The Touch (2005) Poster


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The Touch
iamtodd25 January 2006
This film is definitely low budget with some inexperienced actors, but that does not work against it. It actually makes the film seem more real. This is a very touching film with heart. The fact that it's true compounds the impact of people helping people. The church is not perfect, but eventually it gets its act together and sees the error of its ways. Edgy and inspirational. The conservative Pharisees in our congregations today, the ones that this film preaches against, will not like not the content and I say, "GOOD!" They don't understand the way life is today. Director Huckaby has pieced together some broken parts and gotten The Touch up and running.
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Real Life, Real Faith
david-433029 June 2007
'The Touch" is at once ugly, beautiful, compelling and true.

It is ugly when it shows an unflinching picture of how painful life can be when people get caught in the blender of bad decisions, messed-up relationships,etc. Life can be a mess-- and many films from a spiritual perspective avoid showing it this realistically.

It is beautiful when it shows what happens when people who claim to know Jesus step out of stained-glass fantasies and actually live out their faith in the middle of the mess.

It is compelling when it deals with the dynamics of the interplay between people who normally avoid each other or only deal in stereotypes of each other.

But mostly, it is all of those things because it is true. Everything in the story happened; it is not fiction. The local settings and film stylings lend realism. And some of the acting (especially Kristia Knowles) is generally good and effective. That realism prevents the film from sliding into religious propaganda.

See "The Touch"-- and see what happens when real faith (not the headline cartoon versions of it) meets real life.
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What are you rating for?
kosmasp9 December 2020
It is a question you may want to ask yourself. We are talking about an inferior movie, with inferior performances ... but with the heart in the right place. Now whether you believe in God or not (though I reckon if you don't the message delivered here - especially in that very weak effort, will make you feel sick), the movie means well.

It is about not being victimized, about helping others and so forth. Now of course the movie is also trying to help with the image of the church ... so you could call it propaganda ... I will not tell you what to think of this. But I am telling you that relatively subjectively speaking, the movie has a lot of issues ... predictable, over the top and so forth. The fact that prime showed this with curse words silenced ... which I assume is how the Church or the religious backers of this wanted it to be released ... well it does not help its case. It's up to you what to make of this ... you've been warned
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The Touch is so moving and sensitive. A thoroughly engrossing movie
dfmgenius20027 October 2006
This is a very sensitive movie that draws the audience in and keeps it totally absorbed throughout. Kristia Knowles (Hannah) is a stunning actress who plays her part with such honesty and reality. She is making another movie to be released in 2007. I will certainly will look for her great anticipation. The story is true and takes place in Leesburgh, Florida, a beautiful area of Central Florida north of Disney World and a few miles from the famous Mount Dora.

I topic of this movie is about a Church and its mission to help a person in dire need. However, the theme is general and really can be appreciated by those of any religious persuasion. Jews, Muslims and Catholics can easily understand the role of the Church in their lives.

Touching and moving.
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Heartwarming film.
admin-86811 December 2006
Firstly, this movie isn't really religious propaganda. What I saw was very little to do with religion and more to do with a woman simply overcoming one of the hardest lifestyles known to all of North America.

It is about the struggles of Hannah, and the people who helped her. It hasn't made me believe, but strengthened my belief; that people can come together and work to help people in need and assist them regardless of the cost whatever it may be (monetary, stress, etc).

This movie could possibly motivate others to help people in need. I feel while it might not be a must-see movie; its inspirational.

Some of the acting is questionable, and some of the acting is remarkable.

The movie is overall, excellent. It is a wonderful blend of unpredictable dramatics. The casting couldn't have been better. Enjoy this movie, I know I sure did.
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Refreshing and heartfelt entertainment
Grassgator24 October 2006
Touch was one of the most "touching" films I have ever seen. It pulls at your heart strings and shows you what true Christian love is all about. People wear the WWJD (what would Jesus do) attire but don't always do what he would do. This is a wonderful example of what Jesus would have done. If more churches reached out this way they could truly make a difference in this world. I admire the producers of this film for taking the risk (just like the church did) in offending someone and creating a wonderful and unforgettable film. May there be more like this produced.

Fred and Dee Jay Davis
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