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Difficult, but good
wingedheartart21 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I always check the spoiler box, just in case.

There was one comment that said something like he/she was sure out of all the people in this world, that there were probably people like those in the movie.

Well. More than a few. I mean, unless I am WAY off here, I figured out the minute she was looking at photos of a little girl (herself) that her dad had to have done something physical to her. Thus, the guilt and control he felt/had over her...with the apartment, money, criticisms. I've known TOO many women who have been molested by uncles, grandfathers, brothers, neighbors...and no, I haven't worked in a crisis center. Just women I've met over the years. So, her extreme introversion and warped view of sex and love and the dirtiness of a male member....all fits with a woman who was molested by someone....most likely someone she trusted or should have been able to trust.

This was a difficult movie to watch. Because I am a woman, I've known so many who were hurt, changed forever from the person they were MEANT to be.

Jason Ritter was really good. Vulnerable, persistent, loving. He reminded me of his dad at times...sweet eyes.

Enjoy the movie...if you know someone who was hurt/molested as a wary and love them despite their scars. Just a suggestion. :)
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Don't be fooled by the title, flick is surprisingly moving
sundevil2720 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Took in this independent film from newcomer Marianna Palka at Sundance 2008. The audience was overwhelmingly appreciative of the film, though some were left perplexed due to the funny title which implied a comedy. I'll admit I assumed from the synopsis and title that this was going to be a comedy; a porn loving women is courted by a video store clerk, definitely sounds like the makings for some good sexual innuendo and lots of genitalia jokes. In fairness the Good Dick is very humorous in parts, though much of the time the humor comes from dysfunctional sexual material that would be uncomfortable if taken too seriously. The lead male played by Jason Ritter is a down on his luck and low on funds video store clerk who attaches himself to a shy and highly dysfunctional women played by Palka. Palka's character rents adult movies at his video store and wants nothing more then to be absolutely left alone. This obviously makes for an interesting courtship and interesting dates do occur, the video store clerk brings over his personal playlist of pornos and the women begrudgingly agrees to share her viewing time with him thus allowing the chance for something more. Palkas character shows signs of hope in letting our video store clerk into her life, but no sooner does she lower her defenses then she aims to hurt him in an attempt to keep her life less complicated and keep her personal problems hidden. Some awkward moments create some good laughs, but the laughter is just a slight distraction from the obvious pain that stirs deep within the women. Bits and pieces of ideas float throughout the movie hinting at the ending, but when the ending does eventually come it is still moving and should strike a chord with anyone who has ever cared so much about someone that they were willing to endure almost anything to connect with them or were on the other end and had to finally deal with something deep inside that they wished they could leave untouched and forgotten in the past. While the movie misses on a few scenes its still a very well done attempt at the strong subject matter.

It will take a certain kind of audience to truly appreciate this movie for what it is, that could be tough for a lot of people who are uncomfortable viewing subject matter dealing with sexual dysfunction and the boatload of issues that brings into relationships. Regardless of content though Marianna Palka should be applauded loudly for all her work that went into this film, it's hard to imagine that she wrote/directed and acted in her first feature film. Also, Jason Ritter is outstanding in this role and obviously deserves more of our time.
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Marianna Palka
conthesleepy110 February 2009
This film is definitely 'watchable.' Its the sort of film you start to watch expecting very little from but end up very satisfied you decided to 'give it a go.'

Marianna Palka who directed/wrote and stars in this is a fine actress who right at the start reminded me of Helena Bonham Carter for some reason (please feel free to disagree) - she is certainly a talent worth keeping a eye on.

Overall a good film that will leave you pleased you viewed it. Possibly better to rent than to go to the cinema, but that I suppose is my own interpretation!

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Loved This Film!
susan_taylor_thomas31 August 2009
I absolutely loved this movie! Pulls me in, every time I watch it! I found myself thinking, how these characters are very much like the people I see around me everyday. Complicated, interesting, emotionally twisted, flawed human beings, just looking to be loved and accepted.

Some people, like the character that (Jason Ritter) plays, are an open page when it comes to giving their heart away. Eager to take risks at love, even if that means opening your heart to a load of pain. Like an addict, knowing full well the consequences that will have to be paid seeking out this alluring drug, nevertheless, they are driven to seek it out, like a moth to the flame...

