Ratatoing (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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It's like Ratatouille! Except that it's got a lower budget, it's not the same plot, the characters have problems, and it sucks!
mrsirsigma16 July 2008
If anybody couldn't figure it out by the title, this is a blatant rip-off of Ratatouille. As anybody knows, movies by Pixar look like they take at least 4 pain-staking years to create, but this movie looks like it was thrown out in 6 hours just a few days before the release of Ratatouille, with the animators frantically hoping they could duplicate the plot with their only reference being the Ratatouille theater commercials.

The animation is god-awful; just picture Data Design Interactive attempting to make their first "interactive children's movie" exclusively on the Atari Jaguar. The characters move around so strangely, it's almost as if they have some kind of mental disorder. The cat that showed up in the official trailer moves around like an orange 800 pound bowling ball on cocaine.

If you think the dialogue would be any better, then you're wrong. Just picture Ratatouille with all the nice textures and remarkable designs simply peeled away. Then add more rats with different colors, disposable personalities, and awful dialog. The dialog goes two ways. Either they put no acting effort into some discussions, or they do and end up sounding like they have down syndrome.

For example, a mouse looking at a menu at the beginning actually says "This one looks very good... that does sound so delicious and it's exactly what I think I want tonight!" To make matters worse, the waitress says soon after "Okay, I'll put this order in the kitchen." Okay... when is the last time I've ever heard a waitress use those exact words? It sounds so awkward, especially since it doesn't sound like the actors are even trying half the time. Imagine if you were being mugged by a thug who leaped in front of you with a bat and then said "I currently want your money! I would like you to be in the giving of it to me or I'll be in the action of hitting your body with my bat!" If you don't end up on the ground laughing, you might feel sorry for this criminal. What's worse is the sudden mood swings the characters can have (due to the abysmal voice acting).

Since I'm on the voice acting, I'll say it doesn't sound like the actors are even trying; it's pretty much as if the good folks at Video Brinquedo kidnapped some tourists that happened to be in Brazil at the time, sat them down into a studio, and had them read a bad script orally at gunpoint.

So should you buy this movie? No. God no. Video Brinquedo made another movie. Run away as fast as you can. If you enjoy bad voice acting you might get a kick out of this, but the laughs will only last so long.
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Studies have proved eating at Ratatoing causes cancer!
pankeyhotness16 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ratatoing is a horrendous and impetuous crap-sterpiece created by the Brazillian studio "Video Brinquedo" they are evil people who have a disturbing need to produce awful movies that are blatantly based off popular movies in this case it is "Ratatoulle" these folks definitely deserve life-long incarceration! The movie is about a Rat Chef christened "Marcel Toing" who owns the restaurant Ratatoing he owns one of the bestest restaurants in the world and many other chefs attempt to compete but PHAIL! He uses the freshest ingredients which are stolen from human restaurants.

The bad guys who are part of rival restaurant make up a sneaky plan to get rid of Ratatoing by making a big mess in the humans restaurants causing them to set up traps and even worse: Powlo "Gumbo" Smith the cat. When Marcel and his friends attempt to raid the kitchen they get attacked by the cat and stuff happens. I missed some parts because: A)My mom told me to try on some new shoes she bought for me B) I had to use the bathroom C) I got thirsty.

So once I returned Marcel had made friends with the Gumbo the Cat and all was right with the world and the bad guys were sent to a laboratory in the Nth dimension or something were they would never bother the movie again. I don't care see!? The plot seemed mildly decent at first but was soon ravaged and cut down to little rat sized bits, and I felt that for some reason having to watch this movie was God's idea of punishing me for burning down that orphanage

The voice acting is downright awful I actually needed to listen to Yoko Ono just to get the sound out of my head, the dialog is uninspired and overly-generic they make they same comments about the food OVER AND OVER! "Great food Marcel Toing!" The actors always sound monotone or outright retarded Example: "CAN i TAKE yOur ORder!??"

The characters are even worse! They have no personality it's like they work for Wal-Mart or something. Marcel Toing SAYS he put "Dedication and Care" into his food but when I saw him cooking he just stood there with that soulless expression stirring his life away. My favorite character is that retarded so called "cat" it looked more like a catatonic-furry having a seizure.

