Insecticidal (2005) Poster


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No reason to watch it with the sound on
Hal_Opinot-Pepper2 April 2010
This movie is about three giant CGI bugs attempting to destroy the world's silicon supply, which has been craftily hidden in the chests of a group of sorority sisters. The movie stars two A- cups, three C-cups and one DD-cup for sure. Cameo appearances are made by the women attached to them.

Without giving away too many intricacies, the plot of this movie is kinky sex, cattiness, shower scene, kinky sex, CGI bugs, hot tub, CGI bugs, shower scene, cattiness, kinky sex, CGI bugs, sex, hot tubs, squish, squish, squish. Unfortunately, the action is slowed down considerably by the filmmakers' awkward choice to insert dialog into some scenes, and an unnecessary subplot in which one of the sisters becomes a mother, which drives her into a homicidal rage.

Caution: this movie contains several scenes which do not display unclothed breasts.
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It's Bad, REALLY Bad!
PeterGriffinLives28 April 2007
Ah, giant bug movies. If you're like me, you fondly remember films like "Them," "Tarantula" and maybe even "Eight-Legged Freaks." "Insecticidal" aims for that same genre...sort of. The premise is simple: a sorority house gets attacked by giant bugs. You know how this movie will go. People will be hacked apart by the merciless arthropods, the house will be turned into a battleground, and yes, there will be lesbians.

In all truth, there are decent parts to this film. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously, acknowledging at points its own cheesiness. The actors and actresses who play our main characters pull off their less-than-Shakespearean lines pretty well. And, of course, there is eye candy to be found here.

Unfortunately, the film suffers from painful amounts of stupidity when it comes to the bugs and pretty much anything involving them. For instance, Cammy, the nerd (we know she's a nerd because she wears glasses) creates the monsters by accident. That would work for this setting, except for the REASON behind it. She states that she was mocked by her professors for her outlandish theory that "insects used to be the dominant species," and that she was experimenting on them to prove that they had "dormant genes." A combination of these experiments and some pesticide exposure activated these genes and made the bugs grow huge.

First, the claims that bugs were once dominant on Earth: No @#$%, Sherlock! Back in the Carboniferous period (300 million years ago) arthropods DID rule the world. There were dragonflies with 3-foot wingspans, centipede/millipede relatives from 5 to 10 feet long and scorpions 3 feet long. The idea that any modern scientist would mock Cammy for stating what's already true is just idiotic.

Second, the whole "dormant genes" idea: It's possible (although REALLY unlikely) that modern arthropods do hold dormant genes from their Carboniferous ancestors, but how the heck did Cammy manage to turn those genes on? It remains a mystery.

"Insecticidal" also suffers from what I like to call pseudo-intelligence. When the filmmakers want you to think that a character is smart, they have him or her use really long words, even if those words make no sense. When the giant praying mantis appears, Cammy classifies it with a long, Latin-sounding name. The problem is that the praying mantis's REAL scientific name is simply "Mantis religiosa" The final thing that hurts this film is that the special effects aren't so special. If brought to life effectively and accurately, the giant insects, arachnids and other invertebrates in "Insecticidal" could be terrifying. The praying mantis (a major enemy in the movie) has a ridiculous Kermit-the-frog mouth and the annoying habit of knocking people to the ground and apparently whacking them repeatedly with its forelegs. A real praying mantis attack is far more disturbing: it's spiny forelegs snatch prey in the blink of an eye and simply hold it there while the insect's blade-like mouth-parts methodically chew through the living victim. That would have been far more frightening than being slapped to death by Kermit the bug.

