I Am a Sex Addict (2005) Poster

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Self indulgent, but a fascinating psychological study
GMEllis62527 November 2006
Obviously not a Hollywood, high-budget film, but if you can get past that it is really interesting. Yes, the Producer/Director/Writer/Star is being very self indulgent. Of course you learn from the film that he has always been that way. But this film is an outstanding a study of a male viewpoint of relationships and sex.

He repeatedly says that all he wants is someone he can be totally honest with, and he hears several women tell him they want that honesty. Of course the truth is that we only want our partners to be honest when it matches our own view of reality. When their truth conflicts with our view of reality we either try to argue them out of their truth or force them to deny it. In fact, as much as Caveh wants the freedom of being honest with his partners he never gives them that same freedom.

Don't rent this for the sex scenes and don't rent this for a great plot. But if you like psychological studies of relationships, this film is well worth the time and money.
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A Sexual Narcissist Tells All
fwomp15 September 2006
Although a dark comedy with a serious lean toward sexual narcissism, this film's quirks will appeal to those who don't mind exploring those dark corners of one's desires and laughing at their own inadequacies.

Caveh Zahedi is the screenwriter, director, star, and historian regarding his personal battles with sex addiction.

The most entertaining aspects of the film are that it is shot rather unconventionally. Although the film starts with Zahedi talking to the camera, waiting to be married for the third time, the scenes zip back and forth between Zahedi the narrator, Zahedi the actor, and Zahedi the narrator during acting (he'll occasionally stare at the camera and make a rather pithy comment while acting within the framework of the film). Part documentary, part fictional take on his experiences, the film delves deep into sexual promiscuity. Bit by bit we get to watch Zahedi fall into a pit of self-gratification with little or no concern for his girlfriends or wives. That he tries to be "honest" and "open" only shows his continued deep slide into the addictive process. When the women in his life fight with him, he's at a loss to understand why ("But you said I could have sex with a prostitute!") The comedy is all based around Zahedi's lack of self-control and his relationships based solely on sexual need. Watching him receive oral sex — his facial expressions and loss of auditory control — are absolutely hilarious; not to mention his fifteen second rise to orgasm.

The film is edited extremely well, mostly taking place in San Francisco, but also in Paris and a few other locations. The map animation sequences are very nicely done as are a few other animations related to travel and Zahedi's history.

The fact that I AM A SEX ADDICT won the Gotham Award in 2005 for Best Film Not Playing at a Theater Near You should be a useful gauge for those considering this movie as a rental or purchase.
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Perversely interesting
KineticSeoul12 November 2009
Director of this film is Caveh Zahedi and he also plays the lead role in this semi-documentary style film. It assume it's based on a true story about a man named Caveh Zahedi who is a sex addict and is struggling to stay loyal to one woman while showing his sexual history. Now I can understand people that don't believe in marriage, but Caveh just tries way too hard to show that he is a nice guy with morals, I guess his own morals. In another words this is a very self indulgent film, which actually hurts the product overall. The narration and re-telling the stories was actually well done though and even if the director that was also playing the lead role is self indulgent while making and acting in the movie, he seemed to be very honest as well, just not that honest with himself. I think Caveh's main problem was or is, more than being a sex addict is that he just can't keep his temptations in his head. He just needs to spout it all out in front of his girlfriends while annoying the heck out of them while looking really creepy looking. I also didn't have any sympathy towards Caveh if that was intentional or not and he just came off as a bit of a egomaniac, despite his flaws he just seemed a bit way too desperate to be liked and accepted. The movie goes through these 12 step program until he finds his true happiness in life. So yes this is a self indulgent film, but it's also a fascinating psychological study. To be honest when I saw the cover for this movie, I thought it would go on a more serious direction, but I am glad it went the more comedic direction. And although some may say this film is repetitive, I didn't really have a problem with that, because it just made the movie more realistic. Even if a lot of what happens aren't clearly explained, like how Caveh made a drastic change just by going to Sex Addicts Anonymous meetings. It is a interesting semi-documentary in which most scenes are recreated.