The Animation is even WORSE, during the scene where Marcel,Carol and Greg put on their gear Greg and for the damndest reason somehow magically pulls cheese blocks out of his crotch! When the camera did a full circle around him he was never seen holding cheese until he pulled them out of....ugh. I was greatly disturbed. And the copyright in this movie is absolutely blatant nevermind it being a Ratatoille rip-off why does Greg but on a Mickey-Mouse hat? Do these guys have some disturbing desire to get sued ,sent to jail and rammed nightly by a convict named "Bubba"? The answer is a rather obvious "YES!" as Ratatoing is a danger to society and the environment!

And finally: I was absolutely overjoyed to see the movie end ,watching it felt like I was being brutally bludgeoned over the head with a "Toing" I advise you to stay away from this movie for your safety and your unborn children!

~Pankey(and Jamal)
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It rivals those of pixar
fadelcastro32421 August 2008
A pure magnanimous plethora of brilliance is not even a fraction of what comes to mind when I look back at the night my eyes were graced upon the asphyxiating beauty of Ratatoing. It's true other people would rather prefer "Ratatouille", a steaming pile of rip-off that rolled off the Pixar conveyor belt last summer, suspiciously around the same era that was enlightened by Ratatoing.

Now I can name a list of films, stories , and conspicuous cartoons that have tried, and miserably failed to resurface the extravagant master piece that graces the name Ratatoing, but that would only make Ratatoing look a whole-of-a-hell-lot better, so much better that simple text could not withhold.

I wish you could hear my voice right now as I recite this review out-loud to my cats.I wish you could hear my voice tremble and break as it gets higher, and higher with every octane of joy that excretes from my mouth.People are trying to restrain me as I type, mistaking my overwhelming urge to spontaneously combust, yes combust into pure energy that would flow into the feeble minded, and make them realize that they have not yet experienced life until they witness that which withholds the name "Toing".

Can I say I have fully witnessed this gracious Brazilian Godsend to the fullest.The answer is no. I have yet to finish the trailer posted on Youtube, do to the fact I rapidly hyper-ventilate when the audio-visual of Ratatoing embeds itself so haplessly into my face.

The only question remains to you, the reader who I have reluctantly with-held the overpowering experience of Ratatoing to, would I recommend this movie? I would not, due to the shambles this film has left me in since it first graced my eyes. Do not witness this false Arc of the covenant, for it is already well said in Raiders of the lost Arc, that it will friggin' melt your face. I must fare thee a good fare-well due to the fact the Insane asylum wards men will any second realize I have escaped my cell, and have broken into a random home to tell the world of that which drove me mad...
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Bare-bones and Social Commentary
Pretentious_crap19 May 2010
It's about some mice who own a restaurant, and other mice come to this restaurant and really like it, because of secret ingredients and things of that nature.

These secret ingredients that are very much enjoyed by customers are stolen by the restaurant owning mice from cats, other kitchens, and things of that nature. These ingredients are brought to the restaurant and cooked in the food. As can be seen there is a vicious cycle in the repetition of having to steal ingredients to make food to satisfy customers-- this is symbolic to the monotony of every day life and labor.

The restaurant owning mice are alienated from their lives, as they spend most of their waking moments laboring, either in the restaurant or stealing from cats. The source of their alienation is their vulgar profit making motive-- as they obtain the ingredients to enhance their cuisine not through exchange, but through stealing. Our owning mice are placed in the situation where they have to steal as they cannot or choose not to interact and exchange in the marketplace to obtain the secret ingredients. Such desperate measures lengthen the working day and thus their alienation.

This alienation is expressed by the animators with the thread bare backgrounds, and scenery. Nothing retains any sense of texture, all is smooth-- the characters don't appear furry, neither does the background range from course, splintery, or downy. All visual stimulation is sucked dry-- the characters are lifeless and soulless.

