The Jeremy Kyle Show (TV Series 2005–2020) Poster


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Can't believe This Show Is Still On
wchngliu28 October 2007
The Jeremy Kyle Show is the UK equivalent to The Jerry Springer show in one respect- and many other so-called talk shows in that they seek pleasure in humiliating and embarrassing ordinary members of the public by means of airing their dirty laundry in public. I know that this show has only been on air for 2 years, but my goodness why is this still on? Coincidently, I had heard of Jeremy Kyle before because I used to tune into his talk show on the radio where viewers phone in with their dilemmas and he'd come up with a solution to each and every one of them.

Whatever your views are on the guy, one has to agree to a certain extent that on some occasions, he does speak the truth. However, what the detractors of Kyle's will argue is the rather unnecessary approach and manner he takes to verbally addressing his guests. Often arrogant, hypocritical and verbally aggressive in his tone of voice, even patronising and cynical towards them on his part, Kyle somewhat reminds me in this sense of the types of people I have encountered throughout my life- the bullying, often narcissistic and horrible people of which i will not go into mentioning names. The assertion that because of their ego, they think they are entitled to and HAVE a right to be entitled to speak to people in the way that they do, -which is unacceptable and one i find heinous, not to mention trying to shut others up and not giving them a opportunity to explain themselves to them. Another celebrity of whom fits this particular mould is someone like Vanessa Feltz, another person I dislike- also arrogant, patronising and to an extent, 'nasty', especially in regards to her views on certain issues.

The show itself is based loosely on the American model of talk shows-i.e; lots of cheering, heckling and jeering, person explains their dilemma- be it relationship or otherwise to the crowd and host, the host goes into a little detail, the guest's partner, friend, relative or whomever comes out amid the booing and jeering and sits down, the guest tells that other person what is on their mind, that other person ends up crying or loses their temper. I mean, this is voyeuristic TV to the extreme.

Almost the same thing happens with every show. Demographically, the typical Kyle guests tend to be from a working-class background, white, under 40, mostly female and made up of low income families and single mothers. I for one am not disrespecting them because I am from a working class background myself, but the thing is with most TV shows, particularly talk shows, they paint the image of your average Joe as being unemployed and on benefits or low paid, and perceiving them as being lazy and unintelligent- which the vast majority of us are not.

This type of TV show is a form of reality TV in my book- reality in the sense that, the dilemmas that we hear of are real life and the people on the show are real-life. The similarities between reality TV and talk shows are uncanny as they are shockingly bad that they are regarded by many as the lowest forms of TV programmes available.

Frankly, if you want advice on your marriage, relationship, friendship or whatever speak to a properly trained counsellor, a member of the NSPCC, phone a domestic violence hot-line, or even speak to someone you know well and trust. Don't, whatever you do, go on TV and spill the beans to someone like Kyle and have it transmitted on air.
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He's a horrendous human being. #miserylust
Sleepin_Dragon20 November 2015
I've never witnessed someone so desperately happy when surrounded by the misery of human suffering, the glee in his eye when someone's cheated, bullied or lied to etc is quite scary. He genuinely seems to get off on people's misery.

I recently watched a 'special' episode, and even surrounded by some remarkable and wonderful human beings he managed to make it all about him, and got lost in his own conceit.

It really does show the true fundamental problems in the UK right now.

A mix of nice and awful people on the stage, I just wish he could be a little bit nicer to the decent ones, he's gotten worse as the years have gone on, he seemed to be a little nicer when he started out.

Some of the stories are quite engaging, I've learned a few things that I was formerly unaware of, it's just him, and his ego. 3/10
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Migraine inducing reality check
Lavender8131 December 2018
If I'm feeling a bit down about life, I watch this for an instant reality check and pick-me-up. Maybe my problems aren't so bad after all, and I'm blessed to accurately know who is the father of my children.

Wouldn't recommend watching if you've got a headache though as the shouting is constant, and it will probably turn into a migraine.
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Total rubbish talk show
chris_gaskin12313 August 2008
Of all the talk shows I've seen, Jeremy Kyle has to be the worst.

