Aunt Rose (2005) Poster


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Take It For What It Is
Mister-Creeper16 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Aunt Rose, everyone's sweet old aunt that is just a bit mysterious and creepy. Sick and bedridden, poor Aunt Rose appears to be on her deathbed, waiting for the reaper to come and take her away. But this poor old lady has secrets that no one can explain, not even the writer or director or the plot for that matter. She's got powers. She can bring the dead back to life, but it takes away a part of her life when she does it. She can even disappear at will (that was never explained either).

Anyway, a trio of "wanna be" thugs (boyfriend, girlfriend, mutual friend) need a place to hide out for a crime they committed. Well, it just so happens they choose the wrong house. No one messes with Aunt Rose's family. So while this trio of thugs invade the home and take over, weird things begin to happen. Family members are killed and then brought back to life by sweet, creepy old Aunt Rose to get revenge on the thugs. One by one they all eventually pay the highest price for their deeds.

I had fun with this film. I love B-Horror movies, and this is just that. Take it for what it's worth and nothing more. Is it cheesy? Yes, but so are most B-Horror films. If you're looking for a good cheesy horror movie with some laughs, then look no further than Aunt Rose.
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Aunt Rose isn't that bad of a movie
uncletreez6 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is very low-budget, and whoever said that the naked chick's breast were a turnoff is either a gay male or a female. The scene in which the two twisted lovers cut the girl's breast implants out is one of my favorites. Besides the nudity, the plot was really good: a band of murderers hide out in the house of a family that they take hostage, but they wind up being terrorized by an old woman who can't get out of bed. There is a shocking ending, which answers the question of why there is always footsteps coming from upstairs when the old lady cant walk. I recommend this movie to anyone who pays more attention to plot than special affects. The movie does appear to have been shot with a hand held camcorder, but it's worth seeing.
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Mediocre at best....wait, does that make any sense???
Fartbag25 May 2007
My wife has a knack for renting these type of extremely low budget horror movies. So I have seen a fair share. At first I though "here we go again, at least I will get to bed at a decent hour."

Well the start of the movie was, well... bad. I was ready to give up on it when it took a sick twist. Which sparked my interest for another few minutes. Although poorly acted by a majority of the cast two or three sorta put the rest on their shoulders and waded through some really, really bad dialog.

Here is where I give the movie credit. Somewhere down the line I actually wanted to watch the thing to the end. And felt the need to see what happened. So, to me they accomplished something. Like a said most of the time I will give up on these things after 15-20 minutes.

Granted there are times watching this movie where you will just shake your head, but gosh darn it, its worth a watch, if your extremely board with nowhere to go, and about an hour and a half to kill.
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Proof that there is such thing as a good low budget movie...
a-magain13 September 2006
but some people have no bleeding idea how to do it.

Bad acting, bad story line, extremely bad special effects. Yes it has breasts and blood but even the breasts aren't worth watching this for. I'm guessing this was previously reviewed by the cast and crew, that or someone reviewed the wrong movie. Or perhaps the guy down the local fancy dress store thought it would be good advertising for his contact lens range.

At least the sound guy saw sense and occasionally tried to drown out the actors.

Just don't waste your time, you'll only hate yourself later.
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Why... dear God, why?!
Spangelus30 September 2006
I don't know what that other reviewer was smoking, but this movie is not just bad, it's dreadful. I have watched possibly every low-rent, low-budget horror movie that has ever been produced, and this ranks among the worst. It was only out of a sort of train wreck curiosity that I continued watching this movie after the first five minutes. The acting is awful, just completely rank in the most amateurish fashion... not to mention being subject to seeing a very unattractive woman expose herself to the camera. Look, I realize that overseas markets really go for breasts, but let's be honest here -- do we really want to see that? The entire film is just a disaster, from start to finish. It's amusing enough for the completely D grade cheesiness of it, but if you're looking for a good horror movie, this just doesn't measure up in any way, shape, or form.
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what was I thinking
tyfouts22 October 2006
I wish I would have jerked the wheel into oncoming traffic instead of actually making it to the video store to rent this. At first I thought it was a joke and someone was going to yell cut, ending the making of a goofy horror flick to start the real movie... then I realized this was the movie. It looked like somebody borrowed their parents camcorder to film this!!!The acting was horrible, the plot was worse, and it all and all I can't say enough about how bad it really was. And the ending!!! I can't believe the poor attempts at special effects. I would like reimbursed for the 90minutes of my life I wasted. If there are B-rate movies then this was an L. I wish I could give lower than a 1 on the rating scale, perhaps a zero, or a negative 712. Let's just say Aunt Rose will not be receiving a Christmas card from me this year.
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Better Than Anticipated.
drownsoda9010 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Aunt Rose" is a twisted and offbeat little low-budget horror flick that centers around a group of three violent murderers - Johnny, his girlfriend Robin, and Stewie, who plan on breaking into a house to hold up for a few days. The family in the house consists of a mother, father, and their teenage daughter with an attitude problem. One night their daughter invites her supposed boyfriend over to dinner, who turns out to be a girl, thus revealing to her parents that she's a lesbian. Within a few minutes, the trio of killers invade the home and terror ensues. But what the thugs don't know is that the family's dear, bed-ridden aunt Rose is upstairs, and she seems to possess some sort of strange supernatural power...

