After Ever Happy (2022) Poster

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Repetitive, too much breaking up and arguing.
LeoDominicField200024 September 2022
Love the actors, nothing personal towards them, I'm 30 minutes in and they've already had FOUR arguments... it's just receptive and silly. I found the exact problem with their 3rd film too... whenever there is a passionate scene between the two, it's more like... ahhh here we go again and just lose interest.

Love the actors, nothing personal towards them, I'm 30 minutes in and they've already had FOUR arguments... it's just receptive and silly. I found the exact problem with their 3rd film too... whenever there is a passionate scene between the two, it's more like... ahhh here we go again and just lose interest.
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Not As Bad As Normal
joshtill-9810015 September 2022
My best friend and I have a yearly tradition where we see this movie at the latest showtime at our local theatre, ready for not a care in the world with the worlds most shallow plot. This one, surprisingly wasn't as bad as normal, and is my favourite of all of the after movies. The nudity is toned down a lot in this film, and it deals with actual grief and sadness to a point where i actually cared for Tessa and Hardin. So, would I recommend it? Not if you're a newbie. But if you're going down the same never-ending road as me, then you might enjoy this one, it's by far the most mature.

Spoiler Territory: I was actually quite shocked when Tessa's dad died. It was insane seeing how far the writers had attempted to go with the character, and it seemed as if his arch was just starting. To kill him off was quite sudden, and honestly, a little surprising.

To be continued...
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Each film gets worse
kelley123126 December 2022
Each film in the series is worse than the other... I'm practically hate watching the film series at this point... Having watched the first two movies it's hard not to just hit play for background noise or something. I'm already this far might as well finish the rest.

The relationship between the two main romantic characters is toxicity at its finest and hopefully others see it as something not to emulate or look at as a healthy relationship.

It's unfortunate that most of the young adult section of films as of late have shown this type of back and forth between two characters that is basically cookie cutter.
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These keep getting worse.
Unfilmy12 October 2022
I have watched the previous movies and I can say that they are just getting bad and bad. Hardin is still a dipsh1t guy who has some serious anger issues but Tessa doesn't leave him (Because she loves him soooo much duh).. And when she decides to leave him, the guy isn't leaving her alone (because he doesn't believe her duhhh).

Hardin keeps cribbing and screaming in the first half. Second half gets a little better but it's still very messily done. Even after four movies, you don't feel for these guys. They are just some random teenagers who keep crying and fighting and then keep making up.

Girls, this is what toxic guys look like. I hope you learn from the movie, have some self respect in case you find a red-flagged person and leave him for good. It's NOT your responsibility to fix him.
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Made a IMDB Account just to rate this movie
fxyjgbfn10 September 2022
A aggressive boy and a nice girl. Overly dramatic non sense. Uff everyone who rates this above 4 is just a fan boy but as a movie itself it just can't stand itself. It's like 100 Stock footages glued together, sorry but it's like a low budget Netflix movie which teach young relationships that toxic behaviour is cool and can add spice in a relationship and sex is the solution for all that trouble... uff.... I hate it when people can't control their anger and the hero is one of those. I will not go in the next movie and I think the bad reviews are from boyfriends like me who got in the cinema with their girlfriends to give this movie a chance but it failed for those people.
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What the actual....
harberdionne23 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously? Another film? I only watch these to see if any actually get better but nope! These movies go absolutely nowhere! We watch 3 movies to find out that in the 4th nothing in Tessa and Hardin's relationship actually changes?? What a surprise! This must be a joke. The most toxic relationship I've ever experienced. I'd rather watch the same Peppa pig episode on repeat for a million years, that's way more interesting than this trash. The ending is so predictable and cheap, the whole movie was predictable.

The only difference was they finally got Hardin to get the help he needed and even after he got that help, he decided to(after sleeping with Tessa) still keep secrets from her and lie to her. He wrote a book with private things in about her too and didn't even ask or even just say "hey I need to write this book to help me". Nope, he was just as toxic and thoughtless as ever concluding that he hasn't actually changed the person he is, he just stopped drinking alcohol. 👏🏻👏🏻. Well done. There's no changes shown in their relationship when they reunite after awhile even after Tessa moves away for ages!

