"Medium" Bring Me the Head of Oswaldo Castillo (TV Episode 2009) Poster

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Jackbv12320 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Where was the tumor three episodes ago (Man in the Mirror) when she came into the hospital in a cross between asleep and a coma? In that condition, they certainly would have done an MRI.

So Joe has a job and they aren't destitute, so they have to come up with something horrible. We must torture the DuBois family. So it's both a tumor and a future prediction her family will be slaughtered.

Of course the cliffhanger is even worse. The final montage makes me wonder if the series was in jeopardy of being cancelled and I checked and it appears so. But we know there were two more seasons. I'm not surprised it was in danger because much of season 5 was terrible - it was trying to be something that just wasn't where it excelled. Two late season 5 episodes (not this one) gave a glimmer of that excellence. (Man in the Mirror and Talented Ms Boddicker)
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