I've rented plenty of these direct-to-video horror movies, enough to know that the majority of them are really terrible. For some, this one may be no exception, but I personally thought it was better than the latter. Star Joshua Nelson also wrote the script for the film, which has it's fair share of problems, but tries to be semi-original at the same time. Treading familiar ground that has been covered in films like Wes Craven's 1972 exploitation classic "The Last House On The Left", the story is given a supernatural bend to it with the addition of the Aunt Rose character, who seems to possess a power unknown to the family. It's an interesting premise, but when looked at as a whole, the movie really doesn't go anywhere.

Low-budget is written all over this little horror picture, made quite obvious by the lack of different camera angles, unknown actors, and the poor special effects. The music was also unfitting and didn't make any sense at all. As far as acting goes, I was surprised a bit. Don't get me wrong, the acting is a mess in many instances, but overall it wasn't really that bad, I'd expected a lot worse. The actors are far from being very good, but they gave decent performances for the type of movie that this is. As for the way the film tied things together, well... there really is no resolution. Aunt Rose is never fully explained, which is unfortunate because the film is all set around (and titled after) her. What exactly was her power? Why did it bring people back to life? None of it makes much sense, but I'm not sure if it was ever intended to.

Overall, "Aunt Rose" is a mildly entertaining and offbeat little low-budget horror movie, that is semi-reminiscent of those cheap '70s grind house films. It has so many problems that it would take forever to name each of them, but underneath all of it, I felt like there was a fair attempt at something good here. If you have a strong dislike towards B-grade, direct-to-video horror movies, than I'd advise you steer clear of this. But if you don't mind them, it isn't too unbearable to watch, and is likely better than most movies of this type that you'd find on video store shelves. 4/10.
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Switch your mind off and its entertaining.
slayer-angelofdeath9 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I knew nothing about this movie when I watched it and thought the cover looked good; old scary lady, typical of a horror movie but oh well, I gave it a go. The opening scene set up a mood for a somewhat of a lame script, the main female character who had an attitude problem, and the movie being full of gore.

The main part of the movie that stuck with me was the breasts of Robin. Other than that fact, the movie was enjoyable if you watch it with buddies, so that you can say how lame the lines were or how bad the acting was.

Overall, the character development lacked entirely. Aunt Rose; who was she? Why was she like she was? Only until the end the whole blood out of her mouth came to life, making the dead father alive. If you accept it for what it was and don't question what or why something happened, you'll be doing better than I was. I always wondered why Aunt Rose could bring people back to life.. it made no sense at all.

I think the movie focused too much on the three bad guys too much, over looking any other characters; I don't care about some guy going into a pet shop to get "money for his wedding" nor about the stupid blonde stripper, or as she wanted to be called, exotic dancer.

There was no reason or direction behind aunt Rose, and her son at the end, that ugly masked looking guy, had no reason to be there. Again it left me with questions, why..what and how. The ending itself I was left very disappointed; we finally see what was making those dumb noises out the window and it only lasted for a few seconds! Over all, aside from the gore in the movie and one of the last scenes where Mr. Tough guy vomits out his guys after his "dark soul" has been taken by Aunt Rose, which was again a really undeveloped idea, the only memorable scenes was the two females kissing, the breasts everywhere and when the blonde exotic dancer finally shut up.

The characters in this movie I could not stand; again the blonde stripper who would never shut up..and she deserved what she got, Aunt Rose being overly freaky and trying too hard to sound like Darth Vader and the "tony" girl sounding like a robotic cross dresser.

