"She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" Mean, Green, and Straight Poured into These Jeans (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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not getting any better
maxjcoady15 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show just continues to disappoint. Nothing ever really seems to happen in each episode. I feel like we've been starring at a screen for the past five episodes and just watched jen walk around an office and complain about her powers and how hard her life is while giving us no real reason to like her and sympathise with her. Plus the characters are all so one dimensional and archetypical which is not due to the actors but due to the writers and creators who clearly lack any passion whatsoever for storytelling, a pretty big part of their job. Its just so lazy too.

The sequence of events was as follows

  • Jen complains to some guy about she hulk and titania
  • Jen complains to titania about she hulk
  • jen pretends not being mad about she hulk while clearly being mad about she hulk
  • pug collects shoes so knows a guy who can make superhero clothing
  • nikki and pug go try to find guy who makes superhero clothing, they make an appointment
  • Jen complains to her boss about she hulk and Titania, more complaining about titania, oh she needs to dress better, enter nikki, what a coincidence
  • Court case, technical uninteresting dilemma
  • Meeting with clothing guy, guy says no, claims to have never heard of she hulk while the show has made it clear that she is extremely famous at this point, but the guy who works with superheroes for a living and is required to keep up to date with current trends, one would assume, has never heard of her. Oh she gets small and big like a hulk? Who-da-thunk-it, He'll do it
  • Court case, call back to previous episode, she hulk wins!!

  • Meet with clothing guy again coz the suits are ready!!

  • We don't get to see them tho
  • Wait is the episode almost finished?? Wasn't daredevil meant to be in this episode??

  • oh...

they've put the most minimal thought into this show. A storyline like this is acceptable for either a sitcom with quality jokes going for it, or a law drama with a compelling case and good dialogue, this show is neither and has neither.

Its a pity.
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The hate is hilarious
wilza7615 September 2022
It's a funny light hearted show that doesn't take itself too seriously but unfortunately everyone that reviews this show does, or simply hates that a woman is centre stage.... again.

I chuckled a number of times throughout the show as I have done all the episodes. No it's not the best show ever, not even close, but it's far from the worst either and it's a refreshing change from the usual MCU series.

My main issue with the episodes are their length, way too short and they should have halved rhe amount to episodes to double each episodes length. Waiting a week for a 25 min episode is by far my biggest gripe.
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A big green mess.
gofigure-1766416 September 2022
I love the lead, she's great. But everything else just does not work. The jokes fall flat, the script is tired and boring, The rest of the cast give mediocre performances and don't get me started on the CGI. I realise this is on a tv show budget, but hulk related scenes are just jarring and cheapen the show.

Who am I rooting for in this show, what's the point it's trying to make and where is it heading.

I remember when the Marvel franchise used to make me excited, but now it's just a drag. Wandavison started with some promise, but soon faded. Loki was ok (I guess), Falcon and the Winter Soldier had its moments and Hawkeye was largely forgettable.

Now it's all just a bit meh. Such a shame.
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Mean, Green, and Straight Poured into These Jeans
lassegalsgaard15 September 2022
I never thought about a situation where a superhero would find themselves in a lawsuit because someone claimed copyright over their chosen moniker, but that is actually a really funny idea, especially for this show. This show deals with these lighter things and uses its sitcom style narrative devices to actually tell it quite well. I'm not entirely convinced that this style is fully working, but it's definitely the best version of this show that it could possibly be that we're seeing unfold every week. This episode was another strong one that introduced a hilarious new character into the mix and really utilized its courtroom setting.

So with this whole copyright strike going around, Jen needs to go to people she can trust to support her in bringing down Titania in the courtroom. A lot of different characters were introduced or fleshed out in this episode, and I think that Mallory Book serves as a nice supporting character for this show, and someone who Jen can go and take advice from when she needs it. I'm also liking how Titania is becoming the lowkey main antagonist of this show, but that it's done in such a pedestrian way that it's almost hilarious. It seems like the perfect baddie for this show, so I'm glad they're doing it this way. The MVP of this episode, though, was Luke, the fashion designer who specializes in making suits for superheroes. This guy was hilarious and Griffin Matthews gave a great performance as this character, stealing the show from some of the show's veterans. It didn't entirely work for me, though. I'm still not fully into the Pug character as the show seems like they don't really know what to do with him. His side quest this episode was rather weak and I feel like they didn't need it to explain the fashion designer and how they found him at all. However, I like Josh Segarra and I like his acting on the show, so I'm hoping that they actually find something more substantial for him to take on and make him a more valuable player. The rest I thought was pretty damn good.

