tripping into the bloody corpse head-first in front of the over-dramatic FBI agent.

5 ) super cool special effects*

6 ) bad plot (wild snake free in city, so lets send a bred-in-captivity snake with a camera on its head to catch it)

7 ) worse script ("should i tag this as body #6?" "i think it's the rest of bodies 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5")

8 ) and even worse actors.

i loved it! b-grade value of 4/5

PS...get a load of the DVD cover (there is no chopper in the movie at all so don't get your hopes up with the chopper shooting two missiles at a couple of giant snakes in the middle of the city.....which is not where the movie is set)

*insert sarcasm
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At least it tried...
insomniac_rod18 December 2006
Geez... We can't say that it didn't try. "Boa V.S. Python" tried too hard to be a decent B-flick. It tried to rely most of it's fun factor on a monster, on cheesy dialogs, on not so bad f/x, and on cool soundtrack. Not to mention the visual attractive of sensual hot women with a sexy accent.

Overall, it's not a bad movie because it has some good technical values to respect unlike many crappy B-flicks under the same tone.

I had fun watching it after the first half of the movie. Sometimes it got dull and boring but it was just a premise before the B-Action started!

Watch this one if you are hungry of B-flicks!!
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It's scary... that this got made.
ghoulieguru6 November 2004
I'd like to think that someone got fired over this movie. The really amazing thing about Boa vs. Python is that it got made at all. Then, after it got made, it aired on the Sci-Fi Channel. Now, we all know that the Sci-Fi Channel is not exactly known for excellence in programming, but this is an all time low.

The fact that someone pitched Boa vs. Python as a concept, and someone else said, "Yeah! Great!" is just plain frightening. I almost can't blame the writer, the director, the actors, or the terrible CGFX team. They did what they had to do. The worst thing about Boa vs. Python is that it came into existence at all. 2 out of 10 stars. One for the python, one for the boa.
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Terrible movie.
jakob_holmberg29 June 2005
This movie is really, really bad. It features bad acting, bad CG, bad plot and other things you don't want to see in a movie.

The plot, as mentioned, is really awful. Some rich guy wants to have a big snake brought out in the woods so he and his rich buddies can kill it for fun. It breaks free and starts killing people. The good guys sends out another big snake to fight the bad snake.

OK, they didn't have a big budget so the CGI-snakes look bad, but could'nt they have written a better story?

The acting is terrible, the actors are completely worthless.

The action scenes are not exiting in any way.

Don't waste your time watching this movie, its not worth it. They even used the old trick "make girl show her jugs" to make the movie more interesting, and thats a good sign for a sucky movie.

Nice tits though.
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Hasn't the CGI giant snake/monster thing gone far enough?
bergma15@msu.edu16 November 2005
I rented this flick while in the mood for some pretty cheesy schlock to continue my search for the worst movie ever made (this is a personal quest because no three people can agree on what is the worst movie ever). This flick combines two CGI giant snakes that previously had their own pieces of celluloid, but it isn't a sequel to either franchise. Some schmucks decided that they wanted to hunt a giant python that turned out to be a renegade human killer (big surprise). It escaped and started hiding out in a water treatment plant (another big surprise). So the government gets a woman who is working with transplants that can transmit animal brain waves and a guy with a giant boa (Houston, we have a title). So they sent this boa after the python (great idea, put two blood thirsty giant snakes in a confined area together). Throw in some special forces, idiot hunters going after the snake and you've got a movie.

This was pretty crappy. Forget it unless you love the giant CGI snake thing.
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so bad that it's unmissable!
maverix3517 June 2011
probably the worst movie i have ever seen in my entire life. it was so bad that i couldn't stop watching, because i couldn't believe it could get worse (it did!). if ever there's an Oscar for the worst movie ever made, this is a definite nominee. a must see!

the story sucks, the acting sucks, the directing sucks, the camera-work sucks, the effects suck, the snakes suck, the action sucks, everything sucks.

it's absolutely unbelievable that someone, somewhere could actually regard this as some kind of art. it has about as much artistic merit as a dog turd drying in the sun.
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Really bad... *SPOILERS*
say_hi7 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie sucks big time. Let me start off by saying the acting was absolutely terrible. Go to acting school. You're worse than Hilary Duff. After you get over the acting the special effects of the snakes are very terrible. I was laughing every time the snakes were on screen. And there are some plot holes too like... the runner of the big snake hunt says he's only inviting the rich and powerful, but dad and son arrive in a station wagon saying "Wife got the truck". That son and dad were the worse actors in this dreadful movie. That's saying something. The only good part of the movie was when that chick in the beginning of the film was washing naked in slow-mo. That was awesome. Other than that this movie sucked big time. Stay away. You'll never get over watching this film if you don't.

