"Supergirl" Truth or Consequences (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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nailzag3 November 2021
I don't understand why the writers of this show give so much screen time to lex and nxy romance, that's not cute, he's a sociopath, who shoots point blank at someone, who wants to destroy the world, these scenes with him romantic , are offensive, and disgusting. I don't care about the legion arc, honestly I got to see Kara/Supergirl, but the show is no longer hers. The next 2 episodes legion will come back, WHAT? It doesn't make sense for them at William's funeral, in fact nothing about this ending will make sense. I gave it a 5 because I like 2 actors in the series: Melissa and Katie.
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So many wrong choices
pauli_gomez8 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, first the good things: I liked the argument between Alex and Kara about how to raise Esmé. They got angry and it felt real, but it did not carry on to be awful or to create a real problem between them. They spoke, they apologized, they showed how much they care for each other. And it was well acted.

Alex and Kelly are really cute together, I just wish they could have the actor playing Jim to visit for the bachelorette party.

I liked that Andrea Rojas spoke normal Spanish, not the neutral thing they sometimes use in the shows.

I loved Jon Cryer as Luthor in love, even when I found his presence too forced. Nxly did a good job too.

As always, Lena is the best (but the show did not need to make her a witch. A genius rationalist scientist was great).

Now the bad: The final moments should have been emotionally devastating, but they weren't because nobody actually cared for William. He was introduced too late and never became interesting. To make things worse, he acted like a stupid, not calling the Super Friends as soon as there was a breach. And his death is just a cautionary tale about the consequences of lying (especially if you want to be a journalist! The message is too on the nose).

The Nia-Brainy drama also felt hurried, too late in the show.

The obvious Lex trap using Lena's plan was awful, Lena deserved better.

Even when they love (or will love) each other, I don't want the show to try to make us sympathize with two psychopath killers.

Lately there is not enough Supergirl in her show. I know it began when she was pregnant, but it should have changed after he was back.

And the worse part is...the hunt for the totems is just plain boring-

I hope the finale is better, the show deserves a good ending.
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I'm Impressed by Jon Cryer
Gislef6 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Those are words I never thought I'd say. But the middling storyline, the hunt for the Totems (why not use the ROY G BIV power ring kinda-emotions of the comics?) that do whatever the plot requires, and the so-so villainy of Nxyly, are improved a hundredfold by Cryer's presence. I've never thought much of him as an actor before, but he effectively captures Lex Luthor's "preening arrogance" (to borrow a phrase author Mark Dawidziak used for Columbo villain Jack Cassidy) and cold-heartedness. Scenes like the one where he shoots William in cold blood are a lot more intense than any heroes-versus Nxyly standoff Mark 100.

Also Cryer manages to make the whole Lex/Nxyly romance believable. Something that would be gawkish and/or trite is convincing (well, for a CW show) by making his Lex both love-smitten and still a complete sociopath. One minute he's pitching woo, the next minute he's gunning down a reporter for publishing his woo.

The rest of the episode is pretty blehh. The Super Friends (ugh, couldn't they get a better team name?) fight Nxyly and Lex. The villains escape, they get a Totem, they lose a Totem, a Totem is destroyed, Lena casts a spell, we get some wokeness. Rinse and repeat.

I'm as sick of the Alex/Kelly romance as I would be of most hetero TV couples, and a few of the ones on other CW Arrowverse shows. For instance, the Barry/Iris relationship is just as stomach churning to me. At least they're main characters, though.

'Supergirl' is the most "torn from the headlines" show of the current Arrowverse. And hits snags that 'Batwoman' and "DC's Legends' manage to avoid. If I want to get commentary on current cultural/political issues like journalism and immigration (funny how most of them disappeared when Biden took office), I'll watch the news, thank you. I ain't watching to see Berlanti, Schlicter, et al get up on soapboxes.

The woes in the Brainiac-5/Nia relationship don't move me much, either. Isn't it a little late in the game (and in the penultimate episode, since next week's finale "episode" is a two-hour merging of two episodes) to worry about Brainiac-5 having to go back to the future and be separated from Nia? It's a relationship that hasn't seen that much screen time, anyway. And the fact that Nia is trans has taken a backseat to Alex & Kelly's relationship. Remember when having a trans character was cool and a big deal? Now it' s just background noise to the "real" Alex/Kelly relationship.

