Rising Free (2019) Poster


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Beautiful scenery, yet another "white savior" movie
lnmcallister30 September 2021
I made an IMDB account just to review this movie. I will say that the scenery is indeed beautiful but the acting is just mediocre. However, the plot is a typical Hollywood display of indigenous people, one where the indigenous characters are white-washed and anglicized. There are not many movies that represent indigenous people and their lives, let alone ones that authentically depict the indigenous and their way of life. Once again we are shown another "white savior" movie where the white man, or the white family in this case, saves an indigenous person from a life of misery...a life of misery that was ironically created by the white man in the first place. What's more is that the main character is taken in by a white family who tells her that God is the answer to her pain and misery. So, authentic indigenous culture and religious beliefs are ignored and what's depicted is white-washed and Christianized in this movie. Ultimately the main character finds hope and solace in (the Christian) God. Once again we are shown another example of cultural genocide. I don't know what's worse... that native people are not represented in American culture or that when they are they are misrepresented. Either way, both are examples of the cultural genocide this country continues to commit against our natives peoples.
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atlantaredsox1212 December 2019
As a Christian I've seen tons of Christian movies. This is one of the worst. The story's concept seems like it should have been a lot different. The story is executed poorly. The acting is cringeworthy. For some reason they are all taking as if its source-material is like a Shakespearean play. I was hoping for the best, but the movie just fell flat in almost every way possible. One of the only bright spots is probably the lead actress. She executes her lines well with awful dialogue that is written for her.
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Poor Script matched with poor acting and delivery of storyline.
tigerbouy-3199325 July 2020
As an avid Western buff, I was hopeful this film would deliver an impactful story line and plot. Completely disappointed in the acting. One of the worst films set in the early west that I have seen. Two thumbs down....
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Beautiful on the surface, but shallow on the inside
maumanga1 August 2020
I gave this 3/10 just because of the photography and the beautiful sightseeing. Plot and most importantly dialogues couldn't keep up with the wonderful view.

Before I begin, it is so interesting to do some digging and realize how most ratings for this film (giving it a 9 or 10 star rating) comes from profiles who have joined IMDB for the exact same time, curiously having rated just one single title: Rising Free. Hmm...

Anyways. I tend to watch between 130~150 new movies every year (not counting those you rewatch from time to time), and because of that, I believe I got enough "cultural baggage" to compare titles, to say this one is just plain awful when it comes to character development and dialogue, not to mention poor acting to top it off. I actually found myself chuckling from time to time, facing the so many disconnected actions amongst characters and clichés.

I managed to watch 30 minutes before leaving the room. As you realize throughout the first 5~10 minutes just how robotic and artificial the actor's lines are, you simply cannot wash this feeling off, as the next scenes keeps coming. You'll naturally force yourself to analyse each new spoken line critically, because the coherence is so weird that the entire plot becomes dull, and you stop enjoying the story just to criticize the bad writing. There is no way around it, you cannot follow along, because things do not flow naturally.

This is the first work by the writer and director, so I hope my piece of criticism can help them evolve and get better. Guys, do some more study about the human nature. Behavior. How people acatually react to situations in our daily lives. If you've never been into this or that kind of situation, do some research on people who have, just don't go writing it off from the top of your mind, or else you'll risk getting flat characters with dubious dialogues like that.
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Surely one of the worst movies ever made...good reviews must be by family & friends
orosenb25 July 2020
Nothing here is right: the script - ridiculous, the dialogues - utterly unrealistic, the acting - cringe worthy. When the heroes are chased, rather than run for cover (there are woods around) they just keep to the clearing. When there's an emergency, they look on rather than jump into action. The characters are just flat. An over-acted tortured expression is the most common occurrence throughout the film. Watching this movie is like watching a human-like robot convey an algorithm written message of love - it follows the rules, but you can tell something's off; it just fails to elicit any feeling. The only thing I enjoyed in this film were the frequent images of nature and the ocean. Other than that - it's just terrible.
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enabeshello-5789617 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the high ratings and decided to watch this movie. I couldn't believe this was it! The slowest and the dullest movie ever, I sometimes cringed. The main character's acting was the weirdest ever: facial expressions without shedding any tear (?) I mean what happened to her was horrid and brutal, but she couldn't convey that through her acting. Benjamin's lines were poor as hell, come on, that guy was stiff as a piece of wood. I could sense he wanted to talk more but couldn't do that, especially during the scene with James, his brother. On the other hand, Ethel was just 'eh'. Low budget movie, the story was good I was expecting something like 12 years a slave or Django Unchained vibe, but nope. Lastly the thing that bothered me was the fact that the title means something entirely different from the actual plot. SPOILER ALERT I don't see where's the link between rising free and get married with someone you encounter by chance and have a kid? Not that I am an ultra feminist or something, but I was expecting more from Nakomei, not just a settle down as every woman on the planet. This movie was truly a disappointment.
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Good movie
skiprancer21 December 2019
Went with family and friends to see this in theaters. Surprisingly, the theater was almost sold out and a few people clapped during the credits. It was pretty impressive for a limited release. The acting, at times, was a little forced and rehearsed feeling. The lead actress did well though. From my research, it looks like it was her first movie. The story does start off pretty slow, but as the movie went on, it picked up. The message was strong on forgiveness but in a very real way. I look forward to seeing what this debut film crew has coming up next. Overall, it was decent and is worth the watch for the message and imagery alone.
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kmunyard5 February 2022
Complete waste of time... Bad acting.. bad audio.