Each show consists of very rough people trying to sort out their love lives etc. Who cares? I'm sure they can do it amongst themselves instead of sharing out with others. A lot of the guests start fighting anyway, which is why there are bouncers on set.

Jeremy Kyle replaced "Tisha" in the morning slot on ITV1 after Trisha Goddard defected to Channel 5.

I'm rather surprised Jeremy Kyle Show is still going anyway. And just where does he get all these rough people from, a zoo I wonder. And their language is terrible too.

Get this rubbish off our screens. Certainly not entertainment.
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Like being at an 1800's freak show
Mis_Behavin14 November 2007
This programme is the equivalent of the old freak shows where people used to laugh at the more unfortunate within society.

Now, not a lot of guests on TJKS are 'unfortunate'. In fact, it's plain to see their problems are mostly entirely self-inflicted. What really gets my back up though is Mr Smug himself - oh yes - put your hands together (by pain of death) for Jeremy Kyle. The most sanctimonious piece of s**t ever to grace a television screen. This man has seen and done it all and he never fails to get in the face of some poor b*st*rd who has come on either for his 15 minutes of fame or maybe a bit of help from Kyle's counsellors.

I think someone would have to be seriously damaged to air their problems on a show like this - and this programme manipulates that vulnerability to the max.

The one thing that particularly disturbs me is some of the warring young couples who come on the show to fight over paternity of their 'bay-bey'. What the hell do these poor babies have going for them with dead-heads like these as parents. Some of them look like they couldn't find their bum with both hands, let alone raise a child.

This show is a sad indictment of everything Britain has become.
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Who on Earth does this guy think he is?
scoobdoobydoo26 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Jeremy Kyle - wow, what a guy. This chat show is yet another attempt at trying to copy the well past its sell by date Jerry Springer malarky and it probably sinks below any depths of depravity that show ever went. And not beacuase of the topic of the day , or the carbon copy guests that mind numbingly turn out for these shows. No, it is the HOST himself! Enter Jeremy Kyle - and careful. If you don't keep applauding this guy, he will find humiliating his brain dead guests as an option to raise a cheer from the even more brain dead audience.

God help you if you are a guest on his show - which he is only to fond of reminding everyone that it is "The Jeremy Kyle Show" - and you try and answer one of his questions. You will be lucky to get a word in edgeways as Kyle is more then happy to answer the question for him, ridiculing the guest and asking for yet another ovation from his beloved audience.

Jeremy Kyle should interview himself, as he spends the most time talking and telling everyone the same old tired stories about how great a father he is and his problems with dealing with his own families drug issues.

The only reaction I got from watching this moron show, was anger and wanting one of the guests to shut him up. But the editing - blatantly obvious - would never allow Kyles ego to be shattered in this way.
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Why is this on television?
IridescentTranquility23 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I completely fail to see the point of programmes of this nature - how anyone can think going on a TV programme is a better way to deal with family or relationship or general personal problems than seeing a counsellor is utterly beyond me - but something about The Jeremy Kyle Show taps into my irritation sensors more than most.

The presenter himself is unbelievable. He is rude, ignores or talks over his "guests" (however much they have done wrong I feel sorry for them that they have made the misguided choice to air their problems on this show) and whenever he is determined to make his point, he shouts over the silent guests in the sort of way that makes you think he believes himself to be performing Shakespeare in a big hall and needs to make the people at the back hear him.

Maybe I'll sound snobbish but I have overheard so many episodes of this that I don't know how people can watch them through choice. What is the point of having a talk show like this when the presenter clearly isn't interested in the problems he hears? He just wants to make himself heard.

The more annoying episodes I have seen include those where some teenaged youth brings his girlfriend on so they can discuss the paternity of the child she has just given birth to. It frightens me that there are people in the world who would come onto programmes like this rather than sit down together like adults to discuss their personal problems.

