"On the Buses" The Cistern (TV Episode 1970) Poster

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Stan puts his foot in it.
Sleepin_Dragon15 September 2022
When Stan returns home late from a shift, he tried to quietly flush the loo, but the cistern is a little loud, so he decides to make some repairs.

Who'd have thought that a toilet could be the subject for such amusement, but there you have it, it's a really funny episode, plenty of sarcasm, plenty of wit, and of course a food deal of slapstick.

You can't help but wonder how primitive life was back then, things we take for granted these days.

It is really funny from start to finish, I loved the scene inside the lavatory shop, but best of all was the moment that Blakey got on the bus, leaving Stan and Arthur to find alternative transport home.

Enjoyed that, 8/10.
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"I don't want to pull it, I want to turn it!"
ShadeGrenade20 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Chosen to represent the series in 1982 in I.T.V.'s 'Best Of British' season.

Stan's attempts to fix the toilet ( its incessant gurgling is keeping everyone awake at night ) result in him breaking the chain and wrecking the porcelain bowl. The Butlers have to pop round to Jack's house each time they need to use the bog. They purchase a new low-level model ( the old one had been installed by Stan's grandfather ) but there's no delivery, so they have to take it home ( in the face of opposition from Jack ) on Stan's bus. All goes well until Blakey gets on board...

The late Terry Duggan, seen in the shop where the Butlers buy their new loo, was Anna Karen's husband. He played various roles in the series, the earliest being 'irate passenger' in Season 1's 'Olive Takes A Trip'.

Quite a lot of people had old toilets then ( some outdoors ), and often they went wrong, necessitating the need for a new one. Plastic was taking off in a big way too, explaining Arthur's concern about the loo catching fire.

Funniest moment - Stan and Jack, reprimanded for having a toilet on their bus, try to confound Blakey by smuggling it in through the rear exit. The bus drives off, with the loo visible, and Blakey stares in bewilderment.
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