"Mad Men" For Those Who Think Young (TV Episode 2008) Poster

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Provided build-up
SleepTight66612 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Second season premiere is a slight slow-burner, but at the same time contains everything that I would wish this show to have.

It starts with a delightful opening, showing certain characters dressing up and getting ready for work. With the song "Twist Again" playing in the background.

Although it may feel like not all that much happens, it is the beginning of what is to come. There is brand new technology over at Sterling Cooper and Duck orders Don to hire new, younger staff.

We witness a more confident Peggy, trying to teach Don's new secretary; Lois, how to be a successful secretary. There was no mention of what went on after the last we saw of her. But the ad guys sure are gossiping about it, and we notice her painful reaction to Pete's question on whether she would want children or not.

Betty's character is also given much spotlight. Her marriage is just getting boring, especially for her. Don cannot even get it up for her during valentines day.

The book 'Meditations in an Emergency' gets mentioned a few times in this episode. and the closing scene is a quote straight from the book read by Don as he, presumably, sends it to Anna Draper.

Overall, it was a strong episode that Pro and sparked much interest for the second season.

I give it **** stars.
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Youth in advertising
jotix1002 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As the episode begins, we see Don at his doctor's office. His blood pressure is too high for a man his age. The doctor believes it's due to the stress of the job. Valentine's Day is approaching. After the visit, Don goes to a restaurant where he is seated next to a man that is reading John O'Hara's "Meditations on an Emergency", which catches his imagination and asks the man what is all about.

There was supposed to be a meeting with Don, who obviously forgot about it. Peggy Olson, who has come back after an absence of a couple of months with a slimmer figure. This has triggered all kinds of comments from her co-workers, who cannot imagine what she did to get that slender. Peggy scolds Don's new secretary for making a casual comment about her boss' absence.

The other big news is the arrival of a new Xerox copier. It is a humongous thing that doesn't fit anywhere easily. Joan figures it's better to leave it in the middle of the floor for the time being. Joan also has a talk with Don Draper's new secretary after she hears a snide comment about Peggy.

The Drapers decide to spend Valentine's Day at the Savoy. Betty, who looks stunning, is surprise to see a former roommate, Juanita Carson sitting at a table across from them with an older man. Betty goes to say hello. She is surprised by her friend's jewelry, something that makes Don make a comment about Juanita being a party girl. After cocktails Don and Betty go to their room, but Don is unable to perform in bed.

Pete and Trudy Campbell are having dinner at home. Pete has brought a box of chocolates. Since the meal won't be ready for a while, Pete asks his wife to open the box and proceeds to attack the chocolates.

The night when the First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy, gives a tour of the White House on prime time television, several of the Sterling Cooper are seen watching the program. Joan, who is in the process of making out with her new boyfriend, can't keep her eyes from the TV set.

Duck Phillips wants to attract younger talent to the agency. He wants to have their take in the Martinson coffee account. Two young guys come in for an interview with Don. They seem to have great ideas, although, for all practical purposes, they are a gay couple. The others in the office see the candidates coming to talk to Don Draper.

One night, on the way home, Betty's car breaks down. Don has arrived earlier than usual. He wonders where his wife might be. Betty, who has asked for help, sees a toll truck arrive. She can't keep her eyes from the sexy man that comes to help her and ends up bargaining with him about the price, after exchanging suggestive glances back and forth. Later that evening Don writes something in the O'Hara's book and mails it to an unknown person as he walks the dog.

The start of the second season was directed by Tim Hunter, one of the frequent collaborators. It was written by Matthew Weiner, the genius behind this highly engrossing series. Somehow, after the finale of the first season, this installment is not as effective as the last one we saw, although it keeps our attention all the time. The excellent cast does their best, as usual, making this program one of the best in television.
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Forgets the Episode Before It
borowiecsminus16 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
What did this episode in, more than anything, was the mediocrity of it. It's "Mad Men," so no category ever is below a five (not yet, anyway). But this one was a frighteningly normal, average episode of television. It was slow. But that isn't really an issue; every show has a slow season (Breaking Bad S1, TWD S2, House of Cards S3). The issue with this episode is that it forgets the season finale before it.

Just like that, all the tension is gone. All the wonderful suspense of the brilliant episode before it "the Wheel" just disappears like it never happened. I love seeing characters happy; don't get me wrong. But Don and Betty's marriage was not good at the end of season one and it is now. The relationship between Campbell and Peggy was not good at the end of season one and it is now.

Apparently, there is some kind of year gap; the show skipped two years. And that's okay, but, in addition to it probably being a poor dramatic choice, it is infinitely unclear. I don't even fully believe that it did. I know it skipped at least a month. Beyond that, it could be nothing more.