If you haven't seen it, don't bother. (And I have never rated anything I reviewed on this site as less than five stars before.)
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BJJManchester15 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW does serve at least one purpose;to show how aspects of Britain have declined in certain areas of our biggest towns and cities to the state of medieval barbarism,mostly created by an economic metamorphosis since the 1980's,started by Margaret Thatcher and continued by Tony Blair till the present day.

It is probably truthful that descendants of the people usually featured in this series were 30 years ago and more mostly decent,hard-working individuals who provided the best they could for themselves and their families in traditional industries that had been around for several generations.But since de-industrialisation and globalisation and other so-called economic reforms,we have seen a disturbing expansion of an underclass in the UK,as those not fortunate enough to have a public school or university education now have distressingly scant opportunities for the kind of employment and careers that were at least predominately available to their fathers and grandfathers.And we see in the most repellent terms the results of those permanently affected in all it's abhorrent glory.

Virtually every guest featured is taken from this social group,filmed in high definition to emphasise their loathsomeness,with bad skins,flabby figures,sartorial inelegance,tattoos and misshapen,broken or missing teeth,with personal stories on who is the father/mother of what/whom,accumulators of welfare handouts,quantities of drugs or alcohol consumed the clichés most applied,all presided by a middle-class host whose smug,superior,vehement and bombastic evaluation of his featured guests,who communicate in mostly vacant,obtuse monosyllables,provide further ammunition to the humiliating exhibition on show,a virtual wet dream of stereotyping for the moralistic enjoyment of a standard Daily Mail journalist/reader,with the congregation massed in the studio reduced to the status of hopeless automatons,screeching approval or disapproval in what seems to be a hybrid of a horror show and pantomime.

THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW is not particularly sensationalist or exploitative,just profoundly depressing.Such programmes as this would've been impossible to make until the 1980's (as what passed for an underclass before then was fairly easy to overlook and was relatively insignificant), but such has been the sociological decline since,it is now merely looked on as a normal part of British life,detested by most but seemingly accepted blindly as some sort of immovable evil object.Jeremy Kyle could inject a slight amount of intelligence if he could partake in constructive solutions to the social disasters portrayed and it's blank,credulous,rustic participants,but he dare not as if such gracious resolutions were suggested and applied,his programme would come to a much deserved end,as would employment for the entire production staff.And this is relevant to increasing numbers of TV programmes in the 21st Century,particularly reality shows,of which this could be similarly categorised.The weak,powerless and uneducated poor will continue to be manipulated by those strong,prominent educated elite in the media.All the hard work done by various British filmmakers and TV writers/producers during the 50's,60's and 70's to treat the working classes with compassion,respect and civility is becoming a distant memory.But the British working class as it was is now itself probably long since dormant.Which is why programmes like this are now so prominent in this disheartening digital broadcasting age.

RATING:1 out of 10.
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Day Time TV - Nightmare
ml012a486022 June 2006
***Tip: Have It Read To You, Heres How*** 1) Copy And Paste This To Notepad (NOT WORD) 2) Go To. START>ALL PROGRAMS>ACCESSORIES>ACCESSABILTY>NARRATOR

There have been many phrases that people have used to describe The Jeremy Kyle Show, "To The Point""No Nonsense" and "Blunt" to name but a few. None of these how ever describe how mind numbingly bad this program is so I thought that I would give it a shot.

Have you ever been at a family get-together were someone has to many drinks and starts making a scene, bringing up their families past and generally making everyone feel very uncomfortable, even those who are not related to them, well that is what this program is like. It could even be said that this is worse, seeing as the people on the show are being paid.

I find Jeremy Kyle to be very obnoxious and thought this when he did a radio show near where I live, he cuts people off, talks louder then his guests just to get his point across and humiliates them (this isn't to bad thought as most of them look and are criminals). A prime example of his rude-ness is when he brought a guest on as said "How are you mate, Don't worry no-one knows about your past" which is worse seeing as this lets our imagination run wild with what sort of thing this person might have done, it was later found out from the guest who must have wanted people to know he wasn't some kind of sexual predator the he used to be an alcoholic.