Oh I haven't watched the film yet, I don't intend to, because it looks like it sucks horribly.
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If you saw the one star I put, it's because that's as low as it goes. Trust me though, it goes in the negatives...
abrown97516 January 2011
This is crap. That is simply what it is. The executives at Video Brinquedo are just a bunch of plagiarizing, no-good, lying, effortless, dirty scumbag hacks and, believe me when I say you'll feel the same way after watching ANY of their films, I would totally laugh if any of them got arrested for copyright infringement and they had to become someone's b*tches in jail. That's how bad ALL of their films are. What's the first thing that comes to mind when I say the names of some of their films: Ratatoing, Gladiformers, What's Up: Balloon to the Rescue, The Little Panda Fighter, and The Little Cars. If you said Ratatouille, Transformers, Up, Kung Fu Panda, and Cars, you're right! They don't even try to hide the fact that they are stealing ideas! I don't know how they do things down in Brazil, but here in America that's illegal. But I might be a little less harsh on it if they bothered to put any effort into ANY of their movies. But they don't. None whatsoever. Here's Ratatoing as an obvious rip-off of Ratatouille. Yes, it's basically the same plot, a rat likes to cook so he owns his own restaurant. But this time it's not in Paris, it's in for some reason Rio De Janiero! WHY?! And if it's there, why are none of the names in Porteguese (or Spanish, pardon me if I'm wrong)? Continuity and congruency are the least of this movie's problems. The acting is bad. That's all I can say, as that's expected. The dialogue is epic crap. The animation is a billion times worse (This makes either that old Legend of Zelda computer game or the paper clip computer graphic on Microsoft Word look like Toy Story). There is nothing else to say that I haven't said already. There is no effort and it makes it look like no one tried. But here's the thing: the atmosphere of not trying is so big that it comes off as if they tried really hard to make it look like they didn't try hard. This isn't anything like "The Room" or "Star Wars: Holiday Special", where everything is so horrible that you need to see it for yourself. This is one of those "Avoid like the plague" instances. I hope Video Brinquedo is terminated and I really do hope that the scumbag executives get arrested for plagiarism and copyright infringement for EACH MOVIE THEY RIPPED-OFF!!!
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Okay, let's forget for a minute that this is a ripoff of Ratatouille
ndunsmo16 April 2010
Heck, let's ignore the fact that every film by this Brazillian company is ripping off a successful American film. Is it still enjoyable? No! It only manages to get more than 1 star simply due to the fact that it's unintentionally funny with how bad it is.

The story's weak and almost non-existent. For the most part, the writers just try to pad it out by repeating the boring suiting up sequence, dedicating the first 5 minutes to characters talking about how great the food at Ratatoing is and god knows what else. The script is also pretty bad but not too bad, but does precisely need to be a catchphrase? Really? Just be thankful it didn't hit theatres first.

The animations are just... laughable, really. I've seen much better from light-wave, and that's the cheapest form of CGI animation out there. What's more is that every other movie of this kind with the exception of the Frog Prince is just as horribly animated. The worst example is that cat. No cat moves like that! It looks so awkward for that thing to move! Ultimately, even if you think of this movie as a parody it's still hard to enjoy it. Again, it gets points for being unintentionally funny but that's about it.
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Please tell me that Pixar have heard of this.
FreakinFilmFreak931 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Ratatoing has to be one of the worst animations ever created by humankind. And not only that - it's a rip-off of Ratatouille, even though the creators called it a derivative. The Brazilian company that made this also made The Little Cars, a rip-off series of Disney and Pixar's "Cars". The graphics in the first and second parts of the series could be easily compared to Super Mario 64 or something like that.

Anyway, the story takes place in Rio de Janeiro, where the most beloved Brazilian restaurant belongs to a rat (even though the trailer describes them as mice). The recipes cooked are gross, and I don't know why the trailer said that a mouse would eat them. A mouse would rather eat cheese or cardboard! Rats eat rotten stuff (well, not all of them). Did they try to do a lame attempt at preventing criticism for ripping off Ratatouille? They just failed.

Moving on, the restaurant belongs to a blue rat named Marcell Toing (why the hell did they call him that?). His partners are an anthro-shape pink rat with hair named Carol and a fat green rat named Greg, whose catchphrase is "Precisely!" Each week, Marcell, Carol and Greg raid the human's restaurant kitchen. But a group of rats want to know the secret of Marcell's recipes (the brown rat doesn't have a proper name), so they later get a highly trained cat after their previous attempts fail to try and stop the team. Can Marcell and his team survive the traps, obstacles and cat who walks on two legs like a fat dork? Unfortunately, they did.