They just reunite, have sex and then argue. Which is their overall pattern. They have sex, claim they love each other, then do horrible toxic things to one another before having sex again and repeating the whole cycle. And Tessa then sits there wondering why he's such a toxic person and wondering why she deserves it. JUST LEAVE. Time and time again this person who makes Tessa think over and over again that he's cheating on her, rips out her heart, shoves it in her face and then chases after her when she either decides she's had enough or someone close to her gets hurt or dies. He says sorry and she swoons over him again. Tessa also actually did cheat on him for real and they didn't think perhaps maybe that was time to call it quits? I mean, WHAT?! This is just so unreal and un relatable. This would not happen in real life and if it was to happen in a love story, well let's be real, this is the WORST love story. Way to teach others that having toxic relationships, manipulative and abusive partners is okay.

Lastly, the acting in this film! You can tell even the actors hate their characters! No chemistry, sex scenes are dull and not sexy at all. It's like Fifty Shades of Grey for teens. Oh yeah they actually did copy Fifty Shades of Grey most famous sex scene! So I guess really nothing came from the imagination. To hear these were Wattpad books too makes me laugh. There's actually good content on Wattpad but out of everything on there THIS is the work that gets transformed into films???? This just gives Wattpad a bad name. Should never have been made into films.

Watch something that is genuinely worthwhile. This just offers you to look at your life and say "wow, at least I feel better about my life!"
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Immediately no.
fitgirlvirginia26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You know that sound clip that was so over played on TikTok that went like this... Immediately no, immediately no.. I've seen what I needed to see.?! Yeah that perfectly sums up how I felt watching this.

The beginning of the movie started off like a tv show with a recap I was wanting to press skip on. Then comes all the million different storylines that were talked about for a few minutes then dropped to never be discussed again. Like Hardin setting fire to his mothers home. He should've been arrested or something but no let's just go on a drive in a fancy car, decides he wants to stay in London because he is no good for Tessa, have sex in that car, and then never mention the fire again. This movie gave me whiplash with how many things happened in such a short time. I kept pausing it to either check how much time was left and thinking there is literally no way this story is going to wrap up in the short time or laughing/screaming at the ridiculousness of it.

The relationship is toxic and I kept thinking the whole time that they just needed to be over and move on. I rooted for her when she seemed like she was done and then when he visits nyc and they sleep together again I was so angry about that. When he left the next morning I thought maybe he'll get hit by a cab and she can move on from this mess.

The toxic relationship, the bad bangs, the all over the place story, the back and forth of everything, and the lack of chemistry between the actors really set this movie up for failure. I'm not even sure how this movie got made after how bad the third one was.
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on and off crap fest
mejaflora30 September 2022
So lets imagine these 2 are my best friends and I have the unfortunate luck of watching their so called on and off relationship go up and down, misunderstandings, fights, bickering, break ups, sudden hook ups and then break up again. You know what, after the first movie, i'm breaking up with these 2 friends.

If you cannot listen and talk like normal adults and stop giving stupid ultimatums, walk offs, grouchy growls every single second, then maybe just maybe we can be friends again.

Maybe go learn from kdramas on how to handle romance. Feel good romance. This is just horrible drivel stressful to life.
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A film? No, a meme....
OzeLotWrites17 September 2022
This is one of the worst films I have watched in a long time. To be honest I just waited for it to end. It was an experience filled with lame characters and lines, lame music and lame scenes. I am sorry but I can't think of anything good about this film. The way the characters feelings are being portrayed in this movie are bizarre at the highest level, no wonder Hardin has become a meme...

I think the story itself that this After-series has could be good, I mean the books are loved by many, but the films are just straight up lame. Hardin has clearly a drinking problem, which is often portrayed in the movie. A problem that is tragic, but every time he started to drink or scream everyone in the cinema was just laughing. This character has become a meme. And that's why people are watching it, to make fun of it. And this is so sad. But this is of course not the movie's fault....or is it?

Maybe you should ask Trevor....

Don't waste your time by watching this movie, at least not for the sake of wanting to watch something serious, wholehearted and exciting.
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After Never Happy
saaddar-223447 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So The Movie Starts And I already knew that Tessa is going to get a very hard time on this one, even though i knew that Hardin was at fault but i felt bad for him and thought that he deserved one last chance but then he got that chance but again he screwed up. The character development was the best thing in this movie i could literally feel the change in Hardin's personality. The one thing i was happy about is that we didn't get to see much of Tessa And Robert in this one. As The Goes through it's final sequence and we get to see a happy ending but then like always everything again goes bad. And only thing time i didn't thought that it was Hardin's fault. I loved how they grew into their own character. I wouldn't be mad if it was the final movie cause i thought that it was a great ending that they both moved on, Hardin is successful and Tessa is with Robert. I know that it might be a bit sad ending. But it would be best for both of them.
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If only it was After all.
movieman6-413-92951024 August 2022
After Ever Happy is the fourth film in the After film series. The film is directed by Castille Landon, who also directed the third installment of the series.