Rating 2/10
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Not very good
Enchorde31 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Businessman Broddick (Kendrick) and his girlfriend Eve (Boris) is setting up a big game hunt for rich people. The object of their hunt, a gigantic python. However, the python escapes and start killing people and wrecking havoc outside Philadelphia. Agent Sharpe (Woller) is in charge of the authorities hunt and recruit Monica (Bergman) and snake-specialist Emmet (Hewlett). His plan is to use Emmet's equally giant boa, equip it with Monica's sensor implants, and set it loose to search for the python, so he and his team can go in and capture both the boa and python. At the same time, Broddick and Eve assembles their own team of hunters. The two teams then start the hunt unbeknownst of each other. And the two giant snakes hunt everything that moves.

First, let me point out, the plot is silly. And unfortunately the computer graphics of the two giant snakes are at some points really bad. The cast, neither very famous nor completely unknown, is actually better than I expected, without really turning in an awesome performance. I guess it is hard in a movie like this. Then there are the other effects which also is better than expected. Also a positive surprise, is the effort put into extras and so, actually bringing the army to more than a jeep and four soldiers. So, it is not all bad, however all nice efforts by both cast and producers is in vain, because the plot is not at all good.

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Well shifty
wongojerry31 October 2005
My mate got me this DVD for my 22nd birthday today. We saw the preview on the internet and it has been legendary since. Now I've actually seen the film, I'm happy all the time. Seriously. My parents got me an awesome and fantastic and expensive watch, but when people go "So what did you get?" I'm going to scream "Boa VS Python!!!" at them, and staple them to the living room couch and force them to watch this film a la Clockwork Orange. Only then will humanity truly find peace. How can people not like this film? The dubbing is perfect, the script is unparallelled, and Adam Kendrick's portrayal of a British casino owner-cum-big game hunter is spot on. He even got the flame-thrower action just right! I know a lot of casino owners-cum-big game hunters who have seen this film, and they all say he got it. This whole film is like they took a documentary about a crappy worm and got Ice Cube to pimp it. "Pimp my Worm Documentary!" they cried. And they did. Ooh, one little thing...I was well expecting an angry black guy to be part of some kind of SWAT team...oh wait, they got him in there too. Top stuff.
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Definatelty a ScyFy original...
kagethemagetwitch17 June 2022
This movie had it all. Bad CGI, butts, guns that didn't make sense, inappropriately timed sex scenes, and criticism of Big Game hunting and the Military Industrial Complex. I don't think anything could have made this movie better, and not in the good way. If Breaking Benjamin had produced the sound track it might have squeaked out a 7.
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McLoven2 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
this film is terrible. utter crap it the only way to describe this movie i don't no what the person who wrote it was thinking or smoking but what ever it is they need to stop! just take a look at the photo you can see how bad it is and if your not convinced by that just read what its about. what was the director thinking when this script came across his desk did he think it would be amazing. well the straight to video realise of it should tell him that what ever he is doing he should stop! the 37 people who voted this movie a 10 if you wasn't joking then you need to be kicked of this web site because its obvious that u don't no what your talking about and you would be the last people i would ever come to for movie advise.
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The Battle continues this Sunday Sunday Sunday!!
film-critic6 September 2004
In yet another 'versus' movie, Hollywood chooses a match-up that is not unlike the others that we have seen in the cinema lately. This time it is between two species of the snake world, boas and pythons.

An enormous python escapes from a truck delivering it to be hunted and captured for money. After terrorizing the sewers of Philadelphia, the FBI enlists the aid of two fellow scientists to remedy the situation. One has been harboring an enormous boa for years, while the other one has beautiful 'implants'. Together they work to bring this slithering beast of evil down.

Little do they know they are not the only ones hot on the trail. A big game animal hunter named Roddick has recruited some of the best hunters in the world to bring this beast down. The battle royale begins as the lines between man vs. nature, man vs. machine, and man vs. man are blurred and new boundaries are set. Who will reign supreme? Find out this Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!