So I keep watching, because Cryer is excellent and I'm into superhero shows. But the show is just plodding toward next week's finale.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. What do you think?
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Well I guess this show gets low ratings even when
ldamena3 November 2021
The episodes are good. So sad that people just watch this show for an imaginary ship that's not even canon. I can't even. This show is way more than a ship and it's sad that people don't appreciate what Supergirl is all about.
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dumpster fire of an episode
nicamposl3 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I can't even believe this is the third to last episode of this series...

First of all, the Lex and Nyxly romance stuff is just useless, it's not cute, it's not funny, it takes way more screen time than it should and nobody cares about them.

Second, just WHY would you do that to Brainy, after all his breakthroughs with his feelings and personality and making everyone (characters and audience) love him, they're planning to completely throw it down the drain by FORCING him to go back to the future and essentially wipe himself as he knows himself off from existence??? It makes NO SENSE.

Kara was barely seen on one of the last episodes of HER show and the most we saw of her was her and Alex fighting out of nowhere... no comments.

And of course the William Dey problem... we saw him yelling at his boss's face yet again in the beginning and then we saw him bond a lot with little Esme, you know, Esme the 5 years old child with abandonment issues, and for what? Oh right, to kill him off in front of her while he was babysitting her. Totally unnecessary, just like his whole character arc, they kept shoehorning him the whole season just to try to have some sort of shock factor for the end of the series, except no one cares about him and majority would've preferred that he had left back to London in the end of season 5/beginning of season 6.

And of course Alex and Kelly can't even share a kiss at their own engagement/bachelorette party...

A disappointment.
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illaymelamed3 November 2021
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No words
johnnytightlips23 November 2021
Never has a show been so disconnected with its fanbase. Don't even know what to say anymore.

Kara has no storyline with two episodes to go. Every character on the show is now traumatized with no time for the show to address it. And precious screentime is wasted building up a Lex/Nyxly romance. Are you actually kidding me, writers?!
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I wanted william to die🤦‍♀️
LenaLuthor996 November 2021
Were you saddened by William's death because you dropped the episode too low? Carefree, I all agreed that he is an extra character in the series and I do not think anyone was even saddened by his death. Why Superman can have a family, be bisexual, have a favorite job, but Kara can not have a job, even with Lina. Stop misogyny.
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CW hates Supergirl and their fans
vitoriavalentim3 November 2021
I've been watching this show since the pilot, always hoping that I'd get to see and know more about Kara Zor-El, that I'd get to see who she is, her comic stories, who she's going to be and all but this just ain't it. She doesn't have a development, she is not the plot of the final season (looking back, she was never the protagonist for more than one season) and this episode just destroyed every inch of hope that I had left. A season about totens and gautlets that Kara always fails, we get to know more about Nxyly (who's brilliantly played by Peta Sergeant) than we do know about Kara's issues and traumas. The fact that the show gave LEX LUTHOR (Jon Cryer is a genius tho) a soulmate before estabilishing one for Kara (if you're watching this thus far, we all know that her soulmate should be Lena Luthor) speaks volumes. Kara Zor-El is a prop character on her own tv series and HQ Kara Zor-El would burn down the cw. So much disrespect with the characters, with the main cast and, of course, with the fans. We never asked for much but you just gave us everything that we hated. I should miss this show but, truth is, I will miss most of the main cast and 100% will miss Supercorp, Dansen, Brainia and their relationship with one another.
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Little scene stealer.
richmac951183 December 2021
The girl who plays Esme steals every scene she's in. She's so good you forget she's an actress. Kudos also to whoever wrote the character. She is the realest child character I've seen in a long time.
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Disappointed. Yet. Again.
myrtovar19973 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hey, writer Karen. "Thank you" for liking a tweet calling (mostly) LGBTQ+ people who ship Kara and Lena together disgusting by someone who encourages members of that community to take their own life and when confronted, you said that you don't condone that but didn't apologize for liking the tweet. Then, and only after we showed you proof that we're being attacked daily, you offered an "apology" that didn't make sense, but anyway. Do better.

Having watched every single episode multiple times, I can safely say that as far as the writing is concerned the episode was trash. Three episodes before the finale and the protagonist has no storyline. You keep using her as a wild card. Lex gets one over Lena, proving that, even though she wants to be free of him (like she said in the previous episode), he won't let her. Kara and Alex's argument was unnecessary. William, instead of calling for help, used his phone to record Lex kill him, only to make Andrea feel guilty, resulting in Esme getting kidnapped and traumatized. You could have just sent him back to London. You didn't have to kill yet another poc just for shock value (shock for the characters, because the majority of the audience doesn't even care about him).

