Blood Trails (2006) Poster


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Full of tired clichés and lazy screen writing. Avoid.
chris-407131 August 2006
Utterly dreadful movie. I'm not sure how I managed to get through it. The acting is extremely wooden throughout, the characters are very two dimensional and all of this is made even worse by the fact there is very little dialogue in this movie (perhaps 10 lines at the most.

The first death scene requires an enormous suspension of disbelief on the part of the viewer because of laziness on the part of the writer.

Every single event in this movie is a horror movie cliché and I even found myself saying out loud what would happen next to be proved right about 80% of the time. The remaining 20% was either delayed or substituted with another cliché.

This reminds me of a student film, of a fledgling screenwriter trying to make a homage to his favourite horror movies - it is most certainly NOT a decent horror movie in its own right.

I want those two hours of my life back.
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Do we really need another formula splatter flick?
nuke90914 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So blood trails starts out interestingly enough,It is filmed beautifully, taking us to an interesting setting with the bikers in the woods, plus the set up involving the cheating girlfriend, but right after the first rather far fetched and unbelievable murder scene, it all falls into tired, over used territory. The woman loses her boyfriend and she runs a panicky chase through the woods, often losing her way and running into things, the killer hot on her trail. Several times in the film she runs into strangers, who she begs for help, and i groaned out loud as they brainlessly looked bewildered, and of course were killed seconds later. When the woman finally gets herself into a truck and the engine won't start, i almost threw my remote at the TV. This is age old stuff here people.

To take from anna399's review, the killer does has some jason vorhees qualities, like how he walks really slow,then appears a mile ahead of the girl, or otherwise pops up in a quiet moment. Or his ability to overpower people with guns pointed right at him. But really this is no super villain, just a boring looking thug with no good reason for committing these atrocities. That's supposed to scare the audience, but it doesn't, and by the time he catches up and lets the woman go for the third or fourth time, i honestly no longer cared who lived and who died. I give this movie one point above awful for the gritty look and decent gore, but it brings nothing at all new to the genre. Give this one a pass.
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$2 Movie
rls081210 July 2011
I bought this movie, new, for $2 from a local movie store.

I never had high hopes for a Lions Gate movie, costing me so little $ and it didn't let me down!

This is a slow paced stocker type movie, almost from the start.

From the get-go, I had a problem with the main character's looks. She was ugly! Normally this wouldn't affect me , but there was implied sex, implied rape, and several shots of her ( naked ) breasts !

This movie drags, not really showing much content. It took them 20 minutes to establish the main character liked mountain biking, and may or may not have raped by the antagonist ( shown in brief flash backs, but never explained ) ... from there, until 12 minutes before the movie ends, it's them running around in the woods, with bicycles.

It also doesn't help the main character is "blind" in a couple scenes, and tends to make very stupid choices.

A few situations pop up, but nothing really interesting.

For me, the most memorable part was the first time I watched " death by bicycle wheel" in a movie.

As far as the ending, it was a major let down. No major confrontation or fight between the main character and the villain.

Over all, it's a $2 movie released by Lions Gate. Nothing special, just a time killer.

You also know it's a not so good movie movie when the director is billed as ( no joke ) ... "" Robert Krause 'Blood Trails' Rebeccaa Palmer Ben Price Tom Frederic "" ... this is right from the box credit cover . There are no commas .

As a side note, I know it's a bit nit-picky, but they are suppose to be in "The Whistler Mountain Range" ( Nevada ), and the main character is looking for "Whistler Mountain" ( Kentucky ), but trying to reference American locations, when the accents are European and the license plates on the vehicle are also European, does not work very well.
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What is happening here?
ttb_198428 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Hi, this is the first review I ever write on IMDb, and sadly, it has to be very negative.. I liked the beginning, that is the first 2 minutes, but after that it's just downhill. In the first part of the movie you don't really care about any of the characters. Perhaps the poor fellow who has a cheating girlfriend, but he turns out to be such a whiner and he goes first.