After the discovery from the previous film, Hardin (Hero Fiennes Tiffin) is confronted with a shocking truth. He ends up furious in a depression, which Tessa (Josephine Langford) only gets rid of him more. Because of this, she decides to leave him.

After a shocking event for Tessa, Hardin tries to come back to her to help her, only she is no longer interested in him. Both have to put their problems aside if they want their relationship to continue to work, to build a future together, or else live alone next to each other.

This fourth film is, just like the previous films in the series, put together very messy. So messy that it just remains difficult to follow and the eventual events seem more unrealistic and almost no longer believable.

The characters also keep making unrealistic or illogical decisions. Tessa and Hardin keep looking for each other, only to say goodbye after a short while. They keep making these decisions, because they keep changing their minds in a short period of time. In this way, the film comes across more as a weak yes-nothing game. Most problems could simply be solved with a good and serious conversation, but unfortunately they continue to choose unrealistic ways with the films, which often only make the problems unnecessarily bigger.

The film is further filled with clichés from a standard romantic film, only all the relationships in this film seem too rushed without any credible chemistry. Furthermore, the film is also filled with flashbacks from the previous films.

The acting doesn't come out very well because of the bad scripts. Josephine Langford comes across as an ignorant and somewhat spoiled teenager. Hero Fiennes Tiffin continues to come across as a crank, who in this film must try to be something kind to help his girlfriend during her own crisis. Yet they often come out too exaggerated as if they were playing in a more dramatic soap opera.

They end the film so uninteresting and unbelievable for you as a viewer. If the scripts and maybe even the books had been written better, the whole story would have been best told in two books or movies. The series actually remains fun only for fans of the books or film series, but after a while in which they get older, they will hopefully also see the weak sides of the entire story.
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Part one of a two part story healing of Hardin eased abruptness of ending
cgvsluis22 September 2022
This is part one of a two part handling of After Ever Happy which is the conclusion of Tessa and Hardin's story. This is the fourth film and I was happy to see that they kept as many cast members as they had considered some of the major changes between films one, two and three.

I am a big fan of the books (guilty pleasure) and recognize that this is not the healthiest of relationships, but in this film we see a subtle shift to Hardin in which he does some healing independent of Tessa and Tessa does a little growing up independent of Hardin. These are some signs of moving towards a healthier relationship.

In this installment we pick up right where the third film ended with Hardin discovering that his mom was unfaithful to his father and in fact he has a different biological father. This of course sets Hardin off on his usual path of destruction. Tessa makes one attempt to reach him, but then decides she has to look out for herself and heads back home to America where she makes a devastating personal discovery (I would actually say two discoveries). Hardin finally realizes that he should be there for Tessa when she needs him. But it seems that this revelation is a little too late as Tessa decides she needs time apart and goes to New York with Landon. This film ends at an odd moment that leaves you looking over your shoulder for the next film with the "wait is that it?".

As a fan of the story, I am still thrilled that it is getting a film treatment and I love the two main actors. They seem to have wonderful chemistry which really helps sell the story. I have big hopes for the next film. There are not as many steamy scenes in this film as our main characters spend a lot of time apart...but don't let that deter the romantics, I think you will still be happy.

