"Angel" Offspring (TV Episode 2001) Poster

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Darla's back in LA
katierose29521 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This episode sets up the remainder of the season and, in a way, the rest of the series. Darla's pregnancy and the ripple effects it sends through Team Angel resonate right into season five. Vampires can't have children. It's a rule in the Buffyverse. (Buffy and Angel have a whole discussion about it in BTVS season two's "Bad Eggs," in fact.) So when Darla shows up in LA pregnant, the consequences are just bound to be bad. Honestly, this isn't my favorite storyline or episode. But, if you plan on watching the rest of the show, than you need to see it.

Basically, the episode revolves around Darla arriving at the Hyperion to tell Angel that she is pregnant. He's...um... surprised. So are Wes, Gunn, Fred and Cordy. See they've been investigating this curse and something horrible is set to land in LA any minute. They all immediately suspect that the baby is the evil thing that they've been expecting. (No pun intended.) They head over to Lorne's for a reading, but he can't tell them much. Team Angel begins to wonder if the baby is part of the Shanshu Prophesy. But since nothing much ever comes of that possibility, it's kinna a dead end. Lorne's fixing up Karitos and he lets Darla lay down on his bed while they try to decide what to do.

Meanwhile, Angel is developing real feelings for Cordy. He's starting to see her as more than a friend and Darla's arrival is messing up his plans. Cordy is furious that Angel slept with Darla and risked going evil again. She sides with Darla... Until Darla bites her and runs off. Cordy has a vision that Darla is going to feed off of kids and Angel goes after her. But there's more. Darla is craving pure blood because her baby has a soul. When Angel realizes that he can hear its heartbeat, he tells her that the baby is alive and that they have to keep it safe. He takes Darla back to the Hyperion. Unfortunately, Angel's old enemy Holtz has been brought from the past and he has plans to see Angel pay.

There are some good parts to this episode. Wes and Gunn breaking into that house is really cute, as is Fred smelling the plastic flowers. And I like Gunn and Fred whispering about Darla. Fred confuses Darla with Buffy. "No," whispers Gunn, "This is Angel's other blonde ex who died and came back." It just makes me laugh. Cordy's reaction to Darla is also great. Angel lied to her last season in "Disharmony" when he said that he hadn't slept with Darla and Cordelia isn't about to let him off easy. She spends most of the episode snapping at him and he's trying to get her to forgive him... It's very fun. Also, I like how anxious Wes is around Fred. He's still not over his mystically induced attack on her in "Billy." I love Fred and Wes together, mostly because he's so sweet and stoic and in love that it just breaks my heart.

On a nit-picky note, I'm never completely satisfied with any of the explanations offered for Darla's impossible vampire pregnancy. In season four, the show tries to come up with a reason, but it seems a little tacked on and confusing. Basically, the pregnancy is one of those things that I finally just have to shrug and try to accept... Even if it makes no sense. Personally, I have a pet-theory that the pregnancy is possible because of Drusilla. She sired Darla and the vampires that Dru sires seem to be a little more "human" than most. Spike retained feelings, why couldn't Darla retain something, too? Just a thought.

On the downside, this is the start of my most unfavorite "Angel" storyline: The saga of Conner and Holtz. Basically, they both come to LA in this episode and the whole show suffers for it. I don't like Conner and I don't like Holtz. I don't like watching them, or hearing all the other characters constantly talking about them, or wasting valuable time on their endless storyline. I'm much happier when they're not on screen and, unfortunately, for the rest season and beyond, they're on screen A LOT. Also, I still don't get the whole prophesy that's predicting the arrival of the scourge of humanity. Is the scourge of humanity really suppose to be Holtz? I know next episode they say that he's part of this whole "confluence of events" or whatever, but what does Holtz ever really accomplish long term? He does stalk around town, talking in his low, scary (and - Okay, granted - kinna cool) voice and he ends up hurting Angel pretty bad when he steals Conner, but does that qualify as scourge of humanity time? Are we extrapolating it out Conner going bad and helping with the birth of Jasmine who's suppose to end the world? It just seems kinna weak. Maybe, I'm missing something.

