Bigfoot (Video 2006) Poster

(2006 Video)

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It's a Very Well Made and entertaining "B" movie
thepotatoHasEyes30 March 2013
I have to start by saying i usually don't like "b" movies ... there are a few, like the original "deathrace 2000"...check it out if you haven't...

This movie Bigfoot , is ...well it has a certain charm that i am having a hard time explaining .... It is a good movie , it's not an epic ... just a well written, well told campfire story ,

You get to see the monster right away and in detail . The detail is good . believable special effects.

The characters are just what I would expect in this type of movie . The acting , while at times, seems "cardboard", even that comes off as almost deliberate , as with the "b" movie genre..., left me wondering .

All in all , i have seen MANY worse films , and could probably watch this one again..... earning it a "re-watcher" stamp. and a 5 out of 10 rating.
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Very low budget man in a suit mayhem
Leofwine_draca28 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
BIGFOOT is a straight-to-video monster flick made in Ohio. The budget is even smaller than an equivalent SyFy Channel or Asylum movie, leaving it rather inept throughout, and difficult to enjoy. The story is predictable and seems man intruding into the wilderness, encountering the titular creature, and suffering for it. The plot is mostly talk and travel, the script is very poor, and there's a back-and-forth predictability to the plotting. The only time it picks up is at the big set-piece action climax in a deserted quarry.
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A modern version of the old B movie
danzeisen9 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A decent effort, decidedly better than ANY I have seen from Asylum, which seems hellbent on product of the lowest common denominator. A down on his luck soldier, who was recently discharged from the service due to striking a superior officer is moving with his 9 year old daughter to his old hometown, an old house now surrounding by development in the Ohio mortheast. He meets up with his old best friend who is now the Sheriff. Good times ensue,until a series of animal mutilations occur. Soon they morph into human deaths and mutilations. This is the biggest departure from typical Bigfoot movies, where the alleged creature shuns humans and is portrayed as mostly non threatening. It is suggested that development has caused Bigfoot to lose his hunting grounds and that he turns mean to survive. The script is a bit weak, the acting decidedly on the B level, but it is a fun romp as the goodguy seeks out the creature to destroy it.The creature itself is quite well done, with an effective costume and moves that show him to be powerful and threatening. Hokey at times, also in the tradition of the old B films. I have spent time on less enjoyable flicks, but a good effort. I hope to see more from Bob Gray, the writer and director and also co star. Unbelievable what he did with a reportedly 40k budget. Deserving of at least a 5.0.
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One of the worst...
HorrorEnjoyer8 June 2010
I have seen Disaster movie, I have seen Manos: hands of fate, Return of the living dead: rave to the grave, The return of the Texas chainsaw massacre, Troll 2 and many other B movies, but I have NEVER seen such a compilation of bad plotting, directing and acting. Every subplot in this movie is idiotic at such level that you wanna ram your head into the wall, directing feels like it came straight from some kind of dull 60-s TV show, acting is terrible beyond believe, seriously the worst I have ever seen, in Troll 2 none of the actor knew a word in English and their dialogs felt miles better and more lively and realistic than here. Yes, like most of the B flicks it has "it's so bad it's good" thing going on for it, but this movie takes itself too seriously, so it doesn't really work, the funniest thing here is Bigfoot costume they used and seeing it first time will probably give you few minutes of joyful laughter, but I don't really think it's worth it. Skip it.
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Beware of Bigfoot!
magman72 April 2012
Bob Gray seems to be a likable guy and I appreciate his accomplishment in making a movie with such a small budget, but man oh man this movie was absolute torture to sit through. I forced myself to watch until the very end, hoping it would redeem itself with some inspired lunacy or an interesting twist. But nope, it was cliché after cliché, with some of the most wooden acting I've ever seen. Bob was at least animated, if amateurish. He was the only character with any trace of charisma. The rest of the cast seemed to have been woken up moments before they were required to perform their lines. This could all be forgiven, but the movie took itself way too seriously-what would have been moderately amusing as camp was deadly dull as straight drama. Don't be fooled by the Troma affiliation - Toxic Avenger this ain't!
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Not a Masterpiece but Worth Watching
Michael_Elliott26 June 2011
Bigfoot (2006)

