"Angel" Darla (TV Episode 2000) Poster

(TV Series)


Alexis Denisof: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce



  • Charles Gunn : Want me to come with you?

    Angel : No. This is something I have to do on my own.

    [Cordelia brings him his car keys] 

    Angel : Thanks.

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : Angel...

    Angel : I know, Wesley. I could be walking into a trap. I get that.

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : I'm not convinced you do.

    Angel : Look, she asked for my help. I can't turn my back.

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : No. And you shouldn't... Not for one moment. You know better than anyone what she was.

    Angel : What we were. And I also know what she's going through. And unlike me, maybe she wont have to go through it alone.

    Cordelia Chase : You're not alone.

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : You may be right. She may be experiencing all of this exactly as you did. But, Angel, - you yourself wondered for a hundred years, before ever seeking redemption.

    Angel : That's right. I sought her.

  • Cordelia Chase : [to Angel about finding Darla]  Am I the only one who thinks this is just a really bad idea?

    Angel : We can't just sit around here waiting for Wolfram and Hart to make a move. It's time we got ahead of the game.

    Cordelia Chase : This won't involve kidnapping again, will it?

    Angel : All we're going to do is find her.

    Cordelia Chase : And this would be the same woman that you didn't notice was in your bedroom every night for three weeks straight?

    Angel : That was different.

    Cordelia Chase : Different in the sitting-on-top-of-you sense, yeah.

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : Cordelia has a point.

    Cordelia Chase : Finally!

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : The last time Darla emerged, she wanted to be found. Now, she's out there among six million other people.

    Cordelia Chase : She could be sitting on top of anybody!

    Angel : Come on, guys. We're a detective agency. We investigate things. That's what we're good at.

    Cordelia Chase : That's what we suck at. Let's face it, unless there's a website called "www dot oh by the way, we have Darla stashed here dot com", we're pretty much out of luck.

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : It's not going to be easy.

    Cordelia Chase : Well, before, he said he could smell her.

    [to Angel] 

    Cordelia Chase : How about, we cruise around with the top down, and you take big, big whiffs?

    [there is no reaction] 

    Cordelia Chase : We'll wait until after the sun sets, obviously.

    Charles Gunn : Big law firm. They gotta have housing for their out-of-towners, right?

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : "Out-of-towners"? It's not as if they flew her in from Miami. She was raised from the very depths of hell by an ancient and very dangerous ritual.

    Charles Gunn : Yeah, and...? They still gotta put her up, don't they. That's an expense. You're telling me, these lawyers haven't figured out a way to write that off?

  • [first lines] 

    Angel : [without looking up]  What is it, Wesley?

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : "It"? There's no "it". "It's" nothing, really. Just popping around, to see if everything's alright.

    Angel : Fine.

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : Oh, good. Good. You're certain?

    Angel : Uh-huh. Good night.

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : Good night.

    Angel : You're still here.

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : Apparently. So... you're sure there's nothing on your mind? That is to say, nothing you'd like to perhaps, share.

    Angel : Nope.

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : [flatly, after seeing dozens of sketches of Darla spread out over the floor]  Really.

  • Angel : [Angel, in his office scans a large book. Wesley knocks and enters]  Darla. Anglo-Saxon derivation. Meaning "dear one". It didn't come into common usage until more than a hundred years after she was born... He must've given it to her...

    [closes the book] 

    Angel : I didn't even know her real name.

    [Angel tosses the book onto his desk and rubs his eyes] 

    Angel : Any luck?

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : Not yet, no. We're working on it.

    Angel : Something will come up.

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : Yes. That's my fear...

    [Angel looks at him. Wesley pulls the door shut] 

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : Angel, you must admit your record when it comes to Darla has been spotty at best.

    Angel : I killed her, Wesley. And she came back. They brought her back. And now I need to know why. Why like this? - Why human?

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : Perhaps human was the only way Wolfram and Hart could bring her back - at least and hope to control with any degree of success. Angel, I don't suppose it occurred to you that this might be why they've brought her back? You have all your attention focused on finding this one woman.

    Angel : So you think Wolfram and Hart went to all this trouble just to keep me distracted? Take me out of the game?

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : It is possible. And, if that's the case...

    Angel : It's working.

  • Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : You yourself wondered for a hundred years without ever seeking redemption.

    Angel : That's right. I sought her.

  • Angel : All we're gonna do is find her.

    Cordelia Chase : And this would be the same woman that you didn't notice was in your bedroom every night for, like, three weeks strait?

    Angel : That was different.

    Cordelia Chase : Different in the sitting right on top of you sense. Yeah.

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : Cordelia has a point.

    Cordelia Chase : Finally!

    Wesley Wyndam-Pryce : The last time Darla emerged, she wanted to be found. Now, she's out there among six million other people.

    Cordelia Chase : She could be sitting on top of anybody.

See also

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