General (TV Series 2019–2020) Poster


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Great story ruined by poor execution and mediocre directing & acting
kathrynnsimon18 December 2019
As a Croat particullary Dalmatian, and passionate filmophile, I really wanted to watch, like and later suggest, wherever I could, story about most beloved soldier in Croatian war for independence from Yugoslavia. Such a GOOD PREMISE. "General" is real person Ante Gotovina, which had such an extraordinary and rich life (and still going on strong as a tuna fishermen in Dalmatia) and film about him could have been excellent TV serie. And it should be! But, after watchig 1st episode, I'm ashamed now. Great story devastated. I'm sorry that lead actor Goran Visnjic (who had lots of previous Hollywood filming experience) couldn't use few of his contacts to present full potential of the story to some decent studio. I'm definitely positive that reputable or even B production (whatever in USA or EU), would make a blockbuster from rich life stories of hero Ante Gotovina. Producers should sit, watch and learn how masters from Mexican studio did a great job with Narcos. Ante Gotovina learn warfare in South America as a legionarre serving campaignes in French Legion Etrangere, parachute elite corps, after engageing in Croatian war for independence, accused (by international court in Bruxelless "ICTY") then captured in Canary Islands and sentenced to 20 yrs in prison, later disregarded because all of the evidences about rightnesses, honesty and moral. If "General" TV series was directed by Clint Eastwood this would be masterpiece. Instead we got lousy execution, poor story, insane scene jumping, clumsy accents from actors, abysmal logic in ageing from different characters, usage of same actors for different roles, clouds representing persons, boring overacted monologues and dialogues, poorest CGI and awkward SFX, Serbs with desigations from different century, no bloodshed and gore from soldiers, etc. Shallow filming work! I read user reviews on regullarly because they are most sincere and unbiased feedback for movie buff like me, but never before wrote single review (surely was tempted after watching Convenat, but afer all, Convenant was fair maded movie despite of plenty flaws in the script). At the end, I can honestly say, in a great respect to Croatian hero Ante Gotovina, do not watch this crap. Because that is.
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Do not watch
lethaldose8428 January 2020
Do not watch this crap if you do not want to waste your time.
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"The war belongs to the past, let's all together turn towards the future."
doggydog231229 January 2020
Those were the words of General Ante Gotovina when he arrived back in Croatia, having been freed by the Hague Tribunal, when the previous verdict was found to be completely unfounded on appeal. He remains a divisive figure in a way, with the final sentence creating resentment among most of the Serbian populace, who still consider him to be a war criminal, but also a feeling of redemption among the Croatian populace, which nearly universally considers him to be innocent.

Gotovina heeded his own words. He refused to be involved in politics, seemingly happiest away from the spotlight. However, a certain part of Croatian society, Croatian politicians, some other spheres, simply refuse to - as the war of independence is the thing that they gain their legitimacy and importance from and it gives them excuses (flimsy but sufficient for a certain segment of the populace) for their misdeeds and corruption in the present. Now, several generations who were born after the war, never having experienced it directly, they are having children of their own... Facing only with second-hand info, they "have" to be brainwashed, certain figures need to be glorified (Franjo Tudjman, in particular is being rehashed as being a much more positive character than he actually was in the media), whitewash has to be performed. And because of that, this atrocity was forced to happen, without the main character's input. As a state project even, with the state, numerous state companies, counties, even some poor ones sponsoring the movie / series. And who would be "best" to do such a movie than Antun Vrdoljak, ever the court film director, be it the Communist Party's or the Croatian Democratic Union's, now in his late 80's, for his last project.

That's the background. Now... onto the series itself. And the first episode, depicting Gotovina's early life, on an idyllic quaint Dalmatian island, but wanting to escape Yugoslavia. As a Croat, as a Dalmatian, I was always appalled how post-independence directors and actors, somehow frequently making movies on islands, treated the Chakavian language/dialect spoken there, even the distinct Dalmatian Shtokavian vernacular - not even bothering to make characters sound ANYTHING like anything that's spoken in those areas. Vinko Bresan is a frequent offender, but the first episode of General is an insane extreme. As if there were no actors from those areas, continental actors were used who either wouldn't or couldn't do their job properly. So we have the "young Gotovina" and his best friend, whom he grew up with, sounding like people from two different parts of Croatia, neither of which is within a few hundred kilometers from the place they are supposed to be from. Extremely unprofessional, annoying and good enough only for the least demanding of watchers... which is apparently the target audience. And almost every "Dalmatian" character is like that, bar a few exceptions (the late Robert Budak who at least tried and did fairly fine, for example). And they aren't the only caricature - just the biggest one. If that was the biggest problem in the movie, jarring though it was, the series wouldn't be scored this low. However, it is, with good reason.

From the first to the last episode, the cringe is eternal. Melodramatic, pathetic, without a single break in nearly every scene. Gotovina is repeatedly and repeatedly, ad nauseam depicted as being saintly in his religiousness, pure of thought - Vrdoljak making a point of establishing that he's also definitely not gay, not even knowing what that is for some reason, not knowing what "cocaine" in a now famous scene.Every "non glorious" detail of Gotovina's life is omitted entirely - always the moral vertical, never failing as a soldier/leader, always an inspiration, blaming himself for the failures of others. It also tries to incorporate his womanizing (maybe even adultery as he's reminiscing about his wife and daughter in one scene and then making out with a journalist in the other) as a highly positive trait, failing miserably, as in love scenes, the writing is particularly awkward.

