Cracka (TV Movie 2020) Poster

(2020 TV Movie)

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Why all the hate? (for this movie)
Manuel-Hoerth24 July 2021
First off - it's a movie now, but only because they canceled the series they intended to make. So originally this was only supposed to be the pilot, but they canceled the rest because of all the backlash and hate it received.

But have you noticed that while the ratings of this "movie" are generally really bad, the reviews are generally really good. So why that discrepancy? Maybe because it's easier to rate a movie you haven't seen than it is to actually review a movie you haven't seen...

And just like you should't judge someone by their skin color, you shouldn't judge a movie by it's trailer. Because I have to admit the trailer is absolutely horrible in that it can indeed be interpreted as racist incitement. So I am glad that I watched the movie first and then the trailer. Otherwise I would be like so many others and would have just been offended and left a negative rating without actually seeing the movie.

But if you watch the movie without knowing the horrible trailer or knowing about the controversy surrounding this movie - if you just judge the movie by itself, it's really not a bad movie and it really is very clearly against any kind of racism and isn't racist at all (unlike the messed up trailer).

Also, I like the concept, though it's not a new concept at all - basically it's just a remake of a remake of a Twilight Zone episode and Outer Limits too did the exact same kind of episode and when those episodes came out there was no controversy, as everyone understood that they were against racism - though that was many years ago - before we had certain political activists that like nothing better than to cancel all TV shows that disagree with their political agenda. Which makes it even more ironic that this movie was actually made by those very same cancel happy advocates... so they ended up canceling themselves...
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Can't find
vladpurvis15 May 2021
Can't find this movie anywhere to watch it . Where do I look at to find to watch it.
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INCOMPLETE!!! This wasn't a short film! IT WAS A SERIES!!
broscoe-9478314 September 2023
The powers that be blocked this. Series(multiple episodes) and I HATE THAT IT WAS BLOCKED!!! Visualization of white slaves is something the white people in power refused to allow to happen. WE NEED THE ENTIRE COLLECTION TO BE RELEASED!!!! This "film" was only the PILOT episode!!! The powers that be don't people to see what happened to black people being done to white even when acting!!! Their superiority complex is ridiculous!!! How many films and TV shows depicted black slavery including rape of black children? Too many to count!!! However, they won't tolerate this SERIES TO BE SEEN!!! The visualization of slavery of whites will be a huge breakthrough for the citizens! This theory was even shown in the film "A time to kill" with Samuel Jac and Mathew M. The jury was unphased until the very end, when he detailed everything that happened, and said "picture the girl being white!!!" THATS the only thing that will make them TRULY UNDERSTAND!!!! RELEASE THE ENTIRE SERIES NOT JUST THE PILOT AND CALL IT A FILM!!! THAT IS COMPLETE BS!!!! RELEASE ALL OF THE EPISODES UNDOCTORED AS ORIGINALLY INTENDED!!!!!!
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crystalclearpublications26 December 2020
Sometimes, people can't understand a struggle or injustice until it smacks them in the face. It has to happen to them or the people who look like them. For example, people didn't believe Covid existed until their own family members started to die. Like COVID, RACISM is real! My prayer is that people will see this for what it's worth!! We've cried in the streets, marched in the streets, and nothing has changed. Thanks to this director for using art to start the conversation.
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Looks like it's being suppressed
mikemitchell-1044613 March 2021
You can watch Roots and all the other slave movies on here but they won't let you watch this. Be fair.
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SaigonTheIcon18 December 2020
This was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥... I loved the concept and the execution.
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jdeleonard19 December 2020
This movie shows action, thriller, excitement, intensity, and potential. It has a story line that is so interesting to follow and gives me goosebumps and excitement.
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Another Perspective
angenettawilliams18 March 2021
Be amazed to switch roles...if racism don't exist, why not put it out mainstream???
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Just wonderful.
chaos-7123727 February 2021
Beautiful movie. More movies like this should be made.
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Why not??
mnnddyz17 December 2023
Why not let it go on DVD?? They took it off of every platform, now that's control. They allow other salvers movies as it pushes the agenda they want but they cancel this movie as it goes against why they feel. If it's all "so call a lie" allow this movie as well. Regardless of anything it's sad both ways but it definitely gives people a better understanding of what people went through and it's the reverse psychology of the situation that make this a great movie to show. This is what they don't want people to do, is to feel remorse because they lose even more of their own people and they will see how bad it really was for the different races.
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Glad it got picked up
misstscales22 January 2021
I am ready to see more episodes. My grandfather used to say it ain't no fun when tge rabbit has the gun.
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q-blackledge23 January 2021
Where can we find these series? I will Love to see the tables turn. I heard they too it down because they couldn't face the reality. But we need to vote for it to come back.
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It should be released
neohac-618899 April 2024
99.9% of any bad ratings or reviews are from white people. Yall don't want to accept the fact this is how you made so many African-Americans feel during those times. The truth hurts doesn't it?! But you can made 100s of movies for black slavery but once someone wants to put out one if the roles were reversed yall want to feel some type of way. I just think it's funny that so many of you are in denial! But some way or somehow this will be officially released to the public and you won't be able to do nothing about it. And when it does the amount of smiles we all will see will be worth it! And let's see how many of yall petition against it.
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