There are so many things wrong with this movie (herbivorous stag and rhinoceros beetles are shown eating people, as well as everything I already mentioned) that I can't rank it highly. That said, I'm actually recommending this film. It's so incredibly bad that you can have your own Mystery Science Theatre night with it.
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Giant cartoon insects attack sorority house
Phillemos9 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I see I've given this movie a higher rating than most. I freely admit this a bad, bad movie. Yet as horrible as this movie is, it's still entertaining to watch, which is why my overall rating pulls the film up. For starters, "Insecticidal" is like the female eye candy version of "Leeches!" In other words, it's a bad giant invertebrate movie except nearly all the characters are hot girls, as opposed to "Leeches!" where they're nearly all male models. Otherwise, the similarities are so striking, I was surprised to learn the two movies weren't done by the same director. Basically, girls live in a sorority house where one (Cami) has an affinity for bugs and is doing a thesis on them for class. The most popular girls in the sorority gets so enraged at bugs crawling around the house (one of them startles her while she's banging some guy) that she sprays insecticide all over Cami's room and kills the bugs. OR SO SHE THINKS!!!... In fact the insecticide somehow causes the bugs to mutate to prehistoric proportions, and they start killing off sorority sisters the night of a wild party. Anyway, this movie is clearly not going to win any awards. The creature effects may be the worst since the old 1950s B-movies. They look like they could have been done on a Commodore-64 home computer. At times the killer insects even look like cartoon characters. The whole premise (if you spray insecticide on your pests they will actually mutate into monsters) is just silly, although I give them credit for not dwelling on it. There's no interest-killing "15-minutes-of-scientific-explanation" scene that most other sci-fi movies feel obliged to feature to justify their existence. And for all the carnage, it's disappointing how effortlessly Cami & Co. kill the insects. Yet if you're willing to sit through a "so-bad-it's-good" movie, "Inseciticidal" does have some redeeming qualities. It's action-packed, almost two straight hours of kills with virtually no down time in the movie. It's interesting to note that, according to the opening scene and credits, this entire movie takes place in the span of about six hours. There's a lot of eye candy here; and to be honest, though they try to stereotype Cami in the glasses-wearing-girl/nerd role, she is the hottest of the bunch. And if you're paying attention, the writers are having some fun here. For example, if you look at the house from the outside, you notice the girls are members of the Beta Upsilon Gamma sorority (whose abbreviation would be "BUG"). Clearly "Insecticidal" will never be considered mentioned in the same sentence such classics as "Alien" or "The Thing," but it's a good take if you're in the mood for a mindless flick. I give it a 4.
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The worst CGI monsters ever with a few so-so looking girls in not much clothing.
dilbertsuperman23 June 2006
Sophomoric, amateurish, pathetic, cheesy, junky, lame, boring, second-rate garbage is what is in store for you in this super-dumb dork fest of a low budget film that uses computer graphics that seem to have been done on a commodore 64 for the monsters. It's beyond lame kiddos. Watch this if you want to damage your brain.

PLOT: Spraying raid on some bugs makes them turn into giant monsters. The monsters look like crappy computer graphics from a 3rd rate video game.

THere isn't much else to say about this other than the women in this movie are also 3rd rate in the looks dept.
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Another zero budget shot on a camcorder horror film piece of crap.
poolandrews29 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Insecticidal is set in some female sorority house where wannabe scientist Cami (Meghan Heffern) has been working on a project to reactivate dormant genes in insects, not sure why but we all need a hobby I suppose. The other girls aren't too happy with Cammi & her bugs running around the place so Josi (Rhonda Dent) takes it upon herself to spray all of Cami's experiments with insect killer, problem sorted. Well that's what Josi thought but it turns out that by spraying the bugs with insect killer actually made them all grow bigger & make them more intelligent, again I really don't know why. Now with large killer bugs on the loose Cami & the surviving girls must find a way to escape before they become bug food...

