"Angel" Lullaby (TV Episode 2001) Poster

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Enter Conner
katierose29522 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I don't like Conner, but even I have to admit that this is a super episode. It has some great dramatic stuff in it that builds off the show's history and sets up some new problems for Team Angel. Conner is born in this episode and Darla "dies." We also get some back story on the death of Holtz's family, which I guess SHOULD make me feel sorry for the guy, but nope. I still hate him. Anyway, If you're going to watch the Conner storyline or if you're a fan of Darla, you'll need to see this episode.

Basically, "Lullaby" picks up right where "Quickening" left off. Darla's in labor in that alley way. Angel's been captured by Holtz. The Wolfram and Hart guys are dead at the hotel. Wes and the rest of Team Angel are trying to comfort Darla, but she's a wreck. She's staring to feel emotions and she's crying, screaming, talking to herself and generally out of control. Team Angel decides to leave the alley way, but before they can go they are attacked. While the other fight Holtz's demon minions, Darla drives away.

Meanwhile, Lilah shows up at the Hyperion to supervise the body cleanup and Holtz realizes that Angel has his soul back. Angel escapes. Holtz goes to confront Shejanh, claiming that Angel's soul means that he has to hunt him in a different way. There are some flashback scenes of Holtz finding his family dead and his daughter turned vampire. He had to kill her and he's holding a grudge. When Angel catches up with Darla, she admits that she's able to feel again. The baby's soul is nourishing her and she can love Conner. Unfortunately, she isn't able to give birth because her body is dead. Lilah gets hold of that scroll and realizes that it's prophesizing a death.

At Karitos, the whole gang tries to decide how to help Darla and the baby. Just as it seems that the baby will die, Holtz attacks. (How can he attack at Karitos? Well, "the stairs, and the door, and the world, and a thing" means that people can stand outside the bar and chuck stuff in.) Team Angel escapes the fire bombs and dashes into an alley way. There, Darla stakes herself, freeing Conner from her body. Holtz, seeing the baby, allows Angel to escape... He has a new plan for vengeance.

There are some really good parts to this episode. I really like Fred counting off all the horrible things that the pregnancy could mean: How the baby could destroy the world or maybe its death will trigger an apocalypse, etc... Then, when everyone just stares at her, she gives this really strained smile and says, "Or not. So... Have you thought of any names, yet?" And I like Darla's fluctuating emotions. She sobbing and screaming and pouting that no one will sit in the backseat with her, even after she promises not to throw anyone out of the car... While its moving. Really funny stuff. And I also enjoy Lilah and Holtz coming face to face for the first time. He's worried that she'll try and stop him from his criminal rampage to get Angel. "I'm a lawyer." Lilah counters. "I don't care about the law." Finally, I love all the scenes at Karitos. Lorne trying to fix the security system, while Fred and Cordy hit Gunn to test if it's working is especially fun.

Really, the emotional push of this episode is the relationship between Darla & Angel, and their feelings about the pregnancy. It's their scenes together that really drive "Lullaby." Darla can feel again, thanks to Conner's soul, and she and Angel have some really beautiful conversations about their past and possible future. Darla can finally understand the pain they caused and, in a real show of emotional growth from her desperation to regain her vamp-ness in season two, she even almost apologizes for siring Angel. She no longer sees it as a "gift" she bestowed on him, but as Angel's "death" in that long ago Irish alley way. With the return of her feelings, Darla can also understand how empty she will feel without the baby inside of her. She can love Conner because of his soul and, once he's born, her emotions will fade. The love she now has for Conner, the faith she has in Angel, the desire for some sort of atonement, her fear that the baby will die or, that if its born, she'll end up harming it, and the desire to be a real mother for Conner, has Darla sacrificing herself. She asks Angel to tell Conner that he's the only good thing that she ever had in her life. As Angel grips her hand, Darla does the unthinkable... She stakes herself, so that Conner can be born. Darla vanishes, the rain's pouring down, Angel -tears in his eyes- slowly picks up his son... It's just a beautiful scene.

On the downside, I think this is the last episode with Karitos, which makes me sort of sad. I loved that place. Also, I really, really wish that Darla had "lived" and Conner had died. I like her so much more than that kid.