Impressive graphics and an excellent balance between action and gore are what keep this film afloat. This straight to DVD release should have most people laughing, but oddly kept my attention until the very end. The story is flawed, the characters are unbelievable, and the script is amateurish (see constant remarks about 'implants' and Monica), but there is something to be said about using good CGI. This is no LOTR, but for a straight to DVD release I was impressed. Director David Flores has done an exceptional job of giving us exactly what we came looking for with this film. We wanted action, some nudity, and tons of snakes, and he successfully handed them to us on a silver platter. If you do not walk into this film with high expectations, you will probably leave impressed.

Grade: ** ½ out of ****
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Udoubtedly one of the worst films ever made
marcaslancaster29 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
There are some things that just have to be seen to be believed and this is definitely one of them. The plot goes rocketing off the dumb o meter with its cheaply rendered giant snakes being stalked by a ridiculous assortment of (mostly) porn actors who've been given their first 'proper' part in a 'real' film. No doubt all of them have since reprised their former roles, though I doubt that even the porn industry would take them back after this. That this movie was even conceived beggars belief. That it was actually MADE for what must have been at least a couple of million dollars (about 10 of which were spent on the special effects)is frankly disturbing. Having said that, it is essential viewing. You are unlikely to see so many mistakes being made on this scale ever again...and on a few transcendent occasions a genuine B Movie effect is achieved. The fact is though, that this film sucks so badly that there will be no air left in the universe by the time you finish watching it.
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Crap, with moments of crap, and then prolonged intervals of crap.
Quasi-Mofo20 August 2006
Saw this crap movie on the crappy Sci-Fi channel. The crap begins at 0.01seconds into the crap film and continues until the final crap frame. The crap producers would like you to believe that this crap is entertaining. It's not. It's crap. To summarize, Crap, with moments of crap, and then prolonged intervals of crap. Now because this comment does not contain enough lines to meet IMDb's specifications, I will ramble incoherently about the qualities of ducks.

Ducks are our friends. They are fun to watch and will eat any old scraps of bread you have lying around the house. Some people don't like ducks because they produce inordinate amounts of crap for their size. Well if you wanna see huge amounts of crap, watch Boa vs Python.

On a positive note, no ducks were harmed during the filming of this crap movie.
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Pathetic, stupid, horrible...
wololo15003 June 2006
I have seen a lot of bad movies, but this is ... pathetic.

I don't understand how a person can make a movie like this! It's unbelievable!

Bad acting, an ex play boy girl who tries to be the "good girl", but it doesn't work, the special effects are like a "gameboy", no gore, no comedy, no drama, no action... no movie!

2.8 is too much for this "movie"

This film tries to mix comedy, drama, action, horror... but nothing works!

When I saw "Boa vs python" I appreciated a lot of bad movies that i've seen before.
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Please stop
toviadomus28 October 2020
So sad to see a movie this bad. Bad cgi and worse acting combination. So please stop making snake movies enough already. And people don't wate your time with this one
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Egad- what a piece of crap
Fever24 June 2006
Since becoming addicted to Stargate Atlantis last year, I've been on a mission to see more of David Hewlett's flicks. Let's just say I've been really disappointed. SciFi makes great original series, but their movies are downright awful. In this one, there's no real plot, the scenes are choppy, and the writing is bad. There are a few attempts to rip off Bruckheimer-style cinematography, and it's poorly done. Then the ending just stopped mid-scene as if they said "hey, filming for Atlantis started, let's just end the movie here." It's a shame too, David Hewlett is incredibly talented. He just keeps getting cast in these crummy movies. Thank God Atlantis is so good, it's the only reason I watch SciFi. Oh, and an FYI, don't even bother with David's other movie "Darklight", it's even worse.
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Extremely Cheesy, Crappy B-movie
Bexxx_994212 February 2009
While I was staying at my cousins house in the UK, his dad (my uncle) had Apple TV at the time and this "movie" was on the list of movies to rent.

We watched the trailer and thought it would be a real good laugh so we rented it.

And I have to say I have never wasted money on anything so bad in my entire life!