This Canadian made Ceature Feature was produced & directed by Jeffery Scott Lando & if you think the Sc-Fi Channel made Creature Features such as Boa vs. Python (2004) or Komodo vs. Cobra (2005) were bad then think again because Insecticidal plunders new depths. The script by Jeff O'Brien could have been quite fun, I mean the basic premise surrounding a bunch of pretty young teenage girls being killed off by a variety of large bugs is a simple one but had potential. Unfortunately the whole film is so badly plotted & made that Insecticidal makes Mega Snake (2007) look like a masterpiece. There are scenes which don't make any logical sense, for a start how did that bug get inside the pizza box & then close the lid? There is a scene when two of the character's are attacked by a large scorpion & they hide inside the basement closing the door behind them but when we see those two girls again they are in the living room, so what happened to the scorpion & how did they get out of the basement? There is a scene early on where we see giant slugs but they are never shown again & why does no-one in the street not notice an eight foot tall Mantis in the girls garden? Why do the girls not try to call anyone? I know they call the police who think they are playing a joke but do they not know any other people they could phone & ask for help? The whole film is poorly paced, it's as dull as dishwater, it's predictable & there are many scenes that just don't work on any logical sense.

Director Lando was probably working on a low budget but one has to say that Insecticidal is reasonably well filmed, I say reasonably because I don't want to make it sound like it's amazing or anything but at least it doesn't look like it was shot on a camcorder. There's no shaky photography, no quick cut editing & no post production annoying editing techniques either which is nice. However the scenes when the girls are attacked by the bugs are terrible, they are so static & it's so obvious that the girls are fighting thin air. Now I suppose I have to talk about the special effects. Firstly the bugs aren't that big, there's a scorpion for instance which is about the same size as your average dog. Then there's the CGI computer effects, surely Insecticidal has the worst CGI bug effects of any film ever made. They are simply terrible, they look like they were rendered on a really low end home PC. I don't think I would be exaggerating if I claimed that with the PC I currently have I could have animated better looking bugs. They look truly awful & wouldn't even get into a children's cartoon series.

Technically the film overall is a complete mess, despite the photography looking alright the CGI computer effects as already mentioned are simply embarrassing. Filmed in British Columbia in Canada. The acting isn't particularly good although the girls are all pretty good looking which helps.

Insecticidal may have a clever title but as a Creature Feature it blows, the CGI computer effect bugs are truly the worst of their kind that I have seen. The story is full of holes & predictable as well, even die hard Creature Feature fans should avoid this one.
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*SIGH *Where to begin?
SnoopyvsRedBaron23 August 2006
To say this "movie" is awful is not enough. Too bad that IMDb does not contain negative numbers to rate this piece of trash. I originally thought at least prepubescent boys might like this movie for the female eye candy but looking at the laughable CGI I think they would hate this movie also. The plot is lame, acting is so bad where the "reality shows" are Oscar material compared to this. Did I mentioned the special effects or lack of? The CGI looks like it were done not on a Commodore 64, like the above commenter mentioned, but on a Tandy TRS-80. Especially the Praying Mantis, it looks like someone did not even bothered to look at an insect book, an Animal Planet documentary, or even the old b&w sci-fi movie, THE DEADLY MANTIS, to get an accurate rendition of the a praying mantis. Imagine a crudely drawn bug (ala 5 yo kid) with a Kermit the Frog head and you pretty much get the idea how bad the mantis was "created". I think everyone involved made this movie for some film class they are taking at the college they maybe attending. I can not believe they took themselves seriously when they made this barf bag of a film. I just want to say to future film students watch this as a lesson IN NOT WHAT MAKE and you will live a long happy life.
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Sorority house bug slasher pic
Chase_Witherspoon30 April 2011
A sorority house is besieged by genetically mutated bugs that have been inadvertently bred by an ambitious yet reclusive science student vying for PhD honours. Cheerful, light and mostly entertaining horror/comedy made on a shoestring budget, merges house party slasher themes and the more conventional giant bug movie to pleasing effect. The bookish Cinderella scientist taunted by her arguably more attractive sorority sisters (certainly more sexually active) proves to be the only person capable of defeating the nemeses after most of the party are dismembered. Nudity abounds, with the resident hussy bouncing from one bone head to the next, before ignorantly ingesting larvae that transforms her into a queen vessel for the mutant spawn. Not being the sharpest tool in the shed, she misdiagnoses the metamorphosis as an STD, and attempts to treat accordingly with anti-bacterial scrub, with comical results. She in turn proves to be as much a threat as the bugs themselves, even attempting to cannibalise her companions while appearing to drift in and out of lucidity.