** (out of 4)

This low-budget horror film isn't going to be mistaken for a masterpiece but it's certainly much better than you'd expect it to be. The story is pretty simple as a man gets thrown out of the Army so he returns to his hometown where his father just recently died. The man strikes it up with his old friend who just happens to be the Sheriff now and soon they're thrown into a mystery surrounding several mutilated deers. When humans start showing up ripped apart they soon realize that it's not a bear doing the damage but instead Bigfoot. Is BIGFOOT a good movie? Not at all. What it is however is a pretty impressive "B" movie that really tries to be a throwback to the 80s direct-to-video titles and on this level the film works pretty well. Director Bob Gray does a very good job directing this film as he does the one thing great that usually kills these types of films and that's the pacing. A lot of these movies appear to have just been slung together and the pacing is all over the map but that's not the case here. I was really impressed with the way Gray kept the film moving at a good pace and even more impressive is that he actually tries to build up a story to go along with the horror elements. There's a backstory dealing with the main character's discharge from the Army and we even get a few bits and pieces from the other characters. Not all of these backstory works too well but at the same time at least the director shows he could add this stuff and work it into the material. The performances are another plus with Todd Cox doing a good job in the lead role and Gray himself is good playing the buddy/Sheriff. I've seen countless low-budget Bigfoot movies as the monster is without question my favorite "myth" character. The outfit design here of Bigfoot is without question the best I've seen. I really liked the wrinkled-up face and even the hair on the outfit looked believable. Just compare the outfit here to any other Bigfoot movie and I'll think even the most jaded person will be impressed. As is the case with a lot of these type of movies, the film eventually runs out of gas around the one hour mark and the final showdown with the creature isn't nearly as good as some of the earlier moments in the film. With that said, if you're a fan of this type of picture then it's certainly worth checking out.
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2 is generous
pcarps26 December 2019
This was the worst movie I've ever seen...but it was so bad I had to 2atch the whole thing
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What do you want for 40K?
mikecanmaybee25 October 2019
The movie had a very good music score and kept moving along. Sheriff Tom Perkins (Bob Gray) carried the movie with pain in the backside Barkely Herd (Robert Antonelli) adding a little excitement. The rest of the cast was pretty good with no terrible acting anyway. It's worth a watch and there seems to be a lot of production value for 40K.
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Bigfoot is loose in the marshes/woods near Lake Erie, Ohio
Wuchakk21 July 2019
When mutilated deer are repeatedly discovered with their kidneys removed in Mentor, Ohio, the rumor increases that it's due to a Sasquatch creature in the area.

Made in 2005, the creatively titled "Bigfoot" isn't a 'B' movie, as some have called it; it's a 'C' movie being that it's a spare-change Indie that only cost $40,000. But it's pretty good for what it is. As long as you can appreciate micro-budget affairs, it delivers; except for the showdown with the creature at the climax, which has some problems. Director/writer Bob Gray also co-stars as likable Sheriff Bob. He knows how to do drama and gore, but action is not his forte.

Other than that, I felt like I knew the main characters and cared about them and their relationships. While obviously not professional actors, the cast is quite serviceable. The creature looks formidable and is decidedly malevolent; not to mention the gore is well done. There's even a quality brunette respectfully spotlighted in the parade scene.

The film runs 1 hour, 23 minutes; and was shot in Mentor & Grand River, Ohio.

GRADE: C+/B- (keeping in mind that it's a mircro-budget flick)
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Surprisingly...a decent Bigfoot movie
jbhitson-396-91229913 June 2012
I came across this one late night on a digital streaming service and gave it a try after watching one bad Bigfoot movie after another. I was pleasantly surprised with this one even though it is obviously a low budget production. The monster is actually pretty well done in terms of creature effects and costume. Some of the extras seem to be just residents of the town they shot this in but Bob Gray, who plays the sheriff was actually very good and the story is decent as well. The main actors playing the lead and leading lady are okay but its a good enough acting job to be watchable. Overall a good view if you can find it. I wouldn't pay the $80 bucks I've seen it advertised at for the DVD but a digital download or rental is worth the price.
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Had a few redeeming factors.
bus78216 June 2021
This is not a good movie, although by low budget monster movie standards I would say it is far from the worst. The plot and the dialogue are no worse than average for such movies. One thing I liked was this: Usually in monster movies set in a small town, a significant percentage of the population are ignorant blockheads continually running off halfcocked and doing stupid, and usually trigger-happy, things. This movie had a few of those, but most of the major characters were actually decent, reasonable people. That was a pleasant enough change that in spite of the two star rating, I'm actually not sorry I watched this.
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Fun Ride! Great Horror Comedy!
possumbuddy5 March 2007
I had the opportunity to see Bigfoot on the big screen at the Tupelo Film Festival and could not believe the audience reaction. It played to a packed house (at a Film Festival!) and the audience loved it, myself included.