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This film is very funny and moving at the same time
gabriellehamill25 April 2005
I saw this film at the Tribeca Film Festival and loved every minute of it. The film chronicles the director Caveh Zahedi's own proclivity for prostitutes and how this "addiction" ruined two marriages and numerous relationships. When he meets his match in Deven, played superbly by an actress I have never seen before, the film moves from hilarious to deeply moving. Deven has addictions of her own, and suddenly Caveh is confronted with a mirror of his insensitivity to others. What seems like a film that might only appeal to a male audience, turns out out to be fascinating and touching for women too. Zahedi's policy of complete honesty may have tortured many of his ex's but it puts us, the audience, in the cat-bird seat. This film has great potential for reaching a mass audience in my opinion.
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Bravely filming id
oneloveall9 September 2006
One of the more honest films I have seen, dealing realistically with sexual addiction in a very deadpan way, Sex Addict still wallows in it's own self-absorbed repetition. The man of the hour, Caveh Zahedi, will certainly appear unlikable to many, if nothing more then for his shameful and downright insulting views on women, although in a very atypical manner. This writer, director, star, and bearer of souls delves as shamelessly deep as is possible into his troubled sexual life in mockumentary style, with brilliant results. Although chronicling a painful lapse into prostitute fixation, Zahedi's treatment of his entire love life positions this film as a modern day Woody Allen on sexual dysfunction. The only difference here is the graphic and starkly honest dialog detailing a man and his penis, in unrelenting fashion. While the pretentious parts may not add up to the transcendent whole that Caveh was obviously going for, the climax, so to speak, in which the narration comes full circle, was brilliantly executed and helped lend a final pull to the varied fact/fictional style. Ultimately, despite Zahedi's overindulgence and self importance, this is a fearless autobiography, the likes of which few film makers would have the nerve to approach. If one need any further proof of just how genuine and edgy this guy is, please check out the three short DVD bonus making of features, that truly capture some stunningly real moments in this already real film.
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daring film, but for most of the time wordy and a bit annoying
manicman8423 September 2006
I am a sex addict is not another stupid comedy as one might suppose while looking at the tittle. It makes an attempt to be a smart film on very important subject, that is sex addiction. The movie succeeds in this respect and even at some points resembles more drama than comedy. Although I approve of extremely personal films with wise message and dealing with difficult, taboo subjects, I regrettably cannot write that I am a sex addict is a good or bad film. In fact, it's a mixed bag and wasted potential for me. Caveh Zahedi tells the story about himself without embelishment and sentimentalism, which requires a great bravery and distance. Nonetheless, the picture is very uneven. It starts very well, but then it 's worse and worse. The flick becomes wordy and lengthy. What is the biggest vice is a first-person narration which is repetitive and to a large degree irrelevant. Zahedi also appears too frequently (he's present in every scene). The superior moments are when Zahedi plays with form in order to entertain viewers. The ending is satisfactory, but it's too late to save this average movie.
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I Am a Sex Addict (2005)
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain31 December 2011
A fascinating watch as we see one man use film making as a kind of therapy. This has probably been done before, but never so openly. We follow Zahedi as he bluntly discusses his addiction to sex and prostitutes. Zahedi is an honest and endearing man. His naivety translates well into both comedy and genuine emotion. The constant breaking of the forth wall and laying out facts about the film's production, as well as his story, make this sometimes jumbled, but always enjoyable. I got a real feel for Zahedi, but this film doesn't wallow in self pity or excuse his actions. It's low budget helps Zahedi create some wonderful little quirks.
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Nice Try.......
Hypno-21 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am a sex addict follows the life of our director/ star as he tries to overcome his sex addiction. It is at times funny, creepy, and even disgusting.

The film is very ambitious but it starts to fail pretty rapidly. One problem is the confusing narration of Caveh himself. In the beginning of the movie he begins to go off track explaining problems with locations, bitchy actresses, porn stars, etc. Things that really should not be explained are, its like being at a party with someone trying to tell you a 5 minute story that winds up being 20 minutes of a confusing tangent.

Another thing is Caveh's own ego, instead of using a actor to play his younger self, Caveh insists on being the own star of his film. Something that he himself cant even pull off, there are times where it clearly reminds us of armature hour, with him not being able to keep a clear face in certain scenes.

