Interplanetary (2008) Poster

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an ode to low budget sci-fi
trashgang28 April 2011
This is something special. And by that fact there are some confusions going on about it. For me it was some kind of ode to the drive-in grindhouse sci-fi from the sixties. The clothes they used are simple and reminded me to that era. The acting was terrible by some but I guess again that it was supposed to be that way. On the other hand, nothing really happens until the last part of this flick. There is a lot of talking and some jokes in it but once the creature goes berserk the gore comes in. The creature itself is just a man in a suit, again an ode to the fifties and sixties. The gore effects are really well done and somehow reminded me of Alien 2 sulla terra and Contamination bought made in 1980. Those flicks were also full of blah blah and even were a bit boring but they had a status due the gore used. Of course it couldn't be made without nudity and you will get some gratuitous nudity. This really isn't a flick for everyone but just see it as a joke and watch it with a beer in one hand, you will enjoy it then
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Remember, brevity is the soul of wit.
MBunge23 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is an 86 minute, low budget feature that's at least an hour too long. As a 20 minute film festival short with a plot to match that length, Interplanetary would have been pretty amusing. It's a visual homage to the fake looking sets and costumes of bargain basement sci-fi cinema combined with a satire on corporate culture. There's only one laugh out loud gag in the whole script but the ultra-cheesy look and irreverent sensibility are delightfully incongruous and that would have been enough to sustain a flick that came in well under half an hour. Extending it for another hour beyond that is as painful as stretching a midget on the rack. The humor dies on the vine and the attempts to fill out the story with drama are laughable, but not in a good way.

This is the tale of the wage slaves of Mars Base Two as they get caught between a Martian fossil, a secret lab of evil experimentation and an alien beast that apparently discovers it's a nudist as the movie goes along. There's a bit of bare female flesh at the beginning and a bit more of cheap-looking gore toward the end. The best members of the cast come off like they'd be good at community theater and the rest are clearly in this thing only because they know these filmmakers and will work for Spam. There are a couple of nice shots but most of Interplanetary is the work of people with more ambition than talent and will only impress others of the same stripe. As a movie, this is better than strictly amateur efforts but remains a clear step below professional standards. You'd have to call this semi-pro cinema.

The friends and family of the folks who made Interplanetary probably enjoyed watching it and I wouldn't begrudge them that. Foisting this quality of film on the general public, however, is flatly objectionable. No disinterested viewer could possibly like this unless they were stoned and/or retarded. There are just too many lame scenes that pound the life out of every good idea writer/director Chance Shirley poured into this motion picture. Again, at 20 minutes long and with a reworked story that emphasized the few promising elements here and dispensed with everything else, plenty of film festival crowds would have applauded it. At 86 minutes, most the crowd is going to walk out on it.

In the past, when mainstream movies were quite limited in the amount of sex and blood they would show, there was at least some reason for exploitative crap like Interplanetary to exist. What's the point of making something like this now? There's no market for it and no one in Hollywood is ever going to look at it and think the people responsible for it deserve their big show business break. It's like a modern day radio drama. If you want to produce one as a hobby, that's fine but you can't expect people to pay money for it like legitimate entertainment.

And by the way, I watched the trailers that came on the Interplanetary DVD and they were the single worst conglomeration of worthless, unwatchable garbage I've ever seen in one place at one time. The combined budgets of these wretched flicks had to have been less than the price of a back ally handjob and they couldn't have been more asinine if they were all written, directed and performed by donkeys. If flicks like those are your usual diet, you'll likely think Interplanetary is the greatest story ever told. You also shouldn't be allowed to vote. Unless you are a struggling, low budget filmmaker and want to see how bad it can be when you exceed your capabilities, stay away from this movie.
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Hidden Gem
vincemckenney10 March 2021
Wardrobe Budget $11 Set Budget $14 Prop Budget $20 Talent Budget $0 Parking $3 C-rate Movie Priceless

This film proves that a cinematic science-fiction masterpiece can be created with a $50 budget. This film was long forgotten at the 2008 Oscars, but it was just cheezy enough to be funny.
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Oh dear.
kevin_haddow19 March 2011
Where to start with this?.

I really wanted to like this, I love sci-fi films, even the ultra low budget ones, I love horror films, even low budget ones, but this, oh my God.