Now only the girlfriend is left, and she is unbelievable stupid! I know that some of the guys here says that "she ain't REALLY trying to escape, y'know? It's somethin' with sex and psychology, ye'know??" No, I don't know that. Even though she may be attracted to him, how would I know? She is not telling me, because she only moans, screams and makes stupid faces which is not at all representative for her current situation. Like for instance when she throws a rock 2 meters away to make th killer look that way and she looks like she has won a trophy!!? What is that? Even though he might be 2 meters off, he still knows where you are!? And after she thinks she has driven him down (by a slowly accelerating diesel-truck, even if the guy was blind and had broken both legs it would not have worked!!) she gets an awkward satisfied grimace?

And what about her trying to get the keys, "but she can't take them because there are BLOOD on them!?" Well miss, you have been running around for hours pretty much painted in the blood of your boyfriend (not counting the few minutes after you "accidently" drove directly in to a lake).

She is just SO unbelievable, and after at most one hour, you really wish that she would die fast. She is just so incredibly stupid, and she gets nervous breakdown in the most random times! It goes like, "Oh Christ NO, she is screaming again now.." and "What is she doing NOW?" "Why is she doing that?" "What is wrong NOW?" etc etc...

I'm not so much writing this as a warning, as a mean to let out some steam, because I'm boiling! This is one of the worst movies ever made. I of course forgot about the killer.. Actually his character might be okay, but the best way to phrase it is to say that he is IMBALANCED! He has surveillance all over the woods, he can teleport at will and he even knows what she will do next ALTHOUG this seems to me the most RANDOM thing to predict. IMBALANCED!

Okay, cheers.. Thomas
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Tense but Illogical Thriller
claudio_carvalho6 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The biker Anne (Rebecca Palmer) has a violent one night stand with the supposed cop Chris (Ben Price) after a minor infraction. Two days later, feeling guilty and traumatized, she decides to go hiking with her boyfriend Michael (Tom Frederic) in the Whistler chain of mountains, a spot where bicycles are prohibited. When she sees Chris riding a bike, she tells Michael about her affair, and Chris unexpectedly kills Michael. Along the rest of the day and night, Anne is chased by Chris in a sick and mortal mouse-and-cat game.

"Blood Trails" is a tense, but totally illogical thriller. The character Anne is full of contradictions to make the film work. For example, she decides to go to a place not allowed for bikes, but she does not know the location well and needs a map later. When the Ranger rescues her, she decides to go back to seek Michael, when the logical attitude would be going to the hospital and calling the police. When she meets the woodsmen, she does not tell what is happening, just keeps saying that she needs a gun like a crazy or deranged woman. When she gets a truck, she reverses the truck to hit Chris instead of going away. When she gets the ax, she throws it instead of keeping the defense-weapon in her hands. Further, how could Chris kill two armed policemen with his bare hands? Therefore the forgettable plot is absolutely flawed, but surprisingly entertains. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Trilha de Sangue" ("Blood Trail")
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Just. No. *SPOILERS*
anxietyresister22 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Don't you just hate it when people in jeopardy behave like morons just to prolong suspense? Take 'Blood Trails', for instance. This film has some of the most stupid behaviour of any potential murder victim I've seen in my life, but first lets concentrate on that title. You'd never guess, but the majority of the action takes places on a biking trail near a mountain, and lots of people get killed on it. Blood. Trails. It has a double meaning. DO. YOU. SEE?? Alas, this is the same level of intelligence the director and writer display throughout, as people make unfathomable decisions and end up inevitably as lifeless corpses. You have allow for a certain amount of leeway in slashers but come on, check out this bunch of howlers:

1. If you get the opportunity to escape in a car, take it. Don't try to reverse and run over the psycho, and certainly don't assume that just because you can't see him any longer, he's dead. Or you might just end up with an axe in your fuel tank.

2. If confronted with said psycho, do not throw only weapon you have at him because if you miss, you'll be defenceless and prone to attack.

