Stupid Teenagers Must Die! (2006) Poster

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The kind of terrible you are looking for, with a FATAL flaw
cobbler884 December 2007
I have no idea how anyone can give this movie high marks. I didn't rent it thinking it was the next great horror flick, the next great horror spoof, or the next great low-budget horror spoof. Obviously, this isn't meant to scare, but one fatal flaw with the production entirely sapped the joy out of the viewing experience. The sound editing was horrible. I had to work the volume control the entire movie. You can imagine how difficult it is to get into something - even a low-budget spoof - when you're either turning the volume up or down, or trying to anticipate the next time you have to do so. The regular dialogue is very low, and all screams, noises, etc., are VERY loud. We're not talking about toggling between 5 and 7 on the volume control, finding a happy medium at 6. We're talking toggling between 2 and 9 on the volume where it is virtually impossible to leave the volume alone. Again, this movie might be a decent example of what it is meant to be, but you're going to be spending so much time adjusting your volume control that you'll never have the chance to enjoy it.
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Failure in many respects
Hans-5611 September 2009
Seeing the title of this movie "Stupid Teenagers Must Die" made me believe this was a spoof of some kind. I discovered later on the original title was "Blood and Guts". Both titles are misleading, though. This is not a spoof, neither a serious splatter movie. This is something in between, failing in both areas. A group of teenagers is attending a séance at a spooky house and then the killing starts. Sounds over familiar, doesn't it. Well, this movies adds nothing whatsoever to the endless stream of similar movies. And it is badly made. Because of the lack of light the entire film is grainy. Now this effect can be highly effective, but it isn't in this case. The young cast isn't acting too badly, but the director has no clue as what to do with actors. In numerous scenes the actors are clearly waiting for directions, but these are given too late. It could also be an editor's mistake, of course. The characters are unrealistic and the story line just stinks. The sound is terrible at times: conversations are undecipherable, but when talking loudly or screaming the actors are very loud indeed.

This is not the worst horror movie I have ever seen, but it still is a bad one. For me a 3 out of 10.
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Totally forgettable movie.
innocuous23 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
STMD! is not a terrible movie, but it IS quite forgettable. The lighting is intentionally poor in many scenes and unintentionally poor in all the rest, so you are likely to come out of a viewing with a headache or eye-strain. Special effects are imaginative, but obvious. The gratuitous nudity essential for teen slasher flicks is there, of course, along with the archetypical teenagers, but the whole movie just doesn't gel. What was needed was some snappier dialogue and more tongue-in-cheek humor.

I can't really recommend that you use your time watching this movie. I often give a nod to a movie based on just a scene or two that demonstrates imagination or humor, but these are sadly lacking in this film.
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Stupid Teenagers Must Die!
Scarecrow-8816 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Microbudget, tongue-in-cheek, horror homage to the 80's slasher/demon possession sub-genres has a group of friends messing around with a Ouija board inside the house of a notorious killer who slaughtered his entire family before committing suicide. They conjure his dark spirit which inhabits various individuals in an endless spree of violence, certain characters dying in the exact same method as the family members did. Two geeky horror fans have created plastic amulets which actually work at warding off spirits which will, at the very least, give those who are still alive, a fighting chance.

Shot on video often with color drained, this film looks like a no-budget operation. Three people, and one major financier, put this flick together, shooting in a singular location on Long Beach, California. Once named "Blood & Guts", a film director Jeff Smith, Writer Curtis Andersen, and producer Sara Parrell all sought funding for, before a pal, Wayne Watson(..playing an intruding police officer at the very end)forked over the much needed dough, "Stupid Teenagers Must Die" is really a goofy slasher outing with 80's references galore and "costumes" representing wardrobe worn by many influenced from Michael Jackson and Madonna. While the cast give it their all, each inheriting a specific stereotype(..although the token black character, who mostly died in 80's slashers, portrayed by Jovan Meredith, is the heroic leader), the movie has a hard time escaping the shortcomings of a budget stretched very thin. The gore isn't really that effective, with most death sequences splattering syrupy blood all over the place, with characters often entering rooms with victims already massacred, their intestines visible( "intestine gag" has one of the "theatrical nerds" walking in on a crime scene where guts are hanging like chandeliers). Constant profanity, attractive women baring their impressive chests, and a lighthearted approach perhaps will work for the affectionate slasher fans who embrace the genre-s excesses. The use of video for this film and merely acceptable sound display the limitations the crew faced. A forgiving audience might look over such things, but most will look elsewhere for their slasher entertainment.
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pretty cool ride
AngryPrincessNJ25 October 2007
Stupid Teenagers Must Die" directed by Jeff C. Smith has accomplished being one of the funniest horror flicks out there right now.