The special effects were straight out of the 1970s Doctor Who school of sci-fi. Cheap looking sets, plastic guns, boiler suits for spacesuits. Hard to believe this was made in the 21st Century, it would have been rubbish even back in the 70s. As for the acting, good God, where did they get these people?. The acting is worse than even that in any adult movie, it is that bad. Luckily I was given the DVD from a friend, I am so glad I never paid for it. It says something for how bad this is though, that my friend had bought it for £1 from a Pound Shop less than three years after it was made. It isn't even worth the pound he paid to be honest.

Another for the "Avoid" list I am afraid.
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A 1950's heist film and sci-film rolled into one
yeodawg27 August 2011
We've all seen or been forced to watch one of those 1950's bubble helmeted d sci-fi adventures which took place in the caverns of the planet Amazonian With the cast of characters a debonair leading man, a kid from the country and some tough speak guy from Brooklyn and maybe a black crew member named Lincoln Hamilton who says yowzer a lot. They bumble around the planet device away they can survive without their cumbersome helmets and free the oppressed masses of that flying rock. Well not this Roger Cormanesque adventure, an alien skeleton is found by an alien mining team, and everybody spends the rest of the movie back biting and double-crossing each other not to mention the skeleton has friends and babies. And there were actually some jokes some one liners in here.
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interesting effort
thomandybish-1511419 March 2024
Sometimes, the chutzpah of a filmmaker is more worthy of praise than their abilities or efforts. Such is the case with this shot in Alabama oddity, a palatable mix of sci fi and satire. Which is not to say that it's bad, it isn't, at least technically; the clever use of old fire extinguishers as oxygen paks, terrarium domes and vacuum cleaner hoses as space helmets, and hazmat jumpsuits as space suits are no less ingenious for being recognized for their original purposes. The script's satire of corporate culture borrows more heavily from OFFICE SPACE than ALIEN, which is timelier. Of course, this is low budget indie film making, so there are some seams. But given the limitations under which the filmmakers were working, these are more charming than anything. Most everyone has dealt with smarmy bosses, nonsensical internal policies, and boredom on the job, so it's relatable. Gore effects are good, but the ending seemed a little slipshod. Not a bad watch.
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Terrible low budget
haug-8061419 July 2022
Don't bother. These low budget Sifi movies are a dime a dozen now, and this one is not worthy. You can find a lot better to waste 1.5 hours on. People giving this a rating of 6, 7 or even 8, really gives me pause as to what their true intentions are. Trust me, move on.
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How did anyone on earth give this trash more than 1?
mhorg201813 November 2023
Another fine example of why IMDB needs a zero rating. This movie is below trash. In fact, one would have to dig deep into a dump to find this. It's actually beyond stupid. Yes, it's as bad as anything done by The Asylum. Let's do a quick checklist: Screenplay: Bad. Acting: Below bad. These people couldn't be extras in a commercial. Directing: as far as I can tell, non-existent. Costumes, sets and non-existent special effects (minus the monster suit, which was ok, even if it did look like the manphibian from Destination: Inner Space's cousin), bad, bad, bad. I'm not going to recount the weak as hell story, but I will point out, this production is so cheap, one can tell what the 'spacesuits' were made of (I once used a pair of the same gloves on my job!) and people walking around inside a space base in normal clothing, including suits and ties? I'll have to think that no wardrobe was necessary here, anyone who wanted to work on this had to provide their own clothes. Horrible movie. Just horrible.
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And the friends and bots ruin the rating again
kirachloe13 June 2023
Oh my, this is one to stay away from.

Obvious point #1 ... the costumes and attire is something you would expect from a Halloween party. This was really the best they could do?

Obvious point #2 ... the script is HORRIBLE. The writer probably wrote the entire script over a weekend.

Obvious point #3 ... the acting would have had people get up and leave a high school play.

I have to ask again ... this was the best you could do? Was this for a drama class? ... did you even pass the class?