3. If the psycho turns his back to you and you happen to find a sharp knife to ambush him with, its usually a good idea not to make a lot of noise as you approach him, for he may just hear you and smack you in the gob, putting you on the floor and halting your worthy effort.

4. If you somehow find yourself in possession of a cellphone in the wilderness and you reach a high enough peak in the wilderness to get reception to call 911, you should listen to the advice of the operator to STAY WHERE YOU ARE so they can find you with a helicopter within a few minutes. DO NOT run a mile from your present location just because you see a horrible sight. No, not Sharon Osborne, but your dead boyfriend crucified on a cross with his blood dribbling on you.

5. If a strange girl covered in blood enters your vehicle and asks for help rescuing her boyfriend (who has any sane person could work out is brown bread by now) either contact the authorities or drop her off at the hospital. The guy in this film looks like he's going to be sensible and do the latter, but without much convincing from our lass in peril he backtracks, then takes his gun and advances on said psycho asking him for his credentials. I think you can guess what happens next..

6. ..Which brings me neatly to 6, where I must tell you that no fewer than three people in this movie have their guns trained on the psycho at any one time, but somehow he is able to disarm and kill them all with just a lil wee knife. Is he some kind of army Marine? Nope, just a deranged cop who is the victim of a stupid screenplay.

7. You're a lumberjack and you're OK. You sleep all night and you work all day. You also never warn people when you're felling trees, you throw around people's bikes when you're in a bad mood, and if your mate gets slaughtered by a psycho you rush over there unarmed like a lemming over a cliff to impale yourself on a sharp object. At least according to this script you do. If you have a union, I think you should sue. Get all copies of this removed from the shelves for misrepresentation. I don't have an ulterior motive, honest..

8. Finally, after psycho abducts you, dresses your wounds, feeds you dinner, ties you up, cuts your legs open (you know, the usual) you're maybe wanna going to take some revenge. But this being a E-list horror film, being impaled through the head isn't going to be enough for him, is it? No, only when you've got a shard of glass and stabbed him through the throat with it, then you can relax. And the film ends LITERALLY THAT SECOND. Yay.

So, in essence this is a badly directed (Check out all the pointless sped up and black and white scenes) badly acted ( Ben Price's performance as the monosyllabic psycho is laughably unconvincing) badly written (see above) and well, just all round bad really. I wouldn't be surprised if the catering on set was bad, too. Any cast members wanna PM me with complaints about their grub to confirm my suspicions? I hear lots of copies of Robbie Williams's flop Rudebox CD album were buried in a desert landfill somewhere because they wouldn't sell. How's about we fly out every DVD of Blood Trails too and dispose of them the same way? They can keep each other company! Come on now, What d'ya say?????? 1/10
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Blood Trails sucks to the point of exhaustion
jpgonc8 September 2006
Blood Trails is nothing but a bunch of other things seen in other flicks. An enigmatic lunatic chases his victim thru a forest killing her date and whoever appears in the way. The end is completely unoriginal as expected for a thing that made rip-offs of other horror stories of this kind.

Mediocre acting, clichéd screenplay, flashes, gore and stupidity all around it...

The movie got me really tired and I've tortured myself seeing it till the end. There's bad movies out there and Blood Trails is one of them. Finito.