I was thoroughly disgusted by watching this film. The voice acting is that of 4Kids Entertainment, the most recognisable being Dan Green. But this is no 4Kids dub. It still made my ears bleed as well as my eyes. The animation is godawful and the style of the rats is like Flushed Away crossed with Mortimer Mouse. Some of the marketing says it's inspired by Ratatouille, but I think it goes too far. Another bit of marketing says "Stunning 3D Animation". Yeah, right! Some of the marketing also says it's hilarious. But it's not. Unless you have a sense of humour in unintentional comedy, that is...

I recommend not getting Ratatoing. It's even worse than Barnyard and I think it's aimed at people who have a lack of IQ. You wouldn't want to buy the other stuff Toyland Video/Video Brinquedo have made. I haven't seen much of the rip-offs, nor do I plan to. Do Pixar and DreamWorks even know about this company? Because if they did, there'd be a huge lawsuit...
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Pixar really outdid themselves
keytofitness4 September 2016
Great Sequel! Ratatouille was a favorite but Ratatoing was , in my option, WAY better.

Although, the animation was a half a step down form the original, the plot really made up for it.

I really enjoyed (and thought was fun) in the 10 + plus minute scene where they only talked about how amazing the food was. It really made my mouth water too.

I also found it touching how remy tamed the cat. It really goes to show that food really can bring people closer together.

In the movie, remy makes one strawberry last an entire week. It really amazes me how he takes, what seems like so little, and makes it last a whole week. I find it to be a lesson, applicable to all, that the little things matter the most in life.

The only question I have left is how did remy get to Rio? Hopefully it will be answered in the closing film in this spectacular trilogy, "Ratatoed"
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One of the Worst Animated Movie Ever
kdnor201118 February 2011
And when I say that it's one of the worst, I mean the second worst, right after other video brinquido rip off "The Little Cars in the Great race," which I can't review since it doesn't have it's own IMDb page.

It' pretty easy to mock video brinquido, you can't even give them points for trying since they rip off other, much better movies. They're like the Asylum, except worse.

The movie is about a group of 3 rats that steal food from a human kitchen to make they're reasturaunt the best in the town. They eventually are found out by competition and mouse traps and a cat are placed in the kitchen. What surprises me is that this 45 minute movie has so much filler.