Ritters character, has an innocent charm about him. A boyish lovable quality, that is undeniable. You can clearly see the flaws in him, but strangely, you look away, taking a risk on him, in the chance that he will redeem himself once again. He is relentless in his efforts to win the heart and attention of this emotionally damaged, and yet highly intelligent woman. How many people do we know like this is our own lives??? These irresistible charmers that seem to win their way into our hearts against our own better judgment?

Palka's character, clearly a highly intelligent woman, who can verbally bash a man into a bloody pulp, has been verbally and sexually abused by her father, since she was a little girl. We later see her emotionally unravel, as Ritters character, bravely tries to pull her out from her isolated world, breaking the routine of her dysfunctional patterns.

I am constantly reminded as I watch this film, how real these characters are! They are not unlike so many of the dysfunctional people around us. Misfit, loners, abused and wounded by the predators of this world, left to cope with the damage they leave behind. It takes tremendous courage to open your self up to love and healing, after such abuse and betrayal of trust has been broken. These two characters portray that there is hope in the healing power of love!
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Good but not great "dick"
koz2128 June 2009
Essentially a two-character play in three acts, "The Good Dick" strives for a different kind of modern take on relationships but doesn't quite hit the mark. Actress/writer/director Marianna Palka does not have much acting experience and it shows: she never allows us to see more than one note of her character and a pivotal scene with Tom Arnold as her father falls flat. Although this is a flawed movie, there is much to like here, however. Jason Ritter is the best thing about this thinly plotted indie "anti-romance." The scenes of Ritter and his video store pals (including Martin Starr, one Director Judd Apatow's regular players) provide a nice backdrop for the main romance. And, Ritter's desperate need for human connection feels sincere - you are rooting for him despite the seemingly impossible quest to reach Palka's damaged character. Viewers, however, may be let down at the end when things get wrapped up a bit too cleanly, like a bad Lifetime movie. I would have liked to see Palka's character struggle more with her own demons and find a way out that was less predictable and abrupt.
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Good movie but nothing much to hold on to
bharath-karthikeyan31 March 2009
Good dick is a small chapter in life of two young people which could become their most unforgettable chapter in their lives...or not! A video rental guy starts to show interest upon a troubled looking young women who visits his shop for some adult rated movies.He hence involves in a pursuit of knowing more about this women. The rest of the movie revolves around on this theory. There is nothing else to talk much about this movie as it would be revealing the entire plot.I would classify this movie under the Romance/Drama genre. What i could rather talk about is this movie has got good soundtrack,visuals,characterization,and a different storyline and also a fact that not every video rental guy is a tom cruise or a keanu reeves and also that they don't always end up with a cameron diaz or drew barrymore!(No offence people-am a big fan of all of u). This movie has come out as a nice package,but there could have been something solid which could have made a permanent impression on the viewers,am sure this director can deliver one such movie sooner,till then catch this flick from your video rental store!And be a good dick fellas!
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Well-acted, but promotes disturbing themes
barton-mayes28 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The characters are superbly believable, which is why it's all the more frustrating that I really didn't like this film, and I'm not sure where the script writer was trying to take it. Disturbingly, the LA Times bills it as "Joyful, romantic and genuinely sexy!". If you find this film romantic and sexy, much less joyful, I suggest you lay off the dating scene for a while.

Here are some assumptions the film's script writer seems to make:

1) Normal women don't watch porn, much less rough porn. If she rents pornographic DVDs, she's up for it, or perhaps messed up, or both. We're really not sure.

2) Single women are lonely. They don't want to be spending so much time on their own. They're waiting on you to bust into their apartments under false pretenses and have you force yourself on them. They may say no, get lost or shut up, but they want you, really.

3) Any single woman who doesn't throw herself at the first enterprising jock who comes her way must have a history of abuse. She's messed up. After all, what's not to love about your lies, your stalking, your arrogance and refusal to take no for an answer, your poor conversational skills and your 8ish inch schlong?