So, why the title of my review? Look at some of the highest ranting reviews. They have only reviewed one or two movies. Hmmm. And such a poor movie getting such a high rating? What a strange coincidence?
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A simple, relaxed, and funny, ode to b-movies
bgrade7 October 2012
Not only did I enjoy watching this movie, I'm also glad that I watched it. While I only give it a 6 because it is not a film for everyone, there is just something very simple and enjoyable about this ode to b-movies that will stick with me and warms my soul. In terms of a plot, the film is not always coherent and there are major holes. But I don't think that is the point. The best way I can describe this movie is that it is like Office Space or Napoleon Dynamite but on Mars and with people's arms being pulled off. It is about the interactions of people that don't really care anymore even though everyone seems to be disappearing or blowing up. It seems like the people who made this movie really enjoyed themselves. If you like old 50's b-movies see Interplanetary and also check out The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra
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Someone, give this man more money to make another movie
karen577815 August 2013
If the British version of the Office and the first Alien movie had a transporter accident and lost all their sentimentality, the result would look something like this movie. It is a shame that a movie like this has to be grade B to maintain sufficient creative freedom. It swings from strangely naturalistic moments, to parody, to some pretty effective splatters. Some of the characters are very well drawn, the jokes come every couple of minutes right up to the end, and there is even a basic moral premise: self important people suck. I hate paying for streamed movies, but I will break down to get his zombie film on Amazon, and I hope he gets funding for more films. BTW, if you like this film you might enjoy Zombie Strippers.
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Entertaining send-up of trashy sci-fi/horror junk
Woodyanders4 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A motley assortment of men and women live and work together on a base on Mars for the Interplanetary Corporation. Things are pretty dull and unexciting until one day the crew find themselves under attack by not only a lethal group of strangers, but also from a vicious reptilian humanoid alien beast. Writer/director Chance Shirley relates the enjoyable story at a brisk pace, pays affectionate tongue-in-cheek homage to endearingly tacky low-budget 60's era sci-fi schlock, maintains a winningly sharp sense of brash humor throughout (the opening black and white life on Mars documentary is a hysterically cornball hoot while an inspired running gag about censored profanity provides a wealth of gut-busting belly laughs), and delivers a generous sprinkling of cheesy gore as well as a smidgen of yummy gratuitous female nudity. The enthusiastic cast attack the campy material with real zest, with especially praiseworthy work by Mia Frost as spunky mechanic Beth, Kyle Holman as rugged take-charge cook Jackson, Michael Shelton as likable lunk Steve, Melissa Bush as uptight executive Lisa, Sylvestor Little Jr. as the easygoing Jones, Kevin Van Hyning as smarmy jerk Kevin, Lisa Mason as huffy company vice president Lori, and Amanda Myers as the lusty'n'luscious Michelle. The deliberately static cinematography by Steve Ashlee and Chris Hilleke makes nifty use of lovably flat and crummy master shots. Eric McGinty's spirited pulsating score hits the stirring spot. An absolute riot.
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Rarely has so much movie been made from so low a budget!
BuckG12 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the appearance of being a low-budget '70s film, 2008's "Interplanetary" is actually a comedy in the vein of "Dark Star". Deliberately low (one might even say "Cormanesque") production values, including low-quality audio, fuzzy cinematography and bad '70s hair & clothing styles, are the framework for slyly humorous performances ably-executed by a cast of unknowns.

This film had me laughing from start to finish, for all the right reasons. Though perhaps not everybody's cup of tea, more sophisticated fans of both comic and classic science fiction should not pass this one over.

Although this film is not rated, you should be aware that this film contains nudity and simulated sex acts (nothing terribly offensive however, unless you're offended by the concepts of nudity and sex in general), so you should treat it as R-rated.
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A Gem of a film masquerading as "B" sci-fi send up
donovandesign14 July 2020
Solid. Entertaining. Thoroughly Original.

You absolutely never know what to expect in this film. Part sc-fi horror. Part comedy and with a perfect and very intentional 1970's "cheesy" vibe throughout.

It unapologetically borrows from just about every film in the genre and twists the surprisingly complex plot into directions you won't expect. "Interplanetary" walks a fine line between cornball "B" movies and genuine, thrilling drama- not an easy thing to accomplish.

I highly recommend it to fans of unusual films who have an open mind and who can appreciate the subtleties and great effort that went into this film.
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Blake7 meets The Office on Mars
goldparrot21 August 2019
This is awesome. It's like Blake7 meets The Office on Mars.
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