Probably a low budget production (as most festival features are), writer/director Bob Gray delivers the look of a big budget production, with explosions, fun gore, and a beastly-cool Bigfoot. More bang for the buck. Gray also acts in the film as a supporting role, delivering one of the best performances of the movie, natural and engaging. I also enjoyed the performances of Liza Foster and Van Jackson. I hope to see more from all of them in the future. The one thing I wish were different is only that Gray's character (the sheriff) had been the lead and his friend returning home had been the supporting character. I could get behind Gray better. But that wasn't enough to pull me out of the film.

Directed with a great tongue-in-cheek sensibility, Bigfoot delivers just the right blend of gore, horror camp, and seat-jumping scares. I had heard at another festival that the film has received distribution, so keep your eyes open for it whether it be in a theatrical run or your local video rental house because Bigfoot is definitely worth the ride!
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Best Bigfoot film of the recent bunch
Billybob-Shatner10 August 2006
I had a chance to attend a midnight screening of Bigfoot at local film festival here in New York. What impressed me most is that writer-director-co-star Bob Gray delivered a product far superior to the likes of, lets say "Sasquatch Hunters", on what I understand was a far smaller budget. Bigfoot is fun, effectively written and directed. OK, yes, it never fully escapes feeling like a B movie, but I think that's the idea. This movie knows what it is, a fun, at times campy, but always entertaining horror film about Bigfoot on the loose. The camera work is inventive, and some of the characters are far better performed written and performed than you'd imagine. In a supporting role, Bob Gray is terrifically cast as a county sheriff and friend of the lead. Peppered with some very funny moments, and effective suspense, Bigfoot is very much worth the watch.
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It's a rainy day movie and if you appreciate low, low budget movies.
rweber-0455915 November 2017
Not the best but not the worst. I've seen movies that are far worse than this and it's good in the beginning. However, the ending is lame. It loses all of its efforts at the very end. The special effects are not bad and there are some funny moments. But its not one where you can get into the characters or feel for them.

The bully in reminds me of NJ governor Chris Christie and they could of done more to show how a small town and limited law enforcement can run into problems with something beyond the normal. That something dangerous and fast besides deadly. You don't fight on your own.

Besides getting knocked around you should dead by this beast! Even your neck snapped. So don't expect anything but a far fetch attempt. But of you're board and have nothing better to do. It has a entertainment value.

Also, a 101 on how not to blow an ending and how to depict towns folk who hunt as morons. If anything the way this was done. They should of killed themselves before they got this far in life.

Last thing, this also shows the ignorance of how a military vet is depicted. No research and thought put into the character or the folks. enough. Just kept it simple and in that way it was a fast pace film.

But if you want something better see the prophecy where mercury is in the water and mutates a bear. That was better than this. Also, gives it a scary and more eerie take on how this could of gone, if followed In that kind of format.

Just saying, just my 2 cents worth that's all & I wish you all the best.
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Bob's Bigfoot was refreshing
nvillaii14 August 2006
As far as B movies go, Gray's Bigfoot delivers the punch you'd expect. The entire production was done in a "Hollywood" environment and the quality shows in the finished product. Bob exploits many situations to intensify the comedy as with the "backwoods hunters" during the town hunting scene. The talent was above average and that also paid off in the end. People may call it "hooky" or "corny" but that is exactly what Roger Corman knew fore score and many moons ago when he created the B movie in Hollywood. All these things make Bigfoot a unique and enjoyable independent film. And more importantly opens doors for other independent film makers in the area; such as myself. You can visit our website ( view the exclusive Bob Gray Productions page for more details and the history of its production; as well as links to Bob's own official site. But if you do 1 thing, see the movie! You'll be glad you did if you enjoy the old school B horror flick!
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Funny, Scary, Slightly Gory, A romp of a good time.
ryan-113319 July 2007
The ex-war hero comes home to his old town and meets up with his old friend who happens to be the sheriff. As he tries to settle into a family routine for his young daughter's stability he starts to see odd things. Then the $417 hits the fan. Maulings in the woods, people starting to get hacked up... It builds and builds until you guessed it the war hero has to take him out. There are a few twists and turns, a romantic backdrop, (really hot ranger chick) and a tear jerking scene when one of the good guys bite it. The fights scenes are edge of the seat with great special effects, huge explosions and such. Amazing it was done with such a small budget.