My favorite part of the episode: Lilah highlighting the important parts of that ancient scroll. "In yellow."
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Possibly my favorite Angel episode.
Boston_Pride25 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It was definitely this episode that made think I was watching the best TV shows of all time. I started from the beginning, loved the first two seasons, and when I saw this episode, I thought there was no way this show could get any better (it does). But this is probably my favorite episode.

Darla is about to give birth, Holtz is chasing Angel, and nobody knows what to do. The scene at the end when Darla stakes herself and Connor is born is just a beautiful scene. Angel looks down at the baby just as Holtz points a crossbow at him, and when he picks the baby up, Holtz realizes it and puts his crossbow down.

The music playing in the background, along with the situation in the scene, is really sad and moving. I found myself not crying, but a little teary because it was so sad. He lets Angel walk away, and Sahjahn is yelling at Holtz to kill him, and Holtz basically says he will next time he sees them.

So Darla's gone, enter Conner. You may have your own opinion about his character, but I personally didn't like him. Either way, my favorite episode of Angel.
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This child, Angel, it's the one good thing we ever did together. The only good thing
SleepTight66610 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This child, Angel, it's the one good thing we ever did together. The only good thing - One of the best season three episodes, and that is saying something. Truthfully, this is the episode that truly got me hooked onto the show, when it originally aired on the dutch television I had seen 10 episodes from season one and two from the entire second season (Reunion and Reprise), I had not seen all that much from 'Darla' but even so, she was my favorite TV character back then and thanks to Julie Benz I became obsessed with this show and have ever been since this episode. Like I said, Julie Benz performance blew me away and left me devastated when she staked herself to prevent her unborn child from dying, damn, and I was hoping for her to become a regular. But at least her character came full-circle by delivering a child and loving it completely. I think she redeemed herself and apparently became an angel of some sort as you can see in season 4's 'Inside Out'. She'll always be remembered for her witty dialog - I promise I won't throw anyone out of the car. Not while it's moving. Another character I loved was 'Lilah Morgan', big surprise there, she is just so much fun - I'm a lawyer. I don't care about the law. My favorite scene besides Darla's sacrifice was the flashback of 'Holtz' finding his wife dead and little girl turned into a vampire, I felt his sorrow and anger the moment he throws her into the sunlight and watches her burn to ashes, Keith Szarabajka plays him perfectly with that low scary voice. The scene of 'Angel' holding his new-born baby while raining was beautiful. 'Holtz' let him go when he could have finished him just because he figured out a way on how to fulfill his evil revenge. DARLA: What do I have to offer a child, a human child, besides ugly death? ANGEL: ...Darla. DARLA: You know it's true. ANGEL: No. What I do know is that you love this baby, our baby. You've bonded with it. You've spent nine months carrying it, nourishing it... DARLA: No. No, I haven't been nourishing it. I haven't given this baby a thing. I'm dead. It's been nourishing me. These feelings that I'm having, they're not mine. They're coming from it. ANGEL: You don't know that. DARLA: Of course I do! We both do. Angel, I don't have a soul. It does. And right now that soul is inside of me, but soon, it won't be and then... ANGEL: Darla... DARLA: I won't be able to love it. I won't even be able to remember that I loved it. I want to remember. (10 out of 10)
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A Birth of Sorts
Samuel-Shovel13 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "Lullaby", Angel is confronted by Holtz after centuries apart. Holtz has a vendetta against Angel and Darla and won't rest until the two of them are destroyed. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang tries to prepare for the upcoming birth of Darla and Angel's child. After escaping from Holtz's grasp, Angel and the gang take Darla to Lorne's bar for the birth. Throughout all of this, Wolfram & Hart is scrambling and attempting to figure out who Holtz is and what's the deal with the vampire child. Lilah confronts Holtz who tells her to stay out of his way. Holtz destroys Lorne's recently rebuilt bar (poor Lorne) and the gang narrowly escapes. Darla realizes that her child is dying and the spell protecting it will not allow it to be C-sectioned out. In a rare act of selflessness, due mainly to the presence of a soul within the child inside of her, Darla stakes herself, allowing the baby to be freed. Holtz declines to kill Angel with the baby in the vampire's arms, allowing the gang to leave, much to the chagrin of Holtz's demon partner Sahjhan.

I think by the time we hit the midway point of Season 3 of Angel, the show has surpassed the quality of BtVS concurrently airing its sixth season. It just has a more consistent, better storyline with some really good performances from the supporting cast. Here, we see the completed storyline of Darla. For the first time in her vampire life, Darla understands Angel's plight. She listens to her maternal instincts for the good of her child.