"Mean, Green, and Straight Poured into These Jeans" continued the courtroom part of the show that I think is the best and did it well. The side characters are still a little wasted, but it seems like they're finding more substantial ways to include them, which is good and will hopefully improve more next week.
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Just... why?
Nagitokomeda15 September 2022
What is the point of this show anymore?

For a comedy, the jokes fall utterly flat everytime and the humour is painfully obvious.

For a legal drama, the courtroom scenes are utterly awful. Its clear they did not care about the lawyer scenes at all which is sad considering its half of She Hulk's character.

For a sitcom, its soulless and lazy. Where is the charm? Why does this show cost so much yet look so awful?

Why does every character just go through the same motions each week?

What has been the point of anything?

This episode was easily the weakest. The episode was so short yet the plot was still paper thin and stretched out.
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More of the same
Trey_Trebuchet17 September 2022
Whelp, this season is I've halfway through and I'd say it's probably pretty evident what the formula is. It's 100% a sitcom to me at least.

I guess I'm not really sure who this show is for. At the end of the day, you either like a show or you don't. I'm enjoying this one. It makes me laugh and the acting is pretty solid.

Griffin Matthews was a fun addition to the show, and it really enjoyed Renée Elise Goldsberry as well.

I'm not totally sure how much I like Titania. She will evidently return, perhaps as the big baddie of the show? I'm not sure, the show doesn't seem to be hinting at an arch nemesis.

If you like sitcoms, you may be okay with this show. It's certainly not for everybody but it's definitely not "ruining cinema" or the MCU like a lot of men are saying.
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Marvels biggest embarrassment
gareth-7544218 September 2022
Let's face it the only real reason anyone is watching this show is the tease that Daredevil will cameo in it, something that was teased before this show even aired, a tactic implemented by Disney to rally the Disney+ subscription.

This show is nothing more than an embarrassing mistake for Marvel, allowing Disney to take control of this show and completely reduce the character to a joke was the worse decision they've made.

The show follows none of the iterations of the She-Hulk character from any of the comics that have been published over the last 42 years, at no point has the character been depicted as a joke, she has been a hero, awkward funny and embarrassing things have happened during her adventures but the character herself has never been portrayed as an embarrassing joke as this show portrays her.

Maslany's portrayal of the Jennifer Walters character is equally as embarrassing as is literally every character on the show, none of the main characters apart from Wong are represented as anything other than cringeworthy and detestable.

As a superhero show it is a failure, as a comedy it is a failure, as a drama it is a failure.

This show has only one quality worth watching it for and that is the random cameos of characters from the Marvel universe.
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It can't do anything right.
ZEROspawn15 September 2022
It's a superhero series without the super and it's trying to be a law series too, but it can't even do the courtroom scene right. So I am really lost as to who this is aimed for, as it not only does one thing poorly it actively insults the genre of each with how badly it's made.

Not even the CGI can save it, as it's part of the really bad thing too, as not only are the looks in the uncanny valley but the sizes of her keeps changing too depending on where in the shot she is, like there was not way for the artist to make it consistent.

And the "jokes", I am using quantitation marks here as anything else would be a insult to comedians, are very flat and some are almost comically bad, though they don't even seem to be able to hit that level of comedy.
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Fun and funny
amywharton17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I laughed out loud several times and particularly when the innate sexism was emphasized toward the end.

Her self-deprecating humor is subtle as she negotiates what it means to take her place both as a super hero and as a woman in the workplace.

I think it will be fun to see how she continues to negotiate her personal relationships as well as her professional life. I hope that she has a chance to show the named partners strengths beyond the novelty of her hulkness. But she's hilarious and just a brilliant lawyer.

She's beautiful and the light hearted humor is exactly what I need to chill and relax, something I think tv sometimes forgotten.
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Show still doesn't know what it wants to be or how it wants to approach things. The second half of the episode is interesting though, are we seeing some character moments?
quiqueperezsoler4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's something I haven't mentioned yet about the comedy the show is going for, mostly because it is failing so hard at making it stick. And that is the commentary on the current social media, life and pop culture. I bring it up in this episode because I feel it's the one that more directly addresses its own: the influencer/social media power over the legal system.

