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Masterclass in storytelling
algytaylor6 February 2023
Rik Mayall once said that the secret to a great story is a great storyteller, and this is absolutely the case here. The source material is a decent story, but nothing that would stand out ahead of a hundred other similar fairytales.

It's a simple tale - the queen's favourite teapot begins to dribble tea everywhere. Chaos ensues when she rashly promises half of her kingdom in exchange for a teapot that *doesn't* make a mess of her tablecloth.

What sets this story apart, though, is Williams' masterful storytelling. He pours his soul in to the story, filling each character with life and personality. He'll contort his face in ways only he seems to be able to pull off, and knows exactly what he needs to do to extract the maximum amount of humour from any given line.

Without wanting to seem disparaging about them, I can't help but feel it's a bit of a shame that he's mainly known for his work in the Carry On films. Supremely talented comic actor, who went too soon.
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