It's essentially "American Pie" meets "Friday the 13th" with a few man (or in this case) woman-eating bugs added for seasoning. All the college house party motifs are on display: hot tubs, beauty queens, Asian students, lesbian encounters, jocks and good old fashioned S&M - no theme is considered taboo. Despite the student film quality to this flick, the photography and sound departments are competent; the CGI effects on the other hand, are the key liability to success. There's little interaction between the characters and the CGI monsters, just an occasional severed mandible or inanimate roach casing to fuse the two layers. Still, it is quite amusing watching the guy wrestle a giant roach from his face, while attempting to satisfy his Gothic girlfriend's demand for cunnilingus.

And, while there's a whole second hand store full of dismembered limbs, buckets of gravy and plenty of goo and slime, it's all quite tame and unrealistic. The R rating surely is reserved for the endless procession of nudity and sex that seems to be a pre-cursor to each climax (so to speak). The production designer (Sean Whale) appears to have been so instrumental to the production, that he's allowed to indulge in a meaningless walk-on in the closing scene, as the characters lament the potential for repetition and a nod to the prospect of an as yet un-realised sequel. Entertaining, but perhaps for all the wrong reasons.
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It's a game of two halves
neil-4769 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
One has to start by saying that the monsters in this monster movie are a spider, a scorpion and a beetle (with a praying mantis playing second fiddle) which are, without any doubt, among the least convincing CGI creations ever digitally transferred to celluloid. Add to this a plot which came straight from the first module in the monster movie training manual (crossbred with the plot of a girls' sorority dorm movie), and we're off to a bad start.

But somehow this not very good film - and let's be honest, it really isn't very good - manages to transcend its disadvantaged beginnings (and middle. And end). It never takes itself seriously for an instant, which helps, the cast of unknowns give it their all and acquit themselves reasonably well, and the whole thing is done with a palpable sense of fun.

One of the most enjoyable bad movies I've watched for ages - scored 1 for quality, 9 for entertainment value, giving an average of 5.
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stop buggin me
trashgang9 November 2011
This was Jeffery Scott Lando first attempt to direct a flick. Well, he already made his name by making a turkey. Let me clear it out for you, the story is as simple as it can be but it's the use of CGI that makes it a turkey. Even the attacks by the bugs are off-screen, so you only see some puss flying around or hitting the actors.

And let me go in on the acting, it's lesser than mediocre by some. The girl (Rhonda Dent) changing into a so-called bug is exaggerating in her acting. Just watch when she's eating a human corpse. If it was to be a comedy I would go buy that kind of acting but here, sorry, no can do. The best part was in fact the main lead Cami (Meghan Heffern), she did well as the nerdy girl and look, she went on to do The Fog and Chloe. The rest all disappeared into bad flicks or stopped acting.