I know the joke is about She-Hulk's trademark name and the commentary on fake beauty products and all. But, and I can't stress this enough, how is Jen friends with her "best friend"? (sorry I don't remember her name). I mentioned this in my previous episode review, but she kind of peer pressures her to make a dating app profile and get into the dating stuff not out of worry, she now is like doubting Jen's suspicions about the products... I know she is supposed to be more shallow than Jen but that only begs the question, what does she see in her? What do they have in common? Why are they friends? And again, I wouldn't have a problem with this if we were shown a character building moment between both. But again, I am fooling myself as that's not what the show is interested in so why should I bother wondering. It's just, Jen is so down to earth and smart and has an interesting personality; and this other woman is just like, and it goes for the other male coworker too (who speaks so weird, he seems like he is high all the time), these people are so over the top they don't seem real. And if they are, wow, I really never imagined cartoons were so faithful to reality. I know it's for the sake of comedy, but it is just too far on the opposite spectrum from Jen that it is jarring.

And then it gets a serious lawyer woman for a semi-serious lawyer case. I really don't know what their angle is. But I gotta say, the whole secret superhero fashion designer gag is meh, fun enough. And who would have thought that the writers put some thought into some of the jokes they had, and of course I refer to the fact that the whole "how would She-Hulk fare in the dating app world?" came into play on the courtroom scenes coming, surprisingly, full circle (that is, fulfilling some sort of punchline) while at the same time providing a funny-embarrassing new scene. Huh.

And the outcome of the scene actually has an emotional core message for Jen... Wow, I guess not everything is just for the punchline in the show. And next to the fact that Jen wants to befriend the lawyer that helped her out of the lawsuit, may this be a change for the better? Are we about to witness some character growth? Is the story of She-Hulk starting to unravel? Stay tuned to know more. Plus, Daredevil coming right up.

In conclusion, I'm just happy to see some development happening in regards to characters. I still know the pacing, writing, CGI and other more technical aspects of the show are as atrocious as ever but I just need something more. At least if there's some sort of interesting characters, they can always write better stories, like, I remember not a lot of people like the first Dr Strange movie but the character was interesting and people loved him in other Dr Strange stories that came after. So really what I'm asking of Marvel is that, at the end of it all, they make a decent character so that when she shows up in other Marvel movies is a welcomed addition and not a "Oh, it's Jen the She-Hulk, I know her...". We'll wait and see.
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The Equivalent Of Stepping On Lego's
SHU_Movies15 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show had so much potential, and getting into the second half of the season, I'm really starting to find it difficult to keep watching. It's so cringe-worthy with a pretty bad script, bad VFX, quite bland characters, and this episode just went in a really weird direction. There wasn't even any action in this episode, and Titania as a character is just unbearable for me to watch. That final shot was the only good part of this episode, but it essentially confirms that the Netflix Daredevil series won't be Canon to the MCU, which is really disappointing for me as I see it as being one of the best comicbook shows ever. It did everything right, and this show needed to learn a thing or two from it. Daredevil got the action down, the story and characters were incredible, and it did a really good job of the courtroom side of things. She-Hulk, on the other hand, is terrible in two of those areas, and barely has any action in it! I mean, we're five episodes in now and have four to go, and I can only actually think of three action scenes. If there are more, they're just not at all memorable, like a lot of the series past the premiere.
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Best episode Yet
rsplace19 September 2022
If you expect this series to be typical muscle headed superhero fare, you aren't going to rate this high. But if you embrace the camp and the occasional episode where supporting characters shine, the cerebral in you should enjoy this comedy series. Also nice when they poke fun at themselves for the references to Shrek. I for one am looking forward to more Marvel characters to cross over and shake things up balanced with some very witty courtroom drama where the system has to deal with the quirks of supers and their foes. Also, they need to find some good, sensible shoes for She-Hulk, right ladies?
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For mid season episode it wasn't too good.
Marios34515 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it but if we compare it to the other episodes, it was the most boring and with a pointless script. It hasn't something to be wow about except a hint for the Daredevil ( and to be fair the daredevil we know would never be to male Edna Mode for his suit). Titania in this episode was only an Instagram model and not a villain, but yeah she gave us a hint that she will be in a lot of action in the other episodes. Also, I like Nikki and her attitude and Pug is a good in his acting but he seems to struggle to be a comedy actor, when he played a villain on Arrow was more comfortable in this role I think. Yeah, I don't have something else to say, I just hope the 4 other episodes are not to be like that but to be like the previous 4 episodes.
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For 19 minutes I saw 20 million dollars burnings.
JustOneDude15 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have almost no criticism left for this show. Cuz it is too hard to find comedy in it, too hard to find positive things, or just watch this show and not get cringe.