He goes back to basics with this 80's oriented film that has you glued to the screen with it's goofiness and classic horror situations like the lights all go out and then the famous stupid question that is always asked comes, "Is someone in here?" You know with the whole "C'mon guys quit playing around" kinda thing.

A group of kids get together at Murder McGee's house to have a séance hoping to provoke his spirit into coming out to play. McGee murdered his family in the house and it's supposed to be haunted. Kane with his Michael Jackson like jacket and the beautiful Julie arrive at the house with Madelyn and Alfie sitting at the table looking smug. Maddy doesn't want Kane there at first but then it works out.

Tiffany the petite little blonde bounces in looking for Mike who didn't show up while the two lesbians Sissy and Jamie continue to moan and salivate on each other in excitement. Ryan the dork in the pink alligator on the pocket shirt who can't wait to get his ass a seat at the table next to anything female. Two geeks that must trail this crowd try to get involved but end up just taking a tour of the house instead Considering this film had a very tight budget I think it turned out great, there was plenty of blood to make use of on that set. I liked being able to laugh when something really awful was going on, "Cory Assink" was hilarious and reminded me of an Ashton Kutcher in his prime but a lot less annoying. When he found Madelyn and tried to tell the group what happened had me laughing my ass off.

Director Jeff C. Smith started his film career back in high school but says his projects back then will never be viewed for the sole purpose that they are positively awful. "Stupid Teenagers Must Die" is far from being a flop, it's everything any B movie lover every dreamed off. Blood and Boobs is a lethal combination in the horror world and this one has a little of both.
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Just Don't
fattonybirds10 December 2015
There is such a thing as parody and parody can be very bad and still be very good. There is such a thing as camp and camp can be very bad and still be very good. There is also such a thing as flat out bad - nothing can save flat out bad and this dreck could be submitted as definitive of flat out bad. Not scary, not funny, badly filmed, possibly the worst sound I have ever not been able to avoid hearing, This is the first 'movie' I have ever attempted to watch. Literally - this is the first movie I have ever started and then simply given up on. I made it through twenty minutes and realized there was simply no reason to go on with the movies and stopped watching lest I start believing there was no reason to go on with life. The people who have given this movie good reviews are either high or getting paid.

To illustrate just how low I will go (in several directions: Zardoz had moments of genius, Piranhaconda could be seen in certain lights as an act of cinematic wonder, any Chuck Norris movie features better acting, every youtube video ever features better filming, every Michael Bay film ever has featured better dialogue, Bad Taste featured genuinely funny gore.

Just don't.
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Liked the title but that's all that's good about this
grantss13 June 2022
Horror movies are fairly unoriginal, predictable and lame at the best of times. This is even worse, being amateurish, badly acted and badly produced. The plot is close to non-existent it's so random and unfathomable.

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the_headless_cross13 January 2008
OK, lemme just say this. The night before watching this movie me and a group of friends made our own little no budget intentionally bad horror movie with just video camera, toy shotgun, REAL dagger, and a Harry Potter cloak. I have yet to see the finished result, but I can already tell it's gonna be better than this movie.

I saw this sitting in the new release section, and from reading the title and the plot on the back, I thought "This is a must see!" I love 80s horror movies, even the low budget ones because of how cheesy they are! And to see a movie paying homage to it had me excited. Well, I guess my expectations were a little too high. It did have the good elements of an 80s horror movie (blood, nudity) but in my opinion failed miserably at comedy. OK, there were a few chuckles from me (especially the geeks, I gotta admit I liked those guys), but nothing side-splitting and nothing to make me laugh myself to tears. And with me hardly laughing, the movie just felt like any other horror movie, which isn't a bad thing, but even a hardcore B movie fan like me has to admit he doesn't want to see the same thing over again too much. Had it not been for the gore, nudity, lesbian sex scene (highlight for sure) and the two geeks, this movie would receive a lower rating from me
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Now it's your turn to scream for me you dirty little slut!
lastliberal26 June 2010
After seeing Christina DeRosa in Run! Bitch! Run!, I just had to see more. This was her first film with a credited role, and I would expect it be on the same level.

Now, this is a B movie, low budget horror movie that pokes fun of other slasher flicks. Don't expect great acting, fabulous sets, or anything but blood, zombies, and gratuitous nudity, and you won't be disappointed.