But I guess they all knew that it wasn't what it was to be so there is a shower scene were we have gratuitous nudity full shaved frontal. Further we have some kinky chick getting into SM but naturally they all got attacked by the bugs. Maybe the best ones were the slugs, if they all could have looked like them then it could have been great. But the SyFy look of the bugs teared this flick really into a turkey. There's almost no blood in it and if it does it isn't scary or gory on any part. One to see with your friends and having big fun with the stupidity of the blonds, the nudity and the over-sized bugs of Samantha McLeod.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 3/5 Effects 0/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 1/5
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So bad, I stopped paying attention after the first 10 minutes
Horrorible_Horror_Films24 August 2006
So bad, I stopped paying attention after the first 10 minutes. I'm not kidding, this movie is filled with the most obviously bad cgi scorpion I've ever seen, ever. Each character is painfully stupid. Plot is stupid, "special" effects are stupid, etc. If you are a vegetable you may enjoy this I suppose, but then if you are a vegetable you probably don't really care one way or the other, which leads me to believe that the people who made this movie must be vegetables. I'd give a synopsis of the plot, but trust me, it really doesn't matter, but I'll try anyway: Something about bugs, and a nerdy girl and some dumb slut who is a terrible actress, thats basically all I can remember, and I challenge anyone not to loose brain cells while watching this crap.
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Huge fun factor
alexxpolska4 August 2015
The fun factor is huge and that's is what matter. I liked the story and the talented Meghan Heffern, the actress who played the role of "Cami"in Insecticidal. I think the effects are not the crucial point to make a good movie. The concept of good movies is subjective. There are movies with great story and bad effects and so the opposite. I founded the DVD here in Brazil and enjoyed, the image quality is not bad. I'm a B-movie and horror movie fanatical and does not get disappointed. When i think one movie is not good, i don't want to see it again and it's not the cause with this gem. I will see it again. The Japanese girl is amazing too. I wished the movie could have at least 120 minutes, to get more fun. Do not skip this, the bugs are fun and pesky.
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A Delight for Fans of Trash Movies
claudio_carvalho8 May 2012
Cami (Meghan Heffern) is a dedicated student of etymology that is researching insects in her sorority house. When her sorority sister Josi (Rhonda Dent) sprays insecticide on her bugs, Cami becomes upset. But sooner she learns that the insects had grown bigger and bigger and her sister and she are under siege of the insects. Further, Josi is the host of the breed of mutant insects that are very hungry.

"Insecticidal" is a B-movie with all the elements of this type of film: hot naked girls, terrible dialogs, awful story and acting, poor special effects and lots of gore and spittle. Therefore, it is only recommended for fans of trash movies. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Inseticida" ("Insecticidal")
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'special' effects on par with "the Thing Below"
movieman_kev11 February 2007
With so-called 'special' effects that may very well rival "the Thing Below", this tale of giant intelligent bugs that terrorize sorority girls is bad in every possible way. The acting's awful, the plot's overtly stupid, and the aforementioned special effects make the whole thing laughable, if not for the fact that you'll be too depressed that you've wasted about an hour and a half on this garbage. Even nudity can't save this from falling into the abyss of the dreaded DVD bargain bin. Not that bargain can be used in any connotation when referring to this movie. No matter which way you slice it, simply dreadful. Good thing that Director Jeffery Lando holds three citizenships, become this film (and his others) are so bad that his American should be revoked.

My Grade: F

Eye Candy: the unfortunately named Chris Guy shows everything she's got; Rhonda Dent shows T&A; Anna Farrant and Natalia Tudge just show tits
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Giant Bugs.....
face_of_terror7 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know that if you spray raid on a bug , it turns into a giant murderous bug. In this movie, this is exactly what happens.

Some girls are having a party at home. One of them, Cammy, is a nerd who doesn't have fun. Instead, she's making experiments with her insects, in the basement. Her sister Josie sprays raid on the insects to kill them, but instead, they start growing up, and terrorising the house. Now Cammy, and the left survivors have to battle the giant insects all night long, to stay alive.

I don't even know how to describe the plot. Its so childish. I have no idea why they hate insects so much. The CGI effects are laughable. Playstation games have better graphics than these bugs in the movie. The insects are also given strange names, such as Evander (Holyfield), Louis (Joe).

Amateurish acting, stupid dialogue, and almost no gore, make this movie unwatchable. The only thing that is good about this movie, is Samantha Mcleod.

Don't waste your time on this flick. If horror movie about insects is your fetish, better watch THE FLY or MOSQUITO MAN. 1/10.
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No Fun
jfgibson7330 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well, you're only going to watch a movie like this to laugh at how stupid it is, so my review is aimed at the folks who already have that attitude. Knowing ahead of time that it is campy trash, this movie is still a waste of time. Giant bugs attacking a sorority house sounds like a no-brainer for fans of b-movie junk. Except this one wasn't even entertaining on an unintentionally humorous level. It was just boring.