It was:

1) So cheesy it was unbelievable 2) The script... awful 3) Special effects were like special effects from the 1940's 4) Incredibly boring, (the entertainment 'tag' on Apple TV was SO misleading)

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Bad, but not terrible
TheLittleSongbird7 June 2012
I will start by saying, I was anticipating worse. Any low-budget film that has vs in the middle of its title, and I know from experience from watching the likes of Dinocroc vs Supergator, leaves me dubious. While not a good or great movie, there is something watchable about it. Visually, it actually doesn't look all that bad, the photography and editing are quite good, quite a remarkable feat seeing as I saw several low-budget movies in a row where they were problematic, and the effects, excepting the ridiculously over-sized python, while not great as such are a cut above the cheaply rendered ones I've seen recently. The locations are also quite striking. However, the script reeks of cheese and is incredibly amateurish, the story is illogical and sluggish complete with unconvincing action scenes and one underwhelming and tension-less battle between the snakes and the characters are stereotypical and made to do moronic things. The acting is also pretty poor, some of the actors are attractive but not much is done to go beyond that. In conclusion, a bad movie but not quite bad enough to be a terrible one. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Hilarious B Movie Fun
jackwilson55518 October 2006
To truly appreciate films like this, you just have to approach them at the right angle! The film is crap...yes. The CGI is laughable, the plot is none-existent and (aside from David Hewlett who makes the most of what he has) the acting is atrocious. But this film (along with other such gems as Charlies Angels: Full Throttle and...well...pretty much any film with Arnold Swachenegger or William Shatner in it), is just one of those SO EXCRUCIATINGLY AWFUL movies that go through the boundaries of crap into hysterically funny. I guarantee that if you watch this film with a few other guys or gals who are in the mood for it, you will find it as funny as I did.

How can any film with these lines be bad?: "That snake is big. Big is good.", "God I hate you son." and "Guys like that, they get what they want. their own casinos, a hot biscuit like her, and now he's getting the first shot at killing our snake. F**ck that!" I rest my case.
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You have to understand...
bkincaid214 September 2005
You have to understand with these kinds of movies (boa vs. python,frankenfish, sasquatch hunters, rottweiler, tower of blood), you are not going to like it. You are going to think it was soo bad it was hilarious. Most importantly you cannot take it seriously as a movie. You have to also watch it with friends so you can all yell and say how stupid something was, or call something that is about to happen. I have seen about 8 movies like this one and I did not like one, but I had an amusing time watching it. WARNING: If you are looking for a scary movie or an interesting suspenseful movie DO NOT WATCH THIS! If you are on the other hand seeing something with friends, and you cant find a good comedy watch one of these. If you pick this movie out because you thought it would be cool, you should have been eliminated from the gene pool years ago. My personal favorite out of these 5 is sasquatch hunters, it was beyond helpless.
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A Cross Between "Python" and "New Alcatraz"
Uriah4320 April 2016
In his pursuit of living dangerously, a wealthy casino owner by the name of "Braddick" (Adam Kendrick) has managed to acquire an 80-foot python and plans to bring it into the United States so that he and a few other self-absorbed hunters can track it down and kill it. Unfortunately, an unexpected event occurs along the way which results in the python escaping its cage and getting loose close to a water treatment facility in Pennsylvania. Being somewhat hungry, it immediately feeds on a few of the workers there, which in turn gets the attention of the FBI. Not wanting to damage the precarious water supply of that particular region of the country, the FBI agent-in-charge, "Agent Sharpe" (Kirk B.R. Woller) contacts a local herpetologist by the name of "Dr. Emmett" (David Hewlett) along with a marine biologist named "Monica Bonds" (Jaime Bergman). It is then disclosed that Dr. Emmett has a 70-foot boa constrictor which he has scientifically bred in captivity while Ms. Bonds possesses a state-of-the-art surveillance apparatus that she has used on dolphins. The plan they come up with is to put the surveillance equipment on the boa constrictor and somehow lure it towards the python and hopefully kill it. What they don't count on is the presence of the big-game hunters. On that note, neither do the big-game hunters count on a 70-foot boa constrictor in addition to their intended target. In any case, rather than reveal any more I will just say that, even though I had hoped it would be worth viewing, I honestly didn't expect too much from this particular movie. For starters, neither "Python" nor "Python II" were really that good. Not bad necessarily--but not that good either. Likewise, the film featuring the first gigantic boa constrictor ("New Alcatraz") was even worse. That said, combining the two elements of these films didn't seem to be all that appealing. In retrospect, while I wouldn't say that this movie was a complete disaster, it still wasn't quite as good as it could have been either. The action scenes lacked zest and the general story seemed to plod along at a very slow pace as well. In short, if a person enjoyed any of the previous films in this hybrid series then it might be worth a watch. For what it's worth, I didn't see anything special or out-of-the-ordinary with this movie and I rate it as slightly below average.
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