Another thing about Kyle is how much he must love the sound of his own voice, you will hear him say "Now I'm gonna let you two have your say" and then proceeds to interrupt when they do. With pointless one liners like "How did that make you feel" or "What did you do at this point". The worst example of Kyle was when he had an anorexic girl on the show and her mother (Who was living in Spain) and asked "Why didn't you leave Spain when you saw your daughter, Your ONLY daughter like this". It felt like he was trying to get the point across that the woman was a bad mother for not selling everything and joining her child in the UK, which is OK but for the fact that her ONLY daughter is about 35 and has a fiancé.

This line of questioning makes the mother up-set and later tries to explain that for financial reasons see can't leave Spain every time see wants, Kyle then interrupts and says "Look, all I'm saying is that if it was my daughter I would have walked back from Spain if I had to". When the mother tries to explain why she didn't do this (probably down to the fact that its a pretty long walk and swim.) Jeremy comes out with his favorite phrase "Its not about me or you, its about her" which is another way of saying 'How can you think about yourself when your ONLY daughter is here with this illness'.

This whole experience is made that little bit worse with the typical chat show audience that must all come from a pagan village where they burn people for being witches and run round in a mob with torches singing Christian songs. I mean someone will be sitting in the chair explaining about how they THINK their boyfriend has been seeing someone else, and while the girl who looks like she spends her free time (which there is a lot of seeing as she don't have a job) stealing BMW car badges explains, you will get a close up of an audience member biting a nail and shaking their head in disgust. When the boyfriend comes on to the stage, before even getting a chance to defend himself you will here "BOOOOO!!!". I mean lets face it if you have time during the day to sit in a TV studio then you ain't going to be societies lords and ladies, to be honest most of them look like they could be guests on the show in that EVERYONE but Kyle has some kind of florescent tracksuit on, making the show look as colorful as a samba festival except no-one smiles, although thats a good thing when you see the state of some of their teeth. They look like they haven't seen a toothbrush since they were born.

To make the thing as bad as possible all the show needs it guests that have a three word vocabulary and looks that even their own mother can't love, which is what this show has. Every time a guest comes on to defend them self they will run full speed up to there partner/mother or both and then stop about 3 centimeters from the face screaming "How dare you lie about me" or "Who do you think you are" with Kyle saying something like "Hey you two your on national television is that anyway to react" while the audience applauds because Kyle a celebrity *as he is on T.V.* and their God has said something to belittle the big-headed guests.

The show, or side-show has a comedy aspect to it though, like when an 'a.s.b.o. drug addict, 16 year old mother of three' says "Your just trying to ruin my reputation". This would be hilarious if not for the fact the when I want to find out about history or aviation I have to subscribe to the History Channal or Discovery. Please people of Britain someone tell me I'm not alone in this Nightmare!
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Judge Berg was wrong, actual human bear-baiting would be a life-affirming, positive experience compared to this
bob the moo14 October 2007
I should probably be honest and say why I bothered to watch a week or so worth of episodes of the Jeremy Kyle Show. Firstly I did have it in my mind after reading Charlie Brooker gleefully ripping into some time ago; Brooker has such a way with words and his passion for what he hates is so raw that I find myself wanting to feel that strongly about something myself and check out what has riled him so much (which is probably the opposite of what he is trying to do as a critic but in fairness he is also the reason that I watch The Wire, so it all balances out). Secondly last week in the UK we had the court case of a man who assaulted another man on the show. In his remarks Judge Alan Berg referred to the show as something along the lines of being akin to "human bear-baiting" and was a "morbid and depressing display of dysfunctional people". So with these glowing recommendations I thought I should at very least see it for myself.

Well, after a week or so, I cannot help that feel that the judge's comparison with bear-baiting was off the mark. I have never seen bear-baiting or a dogfight or a cockfight but I imagine when you go to one you know you are at one and that it is not being dressed up as something else or put forward as somehow being good for the animal so, bloody and cruel it may be, but at least it is honest in its aims. The same cannot be said of Jeremy Kyle's approach which doesn't even have the decency to allow the viewer to laugh at the subjects as weird chav-culture circus freak shows – hell, at least Jerry Springer kicked back and enjoyed the car crash of other people's lives. But no, Jeremy Kyle never does that because, I suspect, it would be felt as lowering the tone.

