"Barnaby Jones" Dead Heat (TV Episode 1976) Poster

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It gets easier the second time...
planktonrules20 July 2021
"Dead Heat" is an episode from "Barnaby Jones" that seems much more likely to actually happen than most of the murders on the show. That being said, there also are a couple cases of overacting that make this show less effective than it should have been.

Ray Dixon (Pat Hingle) is the ultimate sports dad. His son is an Olympic-level swimmer and EVERYTHING Ray does, thinks or says is dedicated to making his son a champion. He is such an overbearing sports dad that he even goes MUCH further...switching amphetamines with another swimmer's usual prescription pills. Ray hopes to get the swimmer disqualified for drug abuse but his actions are MUCH darker when this rival swimmer dies from an adverse reaction to the pills! Now you'd THINK Ray would back off and be horrified by his actions. Instead, he doubles down...and even kills again....all in the name of making his son #1.

There are a few problems with this otherwise clever script idea. First, the scene with Ray and his girlfriend when they argue seems WAY overdone and overacted...almost embarrassingly so. Second, at the end, there's not a lot of evidence that Ray killed anyone...and when confronted he quickly admits it and tries to kill Barnaby! Again, this isn't handled well. It's a shame, though, as this is a very timely show today...with the Olympics only a week away AND the huge endorsement money athletes are now allowed to earn (back in 1976, it was all forbidden). Worth seeing despite its faults.
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tcchelsey10 May 2023
I agree with the last reviewer, this is one of those stories that could actually happen, considering all the money thrown at sports stars --then and now.

First episode of the New Year, well written and directed. Director Walter Grauman made Pat Hingle (as Roy) particularly sinister. He plays the overzealous father that lives and breathes sports. His son, Norm (Andrew Parks) an Olympic swimming hopeful, is doing what he has to do ---but NOT good enough. He wants the whole enchalada.

Watching Roy do the dirty work, trying to get his son to the top, is just fascinating. Parks, the son of film star Larry Parks, is quite good, this time playing an innocent teen. Parks was best in crafty, young adult roles, and used quite a bit by producer Quinn Martin. Watching Barnaby close in on Roy is a hoot. Buddy Ebsen commented, there was a bit of Charlie Chan at work here. Barnaby studied faces, which exposed more than the spoken word. Food for thought for all us armchair detectives.

Good support from popular actress Jacqueline Scott (as Gwen) and old reliable Lou Frizzel, playing Sid Mayo. Lou made a career out of playing everyday types, some good, some shady.

You know a fitting ending is coming, you just feel it, and it's tough to watch what Norm has to go through. Hingle should have gotten an Emmy nod, he really chewed into this role.

January 1, 1976 episode. Happy New Year! SEASON 4 EPISODE 15 CBS/Paramount remastered dvd box set. Spooky box set cover with Barnaby holding a flashlight in the dark!
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Hohum! Another Two Murders and This Time a Thwarted Final Shootout
WYAdams3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, an all star guest cast, Pat Hingle, Barney Phillips, and Jacqueline Scott, are not enough to save this predictable cookie cutter plot. Once again the writers pulled out the Barnaby Jones checklist and ticked off most of the boxes, only missing the ubiquitous milk plugs, and modifying the end to a thwarted shootout.

There was the original murder, this time accidental, followed by the murder of his co-conspirator. The final, inevitable shootout almost happened until Barnaby managed to disarm the murderer.

The plots are all the same basic story only the names and the details change, but not enough to make the story unpredictable.

A murders B either deliberately or accidentally. (Murder 1) C is either involved or finds out about it.

A murders C to hide the crime. (Murder 2) A then attempts to murder D with Barnaby showing up just in time for a final shootout, or attempts to murder Barnaby ending in a shootout.

There are only two reasons to watch the show. The first is to see the contrast in Buddy Ebsen's portrayal of the suave Barnaby and Jed Clampett. The second is to see the beautiful and elegant Lee Meriwether. Too bad that is not enough to rate the show higher than one star.
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