Scenery ok..but repeats too often Bad story line..suspect made on a very low budget.

Just a mumble.. Don't bother.
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oliviaaaker26 November 2020
First of all, there really needs to be more stories told like this! It is full of forgiveness, hope, and redemption. It has some good acting and a well written story. The definite highlight of the film was the cinematography. Great work to the director, Christian Johannesson! Working with all unknown actors is an achievement in itself. Worth the watch!
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1 star for the view
M85ALIVE28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My hat is off for the location scout on this film, wow. The landscapes in this film would fit in any big budget Drama, seriously impressive. My hat is not off to everything else, unfortunately. Mediocre plot with nothing interesting or unique, awful acting, lofty dialogue that is pretentious.

One thing among many that bothers me. When the father and brothers grab their guns in the 3rd act to get blonde guys lover, why did they shoot with their shotgun from miles away instead of surrounding them and ambushing the men? So dumb. I just would of wished a great story with great actors were put in these lovely locations. Shame.
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We need more movies like this!
rogerleewilliams1 December 2020
If you need hope in these dark times, then please do yourself a favor and watch this movie! A little slow at first, but the pacing is still really nice. It's got an excellent soundtrack, and it's beautifully directed and written.
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Cinematography, Hope, and Mercy
MichaelBardo10 December 2019
Cinematography is the standout of Rising Free and cannot be denied, it is at an epic scale and very unexpected for a debut film, especially a faith-based film, debut or not, it's a surprisingly beautiful movie to watch. Unlike other faith-based films, Rising Free leaps past the gymnasiums and football fields and delivers an historical period piece that has the courage to deal with some heavy subject matter (violence, murder, human trafficking) with earnest sensitivity, never once exploiting the issues in graphic detail, either visually or verbally, but instead reaches beyond them and explores the extents of love and mercy in the aftermath. The shortfalls that are present are barely worth mentioning as Rising Free is a brave debut film by new director Johannesson and Lightfall Films that appears to have taken immense effort to bring to the screen. Rising Free, not only captures loss and hope and mercy on the frontier but may be forging a new frontier altogether in Christian filmmaking.
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A Breath of Fresh Air in Filmmaking
brooksnicholas14 December 2019
This film is one that is unlike the rest. Without knowing much about the plot beforehand, I was quickly drawn into the way the story unfolded and how the message of hope and forgiveness was portrayed. While some of the acting could have been improved with more seasoned actors, it was refreshing to see such quality come from a debut film company. I look forward to seeing what else is to come from the director. A beautiful film that our family thoroughly enjoyed.
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Great Film
travisleeoutland29 November 2020
From my research, this is the director's and many of the actors first film. To achieve the quality they did on such a low budget is remarkable. Watched it in my new Sony 4K and it felt as though I was in a theater. The cinematography was Oscar-worthy. A little slow at first, but well written. Go watch it.
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Masterpiece Cinematography
jennylroma8 April 2020
This movie has a great message of hope and mercy. I find, though, many movies of this type don't have great visuals and music, but Rising Free did! Overall a great experience in the theater!
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Very heartfelt movie
scottedwardsfilms16 December 2019
I saw Rising Free in theaters last week and really enjoyed it. I do not cry in movies, but I did in this one. The cinematography was of the highest level I have seen on a big screen. The imagery at times reminded me of the epic scale of The Revenant, which won an Oscar. The acting was ok, but did have a few shortcomings. The story line, at first, is a little slow, but picks up and engages into some very heavy, engaging subject matter. The dialogue was very well written. Overall, a very touching film with a powerful message of hope and forgiveness. Highly recommend. 7 for acting and story line, but a 10 for the overall message and cinematography!
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emmabethalclark15 December 2019