The animation is horrible, I mean horrible, it basically looks like a movie that hasn't been finished yet. The acting is annoying, it's boring in a lot of places, and like I said, there is no effort, it's a rip off. And I haven't seen Ratatouille, so you know it's bad. The only saving grace is that some moments are so bad they're good, like the cheese in the crotch and the animation glitches, other than that, it's horrible.
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Shameless Trash
rain_bow957 January 2020
This is one of the earlier rip offs I watched on Amazon Prime. I barely made it through with literally 2 minutes left. It was extremely hard to sit through with its AWFUL pace, awful animation, awful music, and annoying voices by good actors. The movie is I think 40 minutes but it felt like hours as the first 10 minutes was dedicated to the rats saying how good the food is, literally leaving me believing that the characters will NOT leave the restaurant, which is extremely lazy and boring. I can't remember the story because that's how short my attention span was. This movie should not be seen by anyone, as just the way it looks is enough for children to want to tear your eyes out. Ratatouille is much more lovable, friendly, easy on the eyes, and wonderful.
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Throw it in a pit of fire please.
popstarcool31 May 2017
Honestly, this movie was the worst thing to exist. Why I say that is because half the movie is the same scenes happening twice. Surprisingly the only reason I was even able to watch this movie is that it was on YouTube. Yes, I'm not lying. The company put the movie on YouTube. The whole time watching this movie I was bored. Of course, I know it's a bootleg so of course, it will be boring. But it's like so it was 40 minute's or whatever how long it was they USED the same scenes OVER AND OVER. Like can you get a real life? I mean one of the characters say precisely over and over again. Like that's about all he says. They have basically pure black eyes with white dots. Like they couldn't think of real eyes. The animation and people and all of that look like it were made with blender. And looks like the backgrounds are decals. Not lying it look like low-quality backgrounds. Like, of course, it's a bootleg so I am NOT surprised. But this movie is the worst all I can say for it is terrible and trashy. So please don't watch this.
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d33z25 July 2021
This was really good if it was supposed to be a horror movie.
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I'd give this movie 7 box office flops out of 10
matthewpastrano-232543 February 2017
This movie is inept in more ways than one. The animation is simply horrendous, the dialogue is bland in a way, the backgrounds styles, and textures are unappealing, and the plot is boring. This is perhaps one of the most garbage movies I've watched ever in my existence. This however, is probably funny in an ironic sort of way. I found myself laughing at its ineptitude and how bad it is. I think Greg the stupid rodent saying "PRECISELY" over and over again is the funniest part of the movie. I adore this movie and it's ability of being inept. Another great thing about this motion picture is that it is short, as shown by the 45 minute run time, which is close to or the minimum time for this to be recognized as a "feature film". Video Brinquedo's style of sh*t making movies out is like seeing that one relative you see once a year, so they give you a bad gift, because they don't know what you want, just like how Video Brinquedo perhaps doesn't understand the basic needs and wants of an audience. It's a great movie if your playing video games and you want to watch something bad , or if you enjoy bad movies, or you want to watch it With a group of friends, you can have a field day with this crappy work of art.
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DylanRoberts5127 December 2011
This is the lowest common denominator of children's entertainment, it's just that bad. The story is written as a story that was "inspired by" Ratatouille as opposed to just ripping it off, in-which it did. The characters are bland, the story is bland, the animation is horrible, and the voice cast is just unbearable. The villain rat group are epic fail. The voice of the mouse when he says "precisely" sounds like it was copied and pasted in. One out of ten. This is the worst kids' feature ever. It was made by a group of Brazillian filmmakers who try to cash in on the success of other animated features that grace the Box Office.
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What a piece of garbage!
TheLittleSongbird17 June 2011
I love animation, but I saw Ratatoing out of curiosity after hearing people say how bad it was. And while I have seen worse animated films, like Spiders Web:A Pig's Tale, Titanic:The Animated Movie and Animals United, Ratatoing is just garbage.

The animation is terrible, very static in the backgrounds and bland in the colour palette, and to make things worse the character designs are some of the most forced I've seen. The writing is even worse unfortunately, it is unfunny and juvenile and written with no heart.

The story is very unoriginal(no surprise seeing as I've seen it all before with Pixar's Ratatouille except a thousand times better), and is too thin and rushed to sustain a film that is less than 50 minutes in length. None of the characters are likable or endearing, and pretty much no effort goes into the voice work.

So overall, Ratatoing is garbage. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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Rectangular_businessman12 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. I have seen many bad animated movies before, but this mock-buster version of Ratatouille is the very, very bottom of the barrel. Forget about "Doogal", "Delgo" or even "Foodfight!", this somehow managed to be even worse than those atrocious CGI films.

Done by Vídeo Brinquedo, a Brazilian company responsible for many awful direct-to-DVD plagiarized garbage (Such as "The Little Cars", "The Little Panda Fighter", "Gladiformers", among others) that not even little kids will find remotely amusing.

Besides of the blatant plagiarism of the premise and the horrible animation, "Ratatoing" fails spectacularly at every single level, having boring and extremely dull plot that becomes tedious after a couple of minutes. The annoying, painfully generic characters made the whole thing even more unbearable with their idiotic dialogues and dumb catchphrases. (I don't think I can ever hear the word 'precisely' the same way again)

It would redundant to say anything more about "Ratatoing". I mean, its awfulness is blatantly obvious. Not even the Asylum made stuff this bad.
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F*ck this movie
stupidwizardproductions14 August 2012
Flat out the worst thing I have ever seen in my entire life. What the hell to start with. Animation: The worst animation ever produced by life forms. There is no sense of weight to it. And at most points it makes no sense how characters walk. Everyone is walking like they're strutting only with no sense of style and walking slower than Waluigi. Also there are many big animation and design flaws. Here's one for ya. A cat, who looks like an even more mutated Dragon from Secret of NIMH, who in some cases walks upright like the main characters and then walks on all fours. That makes sense with rats and mice who can do that, but cats cannot do that in nature. Now on to the writing, oh God. The writing in this makes Birdemic look like The Dark Knight. Clearly it is a blatant rip off of Ratatouille so it rip offs the main premise; A rat cooks amazing food with stolen human food. The writing is so poor mainly because of the translation. A lot of things are poorly translated, things like Chinese rip offs and fan translation of anime, and rarely affects the writing but in this case it does. Here is the main example a character says precisely instead of any other word meaning yes. Do not at all watch this except to make Youtube Poops.
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Ratatoing is a piece of garbage
southpark_adam18 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ratatoing is a horrible movie about a MOUSE? that cooks at a restaurant called Ratatoing and every week, he steals the freshest of ingredients which by the way looks like crap, without getting caught.