The point winds up getting lost in the shuffle as his recovery is never clearly explained. We are told he went to a sex addicts meeting but we never go deeper than a 4 minute scene most of which is with Caveh's narration. We are just told he "got better". HOW?! After 2 hours of this story you end it with "I just got better"? This made me want to slam my head against the wall.

I Am A Sex Addict is entertaining at times (like watching a car wreck) but it tends to clearly get lost and we as an audience are the ones who suffer for it.
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Quirky and Charming.
AlanTES22 April 2005
Caveh, the director and lead actor of the film has a rather interesting problem; he is addicted to sex with prostitutes. The film is comprised of narrations re-telling the stories of his failed attempts to stop his addiction and the relationships that are destroyed as a result. Mixed in the narration is interview footage of Caveh just before his wedding (his third), where he narrates his struggle. He eventually finds recovery in a 12-step program, and finds a level of happiness.

At the U.S. premiere at the Tribeca Film festival, he revealed that the vast majority of these very personal and embarrassing stories were true. Also, his wife was in the audience and he reports that after 7 years his relationship is strong.

As for the film, it's actually very funny, as Caveh is able to present dysfunctional scenarios in a self-defacing and humorous light. It's a shame that a movie like this will probably never get distributed world-wide, but if you see it at a film festival, go see it. Highly recommended.
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Get this guy a blow-up doll
Rogue-329 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When I was growing up in NYC, all the girls I knew would have most likely had a word for this guy: a creep. Not attractive in any way, not even in a Woody Allen or R Crumb intellectual/brilliant/funny sort of way, Caveh is repugnant to look at, with his scrawny body, weird face and even weirder ideas about relationships. I found it hard to believe that the women depicted in the movie (and shown in their real-life identities as well) would be attracted to him in the first place. This having been said, the film was interesting.

He does attempt to explore areas that have not really been dealt with in this particular way before - how some people (women, in this movie) try to be open-minded with their boyfriend's behavior and confessions about sex but in reality, they can't actually accept it. This has been shown before, of course, in other movies, but it's the way it's depicted here that is quite original. And it rings true: I've learned that in intimate relationships of any kind, it's quite possibly impossible to be thoroughly forth-coming (no pun intended). It was mind-boggling to watch Caveh perversely attempting to be a hundred percent honest - his version of it, anyway - and how it always wound up being not only destructive to every relationship, but, even worse, it came across as being cruel, obtuse and self-indulgent.

There are funny parts in the film though. What I thought was the most hilarious was how, whenever he would approach a hooker, he would ask "How much" and when she told him, he would say, "I have to think about it." Then he would ask other hookers what they were charging, as if he were comparison shopping. This struck me as being really humorous. I understood that he was also getting off on merely talking to them, of course, and he was indeed not sure if he was gonna go through with it many times, but it was the comparison-shopping factor that made me laugh.

More seriously, it was very revealing to see how his thoughts and feelings on the conscious level versus the unconscious and subconscious levels regarding women were completely opposite. Throughout the film, he keeps talking about transcending negative feelings, like jealousy for instance, but yet he finds that when the tables are turned by one of his female lovers, he is consumed by jealousy and transcendence is nowhere in sight. He throws these words out like the can be simplistically applied, without deep inner work, expecting things from others that he is sadly inequipped to give, inadvertently making him a hypocrite.

More along these lines, he states in the film that he respects women, he's a feminist, blah blah blah, but yet his behavior toward them as shown in the course of the proceedings is criminally selfish. At one point, he even says he looked at one of the women he was pursuing for sex, saw her soul, and shockingly realized she was a real person, with real needs and feelings of her own. Welcome to the human race, Caveh.
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An okay watch, but could have been much better
princebansal198227 June 2011
I really liked this movie when it started. It is quirky and funny and very different with a style of its own. It is low budget but made in style with lot of disclaimers so that even the low budget becomes a plot point. In many respects it is similar in style to "Private Parts" which was a movie about Howard Sterns. I loved that movie. But unlike that movie which had a story to tell, this one doesn't.

It just comes across as a collection of incidents rather than a whole story. And it is awfully repetitive. Also after watching it for some time you get more and more tired of the narcissistic director/lead of the movie. I do think that the movie has potential and is still worth a watch. But frankly it could have been much better, especially with a better script.
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Very true to life
red_iguana2728 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I happened to be fortunate enough to view this film in an actual theater, one of the few venues that was showing it nationally...but you'll probably see it appearing on IFC soon enough.