The supporting cast provided some comic relief to the uncomfortable plot. I can't think of one performance that was off or didn't ring true. The situation itself is entirely believable - an abuse victim may well be a fan of porn, and have rape fantasies in which she's a victim no more. She may find it hard to cut ties to her abuser and stand on her own feet. She's very likely to find it hard to form close and intimate relationships with others. She may also unconsciously seek out similarly abusive relationships and use them as a crutch - it's what she knows. That's fine - what I found uncomfortable about this film is the way it is packaged up and sold to us as viewers. This is NOT a love story. We could do without the happy music at the end - the aggressive male protagonist shows no character growth throughout this film whatsoever.

I'm intrigued enough that I'd love to hear what Palka was thinking. Perhaps it was intended as cautionary rather than as a happy romantic tale, and some subtle nuances were lost. Reading some of the comments on IMDb though, I'm not surprised that it's apparently missed its mark. "Where do you find a man like that, one so patient and loving and willing to take her with all her flaws?". Puhleeze. This guy is so wrapped up in himself, he doesn't care a whit for who she is, as long as he can get his leg over, one way or another. Where can you find such a man, indeed? Having spent several years on the internet dating scene prior to meeting my husband, I can tell you that such dubious characters are not in short supply.
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This is why we can't have nice things
GinaFromJerz12 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Lately, I've seen a lot of articles about the "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" phenomenon, as portrayed in many movies/TV shows, and anything Zooey Deschanel has ever starred in. The whole concept boils down to "she's crazy/selfish/addicted/broke/a cheater/etc etc etc", but SO DAMN CUTE (or HOT) that the main male character in said movie ignores all the obvious warning signs that she's not relationship material, and often turns their life upside down for her. Or, at the very least, ignores the normal, stable girl who is in love with him, in favor of the "rush" of being with the crazy girl. This movie seems to be telling the opposite story. The male protagonist is portrayed as being sympathetic, and a suitable partner for the female lead, despite the fact that he puts out all kinds of shady vibes almost immediately. He lies. He follows her, and peeps in her window. He repeatedly shows up uninvited, guilts her into letting him sleep on her couch, and brings her porn (Yes, she likes porn, but still...not really the first move of a Prince Charming). However, I've seen a lot of reviews suggesting that the relationship in this movie is "good for her" or "healthy" and I have to say, I disagree. I didn't like this movie, I'll just put it out there. It was slow-paced, and honestly after the initial peeping I thought it was going to go in a much different direction. As much as I've enjoyed the lead actor in other roles, his character here creeped me out intensely. I think this movie puts out the Manic Pixie Dream Girl vibe for women. I think if she had found out the way the relationship actually started, the average woman would be incredibly freaked out. I kept waiting for things to catch up with them, for her to find out, and she never did. Because of that, I just couldn't feel any support for their relationship. In truth, it gave me a nasty, almost rapey vibe. However, it seems to foster that "the creepy guy who followed you home and peeped in your window MIGHT BE MR. RIGHT" stereotype, the male equivalent of the MPDD vibe, and I just couldn't get past that. Knowing what we know as the viewer, and knowing she doesn't know, and he won't tell her, almost made me feel like an accomplice in his misleading of his potential girlfriend, and it just left me with a sad, shady feeling. The movie presents an unnaturally positive attitude towards overtly creepy, and socially unacceptable behavior, and I just can't co-sign that. I don't think anyone would want their best friend/sister/etc getting involved with a former addict, who has followed them, peeped in their window, and lied about it multiple times to continue to see her. In fact, if you remove the fact that she stupidly let him in, you have classic stalking behavior. Beyond this, I found this movie depressing, bleak, and long (even though it wasn't necessarily). It was one of those movies where I just kept checking the time, because it felt like it would never end. I'm no activist, but I wish writers would stop enforcing these silly stereotypes in "romantic" movies. No wonder boys and girls alike have a twisted idea of what love should be. This is why we can't have nice things, people. 1 out of 10 stars AKA that's another hour and half I'm never getting back. A disappointment. In fact, Mark Webber is the only thing that made this flick bearable.
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fabiusmaximusrullianus31 January 2009
Wow what a film! Marianna Palka is sensational, what comes to mind to describe a film like this is to imagine clerks blended with garden state with a little Piano on the side interwoven with a deeply serious subject matter that is tackled with intelligence, sensitivity and wisdom.

In my opinion its rare for someone to be able to obviously put so much of themselves into a film they have written, directed and starred in to have enough perspective to be clear in what they are expressing without it losing sight of itself. I never felt that with this film once, which is again another reason to recommend it.