A brainy coed named Cammi accidentally enlarges several bugs to the size of houses. The bugs try to kill everyone in the house. The stereotypes that pass for characters have to fight back.

I'm hesitant to complain at how bad the special effects are, since it doesn't make much difference when a movie is this lame. Bottom Line: it looked like it was a sure thing. I didn't like it at all.

SIDE NOTE: It's surprising how many giant monster movies just aren't that much fun. You'd think all the filmmakers would have to do is make a few miniature sets and let the destruction happen. I guess it's harder than that, because along with this movie, the monsters have been disappointing in a number of recent cheese-fests (I was disappointed with Kraa the Sea Monster, Godzilla:Final Wars, and Mega-Shark Vs. Giant Octopus. In the case of Mega-Shark, I enjoyed the movie, they just didn't show much of the monsters).
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Hilariously awful
rondellissuperior9 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was watching this on t.v. last night and wow. Just about every death sc ene had me bursting in laughter. From the punching the air, to the randomly psychotic Asian girl who can't even say a proper sentence, this movie was great in the fact that it was so bad. This isn' a B-movie, it is a D-movie. I found it unlikely how a nerdy girl, facing off a crudely animated BEETLE, could survive after they showed shadows of her getting mauled, and screaming like hell, only to find she ''ran upstairs'' and only got three tiny scratches. A girl in the hot tub gets attacked by the mantis, 3 times! Every time she is pushed to the ground off camera and shows pink cake frosting for fake body parts smeared on the windows. 10 minutes later she is screaming at the girls to let her in, apparently only getting some scratches, the girls gasp in horror for 10 minutes instead of just opening the door, as they watch in horror, again. Later, a nerdy guy come salong to visit his lady friends, only to see, here she is, again, only a few scratches, and pounced by the mutant Kermit the frog.

The amount of times people walked into a room or up to the sorority house, WITHOUT noticing the giant mantis and other enormous creatures. Suddenly the look to their right and it was there the whole time. How did they not notice that?? The one thing I found just great, was the girl who can't act at all, but has a huge rack, kills a giant beetle, with a blender. Screaming ferociously, she is a girl who can't even tell what a spider web is, literally. Plus, when they ended the movie, why was their a limping zombie guy thing passing by them and no one seems to notice?
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It will make you buggy
artpf11 January 2014
Cami is a dedicated student of entomology that is researching insects in her sorority house. When her sorority sister Josi sprays insecticide on her bugs, Cami becomes upset.

But soon she learns that the insects had grown bigger and bigger and she and her sisters are under siege by the insects. Further, Josi is the host of the breed of mutant insects that are very hungry.

The premise makes no sense. Why when you kill an insect do all the insects get big? Whatever. The movie looks like a Sci Fi channel film -- complete with bad CGI, except there's also sex and nudity thrown in. Including an idiotic shower scene where a girl is having the most erotic plain shower.

They also threw in a bare chested long haired guy in the beginning who looks like he's a wrestler or something. The problem is he's supposed to be dating a college girl and he looks 45. The women all look 30

The acting is horrendous. And the sex scenes are absolutely horrible. The special effects are so bad.

The only saving grace is it sort of doesn't take itself too seriously, but that's good for about 5 seconds cuz this is a bad bad film.
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Silly cheesy giant bug B-movie
Floated25 March 2023
Described as a horror B-movie, Insecticidal is a rather tame film in tone and in terms of violence and gore. It is entirely silly, cheesy and ultimately predictable. Perhaps a throwback to those 1980's films.

The characters aren't bad, but are entirely the stereotypical type we would seen in these sorority women films. Also, noticed how all the main women characters' names ends in "i". Cami, Josi, Sophi, Fumi, Jeni, Twisti, Belli. Not to nitpick but what was the purpose of this. As it wasn't mentioned. Or are we just to assume those were their "sorority sister" alias names?

The CGI giant bugs look fake and are never menacing or threatening. This film doesn't take itself serious which perhaps benefits it.