I don't have anything more to say, but let me tell you this: You will be more satisfied seeing "Love Boat" or Walt Disney's Donald Duck & Uncle Scrooge adventures... believe me.
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Hape of SH1TE!!!!!!
colnb11 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
For some reason the reviews i heard about this film where good, even the dude behind the video counter said it was good so how could i go wrong?? This movie has to be the biggest load of sh1t ever created! How on earth could a cast of GOBSH1TES come up with a nonsense/dumbest/annoying/irritating movie like this? From the first 30mins it just kept on pissing me off, i was shouting nearly at this dumb bitch to either cycle away, get in the van and not on the bike, don't look back when your running and most of all when you hit/stab some one in the head/eye with what looked like a 13inch drill bit don't s..l..o..w..l..y crawl over to them and straddle them to finish them off....keep on stabbing/kicking/stomping what ever it takes to make sure the fecker is dead!!!!! If they had made her a blonde this film would have made sense.
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a bit over the top
helenlevey3 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Blood trails is a film that tries hard but never delivers and when it looks like something will happen you have already guessed the outcome. its about a woman on a bike who happens to run into the law. instead of arresting her he passes his phone number on. then we see flashbacks of her having sex with the officer but things get out of hand, hes a bit brutal, ties her up etc. she decides to go into the mountains with her boyfriend ( who has no knowledge of her fornication ) riding their bikes to get away from it all. this is were the movie goes wrong, somehow the cop follows them, kills the boyfriend plus anyone who tries to help, manages to keep tracking her down, even though she is always peddling like mad to stay away from him. the plot has more holes in it than a tramps vest, you can always see whats going to happen next and the camera work is shot by someone eating to many smarties. the gore is far and few even though its reasonably done, its more of a thriller than horror and at times throughout the movie i kept twiddling my thumbs wishing for more to happen.
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I need those hours back
amelsom15 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This really is a boring film, there's so much chasing and repetitiveness that i was bored after the first killing. the acting is wooden, there's few lines of dialogue, and not one character did i care about. I'm just glad they all died. the scene with the policemen was unbelievable, and where she called for help, it was poor writing at its best. I'm just glad that I didn't pay too much to see this film, it really was bad.

Wouldn't advise anyone to watch this. Ben Price was best off staying in Footballers Wives, and the other actors should just stay away from the camera.
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Stylish and Suspenseful
Antony_msn14 March 2007
I really can't agree with a lot of the comments. Blood Trails is a great looking indie horror-thriller with an unique relationship between stalker and victim. Of course it's not always logical, but really most of the survival horror movie have to suspend the viewers disbelief. Blood Trails does this, too. So what? More importantly, it works very well on a metaphorical level. Especially in the great and unsettling conclusion that reveals a lot about the strange relationship of the movie's villain and protagonist! The last 20 minutes are really intense! The visuals are stunning. The mountains nearly become a character of their own. Obviously the movie evokes a "love it or hate it" reaction. Well, I loved it! Go see it and make up your own mind. Or else you miss an original indie gem.
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I loved this movie
shaydee_lady21 September 2006
I actually loved this film! Yeah so, it's the same old thing.... guy chasing girl through the woods and killing anyone that he comes into contact with apart from the girl of course.

The dialogue is rubbish, what bit there is of it but don't forget that for the majority of the movie the girl is on here own. Don't you just hate movies where they talk out loud to themselves so as to let us know what they're thinking, helping us understand how they're feeling? By doing the movie this way it's a little like reading a book. You use your OWN imagination about how they're feeling, what they're thinking. You build the tension yourself. I found the music behind this was quite effective too compared to a lot that have the cheesy sounds going on behind it that just don't seem to fit in with the supposed build up of tension.

I also don't agree with other peoples comments about it being made up of scenes from other movies. I have watched (and own) many, many 'horror' movies and I'm sick of them being 'samey'. This movie is not 'samey'. This movie had me watching to the end and I found that the further in you got, the better it was.

We all have different views on what we like and dislike. What other people think is a great movie I personally think is rubbish and vise-versa.

Watch this movie and of course make your own mind up, because compared to a lot out there of late, this is really good.
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Visually quite nice but conceptually awful thriller.
poolandrews21 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Blood Trails starts as the relationship between lovers Anne (Rebecca Palmer) & Michael (Tom Frederic) is on the rocks, in one last effort to salvage the relationship they decide to head out to Whistler Mountain Range where they have a cabin & can go mountain biking. One of the reasons why Anne & Michael's relationship is on brink is because Anne had a one night stand with a guy named Chris (Ben Price) who claimed to be a cop but is in fact a brutal & sadistic serial killer who has followed Anne & Michael out to the isolated mountain range with the intention of killing them both, can they survive as they use their mountain biking skills to try & find help as Chrissets about his work...