Unless you switch your brain off, watch it like a droid and don't think too much into it, the movie would be okay at best. Other than that, I would try not to go near it and look for another movie which has less annoying characters, a better plot and a movie which has some form of logic in it.
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Enough highlights to watch it
HEFILM13 September 2006
One of James Tucker's better films. Quirky acting, funny, odd, disturbing at times, he also edits his own projects and that's probably one of the stronger elements here, the pace moves quickly.

The story is a combination of several types of films which keeps it fresh. The early going is a bit rough, some of the most poorly done scenes are right up front which makes one wonder why Anchor Bay bought the film since distributors supposedly only watch the first ten minutes and those are not good minutes in this movie. This opening sets up the groups of people who will end up at the mercy of "Auntie's" powers during the last 2/3rds of the story.

The acting is uneven but most of the actors have their good moments. Dad is probably the best overall. Yes I guess it needs to be said this is a very low budget shot on video "film" the lighting is flat but at least there is none of the greenish or grainy lack of all quality that can happen with video.

Worth renting for the well acted comedy scene where a topless would be actress character talks on and on about her "career." Brilliant.

It's the story and unexpected, sometimes funny, sometimes gross turns the film takes that keeps it together along with the quirky actors who seem to make the most of the best moments in the movie, if not always making the most of the lesser moments. Tucker, as director could pick better angles to stage his scenes in, but certainly deserves credit for holding it all together.
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Twisted and Tense
IconsofFright14 July 2005
Saw a screener of "Aunt Rose" (under the original title "No One Gets Out". The story will be very familiar to fans of "Last House on the Left", "Funny Games", or "House on the Edge of the Park". A group of real nasty criminals holds a family hostage and that ultimately turns out to be their biggest mistake (with a very cool supernatural twist, however.) While it treads familiar ground, "Aunt Rose" is definitely one of the better "70's revival" films I've seen in recent years. Writer/actor Joshua Nelson has written an excellent script, the dialog is never clunky, and he keeps the story moving nicely. The performances are miles ahead of what you usually find in low-budget horror. You feel honest to god sympathy for the tormented family. Newcomer Velocity Chylld is a standout, turning in a completely cold, brutal performance.

Solid brutal horror from start to finish.
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It is what it is! My rating is based on it being a B movie
imdb-211185 September 2008
My thoughts are captured extremely well by a previous post... I agree with this 100%:

< previous post >

Mediocre at best....wait, does that make any sense???,

25 May 2007

Author: Fartbag from United States

My wife has a knack for renting these type of extremely low budget horror movies. So I have seen a fair share. At first I though "here we go again, at least I will get to bed at a decent hour." Well the start of the movie was, well... bad. I was ready to give up on it when it took a sick twist. Which sparked my interest for another few minutes. Although poorly acted by a majority of the cast two or three sorta put the rest on their shoulders and waded through some really, really bad dialog.

Here is where I give the movie credit. Somewhere down the line I actually wanted to watch the thing to the end. And felt the need to see what happened. So, to me they accomplished something. Like a said most of the time I will give up on these things after 15-20 minutes.

Granted there are times watching this movie where you will just shake your head, but gosh darn it, its worth a watch, if your extremely board with nowhere to go, and about an hour and a half to kill.