There is no real risk of this though and, while I am not saying we need more Springer shows, at least it would make the relationship between subjects, producers and viewers an honest one. As it is though, the show tends to have a couple of settings but yet all of them are just as insincere as the others, the only difference being the approach and atmosphere of the specific episode. The show does the usual stuff that Trisha and countless others cover, so we have domestic abuse, broken relationships, cheaters confronted etc bl00dy etc. It all goes the usual way but what makes it significantly meaner than Trisha is Kyle himself. Knowing we are in a sea of this rubbish, he knows he has to make a mark. So where Jerry Springer will gently mock his guests and let the audience do the "you are trash" remarks, Kyle occasionally looks like he should have a bouncer restraining him such is the strength of his verbal assaults.

He goes after these gormless people, asking leading questions that he surely already knows the answer to given he is the host of the show (he isn't told what the show is about as he waits in his dressing room). So young mothers get gently asked about their drink problem and gently get asked "do you work at the moment", until the tempo changes and Kyle goes on the attack. IMDb reviewer davideo has commented that Kyle puts him in mind of Trisha crossed with Ray Liotta but at moments in the show all I can think of is Joe Pesci in Goodfellas, brimming with menace despite having just been your friend (just waiting for the show with the title "Tell me - what's so f**king funny about me"). Kyle really does go for it and I think it is him that makes the show such a lie in its presentation. I'm not suggesting that any of this type of show does actually "help" but somehow seeing Kyle "call a spade a spade" in a harsh and judgemental way, taking the audience with him removes any possibility that this show is about help.

But yet we still have to listen to the audience politely applaud at the end as if it has been of benefit and not just about Kyle laying into people. Shockingly at times it is easy to enjoy it, but only because the majority of the guests seemed to have been reached by producers flipping over flat rocks in swamps. Any parent with a child who wants piercings or tattoos should make them watch this show; tattoos still seem cool? No, thought not. Likewise, the various stories of offspring and DNA testing would have young people gladly wearing condoms even to hold hands. Slating these people further is too easy but ask yourself what sort of people would you expect on shows with titles such as "Prove I'm the Grandmother of your son", "Has my boyfriend been sleeping with men?", "Mum & sister, stop treating our home like a brothel" and the wonderful "If I stop drinking and hitting you, will you take me back?" or "You got 3 women pregnant at the same time but today confess you're gay!". Of course this is part of the approach of the show and makes Kyle's job so much easier – it isn't hard for him to judge these people, we're all doing it. It is hard to fathom what makes them sign up for this but then I suppose in this day we are nothing if we are not on telly and the only people who matter are the famous people.

Overall this is nothing we haven't seen before but yet Kyle manages to take this formula and make it just so much more demeaning, voyeuristic, cruel and pointless. And when you look at his genre peers you have to admit that quite something.
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An embarrassment to ITV and society!
IndecisivePigeon26 July 2010
I only gave this show a 1/10 because that was the lowest rating I could choose. Being childish about it, a minus number would have fit the bill perfectly.

So, The Jeremy Kyle Show...Where do I begin? Maybe with the fact that the guests who appear on this show are usually bed-hopping, lying, fools who are stupid enough to come on national television and exploit their personal lives and promiscuous doings. I don't want to stereotype or group any certain group of people, but when any person mentions The Jeremy Kyle Show the first thing that comes to mind is a bunch of people who live off the money of tax payers.

A lot of people who moan about this show complain about the fact that it's not fair how Jeremy treats these people considering their situation and so on...I will get to that later. But it's their fault for calling up such an awful show to ask for help. If someone told me I was going on the show, I would have a VERY pessimistic attitude.