This German production was co-written & directed by Robert Krause & one has to say that Blood Trails is a rather dull, clichéd & frustrating horror slasher come thriller that has a few positives which are lost amongst the negatives. The script is largely to blame for the films major failings, Anne as a character is really awful & she's one of those dumb horror film heroines who do the most bizarre, unnatural & stupid things. When faced with a brutal killer who has killed two people in front of her Anne decides to ignore the 4x4 Jeep & casually ride her bike away back into the woods instead of getting in the Jeep, running the killer over & heading for safety where she can find proper help. Anne blindly rides along & ends up riding off a cliff & into a river, why? Then she hits a large tree in the middle of her way which knocks her out, again why? Couldn't she like just stop & climb over the tree? Then there's the scene in which she phones for help & the operator tells her to stay where she is so they can track her mobile phone so what does she do? That's right she leaves. Brilliant. Then there's the notion that in broad daylight Anne can sit against a large wooden cross & not notice that her dead boyfriend is nailed to it for about five minutes. Right. The list goes on. Then there's Chris the killer who can just magically appear anywhere he wants & can instantly find Anne wherever she is in the mountain range. What were those two cops at the end doing there? How did Chris kill them? They had their guns pointed at him for God's sake. Why didn't either of those two forest workers not say anything? Surely if you see a scared, bloodied & upset woman you would at least ask her if she was OK, right? They don't even talk to each other & it's just a totally bizarre sequence that makes zero sense. The film takes itself extremely seriously but there's not much to it, the mountain biking aspect doesn't amount to anything & the character's are really empty & soulless, there's barely any dialogue & at nearly 90 odd minutes the film drags badly at times with seemingly endless shots of Anne walking, running or riding through the woods which become pretty tedious pretty quickly.

There's not that much actual gore here, there's some blood splatter a ridiculous scene involving a slashed throat & a mutilated body is briefly seen. I actually thought the majority of Blood Trails looked terrific, there's some cool camera angles & some strong colour schemes & lighting that showcase some of the isolated wilderness to great effect & the 2:35:1 widescreen image is used to good effect & the film has an expansive feel but it's off-set by the annoying hand-held shaky camcorder moments & quick editing which gets annoying. It's debatable whether Blood Trails is a horror film or a thriller, it doesn't seem to know what it wants to be & ends up short changing us in both departments.

Shot in Austria & Germany the production values are really nice & the film has some style about it but the script is poor, the pace is slow & the kills, character's & narrative are weak. There's only about five people in the entire film, a couple seem dubbed (badly too) while leading lady Rebecca Palmer puts in a decent performance with questionable material.

Blood Trails is a mix of standard horror slasher & thriller which doesn't really satisfy on either account, in fact despite some nice visuals Blood Trails is pretty forgettable.
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artisannes6 March 2007
This movie is so bad that it is still screening on my DVD while I type this so don't yet know the ending. Mind you, something tells me I could make a very educated guess.

Another reviewer compared it to a student film and boy is he right; in fact I swear I shot this at Brookland Tech in Weybridge on the film course in 1969.

Surely the censor should have refused it a rating at least to spare us actually spending money to watch it.

Just looked up and it's the old serrated knife against the heroine's milky white thigh - yawn. Can you just kill her pretty please Mr Badman - all she does is cycle furiously, scream and jump into rivers covered in blood; emerges cleansed of the blood and then - oh yes, even the continuity girl lost interest, becomes miraculously blood spattered again.