Nothing special.

Mindless entertainment.

Easily forgettable.
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Aud... wa... ver... ppssshh poor.
retolen-6295519 November 2023
Who did post production on the audio? A deaf guy with no arms or eyes who couldn't monitor the levels? Christ the audio has more fluctuations than the last girl I dated, and she was a real doozy AT BEST. I've heard better audio come out of a squirrels tiny butthole with better clarity. They have equipment specifically designed for this purpose. Seriously, it was all over the place. Was like having 10 five year olds in my living room one minute and the corpse of my long dead grandmother the next. Do you seriously not see the levels pegging the red zone and not between 80 yo 100 percent, which is the audio standard for acceptable levels. I could give my nephew a vhs camcorder, 5 bucks and a box of twinkies and have him fart in a toilet and it would come out like Shawshank Effing Redemption compared to this drivel.
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Great flick - very cool throwback to 80's horror
asliceoffriedgold26 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so the following review is more of a synopsis more so than really containing any spoilers, but better safe than sorry so as to avoid being blacklisted, right? Right! Consider yourselves officially warned, and read on...

In this parody/tribute to the greatest time in horror movie history - the 1980's - a group of stupid teens are getting together to host a seance in the house of the notorious Murder McGee, who butchered his entire family a few years back and buried them in the back yard. As I'm sure you can guess, things go from bad to worse faster than you can say "Where's the beef??" and in typical 80's horror movie fashion the deaths are bloody, the dialogue is cheesy, and beautiful women are taking off their clothes every chance they get. Good times...

No clique or 80's horror movie clichéd characterizations are left unrepresented here. In fact, no stone was left unturned at all – we have the cool hero, his innocent girlfriend, the Goth chick, the tough thug (think John Bender), the hot blonde who keeps losing her shirt, the shy dork in love with the hot blonde that keeps losing her shirt, a couple of gorgeous half-naked lesbians, and two big geeks.

As you can plainly see, the cast is pretty big. Usually, larger casts are where things can fall apart quickly, with one or two sour apples buggering up the whole barrel. Not in this case though. Not a single cast member left me disappointed. The acting was very well done. Everyone from the cool hero in his Thriller jacket played by Jovan Meredith to the grooovy Goth chick played by Renee Dorian to Geeks One & Two played by Cory Assink & Jonathan Brett – they all played it straight, brought their A-game, and knocked it out of the park. If you're a fan of Gary & Wyatt in Weird Science, you'll immediately fall in love with the geeks.

Director/co-writer Jeff C. Smith is a guy to watch for in the future, trust me on this. If this is what he can do with a low budget, there are nothing but good things ahead for him when he gets more money for future projects. The characters were dead on; the atmosphere was perfect; the laughs were huge; the blood flowed, and squirted, and sprayed beautifully – it was just like watching a horror movie from the 1980's. Call this one "THE BREAKFAST CLUB meets NIGHT OF THE DEMONS"!!! The tag line says it all, and says it honestly - "EXCESSIVE VIOLENCE; GRATUITOUS NUDITY; ZERO BUDGET" - no false advertising here, folks! As fans of this genre, we have to look to the indies and support these hard-working folks who are busting their humps out there bringing us original tales, lest we forever get stuck in a world filled with big studio watered-down PG-13 'horror' or pointless remakes like The Hitcher. No, thank you - no more of that for me.

In closing, I honestly have to say that STUPID TEENAGERS MUST DIE! is by far one of the best indie flicks I've gotten the pleasure of watching this year. It's a bloody good time, and holds up on repeat viewings. From the dialogue to the characters to the wardrobe...even the closing love theme over the end credits (which if that doesn't bring back fits of laughter recalling mid-80's power ballads by REO Speedwagon - over-pronounced R's on every word starting with the letter 'R' - then I'll eat my DVD right now)...bottom line is, if you're a fan of 80's horror or horror in general, no more hesitation - this flick deserves to be in your collection!!
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What Paranormal Activity could have been...
in198426 November 2009
... had it been funny, sexy, and not taken itself too seriously. The acting talent is pretty much the same, though the audio and visual FX are better too, which is surprising given that this appears to be on an even lower budget.

A horror/teen/college film. Young people finding new ways to party in an abandoned house. Combine stories of a killer and ghosts with a wedgie board and some nerds trying to crash the party.

