"Harley Quinn" Bachelorette (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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I'm really worried.
CesarSoze14 June 2020
I'm really worried for EddyTheMartian007's health, the dude worries so much about imaginary and made-up plot holes and inconsistencies that it might really affect him. The dude misses the most obvious points and things yet he worries that the writers will mess up the show. Just stop watching dude.

Btw, once more a great episode to an unexpectedly great season that shows DC can pull it off.
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The Birds!
DoctaZaius7 June 2020
What a hilarious side-thought, did anyone previously wonder how birds would react or interact with (or perhaps unsuccessfully evading) invisible vehicles?
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The poop song...
will-schwartz6 June 2020
This might be the saddest, most disjointed episode of the season, which is unfortunate because it comes at a critical time for Harley's arc coming into the back half.

Everything with the Cobb Squad - great. Perfect. King Shark's nautical escapades...probably the weakest C-plot of the show for me. The drama with Ivy and Harley comes at a perfect time, but since the comedy in the underwater cutaways falls so flat, nothing really alleviates the more dramatic moments of the episode.

This sort of felt like they were grasping at straws to stretch out the time in order to make the events of the next few episodes feel earned - like you've been waiting for them. I think this episode accomplishes that, but doesn't really give itself any legs to stand on of its own. A hiccup in an otherwise phenomenal season.
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jocpemice29 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode plays out similar to episode 7. It starts off as a light-hearted, comedic story about the Bachelorette/Bachelor party of the protagonists, while dropping hints of a heavy emotional charge in both Harley and Ivy. The second half, though, is one of the best written commentaries on relationships I've seen. It makes you care for these characters, which are grounded in reality, despite all the insane stuff that happens in the rest of the time. The ending is the most heartfelt Harley Quinn has ever pulled off, as Harley bursts into tears at the realization that her love may never be requited. 10/10.
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Another All Out Episode
masonbernhardt30 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like their are two types of episodes of Harley Quinn, ones like these where it's GO time from the very beginning and it's non stop entertainment until the last scene or the episodes that feel kinda episodic (not in a bad way) mostly when it's just crew doing random stuff but man Season 2 has had so many all out episodes including this one!

Get ready for a lot of jokes cause they are flying in quick( wink wink). I would say most of them landed, probably could have gone without the poop song lol. I love how you had a little "Sirens" gang and once the other three women opened up it went from cool to freaking hilarious "Jennifer!". I know people are gonna be mad or whatever about Harley and Ivy but to those people I would say wait and trust the writers because I have feeling there's going to be a massive payoff and it's gonna be special. I mean how funny was Harley when she kept making sexual jokes it was hilarious! So don't hate the show just cause of their relationship it's all in goof fun.

Also special shoutout to King Shark loved his whole subplot... Tabitha!
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Worst episode so far
EddyTheMartian00730 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've been worried that this show is getting worse with its past episodes, and it's really happening. This was the worst episode of the series so far. It's mostly a filler episode, with very little humor that actually hit, and more character inconsistencies. First of all this episode completely ignored everything that happened last episode. How did Harley get away? Why isn't she being chased by the GCPD? How is she allowed to go there? Seriously, Nora Fries agrees to go to the bachelorette party and she gets together with a stripper?! Whatever happened to loving Mr. Freeze. The queen of Themyscira gets brainwashed like nothing? Nora Fries, Catwoman, Ivy, Harley, Jen, mostly normal people are able to take down Amazonian warriors?! What was the point of King Shark's storyline? You can literally cut it out and it won't change anything. There was an entire song about pooping in the sea. Honestly I found it funny at first, but it went on for so long and just got tiresome. Poison Ivy sleeps with Harley not only once, BUT TWICE. How can you make the same mistake twice?! I don't get it. There were still a few funny moments, but for the most part this was an unfunny, illogical, filler episode. The only good moment was in the end where Ivy still rejects Harley. I liked seeing her cry... I would usually want to say more but this episode just left me kinda disappointed, I can't be bothered to write more about it. This was the first episode of the entire series I genuinely did not enjoy.
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A near total disaster thanks to insane immaturity
kyoshilonehearted17 June 2020
My brother has been watching this show and while I was over he continued it, giving me my first full look into what this show is like. Sadly, the next episode he was watching was this one.

While I adore the relationship between Ivy and Harley and how it is portrayed, this episode goes so far into immature nonsense that it is downright painful. I am talking mostly about King Shark and that stupid lobster. Everything about those two was horrid, unfunny and containing humor that would only make a 5 year old giggle. There is an entire music piece about feces. Even when the song is over let's drive that point home shall we? YAY. This is in a show that is very much rated for adults. Then you get a character development moment that is then thrown away 2 minutes later. Worthless. I felt embarrassed watching this garbage. I can clearly see that this show is capable of so much more as even this episode had some very strong moments, but I simply cannot forgive just how pathetic the entire thing with King Shark was.
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