I only reference those films because I hold them in such high regard. This film can be added to that list.

This is film making at its absolute finest. :)
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If I wanted to have sex I'd go out and find someone who was actually sexy.
lastliberal18 September 2009
Sundance liked this film a whole lot more than I did. I'm not saying it was a waste of time, but it barely registered as thought-provoking entertainment.

Two characters, Marianna Palka (who also wrote and directed) and Jason Ritter (W., Freddy vs. Jason), both dysfunctional in their own way, meet and have some sort of dysfunctional relationship.

There is no sex in this relationship. Well, none involving him. She masturbates to bad porn that he, as a video store clerk, rents her. He can hang out with her, but no touching. She continually heaps abuse upon him. Once, and I would be gone, but he stays and stays and takes it. Is that messed up or what?

Get ready for an ending that you can see coming a mile away.
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Fair acting, but poorly executed story
burgerman9324 August 2022
I didn't connect at all with this movie. Both characters are extremely cruel towards one another: he intimidates her into allowing him to spend the night, while she ridicules his life choices. The acting is fine but it's a dull script, without any momentum. The ending was a pile of confusion.
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Real life issues brought to life
pinkpixikiss29 September 2008
I saw this movie last night at the Birmingham Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival during the encore showing and really just fell in love with it. The plot was in depth, the characters were amazing, and while some parts of the movie would keep you laughing, there was a deeper meaning hidden in the movie that was very moving. I think everyone watching the movie could find a certain aspect of a character, situation, argument, etc, that they could connect with. The movie put real life issues that many struggle with in perspective. It was not sugar coated or over done but was reality. I loved everything about it and would love to see it again.
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this was a weird film
MLDinTN19 November 2009
This was just a weird film about 2 weird people. One is Ritter, a video store clerk, and the other is Palka, the girl who rents adult films from his store. He is living in his car but for some reason likes this girl. He gets her address and starts knocking on her door. She is very weird. Ritter finally gets in after telling a sob story about his dead aunt. She basically lets him stay as long as he provides food and doesn't talk to her. He lets her know that he really likes him and she basically is like get away from me. He finally gets to start sleeping in her bed after winning a bet, but she lets it beknown she doesn't find him attractive. Palka seems to have a lot of demons inside of her, but won't admit what's wrong with her. At the end we learn it has something to do with her dad.

FINAL VERDICT: Just a weird character study. If you like quirky, independent, films, then you will probably like this.
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Not as great as the hype.
michellemanning70985 February 2011
I do not think this movie was as fantastic as other reviewers seem to claim it. It did not have a significant story line and I felt no love or connection to the characters. I felt the plot was random and empty and the movie was not necessarily put together well. My favorite characters in the movie were the other guys that worked in the video store- and they had a small contribution to the plot progression (which didn't exactly "progress"). After reading the synopsis I was pretty let down by the movie. The synopsis had a better story line than the movie did. I was actually dreadfully bored when watching "Good Dick" but I continued to watch it in hopes that something extravagant would happen. But that never happened, so instead I finished a movie that I was, to put it bluntly, disappointed in Sundance for.
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therica12 January 2010
The movie is at times a bit slow, and the actress' acting a bit flat but that is part of the whole intriguing plot, which as you suspected at the beginning, is true.

If you're hoping to see porn in the movie just because the descriptions seem to want to tell you that the woman is a porn addict, think differently. The only skin that you'll see is her naked back a few times.

Although the plot unfolds very slowly, that's the point. There are some mental health and abuse issues here, and in real-time most similar interactions would never progress as far as this movie does by the end, and most likely far less successfully as the eventual turnout of the plot.