< / previous post >
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Great Characters, Decent movie
musicnj200517 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As far as low budget independent horror movies go, this one is pretty good. Its clear a lot of love went into it, and its shortcomings all seem more due to financial constraints than any lack of talent (its limited locations, with nearly no establishing shots is amongst the easiest budget indicators). The characters (some acted much better than others) are all unique, and for once, not carbon copies of every other horror cast out there. Great dialogue ensues, and a great deal more character depth than most horror fare treats us too (those are good things, if you want mindless splatter, steer clear, this one actually has some depth to our pro and antagonists) While much of the movie is left in the dark (why are the psychos on this current run from the law, and why do they draw even more attention to themselves by killing friends and family along the escape route?, why is Aunt Rose a magical old hag, and why has no one ever stumbled on her monstrous son in their own home?) Long story short, great writing, decent (and sometimes great) acting, decent fx and bloodshed, couple pairs of really decent tits, and a lot more character driven story than the vast majority of DVD horror out there. The DVD itself is kinda dry, a dull behind the scenes feature with a few cute crew moments, and a few of the cut special effects, some deservedly deleted scenes, and nothing else. No trailers, no interviews, no commentary, but still definitely worth the rental.
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Excellent Low Budget Supernatural Horror/Suspense
heavyevidence29 September 2006
It's rare now a days to pick up a movie at the local video rental outlet and then come home to find that it actually does the DVD's cover justice. It seems there are simply so many over hyped, boring & poorly done low budget films currently circulating on DVD. Recently I have ended up choosing movies based on labels out of previously garnered distrust, rather than relying on typical disappointing case artwork and story lines. It seemingly all adds up to just another "once bitten twice shy" perfect case in point for a frequent movie viewing skeptic like myself. However, this movie is different. WAY different. It's obvious 5 minutes into the film that you're witnessing as much chemistry in action as you are great character acting. This movie's cast just clicked and keeps clicking right to the end of a fast paced and anything but boring film. Each character reinforces the film's bottom line as was the case back "in the day" of the good old Black n Whites. Intriguing dialog and outstanding primary character development roll out during the film like a blood soaked, tightly rapped red carpet as it startles and slaps the unsuspecting feet of the viewer repeatedly. Nelson & Tucker work wonderfully as a team to bring out the best in their cast. They present an entertaining suspenseful story with a degree of sheer magnetic relativity that's undeniable. There is not one primary character actor in this movie that I won't be attentively watching for in the near future. Take a bow ladies & gentlemen for a job quite well done. This is a first class B horror film.
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Cruel And Inventive, With A Great Up And Coming Cast
danthewrestlingmanorigin9 January 2007
For those of you like me, who feel even R rated horror is to commercial, then Aunt rose is the film for you. Every single cast member delivers an excellent on the money performance, which is rare for a low budget movie featuring several newcomers. The thugs who invade the house and torture the poor family are made up of the leader Johnny Nelson who was very intimidating and believable, the crazy but sexy Velocity Chyaldd, and the misguided, but slightly more level headed Kevin T. Collins. What this movie does that so few ever touch upon, is giving a history of these villains, to show there troubled, abusive pasts, and how they came to be the sick sadistic monsters you see before you. The mother and father were also very realistic, they portray the family as loving, but also estranged somewhat with there teenage daughters life choices. When the family is taken hostage, you feel there desperation every step of the way, and root for them to come through it intact. The film is not quite as gory as I thought it would be, but the kills are very nasty, and cruel, and have a surprising impact on the audience. I must also mention Raine Brown who played the daughter's lesbian lover, in an excellent, and oddly non exploitive way. Keep an eye out for her, I predict she'll become a new genre staple alongside my personal favorite scream queens Debbie Rochon, and Tiffany Shepis. My only beefs with the film are as follows, for one I found in a few instances that some of the family members foolishly taunted, or provoked the murderers for no direct reason. I guess you don't know how a person would react to an invasion like that, but I just found myself questioning what the heck they were thinking. It kept me on the edge of my seat though, and made me think about what I would do, so maybe thats not such a bad thing. And finally, I felt the ending wasn't totally satisfying. Without spoiling anything, I just felt it lacked the impact it needed. A couple very minor instances aside, I highly recommend Aunt Rose to the hardcore horror crowd. It's one of the better acted low budget horrors I've seen in some time.
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just movie
uskifia77727 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I like this movie because it is for me. So dramatic and pitiful and realistic. This kind of movie I think is in nowadays style. People are loaded with their dreams but no one want to think about talking with a gun. This film is not cruel, this film is like melted drug - random themes all around. This film I think about zombie in stress. So many zombie as I never saw before. Bandits want to know how long they will be alive, victims want to know are they victims or not. So this movie is strangely. But sometimes I liked behavior of actors. Especially behavior of legs - actors run so fast - so I suppose they needed ( I don't know why ) to run at the place of movie making. I like it movie because it is just movie.
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Blood Relation...
azathothpwiggins28 May 2022
A family dinner is interrupted by three murderous criminals on the run. Said felons barge in, take the family hostage, and spend the evening terrifying and tormenting them. Eventually, innocent people are killed.

What these crazy crooks don't know is that the titular character upstairs isn't exactly what she appears to be.

AUNT ROSE is an extremely low-budget film. The family characters are believable, the home-invading thugs are suitably reprehensible, and the story is simple, but effective. While not a "classic", it's certainly watchable enough.

Special mention goes to singer / performance artiste Velocity Chyaldd, who plays the wicked Robin with obvious glee. Rayne Brown gives one of her better victimized performances, and Joshua Nelson is especially despicable in his role.

So, if you're up for a night of cheap cinematic thrills and chills, AUNT ROSE should do you true...
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