You don't always have to go for the most dramatic idea. We would have been perfectly happy with a girls night out or a game night with the whole group or a trip to Midvale with everyone. You try to do the most complicated thing you can think of without having the writers or the budget to support it. Oh, and nobody cares about Nyxly and Lex (nothing against Peta and Jon, they are incredible actors). We're here to say goodbye to our favorite characters and those two have more screen time than all the rest. Enough!

Excellent acting, once again, especially from Jesse. You have an amazing cast, but unfortunately your script is laughable. Melissa and the rest of them deserved so much better. Fanfic writers write better for free. And they remember what happened in their stories, unlike your writers/producers who, by their own admission on Twitter, don't. The characters are there, the cast is there, the fans are there but the script is not. No one else to blame but the powers that be. Such wasted potential.
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aloyamber3 November 2021
I'm sorry but people blaming a fandom for the bad rating is total nonsense. If you had any respect for the character Supergirl or even care for the lead you wouldn't blame fans for wanting her to be front and center in her own show. The majority of supercorp fans at least have the guts to point out all the wrong things they have done to make their lead weak, sidelined with no arc whatsoever. And it has nothing to do with supercorp. The writers have no respect for Kara. They never had the intention to respect her legacy. If you are fine with mediocrity suit yourself but don't blame a fandom who actually care for strong female representation.
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Disappointing Writing
myrtovariami3 November 2021
Kara deserves better and so do the people who stuck by you all these years when everyone else left. Just look at your ratings. I don't even know what to say. Disappointed but not surprised.
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if writers don't want criticism maybe they should try being good at their job
emilypatchie3 November 2021
I have so much to say but honestly this show is not worth all that so just wake me up when kara danvers (the main character!!!) has an actual storyline.
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This isn't Supergirl's show
vlondon103 November 2021
The show is almost over and they still putting men from and center of the story, the show is called Supergirl for a reason, where is her storyline, her screentime, her development. I'm tired.
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1 star because i can't give 0
mistrkrypton3 November 2021
This episode was awfully bad. If you haven't watched it, i suggest you don't even lose your time. Elle Lipson and Emilio Ortega should be fired and never get a job until they learn what they are doing, they're the responsibles for some of the worst epsodes on the show and yet they decided to let them write such an important episode like 6x18.
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Mostly negative reviews for a reason
jp75703 November 2021
The show is leaving with a whimper, although it is trying to be dramatic and make the audience care about the principals - if that is the case, they are failing. It even seems that the producers and the network are aware of how bad things have gotten, so they are rushing the final two episodes in a "special 2-hour finale". They are simply clearing the deck. Can't imagine those last 2 hours will redeem this show for it's long descent into mediocrity and preachy woke-ism.
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masa-810613 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, where to begin? First of all, I'm certain nobody wanted William to die. He should've disappeared back to London like they did to M'gann. But it happened and in the stupidest way possible, well ... GOOD RIDDANCE. We had him having scenes that simply didn't belong to him, they wanted to make us feel something when he died. And honestly I'm just feeling relieved that he's not going to steal anyone's screentime in the finale. We have the homophobic brigade from the future for that.

Second, that argument between Alex and Kara was so out of left field? If this is what the writers think is character development, no wonder the show is going out with a whimper and ZERO storyline for Kara the lead.

Third, it's becoming rather obvious that they're mocking the supercorp shippers with Nyxly and Lex, they're saying almost Verbatim things that Kara and Lena have said about each other and it's being considered romantic.

They're not beating the queerbaiting allegations.

All in all, a terrible episode to give way to a most likely God awful ending to this show.

It's sad.
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mquintanilla-755973 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love Supergirl and I love the characters but this episode was so disrespectful to the main cast. There are two more episodes and they focused on Lex and Nixly. It seems like next episode is going to rely heavily on William and I hate it. Honestly last week's was great and someone this week's was horrible. I understand if they don't give us supercorp but this should be about Kara/Supergirl and not about everyone else.
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brendacrr3 November 2021
Lets face it, supergirl is not a good show it only remains watchable because of the supercorp expectations... i don't know why keep stealing focus on supergirl and trying so hard on selling some other stories about men... anyway the complete 6th season has been disapointing.
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Absolute Mess
xwing163 November 2021
This show has had an identity issue the last several seasons that it doesn't know who it is made for and suffers for it. Some episodes are actually heart warming and tackle serious subjects under the subterfuge of aliens trying to fit in. Then there are episodes like this one which remind me of Sci Fi channel schlock with a Saban Power Ranger twist without the fun. It goes from *trying* to be serious to *trying* to be fun with no subtlety whatsoever, a waste of talented actors and a once good premise.
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I am done with this show
samyarsnt3 November 2021
This episode its one of the worst ever (but this is not a surprise).