Interesting, intriguing, not Oscar-candidate but a strong entry especially considering the topic(s) involved.
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The most bizarre movie I have seen in a while.
LukeCustomer27 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
But in a good way. 30 minutes in I didn't know what was going on. 60 minutes in I didn't know what was going on, but was interested in seeing what happened. At the end of the movie I still don't know what happened but I had a smile on my face. As mentioned a video store clerk who is also a recovering addict become intrigued with a woman that keeps coming into his store. What makes her interesting is that she barely talks (everyone jokes at the store - she is mute) and gets "erotica" movies every day. (and yes they are for what you might think) The clerk decides to find out more about her and eventually worms his way into her apartment and her bed. But there is no sex or intimate behavior. Most of their conversation is insults and weird contests. She doesn't leave the apartment and sleeps all day. Finally the guy asks her if she has been abused or raped and she says no (with a bunch of insults) but after an attempt at sex she has a melt down and orders him out. Eventually we get a scene that I guess explains things a little but didn't really make it clear to me. All is well at the end. I think this movie could have been difficult without Jason Ritter. He has such a breezy kind nature on screen you can buy that this deeply damaged woman would give him a shot in her own way. You also felt from the start he was a good guy who wasn't trying to hurt her.
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Never easy, but a good effort
intelearts18 February 2009
Good Dick is slice of weirdness.

Funny in a low-fi sort of way with strong drama elements it deals with two people who are damaged by life: the man, Jason Ritter, can't find love, and the woman, Marianne Palka, can't accept love.

She lives through erotic films. He works in a video store. He falls for her and starts spying on her (Not as creepy as it sounds).

What this film, like Lars and the Real Girl, does well is handle some tough issues about sex and sexuality in the format of a romantic comedy drama.

Not wholly successful at least Palka, who wrote, stars, and directs, does produce a film and a character that is worth watching.

Sometimes an uneasy watch, and sometimes just jarring, (Tom Arnold, for example, is basically wrong in our opinion here), it is even experimental in its thinking.

That aside it is watchable and memorable; just don't expect a comedy of belly laugh proportions but rather to be challenged and you may enjoy this more than you know.
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Good Dick
spiraling-shape14 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A Down on his luck good guy who sleeps in his car is intrigued by a mysterious girl who rents porn movies from the video rental store he works in. He slithers into her life and ends up living with her despite her general cold and unfriendly manner towards him. Slowly he breaks down her emotional walls through much persistence and she eventually confronts her problems. A subtle and well-acted film and certainly not a comedy as the title may suggest. It's not so dark it's difficult to watch but treats the subject matter (possible sexual abuse, although it's not explicitly revealed) with respect. I'm not sure if i'd watch it again but I enjoyed it.
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A case of character study of the emotionally unhealthy
sobeit7122 February 2009
To be honest, I'm rather divided by this film. On one hand, I'm intrigued and fascinated by the characters, on the other hand, I'm slightly disturbed.

There's not much story here. Basically, a young video store clerk became obsessed with a rather weird and introverted woman who is a frequent customer. And then he decided to stalk her.

Fair enough, we all have had weird crush on certain somebody we met in our lives and we all may have mentally stalked someone. But to act it out like in this movie is rather disturbing. The movie turned it into a rather awkward but nonetheless sweet love story, but in real life, who knows how ugly it can get.

Both characters have some severe issues which I won't spell out the specifics. Suffice to say that we all have some personal demons that made us do some stupid or weird things or act in some unhealthy ways. That's why at some level, I can relate to certain scenes or certain dialogue. On the other hand, to put it bluntly, the two main characters in this movie are pretty sick mentally. When I say sick, I didn't mean they are disgusting or anything. I basically meant that they are not healthy.

There's a major problem with this movie: it basically copped out in the end by cheating its way out with a rather cliché ending. But I assume it's the only way out by then, since both characters, though likable, are so damaged to the point that it simply can not be fixed within two hours.

If I had watched this movie few years ago, I would be totally lost. Now after going through some really messed up things and messed up people, I am able to understand the characters in this movie. Trust me, I am sympathetic to the girl though I find her to be a lost case. To our stalker boy, he's an emotional train wreck with criminal potentials. This movie, save the ending, can be a great case study for a shrink.

Though I enjoyed the movie, I have to say that the mind behind this movie is rather disturbed as well. That's probably why she's great too as the female lead. I got a feeling that she playing herself to a great extend.
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Poignant, funny, touching, and a great start.
screamingfoot31 January 2009
I just finished watching this and I thought it was very good. I watch at least one movie every day and I have to say, this film was very good but not perfect. I'd attribute the 1/10 votes on IMDb to haters only. Almost no film deserves a 1/10 and unfortunately fans will vote 10/10 to counter the bullsh!t 1/10 hater votes.