"This is you, this is who you are" - Oh for heaven's sake who wrote this crap? Avoid it like the plague.
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"Haute Tension" it ain't - I expected more.
HumanoidOfFlesh1 March 2007
Anne and her boyfriend are in the middle of conflict in their relationship.She has had a one-night-stand with some random policeman who for some reason is very angry with her.After meeting with her boyfriend they both decide to head up to the mountains to do some serious mountain biking.Soon they are stalked by a crazy one-night-stand guy.He kills Anne's boyfriend and everyone who tries to help Anne...Honestly "Blood Trails" doesn't deliver.The story is surprisingly dull and the killer is not menacing.There is a good amount of gore,unfortunately the lack of suspense is hard to forgive.The character of Anne is irritating and as a result I had no sympathy for her whatsoever.The acting is not bad and the cinematography is professional,but I expected more."Haute Tension" it ain't.5 out of 10.
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Where should I begin?
kosmasp26 April 2007
Maybe with the simple plead, for your own sake, to not watch this movie! That might not be enough though, so I will depict the movies missteps one by one ...

The script ... I'm pretty sure they had the "Horror clichés - All you need to make a horror movie" book at hand, while writing/shooting this. A shame they didn't have a "This is how you direct/film/produce/act in a movie" ... not a horror movie per se, just ANY movie!

That's more than enough some would think to avoid this movie, but I will also share my views on some points that have been said here. "Disturbing"? Yes it is! It's so disturbing, you will feel the need to kill someone. "Camera, editing and acting create a atmosphere of dread"? More like a dreadful atmosphere I'd say ... but not in a positive way. Yes this movie is also psychological unnerving ... don't you care about your health though? "Create the emotions of the characters in your head"? Of course! I mean you have to, because there is nothing and I repeat NOTHING in the performances that will give you the feeling that these people have emotions ... or any acting talent for that matter ... but then again, I should not judge a person/actor after only one movie! Neither should you, but that doesn't change the fact, that they're awful here, to say the least! "Pacing is good in this movie"? Of what? The bicycles?!