Now, Jeremy Kyle. Well, well, well, where CAN I start with this man? I am a fifteen year old girl and I have a guilty pleasure for chat shows, such as Maury, Steve Wilkos, Trisha ETC... But Jeremy Kyle must be one of the worst chat show hosts I have seen in my short life time. This man is very contradicting and extremely patronizing. He accuses many of the guests on his show for being liars and cheaters...Correct me if I'm wrong but if I can recall it, he had cheated on his ex-wife many times, he stole from her bank account to feed his gambling addiction. I know no one is perfect but who is he to talk to people and judge people the way he does? Overall, The show is just awful and I am damn happy to hear that further shows will not be made/aired.
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A true masterpiece...
jacobhin10 June 2018
This show has some riveting episodes - like 'who pooed in the fridge?' and 'Jeremy shuts down lesbian man haters'. Good with tea in the morning :)
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Addictive weekday morning viewing, but I certainly wouldn't want to be a guest on the show.
TheLittleSongbird29 July 2009
I do like Jeremy Kyle, it is quite addictive, and tells you how to deal with your problems in the right way. As a host, I do like the fact that Jeremy is honest, and straight-talking, however I do think he does pre-judge people sometimes, and that can be very unfair. I guess the main reason why I like this show is because it does show you how to deal with family breakups, domestic violence and bereavement, and that it offers help to those who need it. However, the guests on the show are generally rude and unlikeable, and consequently Jeremy gets angry. It's not all morbid though- there are times when it is funny, untentionally perhaps, not always because of Jeremy, but because of the stupid things the guests say. The Jeremy Kyle is very addictive,though I can completely understand why some people don't like it, and it probably depends on your overall perspective of confrontational shows. I certainly wouldn't want to be a guest on the show, I suppose because of the atmosphere- the audience isn't that receptive most of the time. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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No, this show was never intended to help people.
DonkeyManKing20 April 2021
It depresses me that there are seriously people out there who are naive enough to believe that this show actually helps it guests with their problems. If you go on google reviews or if you look at some of the reviews on this site, you'll see several people not only defending this now cancelled show, but people also saying that this show should be brought back because, it supposedly, helped people with their problems. Lets just go over a few things.

1. Guests were told to change their clothes and wear tracksuit outfits, just so Jeremy Kyle could further ridicule them.

2. Several guests have come out saying that they were locked in a small room for 10 hours straight, making them feel stressed and anxious.

3. The producers have told their guests to speak louder than Jeremy Kyle on the stage just to make them look worse.

4. Despite not liking it when his guests swear on his stage, Jeremy Kyle himself swears at his guests, calling them vile insults, and then suspiciously editing clips of him swearing out so he doesn't look bad.

5. There was no aftercare on the show. Former guests have come out saying they were either given just one minute of aftercare, or none at all.

So to all the people who think this show helps people with their marriage problems, drug problems, etc, how do you explain everything I have just listed out?

Jeremy Kyle is not a good person, he is not a hero, he doesn't care about his guests problems, and he has no such intention of helping them. He is a vile, deceitful, scummy human being who exploits his guests and revels in their misery, and if any of you seriously believe he helps people, then you all seriously need to get in touch with reality. This show should never come back.
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The most repulsive television show ever made
sebpopcorn3 March 2010
Jeremy Kyle has a mouth like an outraged anus and uses it to pour scorn on the absolute dregs of society. His audience consists of the unemployed and people throwing a sickie which is ironically the type of people he hates the most.

This miserable wretch is just slightly more intelligent than the people he blasts away at. The only people he is polite to are men who are substantially larger than himself because like all bullies he is quite clearly a massive coward. That's most people because this guy is about four foot tall and has classic angry short man syndrome.

He is so pathetic he constantly informs the audience what a great dad he is (the papers disagree), how he beat his gambling addiction (the papers disagree on that too) and how he has helped his brother through whatever problem he is discussing. He probably doesn't even have a brother, I wouldn't put anything past this loser.

At the end of it all the lie detector decides on the truth, often dictating whether couples stay together or not but lie detectors aren't anything like infallible, that's why they aren't used in criminal courts. At least one in ten people therefore base life changing decisions on pure random chance and if he doesn't feel ashamed of anything else he should feel ashamed of that.

