Moonshine and Valentine (2018) Poster

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I really enjoyed the mythical tale that this drama has created, but I was a little disappointed in the ending...which left me wanting more.
cgvsluis9 September 2021
I found this series to be strangely addictive. I really appreciated the beautiful fairytale that was told through time involving these alien and science oriented foxes who came from the Firefox planet when they learned that their planet would implode in the future. Here on earth, over time, the foxes evolved to look like humans. The leader of the fox clan had two sons, one which was half human and one who was full fox but adopted. His half human son was blind and a priestess told him the only way to cure his son was to find a human girl to raise with him and if they fall in love on his 17th birthday and if he consumes her liver he will get his sight back. (Without giving anything away...some version of that happens, but the son only gains his vision at night, he is still blind during the day.) Due to the circumstances a rift occurs between father and son creating a division in the fox clan between those in the north (true to his father and the old ways, no intermixing with humans) and those in the south (more freedoms, intermixing with humans, etc). The two sons become the two priests, the priest of the north and the priest of the south, one of whom will be the next to lead the foxes as a whole.

This story created a great fairytale and a beautiful world both past and present weaving stories from the past into its modern storyline, sometimes to explain rules or myths in this new world...but ultimately it was a love story between one fox and his human love.

It was beautifully told, beautifully acted...and I wanted it to continue. The ending made me sad for many reasons...the two find each other but ultimately it just felt unfinished.

My favorite characters where our Southern Priest's two right hand men and best friends who were raised together in a fox breading house...which was translated to an orphanage or workhouse for kids. (I kind of question that translation after a scene that implied maybe the kids were being used to breed other foxes.). There were so many great storylines with the two of them that added comic relief, but ultimately broke my heart with their ABC storyline and seeing them at the end in their adorable true fox states. Maybe what they said will come true they won't age and she will, living as an old lady in a room in their home. (I don't know how it would have been possible to make all three of them happy, but I really wanted that for them.

Great premise, wonderfully told...wish there was more and I highly recommend this series.
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