I went in expecting "I Am a Sex Addict" to be a comedic documentary about relationships, along the lines of Myles Berkowitz's "20 Dates" (1998), but was pleasantly surprised to see that Zahedi made a more serious film.

This is a gut-wrenchingly honest, self-effacing, and at times very funny, film about the nature of addiction and the seed that drives it: in this case, Zahedi's apparent fear of commitment.

He does an admirable job tracing the history of his addiction to having sex with prostitutes, and then talking about the nature of addiction in general. Where I think the film fails just slightly is in his explanation of how in fact he got over his addiction...while he does provide one (using an apt metaphor from Greek mythology), but it feels a bit clipped compared to the pacing of the rest of the film. The details of his "recovery" are not given the same attention.

The film's editing is diverse, integral to the storyline, and done with great care, and the animation sequences that are interspersed within the film are also excellent...they are reminiscent of Linklater's film "Waking Life" (2001).

Though it's been a while since I saw it, I think Ross McElwee's "Sherman's March" (1986) would make for a good companion piece with "I Am a Sex Addict" - both are autobiographical pieces that deal with the nature of premarital relationships and the author's neuroses to be found therein.
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Interesting Hybrid
jeklow3 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps you have to be a filmmaker to like it, but I really liked this film a lot. The reflexive nature (commenting on the actresses and the "real" versions) is one of the most interesting parts of the film. Other films would just recreate situations and either present them as fiction or non-fiction, but Caveh's hybrid is a very interesting one. The film is as much about Caveh as it is about the film itself.

This film is about sex, yes, but the sex isn't sexy and that's how the filmmaker meant it to be. He struggles with a prostitute fetish, and the viewer is supposed to be repulsed when he picks up hookers, not turned on. If you are either too immature to deal with frank discussion of sex or too immature and become upset that the sex is not sexy, I'm sorry, this film is definitely not for you.

If you like reflexive documentaries with a dash of meta, you will like this film. And if you DID like this film, check out Caveh's other film, In the Bathtub of the World.
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"I am a Puer Eternis and a Narcissist."
archiecm21 June 2008
Yes movie nuts that's what the title should have been: I'm a Kid that Can't Grow Up.

At first I was impressed by his insight into his sexual needs. And his wanting-to-have-a-girlfriend-he-can-be-honest-with sounds like it's progress. (He doesn't want to hide his urges.) But he repeats the cycle with three new girlfriends and you see that he's not learning. He's just thinking up naughty and then giving in. It's really about hooking someone else into watching his drama. I finally caught on when, with the third girl, he freelances all night, then comes home to Christa and kisses her and says he wants to try to kick the habit. That's his whole problem. He doesn't want to kick anything or anybody except whomever is his lover of the moment. It gets boring when you see he's going nowhere and he succeeds again in alienating yet another woman who started out being understanding. No that's not enough for this guy. It's "Come watch me," then "Help me quit," then it's "Don't you go out and do this stuff because I'll get jealous." Enough. I could not finish watching the thing. This film is a lot like Henry Jaglom's films. They're all about Jaglom.

I gave it more than one star because his story sounded worth hearing for about a half hour.
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One of the more honest and unique films you're likely to see
ametaphysicalshark18 April 2008
This film chronicles director Zahedi's addiction to prostitutes over the course of many, many years, and presents an honest and realistic portrait of sexual compulsions and fetishes. Of interest as well are Zahedi's attempts to reconcile his oft violent sexual fantasies with his various attempts at healthy relationships. One has to wonder how true to life Zahedi's portraits of his relationships are, except maybe for his final relationship, but they make for an interesting depiction of dysfunctional and atypical 'romantic' relationships either way.

The film's humor genuinely works. As many moving, sad, and let's be honest- pathetic moments there clearly were in Zahedi's life, he is able to portray them in a humorous self-deprecating light, which is testament to his talent as a filmmaker, because these events could very easily have made one of the most disturbing and real pure dramas put on film, but Zahedi's Allen-like psychological self-obsession comes across as endearing and funny. That's not to say the film's more dramatic moments, such as its beautiful, understated, ending don't work, because they do, but the film's quality is increased by the humorous content

The film is obviously low-budget and essentially a mockumentary, so don't look for any great moments of technical film-making, but Zahedi is no bore and certainly a solid directo who knows how to pace a film. A lot of people have a problem with Zahedi's behavior towards women, but it appears that by the end of the film he is happy and content in a healthy relationship.

