Generation (TV Series 2021) Poster


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The more things change, the more they stay the same.
henson-david-lee18 March 2021
I enjoy this series and I am 72. It is not perfect, it is boring in places and it has many dark themes.

When it comes to learning about life, love and living, all teens struggle to learn their identity and where they "fit in," if at all. The only differences between my friends in high school and those you see in this series, is the music, hair styles, Instagram and their ability to actually be themselves, instead of trying to live up to their parent's expectations. In that respect, this series is refreshing.

To prove to you that I am 72, to the director: "If you insist on showing us texting on cell phones, please try to hold the camera steady!" :-)
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Don't listen To the negative reviews
fefekekewwf8 July 2021
I Heard about this show for being a really bad show and all i see is negative reviews but i decided to watch it and i was surprised that I liked it ...I liked the characters and the cinematography was also good ..a lot of songs were actually great...I hope this show doesn't get canceled🙏
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Whoa. Let's all take a breath
therzog-553-79973913 March 2021
It's not the best show tv show out there but I certainly wouldn't say it's deserving of so many angry 1 star reviews. While I would agree with other reviewers' complaints about the lack of character depth/development, I don't find the characters completely unlikeable.

I've seen 3 episodes and so far it's been somewhat entertaining; not great but far more interesting than most of the dumpster fire tv shows these days *cough* Love Island *cough*. I would agree that the plot is pretty thin so far, and sure, it seems that the creators are perhaps trying a little too hard to be "edgy", but it has held my interest.

In summary, if you're looking for a relatively harmless mediocre teen drama, this show should do just fine.
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I feel represented
biancamedici1 April 2021
As a teenager, I love how this series shows pur conflicts, our fears, our moments of joy and if you watch all the episodes, you'll realize that It actually talks about the battles that we are trying to fight for. Thank you for making this show, we needed it.
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Why so many negative reviews?
calebamorgan25 March 2021
I expected this series to be extremely bad with all the negative reviews... but it's not. It's no where near perfect or amazing but it's not as bad as some of these people are claiming it's worth watching
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Please Don't Listen to the Haters
thailanegaming21 March 2021
I've found that when it comes to HBO, people over 30 are going to have an issue with how the teens are portrayed. I'm 18 and I found the show to be believable and raw and beautiful because Its literally happening to me. This isn't a show for close minded adults and immature children.
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Love Love Loved It!
tbenson9723 June 2021
I honestly have no idea how this show has some bad reviews, it was great from start to finish. It's realistic and has proper representation. I can't wait for season two!
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Good, but messy
blebbe23 May 2022
This series started off really good, with interesting characters and stories. The stories of the different teenagers we're all really interesting to follow. But it lacked consistency, especially towards the end. About halfway through it got kind of messy and it was getting harder to understand the characters' actions.
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elilynn12 March 2021
This show is visually stunning. The characters are lovable and relatable.
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An Emmy for Justice Smith
ashton9129 June 2021
If the world was a better place, Justice Smith would absolutely be a contender for Outstanding Supporting/Lead Actor in a Comedy Series at the Primetime Emmys. What a transformative, brillant performance he gives in this very solid show.
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pablo_moriano13 March 2021
I guess bad reviews come from narrow minded people who get annoyed when sexuality is shown without any hindrance. Well, it's not a hell of a show but it's what it is: real life for teenagers nowadays.
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Zythean12 March 2021
To be clear: I do not agree with any of the homophobic negative reviews here. I've loved shows which brought the subject of differing sexuality preferences as an important or even main theme in their story (rewatched Sense8 four times for instance and loved It's A Sin as well), but this is just a heap of cringy, unrealisitc and over the top garbage. Shows like these do more wrong than good for the public opinion on the LHBTI+ community and create totally absurd stereotypes on them.
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Ahead of it's time
LineYeDie2 August 2022
I think the main reason this show gets such a bad rating is because of its quintessential gen z narrative which a lot of people do not have the experience for. But it is so gen z that when i watch it i can literally see people that i know of within these characters. Teen drama has truly come a long way. So beautiful.
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caylatrout-5147828 June 2021
This show is the only show where I feel connected to all the characters and storylines. I love everything this show offers! My favorite show I've seen in years!!
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ellakeresteci6 July 2021
This show is so good! This show is one of the best shows i've seen in awhile. It takes me through such an emotional rollercoaster each episode is so exciting!! HBO MAX needs to renew this show please please!!!
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Funny nonsense
ekimmichael5 July 2021
Even know I'm still waiting the next maybe last episode to be out I've enjoyed the time I've had with the show.