My favorite part of the episode: Angel finally dealing with his reluctant feelings for Cordy. He's so cute and confused as he tries to talk to her about how much she means to him. "Are you trying to tell me you love me?" she finally asks, "Because I love you, too." Angel blinks, looking sort of hopeful and scared, "You do?" Then Cordy cheerily announces that they ALL love Angel. "We love you Angel!" Wes, Fred and Gunn all call in agreement. The scene just cracks me up every time I see it.
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Get ready for a hell of a ride!
Joxerlives22 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers

The Good; Season 3 really kicks into high gear with the arrival of Darla and her 'passenger'.

The Bad; ?

Best line: CC; "What are friends for?" Darla; "Knocking you up and leaving you high and dry" Just beating Lorne's "It's beyond my Ken and my Barbie and all my action figures"

Jeez, how did they get away with that? Cordy describes Angel as not going evil but 'going male' which is positively misandrist.

Apocalypses: 5

Angel Clichés Inverting the Hollywood cliché; Darla the pregnant mother is still pure evil, defying all our expectations

In disguise; 8

DB get's his shirt off; 12 9,

Cheap Angel; 7

Fang Gang in bondage: Cordy: 5 Angel: 11 Wes: 6 Gunn; 3 Lorne; 2

Fang gang knocked out: Cordy: 11 Angel: 14 Wes: 5 Doyle; 1 Gunn; 1 Lorne; 2

Kills: Cordy: 5 vamps, 3 demons Angel; 28 vamps, 40 and 1/2 demons, 3 humans Doyle; 1 vamp Wes; 7 demons+1 vamp Kate; 3 vamps Faith; 16 vamps, 6 demons, 3 humans. Gunn; 8 vamps+ 6 demons.

Fang Gang go evil: Cordy: 2 Angel: 2 Gunn; 1 Wes; 1

Alternate Fang Gang: Cordy: 2 Angel: 7

Characters killed: 45

Recurring characters killed; 7;

Total number of Angel Investigations: 5, Angel, Cordy, Wes, Gunn and Fred

Angel Investigations shot: Angel: 11 Wes; 1

Packing heat; Wes takes the pistol from the scroll owner Wes; 4 Doyle; 1 Angel; 1 Gunn; 1

Notches on Fang Gang bedpost: Cordy: 3 ?+Wilson/Hacksaw Beast+Phantom Dennis Angel: 5; Buffy, Darla and The Transcending Furies Wes; 2; Virginia and the bleached blonde

Kinky dinky: Wes refers to the date rape drugs GHB/rohypnol. CC refers to the Furies as Angel's 'chippies' and hopes they're on the pill. CC refers to Angel 'boning' Darla.

Captain Subtext; The Kyrumption subtext between CC and Angel finally comes to the fore but Darla's arrival puts a spanner in the works. Darla seems appalled by the world suggesting her baby is already giving her a soul.

Know the face, different character; 4 Jack Conley as Sahjhan, also played the werewolf hunter Cain in the Buffy season 2 ep Phases

Parking garages; 5,

Buffy characters on Angel; 16 Wetherby, Collins and Smith. Angel, Cordy, Oz, Spike, Buffy, Wes, Faith, Darla, Dru, The Master, Anne, Willow and Harmony

Questions and observations; Hang on everybody, we're going for a hell of a ride! Holst appears to be a Catholic which is ironic given that he's based on Oliver Cromwell who was markedly anti-Catholic despite being largely regarded as a champion of liberty. Gunn is a great juggler, I wonder if he was taught by the same person as Buffy in 'Hell's Bells'?

