Dragon Fury (2021) Poster


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Lacking dragons and lacking fury...
paul_haakonsen29 June 2021
I stumbled upon this 2021 movie from writers Scott Jeffrey and Rhys Waterfield by random chance. And I must admit that the movie's cover looked interesting and the fact that it was a movie with dragons definitely helped to win me over. And also the fact that the movie actually had a rating of 5,6 at the time I found it, was enough to make me want to sit down and watch "Dragon Fury".

First of all, the movie's cover (or poster) is over-selling the movie by several miles. The dragon portrayed on the cover is far more impressive-looking than the abysmal CGI mutants that passed as dragons in the movie. It was such an eyesore to look at those horrible rendered and poorly made CGI dragon creatures in the movie. It was just downright laughable.

Then there was the thing about the storyline itself. Which was about as interesting as watching wet cardboard. It just baffled me that two writers could collectively manage to come up with something so uninteresting and with such a general lack of entertainment. So you shouldn't get your hopes up for "Dragon Fury" when you sit down to watch it. I did, given the movie's rating at that time, so I was sorely disappointed.

The acting in "Dragon Fury" was all over the place. And by that I mean that some of the actors and actresses were actually putting on fair enough performances, while others were just wooden and dull. So you are definitely in for a mixed treat of acting performances when you sit down to watch "Dragon Fury". But with a script and storyline as lacking as the writers managed to produce, then it was interesting that some actors and actresses actually managed to get something worthwhile out of it and into their performances.

I have already covered the dragon, but I have to mention it again. It was so bad. Even my 11 year old son was commenting on how fake and horrible it looked. Believe you me, the dragon in the movie looks like something taken inspiration from a 5 year old's drawing during Fantasy Week in kindergarten.

If you sit down to watch "Dragon Fury", hoping it would something akin to "Reign of Fire" for example, you will be sorely disappointed.

My rating of director Scott Jeffrey's "Dragon Fury" lands on a two out of ten stars. The movie came and went without much of any ruckus, and it is a movie that I can now say I have seen, but it is also a movie that I will never ever return to watch a second time. Nor is it a movie that I would recommend you waste your money, time or effort on; some of us did, so you don't have to.
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Not worth the watch.
johanjacobusvdwest24 June 2021
Poor graphics, bad acting and no real story line. I don't know how money was spend to create such a movie.
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Beer & popcorn will help hide the bad acting. Some
hootyhoome24 October 2021
Knew it was a B movie going in. Love a creature feature on a Saturday night with the hubby! Dragons are my favorite! But this ?! This was sad. In a B movie you're "monster" is supposed to be "cheesy". That's what makes them so much fun! Usually the actors can at least act like they're terrified of whatever is after them. These guys are just standing there. No emotion. Getting eaten.

O. There is a few ... yells? & then stand there covering their eyes! LOL! After the 1st few minutes it wasn't even funny anymore. We added our own commentary for the rest of the movie. We were committed - we paid to watch this S*** SHOW!

The best part? The best part I kid you not... was the very last part... (not just because it's finally over) the last scene before credits.... We laughed till we cried!! 🤣
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UM.... NO.
Foutainoflife26 June 2021
Look, the concept of the movie is fine. A group of special forces being sent into a radioactive area to search for an unidentified flying creature. Could be a mix between Godzilla and Jurassic Park and actually work but THIS is a flop.

The special forces consists of a grandmother, a disabled woman with PTSD and a wannabe hard-ass. It was like watching a wild turkey hunt being conducted by my grandmother and crazy aunts!! Dysfunctional, overly dramatic, lacking cohesiveness and just, WTF!

The special effects weren't special at all. They are poorly done and just make for some really cheesy action scenes.

This is not a film I'd recommend.
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Bad rip-off of Dog Soldiers but with 'dragons'
ravencorinncarluk16 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie (a generous description) is bad on so many levels, and I can't even give it the caveat of "at least they were trying to tell their own story". Because they weren't. It slowly becomes more obvious that they wanted to make a bigger, meaner Dog Soldiers, and I'm fairly certain the ' twist reveal' is just a slightly reworded version of the reveal in that movie.

The acting is slightly below average. About what I expect from low budget films. The characters are quite unbelievable, and they're so poorly written. I mean, who is told they have to bring two trusted soldiers with them into the wilderness to hunt a creature and chooses to bring the 'soldier' who needs crutches to walk around? It's not like it was some hacking mission and she was the only computer expert you could get.