Strong recommendation to fans of the story and to romantics I say hang in there, I think you will ultimately be happy.
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Genuinely Shocked By The Bad Reviews!
mandypsl8 September 2022
I'm not saying this is one of the best films I've seen in a while, but it's pretty freaking good. First of all, if you haven't read the books or at least seen the other three films, then you're probably going to be lost. So it's not fair to rate this film poorly based off a plot that you may have no idea about. Secondly, this is probably one of the better films if not the best film in the series. The two leads acted their hearts out, especially the male lead, and it's safe to say they've corrected any "mistakes" they've made from previous films. Overall, the film was pretty damn good. It stayed true to the books and characters, the sex scenes weren't in-your-face and placed strategically at the right time to aid the storyline, and the emotional, thematic material was raw and actually pretty realistic. Sure, there were a few silly moments that probably deserved the lower ratings. But overall, this film was well made. Loved seeing a female lead stand up for herself and what she believes is right in a relationship. Loved seeing a male lead own up to his actions and realistically see the professional help he desperately needed. Hopefully the next film does this one justice.
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Round and around we go
beccar-0126115 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just really wanted the movie to be about tessa & hardin dating other people for a while but.. Over an hour of the movie ( not an exaggeration) is spent breaking up, they both agree to break up continuously throughout the hour in the UK & US, followed by intervals of them looking moody, at their phones. Nothing really makes sense. He gets a book deal out of nowhere. Her dads death was a anti climax, alot of things that should of been big scenes were made into rushed scenes just so they happened, dont know why the breaking up scene had to be an hour long, it could of been a good 10 minutes, then shown tessa more on her own in New York instead of a 30 second flash of her getting a job. & a mate date. The fact they talk about being more open with eachother to the point it can be made into 3 movies previously for them to just see or hear 1 tiny thing and run off somtimes to another country its just bizarre. Not routing for them at all.both super moody, their words and promises mean nothing, both of them never really do much wrong but it's blown up for movie drama, i imagine these movies are targeted more towards young teens.
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gsjjhpcgd25 August 2022
The movie seems very long without much action compared to the last three movies it's the worst one and I don't think I would want to watch the next one which will obviously happen, I was a fan but now I'm disappointed and shocked as to how it went so bad and the ending is honestly a joke. Nothing special wouldn't recommend especially if you have to pay for it, a waste of money.
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It's just felt wrong
nicolinafina24 August 2022
I am, like many others, a fan of the books and I almost didn't wanna see this movie because the book contains a lot of things that make the book emotional and hard to read. After Ever Happy is suppose to make you feel like you ship Hardin and Tessa at the same time as you want then to break up and I never got that feeling.

I did have emotions while watching the movie, but they were more in line of anger towards the person who held the knife while slaughtering the book before writing a script.
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nikki-grant-8176731 August 2022
Having watched the other 3 movies an unhealthy amount of times, and reading the books twice - published and wattpad versions.. to say i was let down by this movie would be an understatement. While the previous movies had many steamy scenes, this was heavy petting at best. Hardins drug and alcohol bender in London is nowhere to be seen. And then they go and pull a twilight and split the last book into two movies! And on that note, they chose to end it at the weirdest part. It's also only 90mins long. Not 2 hours. Seems like when they decide split it they just cut some footage off... And don't even get me started on yet another cast change. Paired with a horrific wig on Tessa.. I was really looking forward to this movie and was severely disappointed. The Don't Worry Darling trailer that ayed before the movie got me more excited in it's 3 minutes than this movie did in 90 minutes.
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Films That Send the Wrong Message to Young Women
leviathan-192228 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Alright, I could write a book about why these films are not good. However, I'll attempt to be concise. The "After" film series continues to show why Hardin gets worse and worse the longer he's with Tessa. Yes, in After Ever Happy, Hardin attended therapy sessions. However, you cannot get back together with an ex merely 5 months later and expect everything to be better. They should not get back together even after Hardin's therapy because the foundation of their entire relationship is based upon lies and lack of trust. It's not the lack of love. It's Hardin's heavy emotional abuse and Tessa's low emotional intelligence that causes this relationship to suffer. They broke up (several times) for a reason. Tessa tolerates and enables Hardin's behaviour. Hardin is an emotional abuser who often gaslights Tessa's ambitions and needs. He craves control over Tessa. He is also incredibly impulsive and violent. He can't have one conversation without exploding in rage. For goodness sake, he committed arson on his mum's house on her wedding day !! And then Tessa was the getaway car ! Yes, I would be incredibly angry with my mum if I found her with another man on her wedding night ... But that does not justify arson ! Bloody hell.

These films do not teach a good lesson to young women. The lesson: "It's a woman's job to fix a man." Absolutely not. Wrong. The lesson would be taught if Tessa leaves Hardin for good. But she doesn't. She never means it when she tells Hardin that she's "done" going back and forth. She always returns to him. Every time. Unfortunately, many young and naive women stay with toxic and/or abusive men because they believe that their love can eventually fix everything.

Another reason Hardin is horrible is because he treats Tessa as if she is his object. He is incredibly controlling. He makes power plays and manipulative moves, such as showing up at her restaurant in NYC so that she MUST talk to him. She's at work, so she's forced to serve his table ! Also, remember in the beginning of this film when she confidently goes to find him at some drug house after a fight? Do you recall that he refuses to leave with her? But as SOON as Hardin's buddy puts his arm around Tessa, Hardin gets angry. Once he loses control over her, the bomb is lit. These examples are evidence that he doesn't trust Tessa. And Tessa doesn't trust him, either. What is a relationship without trust?! Trust travels both ways. Additionally, a relationship is supposed to make both partners better people. You're supposed to grow with your partner, but Tessa and Hardin spiral downward together. Tessa may not be naive and "innocent" anymore, but Hardin is still impulsive, moody, and violent throughout all 4 films. He still lies. He lies about his reason for being in New York City, which was to publish a book he wrote about her. I'd be so angry if my ex made a profit off of our story without asking me first.