I'm through warning you, but if you still want to watch, here's at least one thing you can do to avoid boredom ... No I didn't mean sleep through it!! ... but come to think of it ... OK then two ways! The other one being, inviting a few friends over (warn them or you'll loose your friends faster than you can think ... not that thinking is necessary while watching this movie) and watch this with a few beers (or any other alcoholic refreshment you like) and laugh your butts off! It's not intentionally funny, you're supposed to be scared, I know ... a shame the director didn't know that!
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One of the worst films that I've watched
amy-jane-11 April 2007
When I seen this movie in the video shop the story looked good it was choice between that and the film 'Stay' I personally wish i had rented that instead, anything would of been better than 'Blood Trails' I may as well of been watching a silent movie that's how poor the dialogue was there was barley any speaking between the characters at all. Most of the movie was based on Anne cycling through the woods screaming. Also they made a big mistake when Anne comes up from underneath the water the blood on her face has completely gone and the blood on her t-shirt had faded to pink. But when you see Anne again the blood is back on her face and some of the scene setting were that fake to a point that you could notice. Poorley directed I do not recommend this movie unless you want to see another movie of physco killer in the woods chasing the victim and killing people along the way.
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The Torturous German Mountain Bike Massacre
Coventry25 December 2007
"Blood Trails" is truly a mixed bag and I honestly can't decide whether I should be harsh or mild in my user comment. On one hand, it's an admirably tense nowadays horror flick with brutal gore, lovely filming locations and identifiable main characters, but on the other hand it serves cliché after cliché as well as a banquet of stupid & illogical twists. I liked the realism of the character drawings. Anne and Michael are going through a severe relationship crises and decide to head out to their favorite holiday resort; a cabin surrounded by thick woods where they can practice their common hobby of mountain biking. But there's more. Brief flashbacks indicate that Anne had a one-night-stand with a rude cop, and when he suddenly appears on his mountain bike as well, a cruel & bloody chase through the woods begins. The first half hour of "Blood Trails" is really good, showing Anne struggling with her inner demons and the flashbacks gradually revealing what psycho her one night lover was. The film also features the extremely vile and presumably unique murder-by-bike sequence! Just in case you always wondered how you can slice someone's carotid artery using only a bike, this is your movie! Okay, so far we had amiable characters and impressive bloodshed, but unfortunately the movie then becomes pretty bad & irritating. How the deranged killer managed to exactly trace the couple, I'm still prepared to overlook, but Anne then makes so many stupid decisions that she almost deserves to die. Why didn't she at least try to wait wait for her rescuers atop the mountain, since they were just a couple of minutes away? Doesn't she realize she's the one acting like an escaped crazy woman when she meets the woodchoppers? Why stop and thoroughly study the road map when you can drive far away from the forest? The last twenty minutes are dreadfully boring, and a very shameless attempt to cash in on the success of torture-porn highlights like "Saw" and "Hostel", with the demented killer patiently explaining to Anne why exactly he's so looking forward to kill her. "Blood Trails" was shot and produced in Germany, but promoted for the international market. Director Robert Krause is a German as well, and this film is his long-feature debut after two acclaimed short movies. The make-up effects are quite impressive and definitely not intended for the eyes of squeamish, but a slightly more coherent narrative and more logical twists would still have been better.
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simple storyline, very good effects
trashgang5 October 2010
The last years we have seen a lot of horrors that happens in the wild. High Lane was one of them for example. Here we have another one. It hasn't received very good reviews and even I still don't know what to think about it. The acting by all actors was convincing, I never have seen another flick they were in but again, they did well for me. The only negativity I could give is that it is sometimes a bit slow. Again, the storyline is very simple, Anna, while doing her job as a bike messenger gets in contact with a unknown biker. She was supposed to have sex with him but instead he played some kind of bondage with her. Due that bad experience she decides to go for a hike with her best friend. But not knowing that the unknown biker is watching her. From there on it's cat and mouse with some decent gore added with it. Robert Krause, the German director surely comes from goreland so he knows what he has to deliver. There are indeed some rare twist of situations, for example, the workers in the wood make strange reactions towards the girl without knowing her story. But now and then it's a bit of the same. Running away, being caught, running away again, being caught again. The final scene is again in the gory department so again that's okay. I guess everybody could watch it but some will indeed turn their face away with the first and last killing. Not that bad but lacking in delivering fear.
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A typical, pretty unoriginal slasher movie
deinostri17 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After attempting to save their relationship Anne and her boyfriend Michael goes on a biking holiday. After a little bit of drama, Anne admits that she has slept with another man and... right after that he gets his throat slit by a bicycle wheel (or something). I must say this is really an original murder weapon.

The filming is fair, but there is a lot of mistakes going on that anyone would notice. In one scene Annes face is covered with blood. She accidentally falls into a river, and when she gets out of the river her face is clear of blood, in the next cut her face is covered with blood again.

Despite a lot of these obvious mistakes, the movie has a decent pace, and a typical slasher theme. Enough blood, decent, but not amazing acting, and a little bit of thrills gets the movie watchable. I will not remember this one as an amazing movie. Its more kind of a cheap movie you can use to kill 90 minutes with when you are bored. In a week or so, you wont remember it, unless someone mentions the title. I wonder how many slashers of this kinds there is? This movie is not that bad, but not really good either.
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Beware of the cycle psycho.
BA_Harrison18 June 2013
Bike messenger Anne (Rebecca Palmer) has a one-night-stand with psychotic cycle cop Chris (Ben Price), after which she leaves for a weekend of mountain biking with her unsuspecting boyfriend Michael (Tom Frederic). Opting to ignore signs prohibiting the use of a dangerous trail, the pair speed through the rugged countryside unaware that they are being stalked by Chris...

Hardcore mountain bikers require some serious skills to avoid coming a cropper on perilous terrain, but the killer in this film takes the sport to a whole new level, not only making his bike fly, but also angling it in mid-air in order to tear out someone's throat with the chain. And he still lands safely back on two wheels. Tekkers!