Marks out of 10; 8/10
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This is way beyond my ken and my Barbie and all my action figures
SleepTight66625 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is way beyond my ken and my Barbie and all my action figures - After four episodes 'Darla' is finally back in L.A., even though it's not as mind-blowing as the season 2 'Darla'-centric episodes, it was still very important, funny and kick-assing. What I mainly loved were the huge amount of memorable lines, one of my favorite was 'Gunn's after 'Darla's escape - We tried to stop her by hitting her fists and feet with our faces and of course 'Fred's speech about being inevitable. The episode also had plenty of Cangel shipperness like them training together and after 'Fred' telling 'Angel' about kyrumption, him realizing that he does more than like her and what's funny is that he doesn't know how to tell her. 'Angel' in love is funnier than a 7 year old in love, and I love it. The 'Darla' character also had plenty to do, she looked 18 years pregnant which made her fight scene with 'Angel' seem humorous. Also loved it when she went after a little kid - I love children, I could just eat them up. Julie Benz once again did a great job, especially during her breakdown after finding out that her baby has a soul. This is a very important episode to the third season, the 'Holtz' character is also brought from the past into the present to revenge his family. Superb episode. ANGELUS: Shouldn't we be killing Holtz? DARLA: I know, but it's just so much fun ruining his life. He's like family now. (9.0 out of 10)
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The One Where Darla Comes Back To Town...
taylorkingston1 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really love this episode. It's so good.

After trying for a long time to get rid of what ever is growing inside of her, Darla decides it's time to go tell Daddy. That Daddy would be Angel. When Angel sees her, pregnant, he thinks that this is a trick. He's not wrong to think that she could be lying. I mean, vampires cant have babies, yet Darla is supposedly pregnant. I mean she is pregnant, but still. Angel just doesn't believe it. And when Cordelia finds out that they slept together, she is so hurt. They all go to a find out what kind of "thing" is growing in Darla's belly. When they find out that it's a boy, a real human boy, Angel is so trilled. Meanwhile, one of Angel's old enemies arrives back in Los Angeles looking for some vengeance.

I love this episode, and overall, I give it an 8 out of 10.
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darla's got a bundle of...maybe not joy, but let's go with evil supreme unholy terror
nightwishouge31 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched "Offspring" for the first time and don't know where the pregnancy story line is headed yet, but I'm never a fan of characters on TV having kids. Sometimes it's like television writers think the only long-term story arc female characters can carry is romance (usually doomed) or pregnancy (usually doomed, at least in genre fare). Cordelia already had her "evil spawn" one-off back in season one and I have to say, it's a little misogynistic how often the writers will put Cordy through something completely traumatic for the purposes of upping the stakes (such as being head-raped by the demons with the third eye in season two's Epiphany), only to have her experiences forgotten by next episode. Granted, every member of AI has been through rough stuff, but Cordelia is the only one who's had her body invaded--twice...

Also, it aggravates me when characters in the Buffyverse have a showdown with a recurring enemy and then just let them walk away at the end because their emotions get in the way. Angel let Darla walk away last season and now a busload of people is dead. As though Angel thought that, just because he felt sorry for her in the moment, she wouldn't keep on killing innocents when he let her go? Guess it's all right so long as he doesn't have to deal with it. There should have been an episode where Angel goes to apologize in person to the family members of one of Darla's many victims, telling them that the deceased would still be alive if Angel had taken the appropriate action at the opportune moment and killed her. I would love to see him come face-to-face with the guilt of his inaction. But of course the show lets him off the hook.

Cordelia herself is also appallingly dumb this episode, treating Darla like a pitiful friend and trying to get all chatty with her--even shutting herself into a room with Darla, all alone. Of course that backfires. When she admits to Angel the attack was her fault because she forgot what a savage killer Darla is, all I could think was, "Well, duh." Then again, amongst Gunn, Wesley, and Lorne, nobody else thinks to question Cordelia being sequestered all alone with Darla either, so I guess they're all idiots.