Utterly awful, I've only seen it twice but that was enough for me and both shows were nearly identical anyway so I doubt the format changes much. Rubbish television can sometimes be fun simply because it is so awful but this is soul-draining mean nonsense hosted by one of the most repulsive sanctimonious parasites ever to blight the airwaves. Watching him put his arm around 14 year old pregnant girls while calling them 'babe', 'sweetheart' and 'darling' made me feel physically sick.
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Possibly the worst daytime show in recent years
Stompgal_8722 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I very rarely watch daytime television due to going to university during term time and having the radio on in the background on my days off, but when I spent time in the communal lounges in my previous residential care home as well as in the outreach/supported living unit of my current home, I have had the misfortune to put up with my housemates watching this piece of trash as well as the American version, which is just as bad.

There are several reasons why I despise this show. One of them is that Jeremy is almost always nasty to the guests on it and another is that things can get very heated between the guests and Jeremy himself (i.e. they become very shouty) so that a security guard has to be called on stage from time to time. The lie detector and DNA results are tiresome as well. I can only think of two tolerable episodes of this show. One involved a mother who lost her son and the other involved Jeremy meeting disadvantaged children, which is the only episode I remember where he wasn't nasty. I must admit that I did sympathise with Jeremy upon hearing the news of his cancer scare, but this isn't saying much.

Overall, this is an unbearable talk show that has only spawned two episodes that I could tolerate. 1/10.
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A show that killed a man
numb-6699915 March 2020
This show was dreadful, and has now killed a man over a lie detector test and probably Jeremy Kyle shouting in his face calling him names and a cheat! Glad this show got axed! Kyle should not be in the tv business again!
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Jeremy Kyle Show
firthmj19 June 2015
This programme is presented by a self-important, repetitive silly man who seems to like making money out of less well educated people's misery.

Whilst I realise that his victims seem to like to be exploited for some strange reason, as I do not know the background to this so-called show, I think that he is the ring-master, commanding a bunch of vulnerable clowns.

Perhaps if he were to become more honest about his own personal background, we, the viewing plebes, might be able to make a more informed judgement.

Does anyone out there agree with me?
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The most disgusting example of a "human being"
vathraq22 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't normally hope for TV shows to be cancelled but this one should be deleted from history. My mother watches it every morning, which is hardly an appropriate time to show garbage like this with foul language and discussions about sex from beginning to end, but the worst part of it is Kyle himself.

If I were to point to anyone as the worst person to talk about the problems of society this "man" would be the one. While constantly attacking his guests in his holier than thou attitude, everyone knows that's he's hardly as pristine as his make-up and wardrobe.

He'll belittle any man who comes on accused of some action and then if the "evidence" from the lie detector says that the poor sap is innocent and has been telling the truth, then Kyle switches sides as if he's been there all along.

As for the women, Kyle will quite happily treat them as if they were children and had nothing to do treating husbands, boyfriends or kids with anything less than perfection unless that woman turns out to be an object of scorn in Kyles all-knowing eyes and then the gloves come off, she's the pits and he's damned well going to make sure she knows it.

This thing that calls himself a good person should be banned, not just from TV... but any job which involves human contact. I wouldn't want him emptying my bins.
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Exploitative reality trash
Yonilikka-2217 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It is sad that it has taken a man's death to make I.T.V. realise that Jeremy Kyle's show is unworthy of airtime. Many people have been saying this for years. With its aggressive, confrontational style, it was an accident waiting to happen. Now that it has gone, hopefully its stablemates ( anything with the word 'benefits' in the title, basically ) will soon be joining it. Kyle himself is reported to be 'devastated' by his show's axing. Hard luck, mate.
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Sometimes bad, sometimes OK.
Just-Being-Me4 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OK so most of the reviews on here are bad and a lot don't even have valid reasons for hating the show, as i saw someone put it is bad because the people are ugly and that they have no brains etc etc or something like that (yet look who's talking).

I don't watch the show much as i don't really have time but when i am up very early on a morning i sometimes watch it if nothing else is on, i do seem to do chores etc while it is on as it isn't great. The people on it do make me want to bang my head against the wall as some of them don't seem to have a brain but that isn't why i dislike it, in fact that is what makes it funny.