Such a ludicrous death might have been fun if it was executed in a tongue-in-cheek style, but it is played out in such a straight manner that it proves laughable for all the wrong reasons. Sadly, it's not the only thing about the film that beggars belief, the killer being able to locate and sneak up on his victims with surprising ease and Anne being amongst the most unlikeable and irritating of horror movie victims, repeatedly making dumb decisions that put her, and those she is with, in mortal danger.

Director Robert Krause makes good use of his scenic setting, achieves a touch of genuine suspense towards the end of the film, and delivers some juicy gore, but the negatives far outweigh the positives. My advice: steer well clear of this one.
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Come on Baby - One more Time
theMIST22 August 2006
Well... This is another bloody thriller about bad guy and scared girl. This time scared girl runs through the forests, and yes she is very scared... I don't know why people still make such kind of movies, because we have Haute Tension (by Alexander Aja) or something else for example and its IMPOSSIBLE to make something new in that direction of film make. But in fact Blood Trails is well-filmed and bloody horror-film, i wanted to say another well-filmed and bloody horror-film, just another. And thats all - if you want to see something like another well-filmed and bloody horror-film, watch Blood Trails, you'll not be disappointed.
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Genuinely disturbing
heffmeister31 August 2006
I'm not quite sure what I just watched? If it was the film makers intentions to leave me bewildered then this gets top marks.

It's not so much that I couldn't figure out what was going on, I just couldn't figure out why anyone would wish to tell such a gruesome tale.

The first half was so slow it warranted a police escort.

Those of you who enjoy a bit of dialogue are in for a surprise. None of the characters have very much to say for themselves, preferring instead to wag a finger, nod the head or carry on regardless as if nothing had been said - which was usually the case anyway.

However, if you winced or twitched at the infamous 'ear cutting' scene in Reservoir Dogs this will positively make you convulse! The torture sequence is prolonged and brutal in it's conception. The last film that made me 'tighten up' like that was Billy Tang's insane - Red to Kill. (Although this isn't as gruesome as that - quite!)

Very few films get that kind of a reaction from me, so top marks for achieving that, but was it entertaining or believable? The killer is suitably sick enough to live in todays society of stalkers and fantasist's. The 'disposable'characters were certainly that and in typical horror genre style they were so dumb that when their time came you could only wish them bon voyage.

Blood Trails lives up to its name. I haven't watched a horror in a fair while and once this livened up it did get my full attention :D This will do to women what Lethal Attraction did to men - make you think twice about a spot of infidelity.
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Steaming pile of rubbish
kevinlaw12229 March 2011
just want to echo what so many others have said about this awful film. just had the misfortune to catch it on the Horror Channel. To say that the heroine does stupid things is an understatement - others have listed them.

what really annoys me are the writers. every single cliché in this film i have seen a hundred times before in other similar fare. do the writers of these films copy each other deliberately or don't they realize they are just repeating what we have all seen before.

cant they use their brains to come up with something even slightly original - even if they are going to copy the basic premise of unstoppable bad guy after the heroine.

as another reviewer said - you can guess everything that is going to happen - right down to the inevitable 'twist' ending - gosh - never saw that coming - much.

my advice is to avoid at all costs - please - for the sake of your sanity
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Strong slasher movie with great lead, underrated here
Silent_Abstraction29 May 2007
I didn't expect much from this movie, but "Blood Trails" turned out as a very pleasant surprise. It's a gritty, unpleasant slasher movie, not timid, but effective by suspense rather than splatter. Even though the final confrontation is inevitable, the actual outcome remains unpredictable until (literally!) the last split-second.

Cinematography and editing are beautiful, often relying on extreme close-ups that reflect the tunnel-vision panic of the leading character. Thereby, the movie creates a dense, believable atmosphere. The bicycle theme is an interesting variation, lending both independence and vulnerability to the heroine. The lead actress is probably the strongest asset of the movie: Rebecca Palmer is absolutely great here.

Highly recommended!
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