I saw this film over the weekend with my family and we were all very moved by the story. I am not sure if this is a christian movie but if it is, it is the best I have seen! It had messages of faith but in a very real and tangible way. I am not fully sure how describe it. It was just different than other movies with an uplifting message. I related in my life to a few of the characters within my own family. The storyline was slower at times, but never boring. The acting overall was good. A few times the acting fell short but from what I see online, this was the debut film for much of the cast. I cannot wait for this movie to come out on digital and will for sure purchase it! Also, make sure to bring your Kleenex.
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Hope and Mercy
monitorjennifer4 April 2020
Incredible storyline packed full of heavy, emotional dialogue. Most the actors are new to the screen from what I researched. At times you might notice that, but it never got in the way of the beautiful imagery and powerful message!
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Beautiful movie that promotes a great message.
lucyhawnj21 December 2019
My family and I really enjoyed this movie. It did have some intense action at times, but no foul language and very minimal blood. My favorite character was James. He reminded me of the prodigal son. For me, this was relatable in our family. I really like how the message was uplifting but not in your face. Very pretty images and music! Would watch it again and will purchase when it comes to DVD.
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Breathtaking, Emotional
edwardkphillips14 December 2019
I've seen many inspirational films come across both the big screen and through streaming and this one is unlike any I've ever seen. The story is so real and so raw, tapping into numerous emotions from grief to joy. It's a film that really sticks with you, one that you can't help but ponder hours after watching. From the start, I was instantly drawn in to the characters and when they felt pain, I felt pain. Brilliant writing, brilliant story. This is a film the Christian film industry has been missing.
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Beautiful visuals but lacked some acting.
heatherjoovy17 April 2020
Overall, it is a very good film. Acting was subpar, but it never got in the way for me. The storyline was very well done. It was a little slow at first, but really picked up and kept me engaged! I look forward to more films from this director. The images and music was beautiful!
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Beautiful Movie
beckyleenorman14 December 2019
I went to Rising Free with a group of friends and by the end of the night, we ran out of Kleenex. I have never quite experienced a movie like this. It reminded me of Pride and Prejudice at times but with messages of faith woven in. We all really enjoyed the film. It had a few shortcomings, but all movies do. It was written beautifully and the music and imagery were absolutely stunning! Like many BBC shows, this had a slower pace to it at first, but it gave you time to really fall in love with the characters. Not every movie needs to be action 100% of the time like super hero movies. This movie has it, but at the perfect moments. Overall, it was one of my favorite movies of 2019! I highly recommend it.
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Great movie about mercy, faith, and courage.
jaredaustinwareagle21 December 2019
Great movie. It has action, courage, drama, and keeps your interest. Though slow at times, I really enjoyed it. An epic on the big screen for its cinematography.
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Inspirational Film!
travisbaker-3892915 December 2019
This film is a must see for anyone dealing with the struggles of forgiveness and hopelessness. It deals with heavy subject lines like human trafficking, death, and heartache. Within all of these topics is a very inspirational film. This movie does have messages of faith, and some could say is a Christian movie, but I must say not in the likes of what I have ever seen. Throughout the film many intriguing characters are introduced, all with complex development. Some of the acting fell a little short but the lead actress did a beautiful job portraying so many different emotions. I hope I get another chance to see it on the big screen! The cinematography alone was Oscar worthy!
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Wonderful movie
troygerijericho20 September 2023
Full of tears but joy.. So many good things to ponder in this roller coaster of a movie

Despair, hope, joy, sorrow, joy again... the acting is superb, the characters substantive, the plot riveting..

From the outset this movie draws you in, from horror that our fellow man can treat another family with such callousness, to the pivot to the opposite and wonder in awe at how a family is able to show such gracious compassion in the midst of their own heartache

I remember seeing a life unfold and declaring, beauty from ashes at a life transformed by grace.. do not miss this movie whatever you do.
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