The filmmaking and cinematography were not bad. But the story this film attempts to tell is giving the wrong message. Why another film is in development is beyond my comprehension.
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Disappointing Melodrama
Books2film12 September 2022
Ends on a weird cliffhanger and is was so rushed it made no sense at all. I read all the books and love them but I only really like the first film in this franchise. It is really a shame how this major book franchise has turned into a really weird plotless machine for fans of the leads only. Anyone else watching this as an outsider will be completely lost. The Nora and Landon couple were very cringe and the nightmare scenes and certain dramatic parts for Hardin were funny when they are not supposed to be.

I really wanted to like this for and there are some ok scenes but overall this is a movie I would skip if I didn't want to watch the final movie for myself since I am a fan of the books. I will not be watching any more continuations though it's just no longer worth it at all. The people giving this movie great reviews are the ones who only care about aww moments between the leads. Otherwise this is an impossible franchise to take seriously.
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A brilliant movie about relationships
CatastropheCatCat4 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Who are you without your loved one? Can you stay separate? This movie's biggest strength comes from character development. Although the ending left me on a cliffhanger, the movie is satisfying due to beautiful acting and character development.

The movie is also messy because it portrays a messy relationship. But what's clear in the movie is that it is very empowering to see a woman find herself despite her regressions. Progress is messy, and it can be one step back, two steps forward.

I am grateful that I went to see this movie. Would recommend that you do the same if you like the other After movies! Plus, I liked this one more than the third movie.
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grahamvr12 May 2023
Why, why, why do these movies keep getting made, they are getting worse with each one. Flashback after flashback explains how it got to where it is. Now I even see there is another one in pre production.

I realise these must be aimed at a young audience but really. Hero Fiennes Tiffin has the ability to be a very good actor and it would be nice to see him in something better than this series of movies.

Oh my, I still have to add 147 more letters into my comment. How to do this is becoming impossible. I am almost 80 years of age and sadly today's movies do not come up to the standard of this created by the great classic. Directors.
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Interesting romantic sequel
gennie-324427 November 2022
Like the previous 3 movies from the After series, I liked this movie a lot! I liked it more than the third movie. The actors are great and the story is very interesting! The reason I gave the movie 9 starts instead of 10 is because I didn't like the language of the main characters. But perhaps it had to fit the characters. Hardin and Tessa have gone through a lot and the development in their romance and relationship was very interesting. Although they have issues, they try to support each other in difficult times. I am looking forward to the 5th movie. Amazing cinematography, because I read that the movie is filmed in Bulgaria, but the plot takes place in Seattle, London and New York city.
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so good but???
jaczynskaoliwka25 September 2022
Why is it so short? Waiting so much for just over an hour.. and how do they want to fit as much of the story out of the book in the last part? Don't destroy history which we readers love. Definitely best series i've ever read, but movies can be better. Even if i love hero as a Hardin. I think that After Ever Happy is better than the previous two parts but the first one was definitely my number one- most reflects the story of the book. My stomach ached throughout the movie, the movie dragged on a bit too much, but the actress was much better now. I like I like the opposite of the actors, even in their speech and accent - perfectly matched. Perfect for the evening.
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Main Actor
mrodriguezcreativity4 September 2022
Someone please needs to speak to Hero Fiennes about acting classes. He comes from a family of actors. The movie was not bad nor good. It was like any other of the past movies. I believe if we got the Hardin we deserved it would've been better. Althought, I'm not only blaming him but Anna Todd anyone else involved in these past films. They needed better direction, script and actors. Don't get me wrong I think Hero is gorgeous and has an amazing ass but his acting is pure cringe.

And before you go off on me I am a fan still and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks the same. Let's see what the other film brings.
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meh !
surovitanvi8 September 2022
Like every movie they made ,their chemistry seems so off. Like what the hell? Are you guys even a couple? I am not saying because of their toxic relationship. Hero doesn't seem to fit in hardin's charater. It seems he tries really hard to get into it but the whole thing just turns into awkward mess. Their chemistry is nothing like the books. It doesn't make you emotional like the books or even care for them. The only thing they were good at making was the steamy scenes in all movies , but this one takes the cake.

And those bangs they gave tessa looks so ugly. Eww! These are porbably the worst bangs i have ever seen.
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