Razorteeth (Video 2005) Poster

(2005 Video)

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moviematt7126 May 2005
No spoilers here, because your experience is already spoiled from the moment you begin to watch the film. There can't be an accurate rating for this film because you can't measure a rating that low. This garbage was shot on video and is horrible, horrible, horrible. The acting, if you call it that was beyond painful, more painful than the so called pain that was inflicted on the hapless victims of the piranha. You could do better with your own video camera and friends that would work for free. Very amateur and very lame. Watch only if you must see this travesty for yourself. Rent the original "Piranha" instead. Check please.
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Are the fish biting? Yes and so is this movie!
satellitepictures26 July 2006
Have a good laugh on the Polonia Brothers. As is all of their films, this is a micro budgeted stink fest. This is probably the best I have seen from them though. I admit there is a guilty pleasure for me to watch these films made in PA by these brothers as it makes me feel like anyone can make a movie for $12. Compared to their other flicks, this one is a treat. If you can stand watching really really really bad movies and laugh at them, u might enjoy this. If you like their other stuff this one will look a lot better than most of their movies. No puppets and the fish look pretty decent. Of course it is full of bad acting and plot holes, but hey-it's the Polonia Brothers! Oh and of course there is a casio synth soundtrack so as not to disappoint.
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Getting your teeth pulled without anesthetic is painful, this movie is agony!
lordzedd-317 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
They shouldn't have bothered leaving it open for a sequel. As bad as this was there's no chance in hell of a second movie. Plus, in one scene the agent asks for room and the manager clearly hands him a car key!! A car key, anyone who can't tell that was a car key, needs new glasses. Plus, let's talk about the climax for a moment. It's bad enough our star blindly follows order and kills everyone who wasn't killed by the six monster fish, but after he kills the fish, the Government blows them up. I'm sorry, if the Government can't keep a simple burglary secret, then I can't believe they could get away with making illegal bio-weapons. To future film makers out there. Here's a hint, if you want to make a good movie. One people will watch and want sequels to. Then please, please spend more then a mere 25 grand, I can't stress this enough, spend more then 25 grand. It's impossible to make a good movie with that low of budget. Use this as an example of what not to do.I give this steaming pile of rotting fish the NOOSE as well.
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So very bad and yet...
Dr. Gore10 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers

"Razorteeth" is a very bad movie. And yet…I just couldn't take my eyes off it. I wanted to shut it off after ten minutes but I just couldn't. I had to see what other terrible tricks it had up its sleeve. I am also a sucker for any sort of aquatic monster movie. The minute I found out that there was a piranha movie I hadn't seen yet, I rented it immediately.

So a bunch of plastic piranhas land in a lake. They attack any living thing that happens to be in the water. All of the piranhas, (about two or three), swim around with the same facial expression. They all have their jaws wide open with bulging plastic eyes about to burst out of their heads. I wondered how they eat if they can't move their mouths. A government agent shows up to put a lid on all of this piranha nonsense. More people get attacked by cheap piranhas while the agent bumbles around the lake.

"Razorteeth" is truly a wonder of bad movie-making to behold. It's almost too easy to bash. It looks like something that was made with a bunch of buddies over a long weekend. Cheap is putting it mildly. The filmmakers must have rented a cabin on the lake and decided to make a movie while they were there. "Razorteeth" is seriously bad.

On the plus side, I laughed my head off while watching it. The agent's boss was one of the worst actors I've ever seen but I couldn't stop laughing when he was on screen. The piranhas did a lot of goofy things too. If you like laughing at shamelessly cheap B-movies, "Razorteeth" is where it's at. If you're looking for a piranha horror flick, "Razorteeth" will make you cringe with pain.
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Beneath the surface, terror lurks
mail-151428 May 2005
Well, well well. This film has no frills, no polished edges - butsomehow it gets away with it. The acting is a little rough in places. A few strange bits . . . Even the person who knew about the "killer piranhas" still decided to go into the lake. Every victim seemed to put up no struggle, or even made much noise. The "Agent" that was sent to investigate the whole situation wore trainers (sneakers, to any septics who might be reading). The great thing though is that in spite of all these minor niggles, the film really hits the spot. The plot is a bit dodgey, very unlikely but really likable. The only thing that I think lets the film down is there are no characters that you really want to "win the day" and get out alive. The victims don't last long enough for you to like and the reluctant hero is just a bit too reluctant. Very similar to the Piranha series of films in the 70's and 80's. Definitely worth watching.
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chrisbw196512 October 2022
Save yourself the pain of watching this. I don't review much, but those 8-, 9-, & 10-star reviews are total BS. The acting alone was beyond amateurish, wooden and painful to watch. My nephew is a film student, and his school project films are Oscar worthy next to this. I heard this was a $25k budget: someone was overpaid for this crap Do yourself a favor, avoid this film: pluck your nose hair, scrape your foot calluses, lance your grandpa's puss filled boils, anything is better than enduring this gagfest. You've been warned... watch at your own peril.. I normally go easy on bad films, but this this was worthy of shouting a warning about. Ijs.
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Terribly poor
Leofwine_draca5 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
RAZORTEETH is the cheapest piranha movie you'll ever watch and an absolute embarrassment of an indie production. It was shot on video and has a couple of model piranha in one or two shots. The rest is an endless, drawn-out mess of inferior acting and poor plotting. At least 90% of the running time is made up of scenic lakeside shots leaving this entirely boring and without merit.
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spike-5161613 June 2020
It's like brushing your teeth, with razors!!!