I have been complaining about why all those judges are high. But this episode has a decent one.

The episode starts with a cringe advertisement that said brand name ten times is pretty annoying.

This show has a huge downfall to CGI. Sometimes she is 7 and sometimes 6 feet tall. And she looks more unrealistic with every episode. And if someone says this show has 20 million dollars per episode... That must be a bad joke.

Further in the episode, we saw her controlling her anger infinitely more, toxic men, bad dialogues, no man should think about her, classic designer, and mood-ruining conversions.

But the episode ends with a daredevil hint. Reviews will go crazy. Cuz this is nowadays audience will go crazy for a 1-second scene and give 10 stars to 120 minutes show for that 1 second.

I lost my brain cells after watching this.
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Episode 5
bobcobb3015 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, tonight we finally got the "Attorney at Law" part of the show. Maybe not as good as Law and Order or The Good Wife in the courtroom, but enough to keep me entertained. I am glad we finally got to see an episode where so much of this mattered and it was actually a fun case.

The show is still incredibly flawed. I just have no idea what they are trying to accomplish and no idea if any of this matters in the grand scheme of things, but at least I found the episode watchable here.

I wish the show had more action and less comedy, but that isn't changing. Still, I find myself enjoying it a little more than the rest of the internet is.
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john_folan18 September 2022
Marvel has been awful since the end of Endgame. This episode is just an amazing new low. The Disney plus content after Loki and arguably the Falcon and Winter Soldier has been terrible, The Thor film is on a par with this. Stop with the terrible comedy. This could have been so much better. A prelude to the fantastic four. Exploring the relationship between Jennifer and Bruce.

The Marvel Universe appears to be on a self destruct trajectory at the moment. The films and the tv programmes are getting progressively worse.

This episode was embarrassing and warrants it's bad scores and reviews. Sort it out.
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Mean, Green, and Straight Poured into These Jeans
Prismark1016 September 2022
You do wonder if the show's creators undermine their own concept for the show.

Jennifer Walters knows very little of trademark law and given the recap. The audience were ahead as to how the plot would be resolved.

Given that there were no star cameos, no post credit scene and a weak story. I do not think the writers had much faith in this episode.

Having failed to file She-Hulk as a trademark, Jennifer discovers Titania has got their first. It all heads for a showdown in court and Jennifer needs to bring out her previous dates.

Meanwhile Jennifer's trademark lawyer wants She-Hulk to be better dressed.

This one was not fit for purpose.
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Don't waste your time
niallh-6609217 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is not worth your time watching. And since its a cameo of the week kind of show ill do you the favour of telling you there is none this week, so you wont be missing out. The comedy is absolutely ridiculous, I genuinely struggle to know if the target audience is middle-aged women or pre-school children.

I dont think the writing in the MCU has never been as bad as here. She Hulk is giving Thor 4 a run for its money in that department. This episode is absolute filler and it just shows Marvel have no idea how to write these shows. Hopefully this release acts as a wake up call for Disney before its too late. It may be already though.
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Wookieetreiber16 September 2022
What on earth were they thinking? Who writes such nonsense?

Is it that hard to tell a funny superhero story with action, tears and jokes?

What is this supposed to be? An ugly animated character in a terrible outfit with grotesquely pointless dialogues, a banal story, without any ambition.... Guys... really now?

Then you'd better leave it alone.

I've rarely felt so bored by a series, even Ms Marvel was better, and that's saying something. Holy cow!