Unlike paranormal activity, it doesn't take itself seriously so it works. It's also far sexier. Otherwise, it's very similar, taking place almost entirely in a house set in the 1980s.
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A must watch for every horror fan!!
mfatale26 October 2007
It's the 1980's and the teenagers are ready to party it up in a scary old house that is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of Murder McGee. After mistakenly conjuring the dead through an unfinished conversation on an Ouija board, the kids are forced to fight to the death battling a vengeful ghost who possesses and kills all of their friends one by one. Sound familiar? It's supposed to. It's clearly marketed to pay homage to the classic 80's slashers with the tagline: "Excessive violence. Gratuitous nudity. Zero budget."

Can't get enough; It's pure entertainment! I enjoyed the humor and the way it poked fun at all the horror cliché's, but at the same time embraced what was fun about movies from this time. There is something you get with this movie you never got with the old 80's slasher films though: good acting. The entire cast was very talented and you don't see that very much in any low budget flicks, recent or otherwise. There was a lot of chemistry between the characters. I was very entertained throughout the entire film, and I am fully convinced the writer/director and cast will go a long way in their separate careers. The script was very well written, and the dialogue flowed naturally.

The effects were a bit amateur and the scenes were not lit well, but the fact that this movie admits on its cover there was practically NO BUDGET, I already know this going in. This film makes it simple to politely ignore its faults and just sit back and enjoy. Although this is not an Oscar award winning opus, it never claims to be, and props to that. It's a lot of fun. If you like slashers, you'll really appreciate this film. If you like blood and boobies, you'll appreciate it also.
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A cheesy b- movie that is pretty good
johnd2820 November 2012
I wasn't expecting too much from this film when I watched it on Netflix. I think you have to have an appreciation for independent horror films to like this movie. The story was fairly typical a group of teenager get together for some debauchery in an old house then are killed off one by one. Very typical and classic formula, but it works. The soundtrack was good as well, I ended up downloading 7k album. The movie is shot in that low budget 80's way that makes it a little grainy/ hazy. The ending was great; it made me laugh, especially the little girl. I don't know if this movie is still available on netflix, but I feel it is very much worth your time to watch this. It is a little cheesy but the good kind of cheesy.
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I heart Stupid Teenagers and their Blood and Guts
princessofcandles25 October 2007
Loved this movie! Kicking it old school! Love the idea. Love the script. Love the characters. I really really really loved the Geeks! I was excited to see the silly slapstick horror flicks still being honored. This was right up with my favs such as Saturday the 14th and Pandemonium. If you are a big fan of scary AND silly then this is your movie! Only taken off one star because I would love to have had better sound. Not bad sound but would have liked to have more. Great blood splatters. Great murder weapons. Great costumes! I really love the nod to the great 80's teenager stereotype ala breakfast club. And I can appreciate the non-CGI suspense. Really good camera action and light suspense instead of cutting to CGI. I would rather have good fake that really fake fake.

Kisses to the cast and makers! oh, loved the "making-of" too!
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Good Old Fashioned Low Budget Fun!
sjahier26 October 2007
STMD! is one of the most fun and enjoyable low-budget films I've seen in quite some time. Director Jeff Smith (who also served as co-writer, cinematographer and editor) definitely shows his love of under-appreciated 80's horror films with this movie! Anyone who loves the cheesiness, preposterous situations, wacky and stereotypical characters of 80's horror movies will definitely love this very tongue-in-cheek homage to the past.

STMD! definitely lives up to the qualities described in the poster and then some. It has all the "excessive violence" and "gratuitous nudity" that is reminiscent of those entertaining 80's horror movies we all love. I had a blast watching STMD! From the 80's outfits that the stereotypical characters wear to the blood splatter to the goofy tone I just couldn't get enough!
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If Only I Were A Frat Guy (Or A Guy Period) Could I Like It More...
djk-826 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Cheezy? Yep. Poorly filmed? You betcha. Zero budget? They proudly claim it on their posters. Brilliant anyway (or because of it)? For sure.

This movie celebrates (and makes fun of) everything that was classic about the 80s teen horror genre: Characters with absolutely no depth, fitting into a stereotyped roll they never escape for a moment; teenagers trying to survive a slaying by some mysterious force they disturbed by doing something lamely adolescent; completely gratuitous nudity; impossible amounts of blood coming out of victims; slow moving zombies; great one-liners... and our hero even wears a Michael Jackson jacket!

This is not an all-out spoof like Scary Movie, but more a tribute film to the lost innocence of the 80s horror movies... when being scared and grossed out could also be a fun, silly, sexy, and goofy good time!
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