As for the story, of all the 6 Billion people living on Earth, I think it's quite possible that there are characters and situations such as those depicted in this film. Sorry to those who think it was unrealistic, but I do believe you've been conditioned to expect only certain hackneyed situations and characters in movies. I'd take THIS kind of film/story over the cliché bullsh!t of "guys with guns" that neophyte filmmakers seem intent on propagating.

It was hard to watch at times but it was worth it.

Great soundtrack. Great leads. Great casting. Great writing. Great direction.

I was a little confused by the casting of Tom Arnold. I'm not sure, since his role was so small, what good it does to cast a known celebrity in a film full of unknowns. He kind of stands out like a sore thumb at a time in the story where you really shouldn't be distracting from the storyline.

I'll be looking for more films from this director.
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sleepless women meets cute small packaged car sleeper.
cupkate3511 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
i have to say i was way more excited for this movie then it delivered. the preview made me feel excited and all awe inside but it wasn't as adorable as the preview. yes there were some parts of the movie that made me laugh a ton, and think 'cute' but it was because it was so weird, literally all of the movie was an eyebrow raiser. at the end of the movie you understand why on a weird scale shes a lot worse then he is, but they are both strange, its just more accepting for him because hes just a socially awkward ex junkie, however at the end you understand why shes so tortured and bipolar. its a movie that i think was a good reality, a gritty romance that shows you that when you love someone you know, and you don't scare easily, then i would recommend watching this movie.
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Had potential...
Siamois20 July 2009
First time writer and director Marianna Palka chose to chew on a little more than she should have by also starring as the lead actress in this indie movie.

While the topic is courageous and the quirky movie feels sincere, she fails to convey any depth to the two main characters, thus making the central object of "Good Dick", their relationship, highly unbelievable. Viewers will have a hard time relating to these two outcasts, or maintain interest. To top it off, the denouement is artificial and so sudden that it feels cheap. How do they get to that point exactly?

I feel that just splitting the duties of writer and director might have allowed for an effective rewriting that would elevate the story but here, it looks like an unsure director shooting on a rough draft rather than a polished script.

I think Palka is nonetheless promising and one can only hope she will move on from collaborating with her friend Jason Ritter, or at least cast him adequately next time. Palka by herself provided interesting acting and it comes off as an honest effort but better script and a better co-lead would have led to more chemistry and a much more powerful film.
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It's actually very realistic
adamaant22 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a man and I just got out of a relationship very similar to the one pictured in this movie. From the sexual issues to the angry defensiveness. I can also relate to him in how he knew that underneath it she did love him, or care about him, that she had something that was holding her back.

I can say that relationships like this are next to impossible though. Lucky for them both she decided to face her issues and that may have lead to something real. I would guess more often someone faced with these kind of emotional problems will end up losing to the problem rather than having it work out. My heart went out to both characters, but it was very hard to watch at times because I can remember times when my ex would say things to me like the character in the movie. And I tried for months to help her or move beyond our issues.

Anyway great movie. I love Jason Ritter. Another good movie with him which he plays an utterly different kind of character is the education of Charlie Banks.
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hard movie to watch
lawkansas30 October 2013
This was a hard movie for me to watch as I felt that Jason Ritter was really wasting his time with this young woman. Sure, he was no doubt physically attracted to her, but wouldn't he have been totally turned off by her negative language and behavior? OK, he was sleeping in his car and needed a much better place to call home. And he may have seen a future with her. But it just seemed to, how could he have put up with her? As far as movies go, it had some good qualities, but for me a movie has to be more "watchable" than this one. The drab interior of her apartment was supposed to be depressing, of course. But watching this movie on a rainy morning just made me want to turn this movie off and find a happy and uplifting concert on You Tube or talk to a happy person and get on with my life.
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FinneganBear11 February 2018
Creepy stalker boy meets unfriendly girl. Girl inexplicably lets boy move into her apartment provided he keep his distance and endure her verbal, emotional and sometimes physical abuse. He lives there alternating between pouting, yelling and insulting her. The film is well acted but the setup is not believable and the characters are annoying and unlikeable. The final 5 minutes explain the girl's behavior but too late to make the previous hour and 20 minutes worthwhile.
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