Anyway, Fred is cute. I seem to be shipping her and Wesley.
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This is for reviewer katierose
NatashaJAmos20154 January 2021
Katierose here is my theory in how Darla became pregnant . It isn't my favourite storyline either because she birthed my most hated Buffyverse character . But remember in the Trials Darla couldn't get a chance at a second life because was already living it ? Maybe Connor was that second life ? Just a thought.
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Unnecessary Love Triangle
Samuel-Shovel1 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "Offspring", Darla is back in town and she's pregnant! The gang tries to figure out how this is even physically possible. Meanwhile, Angel begins to realize that he may have feelings for Cordy. Darla has an unquenchable thirst for blood and the gang (with the help of Lorne) discover that this kid has a soul. An ancient prophecy foretells of an "end-of-the-world" thing rolling throw L.A. As the episode ends, an old enemy of Angel's is resurrected.

Alright ladies and gents, I loooove me some Angel but boy is this episode bad! It's directed poorly, edited poorly, written poorly. I understand that it's an important episode for the season's arc but that's no excuse.

I have to start out with my least favorite part: this budding romance between Angel & Cordy which has seemingly come out of nowhere. Why is it here? Why is it necessary? It feels extremely forced and synthetic, like the writers think it's what the audience wants and are ready to shove it down our throats regardless. I can tell the next few episodes will maintain this arc and I'm not going to be looking forward to it.

The dialogue in this one is extremely clunky. So much useless, painful exposition referring to older episodes. I understand this is necessary for a show airing on TV with inconsistent viewership but, come on! The writer didn't even try to sprinkle it in organically.

This episode's also full of really weird cuts and camera angles. It completely took me out of the episode. The only redeeming quality is the acting, which was consistently good as always. But that final scene of Darla breaking down in Angel's arms... Give me a break!

Episodes of Angel have been mediocre in the past, some have been bad, but I think this goes down as my least favorite to this point. It has 0 redeeming qualities and a poor story line.
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Cordelia: Disrespectful and delusional
antonemilamundsen8 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is full of the worst kind of forced, incompetent and childish writing. Angel suddenly questioning if he is in love with Cordelia, just because Fred teased him? Genuinely baffling.

Something I didn't expect when I started watching this series is just how often Angel would be disrespected. He is the butt of countless jokes and he only gets rare moments to shine, at least so far. Cordelia being suddenly a great fighter and strong enough to hurt Angel, mainly for lame joke? He gets no respect this episode. Angels just sitting there like a puppydog in the corner while Cordelia scorns him like she had anything to do about what happened with him and Darla.

Funny that Cordelia's immediate reaction to seeing the SUPERVILLAIN pregnant is to bash the HERO. They start treating her like a human that deserves love and compassion, for all they know this could be a trick. She is a mass murdering vampire. Even though she's pregnant, their first reaction should be to reach for the weapons.

"You just went male" jesus christ... Cordelia is terrible in this episode. Also a misandrist. She wasn't there and she already has a throughline in her head of exactly how it went down, and naturally got in an anti-male message.

The feminist messaging in this show is heavy-handed, goofy and downright hateful.
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Another haircut?
kingsx_6413 March 2020
I don't know what bothered me more. Another boring Darla is evil episode, (yes, we get it, she's evil) or Charisma getting yet another haircut. I mean every time she cuts her hair she makes what I couldn't imagine being worse, worse. Now she looks like a 12yr old boy,,,,with boobs. I can only imagine what Angel fans would think if David came on set one day with a buzz cut. Or an Afro. Or a mohawk. The look of a character is the first thing actors use to get into 'character'. You don't go and change it with no reasoning given, and expect people not to be confused. If it's part of the story arc, fine. But this wasn't Am I being superficial? Maybe, and I don't care. I can't help but focus on it, and it bothers me. Hardcore Angel fans may think it's fine because this show can do no wrong. But to this regular Joe fan, it's a travesty Also, this Holtz character is already getting on my nerves. Please writers. Kill him and Darla soon....painfully
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