Man, this gets really diffucult. Please, Disney, you got tons and tons and tons of money. Don't you think it could be worth using it to create something epic?
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Oh no.
mithikshamed15 September 2022
I genuinely have enjoyed some of the previous episodes but this one was horrible. Bad writing and pacing. Just boring overall. Very disappointed in the way the show is going. They had a chance to handle Titania in a much better way instead they went with this silly route. A person who breaks into a courtroom and attacks people isn't just let out of remand or jail.

Absolute nonsense from Feige and the team. The quality of the MCU has dipped a lot this year. Ms Marvel was decent but even the villains were badly done in that.

Will watch the next episode when it comes out but my wife and I are pretty fed up with this show.
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No progress.
m_hovmann17 September 2022
What did I take away from this episode I wonder.

She-Hulk gets a suit, and more teasing of what might come or what could have been.

It vexes me that I feel forced to watch this show, out of fear of continuity in future movies.

What does Marvel or Disney what with this? I still find it disgraceful that Steve Rogers butt is on her phone. I don't care about her dating. I don't even care about her sexual orientation. I just want a well-, heck just a decent, written show that can entertain.

Haven't read the She-Hulk comics, but if it's anything like this show, I'm not going to either.

Can't figure out anything more to say.
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Where is the meat on this burger?
kotza199215 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When Marvel announced they were FINALLY doing a series with more than 6 episodes, fans rejoiced! But they halved the episode length to be shorter than Rick and Morty (~22 mins).

What we've received in turn is a TV show - now over halfway through the series - which has done absolutely nothing whatsoever. Jen is still largely unrelatable and someone the audience could not care for (in fact you could imagine an entire episode without her in it and it'd have the same effect). The culmination of 5 episode's worth of drama has had the 'bad guy' lose some childish, frivolous lawsuit (yes, that's it lmao) and after 2 hours the 'plot' (if there is one) hasn't done anything.

Honestly, 2 hours worth of runtime and what have we gotten? She-Hulk has come to slightly accept her title... that's it. Nothing else. Nothing more. No ground-level threat. No background drama. Nothing. 5 episodes - 2 hours - and we have had the smallest amount of characterisation, development and progress imagineable.

This show needed to hush the critics and the 'm-she-u' crowd and it's only emboldened them.

So bad.
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Why not actually try?
groundzeroboards17 September 2022
The only good part of this show is the cameos. The story in the episode was boring and the CGI looks like it was made 20 years ago. Who is this show being made for? Seriously, I am embarrassed for the producers, do they not watch their own product?

The CGI is so bad that it looks like a cartoon and takes you out of the show more than the bad fourth wall breaks. I love marvel and am really trying to like this show but the writers and production team are doing everything that they can to try to get people to hate it.

For some reason they are trying to say that people don't like it because it is too woke and puts men down. I don't see any of that at all. Just a crappy quickly thrown together waste of time.
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Lower the bar and be happy
carltonbrice18 September 2022
If this show is thought of as a sitcom in the vein of Mork and Mindy or Laverne and Shirley, viewers can idly kill time and not invest any emotion. If the bar is Jessica Jones or Marvel's Agents of Shield, then a hollow feeling will gnaw at the pit of the stomach. If one has lived in Los Angeles, Titania might resemble Angelyne, the Queen of Billboards.. Think of Angelyne on steroids and you'll understand Titania. So a bit of merit might be found if this episode is trying to comment on crass commercialism and form over substance. Intentionally or not, this show is form over substance, like a seventies sitcom or Charlie's Angels. If you have no newspapers or magazines lying around or no board games to play with your family, then this episode might satisfy your sweet tooth...for a moment.
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Why does it have to be so lazy?
paul-gibbons2215 September 2022
It seems after the opener they decided "well right let's just downgrade all the CGI from here on out", not a single scene with Jen in hulk form looks good in this episode, and has possibly the worst looking scene in the season when she's coming out of court into daylight! It was another marvel unfinished rush job, I've seen tv shows/movies with nowhere near the budget this has produce something better looking than that PS2 era monstrosity.

Pug? I think his name is, suddenly he's speaking and acting like he's been kicked in the head by a horse, her other colleague Nikki? A character so devoid of originality we've seen it a 1000 times before, we now have the introduction of an insulting cliche costume designer. And still no season story arc other than she's a hulk who is socially awkward.

Tatiana Maslany is such a wonderful actress, she deserves better than this turgid lazy writing.
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