Caveh Zahedi's "I Am a Sex Addict" is far from a perfect film, but it's honest, entertaining, unique, well-made, and worth your time.

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Ironic That He Has Movie Sex With Nude Actresses In Front Of Real Wife!
steveshay_200015 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Yes. He is bug-eyed, quirky-ugly and self-conscious. But I was entertained. The film had fun retro animated gimmicks like little snapshot photos of him with his wife or a girlfriend floating over animated maps of America and Europe with that Vespa-green color, Pee Wee Herman stuff. After a relationship of his ends, he shows a few seconds of home movie footage of the real woman who an actress just portrayed. That gave it some humanity and depth and credibility.

OK. Here is my beef. Spoiler-warning-The extra footage on the DVD of the making of the film contains two sex scenes showing him nude, the actresses nude, and in one case, his current real-life wife watching. He is tying one girl's wrists to the bed frame. I know. I know. That's showbiz. But consider that the entire point of the film is that he cured himself of his sex addiction, and that he no longer needs to stray outside his marriage for titillation. He claims in the film's conclusion that he is totally turned on by his wife, and is disinterested in other women's bodies. And that this is how one should conduct oneself in a marriage. So then when you see the extra footage, all these boundaries that took him years to establish in Sex-Addicts-Anonymous are out the window. It seems he has used this film of retelling his past as simply another devise for sexual pleasure. This I find disturbing and dishonest.

I guess I will be the one to say it as I am not sure anyone else has yet, but he has a way about him that suggests he could have very well ended up with another man in his bed by the end of the film, not that there is anything wrong with it...Let's just say he ain't John Goodman!
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Self indulgent and awful.
Reggie_Charan1 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It's been more than 48 hours since I watched this pitiful exercise in ego masturbation disguised as film, and I still can not erase that truly vile scene of the narrator receiving oral sex, out of my mind. While I can admire anyone willing to open up and bare their soul on camera warts and all, throughout the entire movie, I never once got the feeling that the director/star ever felt a bit of remorse that his obsession with hookers lead to the demise of several of his relationships with women. He also comes across as an egomaniac as well: none of the real women he was in relationships with look anything like the porn stars he used in the reenactments.

Find a better way to waste 90 minutes of your life.
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It's really funny!
lastliberal28 November 2007
While films like Capote, Brokeback Mountain and A History of Violence were gathering awards, this film managed to win at the only awards ceremony that has a category of "Best Film Not Playing at a Theater Near You." Caveh Zahedi, who wrote, directed and starred in the quirky like film shows great promise and the film was very enjoyable. If you are a Woody Allen fan, then you will definitely enjoy Zahedi.

Sure, it is low budget, and it changes from monologue to docudrama to montage - it is really not hard to follow as we are exploring Zahedi's addiction to prostitutes and the effect on his relationships. This avant garde comedy will keep you interested, if only to see what he will say to his next girlfriend.
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A marathon of annoying women
aussie-208 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
An unleashed, nonstop documentation of one man's thinly veiled attempt to annoy every available woman and prostitute he can find the nerve to approach. His addiction is not so much to having sex with prostitutes, but to endlessly approaching them, pricing the act, and then saying "I'll have to think about it." Lather, rinse, repeat, with every opportunity taken to confess his every thought to his current girlfriend in the supposed interests of honesty and openness.