All in all enjoyable for a movie night at home. Check it out for yourself. Definitely worth a rental.
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Very fun - go get it!
imdb-1519118 August 2006
Sure - it's a B movie - but it was fun to watch. The bigfoot was cool, the story had it's moments, and the actors did a good job. I agree - Bob Gray was great.

In addition, I would agree - it goes to show just what can be done on a limited budget - when you really have a passion for making movies. I would have expected - and appreciated - some more nudity, but oh well. :)

If you dig horror movies, you need to get this one. A great way to spend an evening watching something that isn't "the genre of the week" - go for it.
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The little Bigfoot that could
dahbulmi8 December 2007
Interesting twist on the Bigfoot legend. Instead of the friendly, forest dwelling, gorilla with a hearth, this one is kicking butt in the morning and taking names in the evening.

The production is better than the budget would suggest. Pleasantly surprising acting by Bob Gray and the rest of the crew.

After surviving a few low budget film projects, the overall quality of this film was outstanding. You're able to enjoy the story line instead of constantly noticing production defects.

A terrific soundtrack from Michael Stanley, Second Shade, and other incredible musicians adds to the luster of this film. I look forward to watching it again.
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Awesome, Awesome Movie!!!
antman778829 June 2010
I gotta agree with KillerPotatoSalad below me. I thought this movie was absolutely incredible! Mind you, a bit slow at first, but the film definitely picks up the pace later on. It was exiting and exhilarating. Some people might be turned off by the "low-budgetness" of this film, but I concur that it enhances the film, just like the amateur cinematography of 'The Blair Witch Project" enhanced that film.

Thanks to Bob Gray and his great directing that this urban legend was conceived and put on to film. This movie B Movie Horror at it's best! If you're looking for a good, fun time, Bigfoot is your ticket! I guarantee you won't be disappointed. I can't wait for Bob Gray's next feature!
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Get your notepad out....
KillerPotatoSalad29 June 2010
All indie filmmakers should be taking notes on this film as the makers really know how to stretch a budget without coming across as "low budget". Unlike other generic Bigfoot movies where the creature is looking for acceptance in society and just wants to be left alone, this Bigfoot instead will hunt you down and disembowel you. This film is more stylized than other films of this sort of budget and it doesn't detract but rather adds to the film. Don't listen to the negative reviews, these people need to understand how films are made.

Think "Harry and the Hendersons" meets "Fern Gully" meets "Toxic Avenger".
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So Damn Good!
jshibby77729 June 2010
This movie is the ultimate amalgamation of everything that is right in movie-making. I don't think people need to see this movie. This has the excitement of Predator and the intensity of any thriller out there. This is a must-see flick. I believe that it literally changed my life and how I view the world. Great movie, certainly endorse it. Bigfoot has never looked so good on film until this movie and Troma has done a great job releasing it because they are the best. I own three copies of this movie and I cherish each and every one. So, if you are looking for a cool movie about Bigfoot, you have found it. Go get a bucket of sweet popped corn and a cool soda drink and sit back and enjoy this bloody romp through the woods and the terror that lies in your hearts.
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A fun B movie
toxic-orange-pekoe30 June 2010
Bigfoot may not seem like a good movie at first, but once you give it a chance it really picks up! The style of the film is done well and the actors are pretty good at their roles. It may seem corny, but with films like these that's what I like! The director did a good job making the movie a bit of a thrill yet giving the viewer a lot of good laughs. I don't see too many of these movies being made anymore, so this is refreshing.

If you get the chance to check out this movie, and you're a fan of some good old B movie fun I highly recommend checking out Bigfoot!! I saw it on the big screen and seeing it with a big audience really makes the experience more worthwhile!
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This Movie Changed Everything
caw44966 April 2013
Wow. I mean w o w. Bigfoot took me on quite a journey, unlike anything I've ever seen before. It's a thriller in every sense of a word, and one of the funniest comedies I've ever seen.So hard to believe it's just a small, indie-type film. I cried and laughed at all the right times, often consecutively. I had such an attachment to Jack and Bob as characters, as well as the ranger chick. The suspense in this film is absolutely unbelievably executed. My friends and I turned to each other at the end of this masterpiece and just gasped. There are no words to express Bigfoot, much like the monster himself. Also, graphics in this movie...Seriously. I don't know how they did it. I'm in awe. Bob Gray, I salute you for changing my life. Will definitely be recommending this to friends. "It's Booty Time"
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