It's really refreshing if you were a teenager or still one you can easily relate to Generation it reminds you of all the confusion, struggle and pseudo end of the world situation that later will turn out to be makes no sense at all but that's why I find it funny cause crazy things happen in real life too, it might be too sex flavored cause you have almost every character with some kind of different sexual orientation or relationship than the usual but it's exactly the reason it's beautiful cause we're in this period of time where people need those kind of story to help them see this is the reality we're living in kids are question everything, everything is changing so for people who are trying to deal with LGBTQ+ members of their family or even question their own beliefs system it's a great opportunity to learn and it's a great tool to teach tolerance for difference. I didn't had those kind of story growing up I've always had those boring type of teenagers with one maybe LGBTQ+ representation but now I'm really happy that the new generation get to be raised with those tools that will definitely help them figured out what they want to be in the future.

Those stories can change people struggling to understand sexual orientation spectrum in a way that seeing those character fighting their way out defying society and family pressure to just be who they are and tell themselves if those characters can do that maybe I can too....let's hope that's one of the impacts...
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noahsmithmichael12 March 2021
Genuinely enjoyed it. Pretty accurate depiction of teens in today's society, which I heavily related to. Don't listen to the bad reviews. Watch it for yourself before you judge.
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Wanted to like it more
guillorodriguez9 July 2021
Can't decide which fictional character is more self absorbed and obnoxious, Chester in this series or Fraser on We Are Who We Are. Otherwise, I appreciate it's positive queer coming-of-age storyline.
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Shallow, Erratic, and too Extreme.
lauramisia29 July 2021
What is with these characters? I feel like every show is more and more about drugs and pregnancy and betrayal. Do people not realize that real life isn't like this? That there's more to high school than the crazy things? People have personalities that are actually deep. They have layers to them. And jesus, people are actually empathetic. Real life is nothing like this show where every scene looks like they're unstable, yelling at strangers, taking their shirts off in the school court yard. Who made this show? Clearly someone who doesn't understand the depth of actual human psychology. I feel like shows like this are only gonna add to the instability of the teenage mind, not benefit it.
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Very good cinematography, characters portraiture and stellar music
alex_iedu19 March 2021
Love it, after the first episode, i had binge watching all available episodes :) All hates agains the series, against the Hbo... boooring.
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Somewhat watchable.
matthewhires23 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently this show was created by an actual teenager, however it sounds like a majority of the lines these actors say are written by a 45 year old. Ever since skins came out there has been multiple attempts to capitalize on the gritty teen melodrama, and this hasn't hit the mark yet. I appreciate that in the teen drama landscape this is by far the most diverse cast of characters we have ever seen, but the writing is almost doing them a disservice. I will continue to watch but in 6 episodes it feels like nothing has happened and it's just vibes. Also what person would give birth in a mall bathroom because they didn't want their parents to find out? Idk this is weird.
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Calm tf down ya''ll
jjpenska2 April 2021
Ok I get it some of ya'll don't like the show because of the inaccuracies, but lets keep in mind its a TV SHOW ITS NOT REAL LIFE! Personally i think it's really funny, and disliking the charecters is kind of the point of the show. I think that this show is pretty good for an HBO original.
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Very disappointing
annihakkinen24 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, the acting is just horrible. The plot could be way better. I mean, Delilah has a baby (who is huge considering the fact that it's a newborn) without knowing she's pregnant? Chester confesses his love to his guidance counselor thinking they would actually become a couple? And the way they handled Nathan's mom's reaction to him coming out? It's just so bad and unrealistic. It's disappointing because this could have been a great LGBTQ+ show but instead it's this huge mess.
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Love it
lexiconthx15 March 2021
Love the characters on this show. It really is a interesting look into the Gen-Z teenager. The characters are interesting for sure and I don't think I have seen anything really like it on TV. Ignore the bible thumpers knocking it because most probably haven't seen a single episode. The show is funny but also has a serious side as well. I actually found myself laughing many times but at the same time feeling sorry for the characters. It is worth checking out.
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Feels raw and real
sandrostegmaier17 March 2021
Visually stunning and emotionally challenging take on teen angst and the troubling lives of teenagers.
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