The script isn't doing the actors any favors with lines like "It won't be like last time" and "I don't blame you for what happened that last time", yet we never know what happened on that last mission that would cause these three women to have such PTSD and trust issues. Also, I don't think it's common for military types to call each other by first names like they're at a family gathering.

The plot itself is thin, and nothing supports it at all. Just lots of egregious errors that reveal how amateur everyone was. And, again, there isn't even the caveat of them having a story but no budget. Problems like:

-These three soldiers are supposed to go capture a reported creature, yet they bring no hunting or trapping supplies with them. Were they just going to ask the creature to politely buckle up in the back of their SUV? Do any of them have experience tracking an animal in the wild? Shouldn't they have sat phones and surveillance equipment and other things for a hunting expedition?

-There's a dragon 'nest', which was just a prop egg in the middle of a clump of grass near a rock. No one on the production even bothered to make a little ring of rocks or sticks to indicate it was a nest. And from the point of view of someone who knows stuff about animals, it was one of the worst places to build a nest to begin with.

-The scientist in charge says he can't tell if this is an insect, reptile, or bird egg - but whomever was in charge of props couldn't pretend to make it look like anything other than a giant chicken egg.

-Said egg eventually hatches and the baby gets out, but then nothing ever comes of there being a baby dragon. It's not like the adult stops attacking because they had their baby back, nor does the baby get a surprise kill because no one expected it to be hiding in the house with them.

-After one brief dragon attack, the head scientist suddenly knows all about what kind of hunters these dragons are, and what they are and aren't capable. Watching one woman get pounced on does not convey superior intelligence or tactics.

-For some reason there are B-plots about radiation (though two of the characters carry the K1 pills in a little baggie like they're tabs of molly) and the dragons being psychic. Neither seem to really influence anything, and neither get resolved. Especially the psychic noise from the dragons. What could have been an interesting tool for the team to use is pointless and just gives an excuse for one of the characters to scream and moan while everyone else thinks she's crazy.

I'm not taking any stars away for the bad computer graphics (they looked like something from late Playstation 1 graphics, maybe early PS2) because I understand that low-budget means you work with what you have. However, I AM taking away stars because there's only one creature that ever actually looks like a dragon. The character design was outrageously bad, and no one would look at the bipedal vulture-scorpion-thing and think to themselves "That's a dragon!" It looked more like a gargoyle in size and shape, and it didn't look like it could grow up to become the dragon that is finally shown at the end.

Pass on this. Hard. It doesn't have a long runtime, but it drags on forever. The only thing memorable is how much I hated myself for enduring it.
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The 1 minute movie
zoesaldom24 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You watch 1 minute of the bad acting and terrible close ups and find something else to do. Who on this earth would pay to make a 'movie' like this?
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Beyond the realms of viewing tolerance
This is the first time I have ever reviewed a movie and I feel duty bound to warn my fellow homosapians away from what will and can only be an insult to your intelligence. The rating should state "this film contains scenes (all of them) that viewers will undoubtedly find offensive. The film contains gratuitous scenes (all of them) of nonsense and offensive dialogue, in the form of what the producers appear to call a "script". Viewer discretion is absolutely not advised. Any and all potential viewers are advised to pull out their own teeth as a less painful alternative to watching this movie. You have been warned.
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ant36au16 June 2021
I know movies are about suspending reality but can you really expect me to believe a grandmother in her 60's and two overweight women, one of them hysterical before the movie even gets off the ground, are Special Forces? Even my imagination can't stretch that far.

Lets not even start on the appalling acting and dreadful dragon fx.
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Not worth the watch!!!!
Stormyr8920 July 2021
Deleting this from my server - Very budget, graphics is very poorly done and acting is terrible....

Do not recommend....
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Please Stop!
neilgrieve-0497715 September 2021
The best advice anybody can give to everybody responsible for writing directing producing dress design audio design and the visual effects is PLEASE let this be the last movie you ever attempt to take part in creating! Dragon Fury and other movie titles you are involved are an insult to the world and the British film industry try another career path.
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Is my math incorrect on this rating?
jcm-100183 October 2021
13 reviews to date. 11 of them are "1"s (generously given i'm sure), and 1 "two, and 1 "three" rating....so how did this dung heap movie get a 4.9 overall rating?? Am i missing something here? Or are the same people who tell you Joe Bidens ratings are good also rate this movie?
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Take these anti-radiation pills.
nogodnomasters27 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A dragon has been created from radioactivity from the buried nuclear waste in Wales. A group of special ops back from some failed mission is tasked to find out what is going on.