Let me describe how the original creators of Ratatoullie would have felt:They found it youtube one day and watched it. Instead removing this piece of crap, they decided not to sue because it isn't even worth it when you compare it their freaking masterpiece.

Well, let's actually look at the movie. O.k, it starts out with a view Rejo-Dojonero(sorry, can't spell it) showing s building that has Jesus nailed to a ****ing cross. I mean how would you feel if your kids were watching toy story and there was a toy that had Jesus H. Christ nailed to a F-ing cross?! Isn't a little gruesome for a kids movie? Then again even without the cross, kids will cry and possibly be scarred for life by this sh**. I don't even want to go into detail about this sh***y piece of ****ing crap.

Meet Marcel Toing, who should be having is balls cut off right now so he doesn't make his kids commit suicide when they see this!!! P.S:RAT NIPPLES
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Never have i seen am animated film suck so much.
wwe796131 August 2010
You know that movie studio named "The Asylum". Imagine an "Asylum" film ripping off something except it's an animated rip-off of a good animated movie, and it sucks way worse than the usual "Asylum" movie. This movie is unbelievable. The voice acting is terrible, the dialogue is horrendous, the animation looks like it was made over a decade ago, and it is one of the dullest pieces of crap I have ever seen. This really is as low grade as animated films get. It flat out sucks. Nothing at all is good. Every last moment is torture. Well I guess I should go into a little more detail on the flaws. First the voice actors seem to come from the Troll 2 acting school. This is an Brazilian production, and Troll 2 was an Italian one. With Troll 2 the actors barley understood English, but were forced to act in English. With how bad the acting was for this movie I'm guessing that was the same case with this film. The dialogue is flat out terrible. Any joke made is not funny at all, and the conversations between characters are boring. Then there is the simply awful CGI. Veggietales had better CGI, and that was made years before this movie. There are youtube videos with more effort put into the CGI! It is vomit inducing. Then we have the fact that film is one of the boring films I have ever watched. Conversations go on forever, scenes go on forever, and the film goes on forever despite being only 45 minutes long. This is so bad. Just so bad.

0 stars out of 4
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Now, am really pi**ed
sam_fraihat29 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings, i read so many reviews here n i came 2 know that u all r movie experts n not just fans, my name is Sam n am a translator/subtitle coder 4 satellite channels. that being my job, i came face 2 face with some severely horrible movies n at times i was so close 2 losing my sanity n now b4 i hang my self with an electric cord, here's what I've learned in life... do not watch or let your children watch this movie imagine yourselves being filmed while getting extremely brutally tortured by a group of satanic sadistic barbarians who'll eventually leave your open dead body 2 be eaten by rats n then summoning your soul n trapping it to watch the last horrid 44 minutes of your lives thus causing your souls to suffer an extreme dementia n then imagine those psychos watching your soul bouncing around n laughing while one of them says after catching his/her breath: "OK OK hold on, how about we call this video Ratatoing? isn't that funny or what?"


p.s, I'm afraid that if i give it a 1/10 that'll be a rating n since there's no -10 ratings here, I'm not voting.
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scientists have proved that eating at ratatoing might give you cancer
jackpalmigeri27 January 2019
It's trash can you believe that there are people that love this and think ratatouille is a rip off of ratatoing?but while it is garbage is less garbage than video briquendo"s aka video lazyripoffendo's other works
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Comparing this film to "Ratatouille" is like comparing a festering toilet to The Mona Lisa!
planktonrules19 June 2018
Video Brinquedo created "Ratatoing" capitalize on the popularity of Disney's "Ratatouille". However, in almost no way can you compare the two. Sure, they're both films and they both are about rat chefs...but that's where the similarity ends. While "Ratatouille" is a charming and well-crafted film, "Ratatoing" is essentially garbage...a charmless, ugly and horribly animated movie. It's so ugly and awful that I can't even see children enjoying anything about the movie. With CGI that looks like it was created in the 1980s or early 90s (at best) and a dull story, it's a real chore to finish this mess.

