Prisoner of Love (TV Movie 2022) Poster

(2022 TV Movie)

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What's love gotta do with it?
kosmasp10 April 2023
No seriously: what? And no pun intended of course. I had seen this a while ago and just got reminded of it. Refreshed my memory ... though after a couple of minutes I remembered most of it. Funny thing: even if you watch it the first time ... most of the things happening, you can see coming and guess them right.

Acting is not really up to the task - a lot of cliches thrown in your way. You may have an issue with the age difference. But hopefully you can see beyond age shaming - sometimes there can be something there that we do not understand. Of course this is quite obvious from the start. Unfortunately many fall for traps like that. In reality the bad guys are not as ... well simple minded as the ones portrayed here ... but it is a movie of the week kind of deal ... so there is that.
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Odd representation of a "sugar daddy" movie
HorrorFanNurse28 February 2024
First, I was surprised to find out that the age gap btw the two main characters was even greater in real life!! Gross. I felt like this movie was just a ploy to have this young girl kiss this 38 yr OLDER than her man the whole movie. It gave me the ick. And the plot was weak. I've seen some good sugar daddy movies from Lifetime that teach you a lesson and this one fell flat. It was a very strange.adaptation of a falling in love with an older man type of movie. There literally was nothing in it for the main character. And they kept wayyy too many intimate kissing scenes that had nothing to do with the empty plot. Very strange.
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How Dumb Is She?
hoops-534364 February 2022
Another LMN girl (woman) who jumps in the sack with someone she's known for what- 10 minutes? And all the 'coincidences' she ignores. Mel even gives Carly a big ride on the clue bus, spelling out everything that has happened. But, no, Carly is "in love" and she is going to stick to this guy who's what- 40 years her senior?? No matter what.



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Trapped by this Trashy Movie
oiltrader17 January 2022
Acting is bad, sets look cheap. Not sure who gave the 8 rating, but truthfully, save your bandwidth and do not waste your time on a movie like this. I spent 15 minutes in and gave up.
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haroot_azarian11 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
18 year old sl@t with a 50 year old sick pervert (in fact in real life James Hyde is 38 years older than Katie) does not see any red flags! And continues seeing the murderous pervert! The movie sickened me to my guts! I can't believe how naive and stupid she was. Her mom should have disowned her! As for her dad, what a useless gutless pr@ck! Oh and a icing on the cake, the stupid brat did not even apologise to her mother!
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Why LMN why?!
fetacheese-8368313 August 2023
So, I don't normally do reviews but I really felt the need to speak about this movie. I enjoy watching LMN and all the trash movies it shows. It's my thing. My wife can't believe I spend my time watching them. But I digress. The acting and writing is absolutely horrendous in this movie. I've enjoyed this guy James Hyde in other movies so I gave it a shot. He's the best this movie has to offer. My biggest gripe about it is that in so many outdoor scenes, there is snow on the ground and yet all the actors are wearing sleeveless tops or short sleeves. Not a coat, gloves or scarf to be seen. Sometimes it's the small details that can make a movie go from a 10 to a 1 in a split second. And that's my line. Don't waste a second on this movie.
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Very clichéd and predictable
lisafordeay16 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Trapped By A Sugar Daddy(Prisoner Of Love) is a 2022 thriller directed by Lindsay Hartley(who stars in alot of Reel One films).

The story follows an 18 year old girl who's mom is an interior designer. One day she is working with her mom and one of her mom's clients Kyle Bradford starts hitting on her. With Kyle's charms the young girl starts to feel something for him and they start to have an affair. However Kyle is working for a guy and they lure young women with fancy meals,clothes etc.

Will the young girl escape this narcissist. Overall it was a very silly thriller that also features the guy that played Robin Williams charcther in his younger form in Hook.
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Pretty good Lifetime movie!
Chartreuse114 January 2022
Carly Bragg and her mother, Sarah, an interior decorator, meet Kyle Smithford, a much older and rich gentleman, after he hires her to do over his mansion. But Kyle takes a special interest in Carly and she returns his feelings. Big mistake as the movie reveals! Pretty good script and acting. Recommended!
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James Hyde is hot!
reppsoni29 January 2022
I watched this on Lifetime, it was called Trapped By My Sugar Daddy, which I think is a better title. The title grabbed me, and I enjoyed every scene with the actor who plays Kyle, the rich sugar daddy. He's so HOT!
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I can't believe it was a Lifetime film
juanmuscle24 January 2022
Cause it was really neat and fun! And usually , I apologize but sometimes I find the formulaic thing a bit tedious, but this had a lot of style and it went somewhere and they spoke about stuff and it was interesting! Very very cool!
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