Oooh yeah, the writing, the wooden "classic theater" acting of a good percentage of the cast only makes the childish, sloppy, unrealistic writing / dialogues surreal in their melodrama. It frequently ventures into "so bad it's hillarious" territory - which is what kept a lot of viewers going. Croatia's answer to The Room - though I'm fairly sure that Tommy Wiseau would be able to improve on most of this. It tries to tug on (Croatian) heartstrings and either fails miserably in the start or ruins any fledgling warmth/pride/whatever it aims at by going, well. It cannot help shoot itself in the foot. All the time.

You see, Vrdoljak is extremely sloppy in his old age - not even bothering with continuity, fixing plot holes, well, details. So you have the completely fictional "Banat German" officer / Gotovina's mentor who is only there for Vrdoljak to bemoan the oh so "non-understandable" communists' treatment of Volksdeutsche post WW2, somehow speaking modern Serbian. He is played by Rene Bitorajac - whose name, despite being a famous actor in Croatia is misspelled in the 15th second of the first episode (!!). Bitorajac is the same age as Visnjic - and is supposed to play a character who's supposed to be nearly 30 years Gotovina's senior. No attempts are made to convey that though. You have the modern Gucci bag which is the property of Zulu, played by Navojec, roughly 70kg (150ish pounds) heavier than the person he's supposed to portray - so yes, you have a fat spec-ops soldier... You have a taxi driver "not taking Serbian dinars" - at the time when Yugoslav dinars were very much still the currency in Croatia. A slew of other details. The goofs list here can be filled up easily, if someone decides to take up that monumental task.

Technically, it's dated - looks and feels like some 80's "telenovela", particularly the second episode. Special effects are used sparingly, making for some extremely short and entirely unconvincing fight scenes, and the music is cheesy and pathetic, in line with the rest of the movie. The worst thing? An enormous amount of taxpayers' money was spent on the movie/series. ENORMOUS. Actors were apparently hugely overpaid - which is good for them, as some likely needed that financial boost in the struggling Croatian scene, not that most of them deserved it looking at the acting here...

This dated propaganda series will only be non-ironically appreciated by the least demanding, least intelligent, least informed audience, politicians to whom they might be drawn and some army officials / characters from the war whose vanity it played to (through suck-up character cameos). Nobody else.

Vrdoljak, having filmed his last overpriced teenage fanfic, now belongs to the past, let's all together finally turn towards to the future.
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Everyone talks about mistakes
sucmor14 February 2020
Jana water bottle, Kaufland and Vip advertisements, Gucci bag, horses instead of camels etc etc... But no one mentions the biggest mistake. The biggest mistake is that no one in the whole series uses the old Croatian greeting - ZDS...
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Croatian war for independence (1991-1995) great story!
mouselionpc30 January 2020
On December 8, 2005, the world media reported that Croatian General Ante Gotovina (played by Hollywood star Goran Visnjic), was arrested. Falsely accused for war crimes by Hague Tribunal which under international pressure tried to equally spread the blame for the break up of Yugoslavia on all involved sides. Certain European powers wanted to preserve Yugoslavia (or Greater Serbia) no matter the name of the country. General Gotovina was one of the few extraordinary Croatian people who fought this war against all the odds and won it in the end. After 1000 years Croatia is again a fully independent state recognised by the major EU and UN members in Januray 1992.

The fisherman's son, born in Tkon on the island of Pasman, lost his mother early. He lived in Pakostane until he was 17, and then one day he decided to see the world outside of Yugoslavian communist regime.

He left home with heavy heart and boarded a ship as a sailor.

Some time later he joined the French Legion as suggested by the person he met on the ship. There he participated in many French military operations, where he was wounded. In the late 80's he went to South America where he met his first wife, Ximenu Dalel. When the war in Croatia began, Gotovina returned to his homeland in 1991 without hesitation to offer his life and services to his new country which had no army, yet.

He was one of the foremost commanders in the Homeland War (Croatian war for independence). Due to his military experience and ability, Gotovina quickly advanced into the hierarchy and eventually received the rank of general, after which he commanded the military operation Storm in 1995 which liberated most of the country in just few days.

He retired in 2000 but lost seven years in The Hague where he was eventually declared innocent. He was and still is considered one of the greatest war heros among ordinary Croatian people who have seen the worst side of life during the war. Series made of 8 episodes has just been released and is even better than the movie.
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It Should Have Been A Lot Better
dk7775 November 2021
The series follows General Ante Gotovina, from his childhood to his contribution to the defense of the Republic of Croatia. Parts of the Republic of Croatia were occupied by the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA), which was completely under Serbian control, and Serb paramilitaries also operated in those areas.

I will probably give the series a higher rating than it deserves, because the series is not as bad as the rating suggests, but everyone has a right to their opinion.

The series could have been better with another director, but this is what we have. But criticism aside, the series is still better than I thought.

The script could have been better, and some mistakes could have been avoided. What is good is the chronology of events, and some dialogues are still interesting, but stll not good enough.

At times it is almost documentary, because this is a real story after all, but it would be better if it was more cinematic. The script is flawed, the direction varies from good to sometimes irritating, the documentary way of shooting is not always good, and the so-called shaky camera should not be used too often, because sometimes that makes the series look cheap. But like I said, the series could be better, but not everything in it is bad.

Mustafa Nadarevic is excellent in the role of General Janko Bobetko, he is perhaps a class above other actors, and his conversation with the prisoner Ilija is impressive and shows us why he was one of the best actors in this region.

General Gotovina said that the war is over and that we should turn to the future and that is a good message, but of course none of that should be forgotten, we should learn from the past that such things do not happen again.
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