It is rated R due to its brief few nude scenes, though without them, everything else is reduced and feels that of a PG-13 film. Reminded of those 2000's teen drama/comedies tv series.

Not exactly worthwhile but its "more fun and relaxed" tone makes it entertaining at times, all be it predictable.
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Pure B-movie heaven.
gtc837 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So some girls are living in a sorority house, and the nerdy one creates some giant bugs that go around killing everyone. The bugs are pretty hilarious, shall we say, not exactly Jurassic Park quality. But the girls! Oh wow. Talk about a plethora of sexy babes. That's basically what this movie is about - hot babes getting attacked by hilarious looking CGI bugs. Lots of sexual situations and a very light hearted sense of B-movie fun. If you liked stuff like Sorority House Massacre II - Nighty Nightmare, or Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-o-Rama, you'll love this. Several topless babes, almost everyone else in bikini's, an Asian babe getting all sweaty doing her martial arts workout, and one other girl in a see-through T-shirt with a black bra and truly magnificent amounts of cleavage. I though it was going to explode or something! The whole movie is spent with the giant bugs chasing everyone around, while the nerdy girl tries to figure out how to undo what she's created. A good time was had by all! Highly recommended for horny adolescents or anyone else with a love for B-movies and a sense of humor.
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Fun but flawed giant insect movie
kannibalcorpsegrinder19 October 2022
After an experiment fails, a college student decides to give up her bug collection to the euphoria of her sorority housemates, but when strange slime and insect body parts are found at the site of their disappearances believes her bugs have grown to gigantic size and have to survive the attacks.

As far as giant insect movies go, this one wasn't as bad as it could've been. One of the better elements of this one is that the film has a quirky sense of humor that is quite nice. It needs it, as the tone fits the subject matter perfectly since a serious tone with the way it's presented would never work at all. It needed a goofy tone with the presentation of the relationships within the sorority, how the girls treat her experimental collection as well as the overall presentation of the attacks with the whole idea unfolding around the oblivious girls enjoying the party, and the film benefits for it greatly. A lot of the jokes and situations work with the setup given here and it makes the film a lot more entertaining ensuring that everything is rapidly coming up on each other by getting a very fast-paced plot to this, allowing for a continuous stream of scenes that was greatly appreciated. This cheesiness in the main setup is nicely matched in the attacks which keep on coming down the pike. The first attacks on the clueless members of the sorority and their boyfriends hanging around the party provide some decent ambush scenes involving the bugs snatching their victims, and the later sequence of the infected member acting out-of-character to devour their belongings has a lot to like. This goes along nicely with that setup of the discoveries involving the creatures' biological remains left behind their sorority house to offer a great lead-in to the finale with the bugs trying to break into the house forcing the girls to take action themselves to save themselves. These are quite fun with several fun chases and confrontations built around the need to escape from the creatures and their leader which not only has some clever means of combating them but is also pretty gory for its type and makes good use of its splatter effects which is perfectly in keeping with the goofy tone. These all give the film quite a lot to like about it. The film does have some big problems. It simply has to be said that these are some of the worst-looking creatures ever in these kinds of films. These are simply atrocious, and under no circumstance are they worthy of inducing fear of them. They don't match the scenery they've been inserted into, they hardly match their surroundings and at times can hardly move realistically. There are naturally many scenes that go on that don't make much sense or aren't really explained adequately. The other issue with this one is that a reason for the bugs becoming big is hinted at but never officially explained. A couple of those hints make no sense either which ends up causing the whole explanation for their size to end up kinda confusing when thought about afterward, and really didn't need to be included. The cheese factor is also very high on this one, and it can be a turn-off for those that don't like it since it's not that subtle and can be found out pretty easily. These factors are what bring this down.

Rated R: Nudity, Graphic Violence, some Language, and several sex scenes.
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This is a fun cheesy film
nogodnomasters10 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a fun cheesy film. Creepy Cami (Meghan Heffern) experiments with insects in her sorority house. Her older sister (Samantha McLeod) is in the sorority too. Her bug experiment is disrupted by Josi (Rhonda Dent) a fun role playing babe who doesn't like her performance interrupted by loose experiments. Needless to say the bugs get big and smart.