The story, if you care, is about a rat chef who has to retrieve secret ingredients. The rat patrons wonder how they get the wonderful food and this is because at night the restaurant workers go in search of human food on Thursday nights. There's a bit more to it than this (such as some competing rat restaurant wanting to steal Ratatoing's secrets) but none of it is interesting in any way.

Is this the worst children's film ever? Possibly. I am not sure I'd call it that because it really was never intended as a theatrical piece...just a super-cheap and crappy direct-to-video fiasco whose awfulness is hard to imagine....you need to see its awfulness for yourself to believe it!

I give this one one star...simply because IMDB doesn't allow a score of zero.
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changed my life
hellopillowtabby21 October 2018
I entered into this movie a child. unsuspecting. naïve. this movie changed me. the delicate and thoughtful dialogue made me both laugh and cry. there is nothing that can ever come close to the level of detail and nuance that this film so beautifully portrays. the animation out does any animation studio you could name- pixar and disney bow at its rat themed feet. i have never in my life seen a film that is so inspiring and motivational, and i implore all of you to watch this masterpiece.
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Mr Toing, I don't feel so good...
ormondi18 April 2020
Visually this movie hurts my eyes so I refuse to watch it. But also it seems pretty ironically hilarious. If you watch the trailer that rat is the last thing you see before you sleep at night and the animation will scar you for life. And I haven't even watched it in full. But hey they're adding my boy Marcelle Toing to smash bros, so there's that.
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The antithesis of Pixar
crow300020034 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie sucks. Really I should leave it there because I feel as though I've wasted too much time on this unholy abomination of animation already, but I'm compelled to go into detail why this pile of rat feces isn't even worthy of an MST3K riff session.

Animation: Remember the Money for Nothing music video from the mid 80's? It was blocky, sure, but that was leaps and bounds better than anything you'll find in this movie. I could spend all day ragging on the animation, but that is only one cardinal sin this cinematic abortion has done. I'll be frank, the animation is so terrible, it would have looked dated in the 80's. For some odd reason the mice's snouts move with their mouths when they talk and the designs have sort of an uncanny valley look to them. I'd say there's some Aardman influence here, but I feel it's a disservice to the fine folks at Aardman animation to compare their works to this pile of garbage.

Voice acting: If memory serves me right, most if not all of the voice actors were employed under 4Kids, the same people who dubbed Pokemon, One Piece, Sonic X, and a slew of other anime, but even their worst roles under 4Kids doesn't compare to Ratatoing. Mind you, the film was originally in Portuguese and dubbed in English (Which also explains the film's setting in Brazil, where Video Brinquedo resides). That said, they did a terrible job, but it's not all their fault. Sure the acting was corny and too over the top in a lot of cases, but they simply did what they were told and read the god awful dialogue that was handed to them.

Writing/Story: This is the biggest problem by far. One would assume the film is a blatant copy of the far superior Ratatouille, and that assumption is partially correct. You see both movies have a rat who aspires to be a chef, even if it means stealing food from humans. However, Ratatouille goes further and has a much better story and overall plot than Ratatoing, which is extremely shallow by comparison. That bit I said about the rats stealing food to make the dishes? That's the extent of the plot. Mind you, this film is 44 minutes long, roughly the time of two episodes of a standard cartoon, and it has filler. They reuse the same suiting up montage 3 times throughout the film. It's sad when a 22 minute cartoon can do a more complex story and give it a beginning middle and end while a 44 minute DVD can't even do that.

Do I recommend this? Well, maybe the question "Are you a masochist?" would be more appropriate. If your answer is yes, then by all means give this abortion a watch, and if you're a sadist who likes inflicting psychological torture on children, this film is perfect. Otherwise, stay away from this garbage.
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