This season finale it going to be trash. We desarve better,Kara desarves better.
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william death is a dumb way to die
mariagabriele-480233 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I will try to be a little professional here, it's a bad episode you have a almost nothin to save, ok let talk about the good what spoiler is a very little, all the arc from Andrea feelin a little guilty is nice one from all the way to season 6 b she have been a little too much in her way to the top and Julie's face is another level and the other good is the metion of Kara relationship when she was yound linked with bullying Esme is facin is kind nice one.

So let's talk about the bad Kara not being that one to go through the challenge c'mon guys even my little sister knows that hero who goes to the challenge, so what is a hero to the supergirl writers? At this point I don't know. Still on Kara they really forget her traumas, a kids show have more to say about, this is a joke.

At least but no much worse William death is terrible, anyone in his place would at least try to contact with someone in the moment the system fails, when you're a parent and you let you little children with somone you at least let them with some emergency contact, so don't make sense he don't try to contact with someone from the superfriends, would be so much clever of him hide and try to call the superfriends, but no just show how dumb and arrogant he is for try to fight anyone with a knife when you have the superfriends at your back, he is literally the guy who dies in the horror movies in the dumb way, so I don't think he is a hero just a.character with really dumb choices, At least you should have him trying to call, c'mon guys.
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This has become a mockery of fans and cast
FCO-MX3 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show has become a mockery of the cast and the fans. How can anyone think these last couple of episodes are anything but complete trash? Having one of the most talented cast in that network and one of the most active fandoms and still they deliver THIS? For the second to last episode ever of the show?

The only thing worthwhile to watch in this episode was the Brainy / Brainia segment. Rath delivered an amazing performance as always, it was very sad to witness.

Then we have Alex / Kelly bachelorette party, it was much too short and once again with almost zero contact between the brides to be. If you didn't know better you would mistake them for good friends.

Now onto the bad:

Why are we wasting so much time on Lex/Nyxly?? Don't get me wrong, Jon and Peta are wonderful actors and their performances are brilliant, but this show is called SUPERGIRL not NYXLY, so why WHY is Nyxly the one to go through all the gauntlets instead of Kara? Nyxly has had the most character development in all of the season... The villain! She has had the challenges, the emotional turmoil even a romantic storyline!

What has Kara done? Nothing beside being sidelined in her own show and become a prop for everyone else's storyline.

Also, the parallels of Lex/Nyxly and Kara/Lena are very glaring now. Why one is considered romantic and the other isn't? Are they purposely mocking their fandom? What is the purpose of Nyxly spouting almost verbatim something Kara said a couple of episodes back, or Lex saying the same lines as Lena in regards to Kara?

William... Why did the producers decided to double down on a hated character? I'm really baffled by this choice. He was disliked by the majority of the fandom and the general audience since S5 and they forced him and shoe horned him in every storyline in S6. They tried to evoke an emotional and shocking moment in this episode and, like all of his scenes, it fell flat. I felt nothing. This completely unnecesary death of a POC and they once again failed to deliver by going to the shock value route and for what? Nobody was shocked. Nobody was moved. He didn't even die a hero. He died like a dumbass, instead of calling the superfriends the minute he noticed something was wrong, he decided to record himself and send an email to his boss? That was a CHOICE.

I'm very disappointed this is going to be the legacy of the show. The cast and the fans deserved so much better.
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Awful writing!
noctis-lionheart4 November 2021
You know what, the show started going downhill when the writing focused in secondary characters more than her own protagonist. Season one was the best season because the plot revolved around Kara, her trauma, her human experience, etc. But now, is just meh! Don't get me wrong, is good to have characters grown aside the protagonist, but in this case, when they are the only ones who have development, it feels like the writers do actually hate the protagonist. Either way, this show has been destroyed by the ego, pride and nepotism of the people who never actually understood what the show was about.
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