It's a fine episode of television, it really is. But by the standards set by "Kennedy" and "The Wheel," it's a big let-down.
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Season Two Premiere Episode
Mr_Royalewithcheese27 July 2008
The show picks up two years after the end of Season One and things seem to be going the same, but with a little different. New technology enters the picture as well as the stalling marriage of Don and Betty.

Don Draper is still the man on top of the ad agency but there are still men trying to take him out. Plus, the whole baby storyline from last season between Peggy and Pete has yet to be discussed.

The first episode of season two is a slow-burner, answering hardly any of the burning questions from Season One. However, I am sure the writers know how to hook the viewer in before the knockout punch.

Great episode to start the second season.
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Slow Start To Season 2
DKosty12325 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is sort of a bridge episode or you could say a pause after the end of season 1 cliff hanger.

With Valentine's Day as a background, about the only business being discussed much is what is going to happen with the Mohawk Airlines account. This is going to dominate the first 2 episodes of the season.

Still, there are plenty of little things going on which are going to build into some major events as season 2 unfolds. This series is one of the better written ones on television.

While it is not a totally realistic look at the 1960's, it is a view of the era which needs to be presented historically as the 1960's are faded into 50 years of history now. 50 years is still a long time, even with people living longer. 20 years is a generation so 50 years are 2 1/2 generations. That is why some folks now live long enough to have great great great grandchildren now.
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For Those Who Think Young (#2.10
ComedyFan201019 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is a very slow compared to others. I have trouble remembering most of what happened. Seems like they are just easing us into the season. Everyone seems to be in their usual character. One can only see some differences in Peggy, she is obviously hiding that she had a child and is worried that somebody will find out. She even got Don's new secretary to cry because of it.
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Slow Start
TheFearmakers5 September 2023
One of the more slower episodes, and not very entertaining, and it's amazing how Jackie Kennedy was never made fun of from that phony voice... if she were a rich finishing-school Republican's wife, the imitations would never end, but...

The episode ends with Don Draper doing something that he'd do later for an entire episode, and while Jon Hamm has so much power in this role (one great moment when he tells two punks to take their hat off in front of a woman), he's not good at narration, that is, voice-over... it drones in a monotone...

Also some of the new younger ad-men are as unrealistic as Ken Cosgrove seems too young for a job where the entire company would be full of grown men who resemble Freddy...

Anyhow this was a dull startup episode, and thus begins Betty's flirtation with a rich kid in a polo club, one of the worst detours of the series...

The best scene involves Roger because, he's so Roger... and Duck because, Roger's cooler.
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First Episode of Season 2
vivianla8 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Joan and Peggy are shown getting ready.

Trudy is upset that Harry's wife, Jennifer, is pregnant. She comments how she was out and saw a woman making her daughter push a stroller with another baby and she herself is pregnant. She wants to "keep up with the Jones".

The office men comment on Peggy's sudden weight lost, wondering if it was Draper who got her pregnant. She was gone for a few months.

Betty is out horseback riding and she looks perfect from head to toe. Her face is more beautiful than ever.

Draper gets an insurance health check and his blood pressure is high. His doctor asks about his parents and how much alcohol Draper drinks. The appointment gave Draper and me insight on what doctors are looking for and the healthcare. Doctor tells Draper to relax, he is a stressed out businessman and tells him to buy a boat. Do what you need to do to relax and be wary of your health.

It is Valentine's Day and the Drapers go out to a fancy place. Betty is dressed in a pretty pink dress and there is a harp being played. Juanita, Betty's old roommate from their modelling days, is there with an older man. The Drapers gossip about the couple and Don says she is a party girl.

Don brings Betty to a hotel for room service. Betty undresses in the bathroom while talking loudly and she reveals her black lingerie. She looks stunning and she is wearing pantyhose.

Don is unable to get excited and hold an erection. Betty tells him they have all night but they eventually stop and just watch television where Jackie Kennedy is giving a tour.

Betty suggests Don to eat and he calls for room service. They have a small clash on what to order and there is a sour mood in the air.

Betty drives to pick up Sally from ballet when the car breaks down. She asks the next car she sees to order a tow truck. Betty's outfit is beautiful with a beige coat and scarf tied to the front.

She goes to the car for her wallet and I like the scene where she daintily looks through the one dollar bills she has. She does not have enough.

She pleads for the man to help her out as she does not have enough. She does not want the bill to go home and to let her husband know she broke down the new car when in reality she does not want Don to know she is with another man. He ends up helping the damsel in distress and holds her hand for a few seconds while taking the money.

Betty and Sally come home. Don tells Sally to show him what she learned and she dances for him with her chubby legs.
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