The flashback of Holtz's interactions with his daughter are absolutely brutal. He doesn't come across as your normal villain attempting to destroy the world. He's just a vengeful man looking for some kind of release. I'm excited to see where we go from here.
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Leaves you breathless
Joxerlives25 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers

The Good; All of it, pretty damn brilliant, especially love Holtz raiding the club. The Lilah and the interpreter scene is also great, no such thing as a minor character on Angel. Interpreter (horrified); "You highlighted an ancient gushundi text?" Lilah (defensively); "In yellow"

The Bad; Even if it's just a stun grenade wouldn't Lilah and Holtz be deafened for hours afterwards? Why can't they just resoul Darla?

Best line: Sahjahn; "He's using product but he's the same guy"

Jeez, how did they get away with that? Darla and Angelus slaughtering Holtz's family is beyond horrible. Holtz's killing his sired daughter is the strongest and most tragic act in the series, your heart just bleeds for him.

Apocalypses: 5

Angel Clichés In disguise; 8

DB get's his shirt off; 12

Cheap Angel; 7

Fang Gang in bondage: Angel pinned Cordy: 5 Angel: 12 Wes: 6 Gunn; 3 Lorne; 2

Fang gang knocked out: Wes by Darla Cordy: 11 Angel: 14 Wes: 6 Doyle; 1 Gunn; 1 Lorne; 2

Kills: Cordy: 5 vamps, 3 demons Angel; 28 vamps, 41 and 1/2 demons, 3 humans Doyle; 1 vamp Wes; 7 demons+2 vamp Kate; 3 vamps Faith; 16 vamps, 6 demons, 3 humans. Gunn; 8 vamps+ 6 demons. Fang Gang go evil: Cordy: 2 Angel: 2

Alternate Fang Gang: Cordy: 2 Angel: 7

Characters killed: 45

Recurring characters killed; Goodbye Darla, she'll appear again but she's finally dead this time 8;

Total number of Angel Investigations: 5, Angel, Cordy, Wes, Gunn and Fred

Angel Investigations shot: Angel: 11 Wes; 1

Packing heat; Lilah threatens her lackey with her gun. Angel uses the stun grenade (which Holtz is obviously impressed by and uses one later at Caritas) and Wes wishes he had a shotgun. Wes; 4 Doyle; 1 Angel; 1 Gunn; 1

Notches on Fang Gang bedpost: Cordy: 3 ?+Wilson/Hacksaw Beast+Phantom Dennis Angel: 5; Buffy, Darla and The Transcending Furies Wes; 2; Virginia and the bleached blonde

Kinky dinky: Way to much going on for that

Captain Subtext; Or that.

Know the face, different character; 4

Parking garages; 5,

Buffy characters on Angel; 16 Wetherby, Collins and Smith. Angel, Cordy, Oz, Spike, Buffy, Wes, Faith, Darla, Dru, The Master, Anne, Willow and Harmony

Questions and observations; Holtz is one pretty damn tough guy to take on WR&H's commando team. Note Angel doesn't even try to tell Holtz he has a soul, he knows he'd be wasting his time. Goodbye Caritas, after this Lorne won't bother trying to rebuild again. The end of the Angel/Darla relationship and it's EPIC! And hello Connor (for good or ill).

Marks out of 10; 9/10
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C ya later alligator
kingsx_6413 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Saw Angel fans back in the day get down on Vincent Kartheiser (Connor) for talking about his problems on the set of Angel. Saying his scripts were exactly the same. (they were) Saying even then he could tell why fans didn't like his character. (They didn't) And when he tried to express a few ideas, he got ignored. So this actor takes all the abuse from the fans, instead of the writers and Josh, who later admitted he handled Connor all wrong, proving Vincent right after all. And yet fans STILL blame Vincent. It's spelled out for them, but they refuse to budge, showing you can lead a horse to water, but.....

And onto Darla,,,, Yay, the witch is dead Couldn't stand the character Darla either. (Not the actress, she was great) Why? The same reason. Every single episode with her was exactly the same. She does evil things, but at the end no one will kill her, bla bla bla This might be ok with 12yr old girls, but as an adult, IT WAS BORING, REPETITIVE and Monotonous! So good riddance...

Ding dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead Party on, excellent
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