"Preacher" Pilot (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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It's a whole lot of something. Warning: Spoilers
After years of anticipation, we finally got an adaptation of Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon's epic 90's comic PREACHER, and after watching the pilot twice, I can say AMC has more or less pulled it off, giving us a show that sure is a whole lot of something, none of it boring. Directed by Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg, they've made some changes from the comic, picking up the story with its main protagonist, Jesse Custer, the preacher of the title, still a man of the cloth in the small town of Annville, Texas. Jesse isn't much a minister, he drinks too much and provides scant spiritual solace to his troubled flock, but there is a mysterious unseen force from the heavens which has come to earth and is possessing spiritual leaders around the globe, and when for whatever reason, it finds them lacking, it's not pretty, as they explode in a rain of blood and gore. Goodbye Tom Cruise! It's obvious from the first that Jesse Custer and the thing from outer space will have a rendezvous before the end of the episode, but first we get to meet a bunch of characters in some of the most spectacularly violent scenes we've seen on TV in a very long time.

Two of these epic introductions belong Tulip O'Hare, a mysterious gal Jesse has a thing for and the equally inexplicable Cassidy, a vampire we first see on a private jet flying over Texas. Cassidy has to bail out after taking down the crew and the other passengers, who were evidently some king of vampire hunters on a mission to stake him. Tulip has an equally bad trip, only it's in a car careening at a high speed through a cornfield while she and a fellow rider try to kill each other with every ounce of strength they can muster. It's all incredibly outrageous and over the top and done with a style that would make Quentin Tarantino proud.

Also totally badass is Jesse's throw down in a bar with a group of malevolent locals where he first meets up with Cassidy; once heard, no one will ever forget that "bunny in a bear trap sound."

We also get to meet some other memorable characters from the comic, the main one being Arseface, a teenager whose suicide attempt has left him disfigured in a way that makes you understand the nick name.

Garth Ennis had described his story as basically a western, but it has ample helpings of fantasy and horror; just watch Cassidy's encounter with the cow in the pasture or poor Ted's visit with his mother, where he opens his heart-literally. It is a show that does require some patience; a lot is implied in the first episode, like Jesse and Tulip's violent past. And this world, which is like our own in every dull detail, is also filled with the supernatural, requiring the viewer to pick up the rules as they go along.

It should be said that the original comic was cutting edge 20 years ago, and nothing dates worse than what was once cutting edge; it hardly courage to take pokes at religion and white southerners, tropes that Pop Culture disparages on a regular basis, but PREACHER has gotten off to a start with a lot of energy and high style, the challenge will be to keep it up. After months of the deadly seriousness of THE WALKING DEAD, a show I love, it's kind of nice to have a change of pace on Sunday night.

The cast seems game, with Dominic Cooper as Jesse, Joseph Gigun as Cassidy, and Ruth Negga as Tulip, all obviously game for the run. Ian Colletti is incredibly good as Arseface, playing in straight through a lot of makeup; also good is W. Earl Brown as his lawman father.

The pilot gets the show off to a good start, but there is a long way to go and a lot of very truly extraordinary characters from the comic. I can't wait for The Saint of Killers and Herr Starr to show up.
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I don't usually write reviews but i want to talk about the Preacher.
golea_alina25 May 2016
In quite some time a TV show hasn't been able to surprise me the way Preacher did. I will be honest, I have not read the comics and i do not plan to, because the show is more than enough for me.

The Preacher is not for the weak of heart, it strikes down on what you believe it will be and constantly makes you let go of any sort of forward thinking regarding the direction it will head. You cannot possibly fathom who the characters are, you cannot predict where they will go, I found that just letting go of any critical thinking while watching, and just enjoying where the show takes you makes for a wonderful experience.

Subtle but hilarious short bits of comic relief packed on such a serious subject has just boosted this T.V. show at the top of my list. Good action and an appealing story. I recommend it wholeheartedly for anyone willing to "waste their time" with a good show.
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A Very Solid Start
mad_man_moon28 May 2016
... and based on episode one I'm intrigued to see more.

Not having read the source material past issue one I've no attachments to anything that already existed, and I like what the players are doing on screen. So with that in mind I don't have any hangups about it and I'm not sure that I really do that anyway. But this is engaging and the performances all have depth and colour.

It might sound like an odd thing to bring up, but the sound design is very polished, and helps with the spare visual look which is very pretty in itself.

I say that you should check this out, I think based on the first showing you'll probably want to watch another, and as long as it doesn't become too much like a monster of the week, I think it could have legs. As always we'll know more after four, five, or six, episodes.
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Gone to Texas: An adaptation that dazzles regardless of differences from source material.
hwpo112223 May 2016
Firstly, the graphic novel series is my favorite comic of all time. And I have read A LOT of comics. This pilot blew me away. I went into the show knowing that it was going to be different and that many things were not going to be the same, as I did when the Walking Dead first aired. But let me say that this is an adaptation that differs in all of the right ways. A lot of graphic novels are very difficult to transfer to the big screen and this is where a lot of differences have to be made in order to better suit the television or film audiences.

Rogen and Goldberg's Preacher hit the nail on the head. The atmosphere is great, the characters are true to their roots, the overall tone is impeccable and the humor is just as gross and crude as I had wanted. So many scenes of this debut had me laughing out loud, nearly crying. But there were also scenes that had me very tense. This is the balance that the graphic novel so elegantly portrayed and the TV adaptation did a darn good job of replicating that.

Tulip is wonderful. Her challenges with Jesse and her conflicting feelings were perfect. Jesse was the morally conflicted and tough guy we had all wanted to see. And don't forget Cassidy. Probably the highlight of the entire pilot. PERFECT. Arseface was just as pathetic and hilarious as we had all wanted too.

More than anything, the techniques that these directors and writers implemented to honor source material blew me away. I kept hoping, "man I hope they do this!" or, "Man, I wonder how they'll do this!" and it never failed to amaze me. The action was wild and exaggerated and the humor was raunchy and often caught me off guard.

As a longtime fan of the graphic novel, I am impressed. Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful adaptation of a beloved story.
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injury-6544723 June 2020
Going back and rewatching this was a pleasure. Does an amazing job of introducing the tone of the series and some very interesting characters. Better first episode than I remembered.

There are so many intriguing elements here, I don't know how anybody couldn't be interested in finding out what happens next.
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Pretty good
bekemgoeceri4 June 2021
I read the first 7 issues of the comic and plan to read and watch simultaneously. Although both differ and the pilot is not what I expected (Why did they make tulip black?), I liked it. They got me to continue watching.
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A non-addictive replacement for Ambien
hoeech3 June 2016
Since I'm not a fanboy of the comic, I can approach this show with a completely unbiased opinion.

It put me to sleep. Four times.

It took five attempts to get through this first episode without drifting off to sleep at some point during the viewing. While I'm sure that fans of the comic are squealing with glee at the prospect of their favourite comic being adapted for the small screen, I sincerely hope that future episodes include elements to make this show .... what's the word I'm looking for ...... bearable. While I'm sure that the show is being faithful to the source material, so far that doesn't speak well of said source material. It's only because AMC has delivered surprise hits like "The Walking Dead" and "Breaking Bad" that I'm giving this latest effort the time of day. If it's still anesthetizing me by the third episode, I'll relegate it to the "They can't all be gems" pile.
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