The Inside Man (TV Series 2019–2023) Poster


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Wish all IT training was this good
simpleau17 December 2021
Probably the best training I've had to take, actually informative and entertaining at the same time. Great casting all around, love the villain but why are evil people always bald. I feel attacked.
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This is actually very good!!
yorkshireflatcap11 May 2022
I've seen so many induction videos in my career and most, if not all, were bad - dodgy sets, with dodgy acting! So with the prospect of having to sit through all 7 episodes made me wonder if I really made the right choice!

Nope, I pleasantly surprised at this, to the point that I watched them on the commute home and was eager to keep watching. Very good and wish all corporate videos was like this.
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Best training video out there
Dust_in_it_off2 December 2021
Had to watch as part of IT training at work. I wish all training videos were this good. If I ever leave my current company, I will find these online just to see how it ends.
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I would watch this even if they didn't make me
packard82 May 2022
So believe it or not this is actually a IT training video series but it has the production values of a great TV show. Well developed characters, good plot, fun to watch. I would watch this even if they didn't make me.
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Had to watch it, loved every second. Can't wait for more!
drjfire13 July 2022
I recently started at a bank and had to watch this as part of my security training and holy poop is this a great show. I can't wait for the next episode, I would literally poop myself with excitement if I caught wind of a full series coming in the future. Great job folks 👍🏻
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Training Video?
rclair7 June 2022
I didn't realize this was a training video. It was available to watch on our company employee portal and I got hooked It's an actual tech drama with believable characters.
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Different way to learn IT security
sheek-5905926 July 2022
It is optional in my company but love to watch as soon as the episodes are available. I like watching rather than reading..I am sure even if there is test incorporated after each session I'll pass. Good timed modules.
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I wish all training was like this!
lovinulikea2dollarwhore29 February 2024
This series regarding cyber security was optional in my new position at work. However, once I watched the first episode, I was literally hooked. The production value of this "training" is fantastic. It's not cheesy, the scenery is lovely and the acting is better than most television shows on TV these days. You learn tidbits about how to keep your information private, using real life examples and a fun storyline. I actually ended up watching some episodes when I wasn't working, because I had to know what was going to happen next! Other creators of training material should take note, you can learn AND be entertained. I wish there was another season.
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10/10 Hats off to everybody who was involved in this production
tbdszhj16 January 2024
After personally experiencing 10+ years of boring corporate training, I can say with certainty that the production team have really discovered a gap in the market.

It is excellent. I'd watch it even if I didn't have to. Hopefully the team can expand into other areas and save my kind from further office boredom.

CEOs & CTOs pay attention: The best bit is, the training really is effective. This should be mandatory for all companies, both out of necessity of the material and the sanity of the employees. The entire office erupts in excitement when a new series drops.

Congratulations to all involved. Real characters, perfomed well with a captivating story about something that should be (and usually is) so full and boring.
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Best training ever
lavonn-269081 November 2023
Out of the decades I've seen training this is would be the only one I ever looked forward to and paid attention to!!!

I am vested like it is one of me TV shows I binge watch where I root for the main character. And great quality acting for a training video. You would think it wouldn't be since only training video but I applaud the actors as well as everyone behind the scenes to make this like a regular TV show!

If you are a company looking at investing in these I would highly recommend it. I have heard others in my company as well all say they look forward to them. It is a great investment as your employees will be feeling like they watch a TV show!
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