What i don't like about it is that sometimes someone will be telling Jeremy why they are there etc and he will butt in and interrupt them and then when they try to tell him again he will say "this is the Jeremy Kyle show, listen to me", i think this is rude as he is the one who asked them to tell their story. I really don't like the way that if someone comes on stage and walks funny (it is just how they walk) Jeremy will sometimes make fun of them, this will make them more nervous and uncomfortable and Jeremy is meant to be a "professional" there to help people, not make them feel like poo. I think Jeremy should start being more professional, stop butting in and being rude, don't judge people before he has heard their side, yes he says he doesn't judge them but oh yes he does.

I do think that Jeremy should realise that he wouldn't have a TV show if it wasn't for the people that watch his show and the people that go on his show so he needs to be grateful for that. I also find it quite funny that every time someone mentions the social networking site "facebook" he flips his lid and tells them to get off of it yet at the start of his shows he says something like... "if you have a problem and you need our help, call blah blah blah OR VISIT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE", i think he over reacts when people mention that site just to get attention (laughs) from the audience (it would make the person on the show feel like a total idiot).

I have given this show a 2 - 3 / 10 because it does bore me, i used to like Jeremy Kyle but now he has just got rude, making people feel so small just to get the audience to laugh etc.

and what i would say is good about the show is... umm... well... he does SOMETIMES help people and sometimes he gets people on the right track etc.
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Exploiting the lower classes
olelmao6 September 2022
I used to like this show when I was young, and God knows how, because I find it hard to watch now. It was a horrible show that exploited the lower class for cheap entertainment.

These people are not inherently bad, they were born into their backgrounds through no choice of their own, and instead of this very wealthy country supporting them and providing the opportunity to grow, it instead chooses to humiliate these people on national television. Classism is a massive problem in this country, it's a shame how normalised it actually is.

I am glad it's off the air. Shame on ITV for ever allowing and investing in this program in the first place.
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The Greatest Anime Ever Made. Warning: Spoilers
This Anime is nothing like I've ever watched. The way Kyle talks to the Anime characters changed my life. Judge Rinder is an okay Anime but this is an entire other level of Anime. 10/10. The only bad part is that only a few characters return and the bit about Kyle's real Mother and Father being the martian royal family and Kyle telling them at he'll live with them "When all these scroungers cause me to retire" Makes me tear up a little. Best Anime Ever.
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Awful. Just Awful
Rabical-916 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I will never know how this abomination for a television show got to taint our screens. What gets me most about the show is the brass neck of the guest airing their unspeakably disgusting problems in front of not only a live studio audience but also the viewing public.

The host, Jeremy Kyle, is an arrogant conceited little twerp whose in your face approach to his guests sets you on edge. Incidentally, his habit of getting in his guests' face and shouting the odds is only so because he has muscle bound security guards ( who look as though they don't have a brain cell between them ) not two feet away. I seriously doubt Jeremy would take such an aggressive approach towards them if he encountered them in public.

Some time ago, Jeremy was exposed of having an affair with the nanny of his children. It's a wonder his guests haven't reminded him of this when he is laying into them for their infidelity.

'Jeremy Kyle' rivals 'The Jerry Springer Show' in terms of stupidity and embarrassment and the day it finally gets axed wont arrive too soon.
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Jeremy Kyle Rubbish
jimothybranning14 April 2006
I think that this show is absolute rubbish, Jeremy Kyle gives his honest opinion, well in my opinion, like trisha did he makes situations worse than what they were before the guests come on the show, they probably leave wanting to kill themselves. He has got to be without a doubt the most patronising idiot on telly, giving it 'sweetheart', 'darling' to the guests, how about shut up jeremy kyle you're a fool. and it gets worse, not only does the idiot take over breakfast telly went he blocks capital fm, now capital, i do love your radio station, but this loser kyle might bring your ratings down So ITV and Capital stop torturing ur watchers and listeners and stop his programme, i might organise a petition.
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