This is a low budget film. I believe radiation created Godzilla too. The acting and plot was bad and special effects could have been better. The are had no fencing or no signs. There is no such thing as pills to protect from external radiation exposure. KI pills are used only to protect from ingested/inhaled radioactive iodine from an airborne plume by saturating the thyroid so your body can not use the radioactive iodine.

Guide: No sex or nudity. Don't recall any swearing.
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Just a really bad film
rosanna-8333523 November 2021
From the poster I thought, probably not going to be the best film but thought it was going to be about a more fantasy setting. Turns out it's just Wales and nuclear waste has created a dragon.

It's clearly a low budget movie so I can forgive the bad special effects. What I can't is the bad acting and the awful storyline.

I mean you need to take 2 black ops members with you to hunt a creature and you take someone who is in crutches. Plus even if she hadn't been these are the least convincing black ops I have ever seen (well portrayed as I've never seen black ops in real life). I'm all for having women play what would be traditionally male roles but have them look the part. These two look like they couldn't lift a pack of 6 bottles of water.

No this is just a bad bad film. Not even bad it becomes funny. O.
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OMG.. what a load of old tosh
bigditch-6895330 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like dragons and I quite like a B movie, but this is a C or D movie, I don't normally leave reviews but this is so bad I had to try and help bring it's rating down. To save other people wasting their life with such a bad movie it really is terrible, watching paint dry would be a better way to spend your time. DONT BOTHER..

One star is generous..!!!!
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Wow Do not Bother
lofts5517 February 2022
That's an hour 28 minutes I will never get back, I guess with the Pandemic around the World, there just wasn't the money, the stars, the writers with any decent ideas or the places to go to make movies but they should have saved their money on this piece of absolute trash. Pathetic is being kind to everyone. I had to watch it to the end just to see if everything zi thought about the film would be proven right - it was.
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Very little Dragon, no Fury
mammoth-871897 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say that others have not?????

Avoid at all costs, if you have seen Dinosaur Hotel and thought that was bad then this pile of garbage makes that movie look like an Oscar winning movie.

More holes in the movie then a fishing net, no plot, no real story and acting no existent.

Just bad, bad and more bad.
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May God have mercy on the souls of all participants
tawnywolf10 October 2021
I hope you have found your way here in time to save yourself from the abysmal acting and ridiculously low budget fx of this film if not I'm truly sorry I know what your going through the pain will pass in time.
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Started out decent
cujorocky14 September 2021
Weird. It started out confusing but decent. They encountered a very creepy small dragon... Then, it turns into a boring, long drawn out talk piece. They keep sending 50 year old unarmed women to capture this dragon. Huh???? No net, no guns, nothing. Then... Surprise, they stand there, helpless and get killed. Omg. Wtf??
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Imagine Dragons but...Radioactive, radioactive...
ant890026 October 2023
It's hot buttered garbage. The special effects, terrible. The acting, decent. The script, what script? If you've ever seen a 1950's film about atomic bombs and giant creatures, well, watch that again. The only enjoyable part of this movie is the actress who plays Nessa. I like her in everything she's in. The script seems almost ad-lobbed but by people who have no idea what military jargon is. My favorite thing is all the "military " characters wearing random camouflage clothing to look "military". I will be hate watching the sequel after this. I will also be listening to "Radioactive" by "Imagine Dragons"...just kidding. Anyway, here's Wonderwall...
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Not even a B-movie ... or C ... or D.
parbjorkman-9244314 December 2022
Spoiler - but how do you manage to make a movie this horredously bad .. even when stealing rendered 3d animations from other movies/game ... for instance when horses are not even twitching an ear when the dragons roar just nearby?

And how can you NOT find actors that could be more credible than a fourth grader in first class of drama school?

This is ONE of those movies you should NEVER EVER waste your time watching, and absolutely NOT spending any money on buying or renting.

All of us that did the mistake to give it a go - in order to make a review - should be paid for psychological damage and time wasted.

Sorry, but this movie is not even worth one rotten tomatoe. The tomatoe has more talent than this entire movie.
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ennisjrd11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Dragon when the guy called it the whistle is the same dragon from monsters of war that ate the nun.
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