The redeeming realism of the film crops up in a fairly straightforward reporting of the hideous effects of this behavior. Do not expect much fun from the sexual adventures - there's some fairly graphic content, but it's about as joyless as it comes.
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everyone is expecting too much
rhodessara9 August 2008
The thing that I believe people are missing here is that this isn't a movie, it's a documentary in which some scenes are recreated, it's his true story. Caveh is a human with extreme flaws and whether you love him or hate him: he is real. he has true thoughts, he bluntly states these thoughts which often turns out to complicate virtually everything, yes, some things are repetitive, but this is life! life is repetitive. every person has moments if you look back and see the mistakes you made and so does he. judging by other comments it's like people are watching this expecting there to be an obvious course in the plot, but there isn't in life or in this movie. the raw emotion that he expresses is about his sex addiction, he is merely stating how he felt at the time. he wants to convey this addiction and he does so in an open and though provoking way. i just feel as though everyone was expecting this to be like every other movie, but it's not off of a script, it's real life.
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What car was he driving?
owjan-4597915 June 2020
What was the model of the car he was driving? Didn't get the model......
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what a creep
mturbina23 November 2009
You would think the lead could do a better job of acting since he's just playing himself, for God's sake, and you would think a movie with this title would not put you to sleep. I rented this as a fairly liberal person and a fan of "Sex and the City," almost expecting to laugh at whatever society considers "excessive" sexuality.

Caveh has an irritating voice on so many levels-that childish lisp, that flat delivery and the self-indulgence of the content itself. Am I supposed to share his offense that he inadvertently hired a porn star to play his ex-wife? What was he doing surfing those websites when he found out, anyway, who is he to judge? My reaction to Caveh was mostly disgust with his self-absorption, ranging to being absolutely CREEPED OUT when he groped receptionists' breasts at massage parlors. Just when I thought the "Eeewwww" factor couldn't get worse, I listened to him reminisce how much he enjoyed himself by groping and getting thrown out, how it was a big entertaining game for him. Also listening to him describe his rough-up a prostitute fantasies to a friend, who did not react with any normal response. Where does he find these people?

This was the first time ever I felt like asking Blockbuster for my money back.
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witty, honest, gritty, bold - and thank god the NEA said yes to it
centralparknyc23 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Such an interesting concept and I wondered how it would actually be done. The character and actor are wonderfully the same person and that makes for a unique film. The actor could have created an ideal character, but succeeds in making a film about himself that truly reflects who he is, his fears, and his inner thoughts. What he says starts to make sense through the film. It should, as it is an addiction that is as real to him as any other more common addiction that we might identify with. This refreshing film appeals to a wide range of people. It tells his real story and the note at the end about things being changed for dramatic purposes leads you to believe he made things up. He didn't. From what I understand, he just condensed a few minor girlfriends into the major characters.
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It's simply awful.
EarthFromObserver31 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Please be aware that I may use some bad language in this description.

To put it plainly, I didn't like this film. I thought the main guy was an absolute dick about things. He was selfish and held others accountable for things which he demanded to have exemption from.

I'm aware that this was documenting/reenacting much of the main chaps life and general issue with sex addiction and is dealt with via humour, but, perhaps due to me being British and having a different sense of humour, I found the film to be without redemption. the payoff wasn't worthwhile when considering the buildup to it, I just ended up massively disliking the main guy's words, actions and general justifications. I don't really care that he got over it, mainly because I didn't find anything to like about him through the duration, if there'd been a moment where I could see the fundamental emotional/moral changes with any kind of passion I could've forgiven his prior actions and been happy for him, alas this is not the case.

OK, perhaps elements of the filming style are a but quirky and slightly interesting to see, but I think it's the type of pretentious shite that a certain type of film student would like rather than someone like myself, don't get me wrong, I love documentaries and film in general, but everyone has opinions and mine, for what it's worth, is that this piece of film is terrible, even despite the awards it's won or the praise it seems to have from other reviewers (I can't believe we watched the same film).

A real thumbs down from me.
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Awfully awful
slake091 October 2006
Do documentaries or mockumentaries get any worse than this? If you've read the other reviews then you know the focus: a self-involved film maker wants to introduce you to his sexual habits.

Unfortunately, his sexual habits aren't very interesting or original or even entertaining. There isn't much sex on display here, just a lot of talk about sex, and you've heard it before. He does a lot of agonizing about his relationships, and possibly doesn't know himself that he just comes off as a fool. Not in a funny way, either, but in that way where you're glad he doesn't live near you, or isn't involved with anyone you know.

Mainly it's a self-indulgent documentary about his past sexual relationships with nothing interesting to carry it. An extended version of the average high schooler telling you about how he scored with the cheerleader. You won't believe it here, either.
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