This is worth a watch just for the travesty that awaits you.

However, it has remained in the memory bank!
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ricburger4 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Lets count the ways this piece of garbage stinks. Acting-The acting is at best wooden. I take that back. A fence post displays more life and depth of feeling than any of the messpians in this disaster. Visual effects-They shot the view of the piranha attacking through a red filter. This is supposed to make us believe the water has turned bloody? As to the piranha themselves. They are fake fish that only move when someone is manipulating them by hand. You never see more than a head shot of them in the water and I swear to god it looks like someone stuck them in an aquarium tank and just stuck a camera up against the glass. It's like watching kids play with dolls. Editing-What editing? To sum it up. This movie isn't even fodder for an MST3K style treatment. Stay away.
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10 stars for worst film ever
jenrobidoux-648199 August 2021
Spare yourself the torture of even.opening credits. That's only outdone by the horrid acting but with a 25k budget what can you really expect. My 10.year old has made better YouTube videos and picture quality was far better and she uses a 100 dollar camera on tripod.
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More painful than a piranha bite
bangorkiddo28 May 2023
Flying dead piranhas. A resort that doesn't require guest registration or credit card. An Alien rip-off when a razor tooth exits a guy's chest while sitting in an outhouse. The same outhouse guy who keeps his dog on a short leash attached to his belt for no obvious reason. I've never seen a Polonia Brothers movie, so have nothing to compare it to. Now I'm on a quest to find more. This one is on Amazon Prime Video.

At least the women actually were clothed while swimming, unless I missed a nude scene. I'm not sorry I watched though. It gave me something to do while using my weights at home on a non-gym day.
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johnlundgren-572254 February 2019
This movie is pretty sweet. The acting is top notch and the plot will have you glued to your seat! I especially like the boat scene in which the best actor in the movie died. I am not sure who these actors are, but I bet they are going places. Do yourself a favor and settle in for "Razorteeth".
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Less Beef, more Teeth
wootenjoshd4 February 2019
Have you ever seen Operation Dumbo Drop? Well, this is nothing like that movie. Razorteeth has suspense. Razorteeth has corrupt government agents. Razorteeth...has teeth. Just when you thought swimming in your local pond was safe, here comes the TEETH. Do yourself a favor, and savor this Polonia Bros. flavor.
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One of the most jaw-dropping experiences of my life
tabonga200119 September 2009
This series of frames (I cannot force myself to call it "movie," sorry) is appalling, mesmerizing, unbelievable... You can't miss it!!

If you feel like spending one evening by laughing uncontrollably at your TV screen, this is the movie for you. Don't look for mundane film-things like a story, character development or a satisfying climax - those things are left to the amateurs. This is beyond any possible human comprehension.

Here's what I think the movie is about: there are some US Army ships, a couple of choppers (stock footage filmed by the writers while on vacation, or so is said in the commentary), then a bunch of scuba divers find in a submarine some frozen piranha in Ziplock bags, there is probably a plane with a lot of smoke and a crash-landing in a lake. I think. Suddenly, the piranha are free in the lake, which has alternatively some of the murkiest and cleanest water I've ever seen. Then something happens, and the movie is over (after 1 hour and 10 minutes).

Superb!! You will appreciate the complete ineptitude of setting up a story of some sort, the great locations used for the flick (the hotel by the lake has a great lobby... not!!), the Agent sent (presumably) by the Government, who seems to have the I.Q. of a beet, and everything else, including a score made by someone who was clearly watching another movie.

Do not miss this movie if you want to have a ball with your friends and you enjoy talk back at films. It's a riot!!
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Ridiculously amazing
relilly7 March 2023
If you love B movies and below or if you're from an area that is familiar with Wellsboro, PA or Morgantown, WV or you love fishing or you love stupid, and I mean really stupid low budget films, this movie is amazing. So low budget and awful acting, but my word, did they try. For a $25k budget, it was well worth watching for own MST3K commentary. No twists or turns needed as the nonsense and terrible acting will make you laugh while you think about the trivia fact that the actors were disgusted by being forced to not only star in a terrible film, but handle a multitude of rotting fish throughout the film.
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