The bug graphics leave much to be desired, but were part of the fun. Josi had the best part and lines. There are girls putting each other down and a few token horny guys. Plenty of sex and nudity but not Samantha McLeod.

Guide: Sex and Nudity (Rhonda Dent, Anna Farrant,Natalia Walker, Chis Guy)
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Great 80 minute monster film!!!
redhead98984 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
'Insecticidal' is a great cheesy film.

College student Cami is obsessed with here bug collection of Rhinoceros Beetles, Sluggs, Scopions, Tarantulas, praying mantis, princer bugs, and more. Her bugs get on here sorority sisters, Sophi, Fumi, Cherri, Belli, Twisti, Jenni, and most of all, the woman of the house, Josi. Josi's boyfriend Mitch holds Cami and her boyfriend Martin while Josi sprays insecticide on Cami's bugs, mutating them. After Cherri, Belli, Kyle, Dick, Twisti and the pizza boy disappear, Cami, Sophi, Jenni, Fumi, Mitch, (well, not exactly Mitch, Mitch is just alive) find out about the bugs and fight against them, while Josi, the mean girl, becomes a zombie.

the cgi is bad, but acting and dialogue is good, action and violence, suspense, but the cgi is still pretty convincing, it is a good film, Sophi's performance after her girlfriend Jenni, (they are lesbians) is killed. Vicky Huang is good, the girl who plays Cami, the boy who does Mitch, also Martin and the gorgeous Rhonda Dent who plays Josi, along with Jenni, the others do okay but this is order from bet acting to worst acting: 1) Josi 2) Cami 3) Sophi 4) Fumi 5) Jenni 6)Matin 7) Mitch 8) Dick 9) Twisti 10) Belli 11) Cherri 12) Kyle 13) Sluggo (Zombie???) 14) security guard (??????????????????) This is a great film with good, good, good actors! Rent it or buy it!!! 10/10 stars.
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I never watched this movie
Cecil_B_Demented_221231 January 2008
I never watched it, I want to watch it but I doubt I'll ever come across it.

But I can hear you now, you never watched it why are you commenting on it?


I don't have to watch it to know exactly what kind of movie it is.

A cheep, badly made, most likely poorly acted, direct to DVD horror/trying to be scary film.

And guess what a good 80% of those kind of movies suck, a lot. Some can be good, most no so with that being said if you go and watch this movie and then get mad that such a poorly made movie was ever created and that you watched it all I can ask is WHY did you watch it?

Did it trick you? Did you think, woah the last few I watched looked really bad maybe this one is different? Did you say wow a low budget movie that will be about monster bugs killing people i bet it looks really cool? You had to know going in this movie would be craptastic so you should have watched it for one reason and one reason only

You enjoy bad movies If you don't, do not watch them.

It's simple really. It astounds me how often i go through the IMDb pages of crappy horror movies and see people complain did you really pick outthe movie and expect something good...really?

I happen to like crappy horror movies, its a guilty pleasure of mine. I find the terrible acting to be funny, the lines can't be worse then the one liners and CSI:Miami and I love that show too, the bad sets? terrible CGI? Its all for giggles for me I adore SCI Fi channel movie marathons because its cheese plain and simple. Cheezy fun, learn to enjoy it or learn to realize when you pick up a movie or flip to one that 'hey this is one of those cheep badly made movies i hate i shouldn't watch it' because if you do sit there and watch it and you knew it was a mad movie or you assumed it was bad and then become outraged that it WAS those things don't bother posting on here or any other site about it whats the point?

You knowingly wasted time, don't waste more of it Thats why Im giving this movie a ten. I love crap horror, and I'll always love it and I bet if I watched this movie I would adore all its failures because that's what movies like this are made for Cheep Popcorn Enjoyment.
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